Cg = <A>|<B>|<C>|<D>|<E>|<F>|<G>|<H>|<J>|<K>|<L>|<S>;
Kg = real|Inf
inv k == k <> <INFINITY> => k >= 0;
Realp = real
inv r == r >= 0;
Metre = Realp;
Object:: neq: Kg
hzd: Hzd
cg: Cg
xlen: Metre
ylen: Metre
zlen: Metre;
Element_label = token;
Element:: object: Object
x: Realp
y: Realp;
Point:: x: Realp
y: Realp;
Magazine:: type: Pes_types
max_neq: Kg
hzd: Hzd
length: Metre
breadth: Metre
height: Metre
elements: inmap Element_label to Element;
Storage_building :: kind: <IGLOOSEVENBAR>|<IGLOOTHREEBAR>|
Process_building :: kind: <WITHPROTECTIVEROOFTRAVERSED>|
Exs_types = Storage_building | Process_building | Other_building;
Building:: type: Exs_types
length: Metre
breadth: Metre
height: Metre;
Quad = seq of Point
inv q == len q = 4 and rectangular(q);
Site_label = token;
Exposed_site:: building: Building
vertices: Quad
door: nat
inv exs == (forall p in seq exs.vertices(2,...,4) &
distance(mk_Point(0,0),exs.vertices(1)) <=
distance(mk_Point(0,0),p) and
distance(mk_Point(0,0),exs.vertices(1)) =
=> exs.vertices(1).y < p.y) and
exs.door in set {0,...,3} and
(exists i in set inds exs.vertices, j in set inds exs.vertices &
abs(j-i) = 2 and
distance(exs.vertices(1),exs.vertices(i)) =
exs.building.length and
distance(exs.vertices(1),exs.vertices(j)) =
Pot_explosion_site:: mgzn: Magazine
vertices: seq of Point
door: nat
inv pes == (forall p in seq pes.vertices(2,...,4) &
distance(mk_Point(0,0),pes.vertices(1)) <=
distance(mk_Point(0,0),p) and
distance(mk_Point(0,0),pes.vertices(1)) =
=> pes.vertices(1).y < p.y) and
pes.door in set {0,...,3} and
(exists i in set inds pes.vertices, j in set inds pes.vertices &
distance(pes.vertices(1),pes.vertices(i)) =
pes.mgzn.length and
distance(pes.vertices(1),pes.vertices(j)) = pes.mgzn.breadth);
Line:: m: real
c: real;
RelOrientation = <PERP> | <FACING> | <AWAY>;
OrientedExs = Exs_types * (RelOrientation | <NONE>)
inv mk_(exs,ro) ==
not is_Storage_building(exs) <=> (ro = <NONE>);
OrientedPes = Pes_types * (RelOrientation | <NONE>)
inv mk_(pes,ro) ==
pes <> <EARTHCOVEREDBUILDING> <=> (ro = <NONE>);
Table_Co_ordinate = OrientedExs * OrientedPes
asharp: map Hzd to (map Table_Co_ordinate to real)
= { h |-> let m : map Table_Co_ordinate to real in m | h: Hzd};
-- is not yet defined;
bsharp: map Hzd to (map Table_Co_ordinate to real)
= { h |-> let m : map Table_Co_ordinate to real in m | h: Hzd};
-- is not yet defined;
exceptions_hd1_1 : set of Table_Co_ordinate
= let s: set of Table_Co_ordinate in s;
exceptions_hd1_2 : set of Table_Co_ordinate
= let s: set of Table_Co_ordinate in s;
exceptions_hd1_3a : set of Table_Co_ordinate
= let s: set of Table_Co_ordinate in s;
exceptions_hd1_3b : set of Table_Co_ordinate
= let s: set of Table_Co_ordinate in s;
Xmax = 5; -- is not yet defined;
Ymax = 5; -- is not yet defined;
next_point: map nat to nat
= { 1 |-> 2, 2|-> 3, 3|-> 4, 4|-> 1};
Compatible_pairs: set of (Cg * Cg) =
hzdnum: map Hzd to nat
= { <ONEPONE> |-> 1, <ONEPTWO> |-> 2, <ONEPTHREE> |-> 3, <ONEPFOUR> |-> 4};
orientation: map nat to RelOrientation
= {0 |-> <PERP>, 1 |-> <FACING>, 2 |-> <PERP>, 3 |-> <AWAY>};
esharp: nat = let x : nat in x -- is not yet defined
state Store of
pes: inmap Site_label to Pot_explosion_site
exs: inmap Site_label to Exposed_site
xmax: Metre
ymax: Metre
inv mk_Store(pes,exs,xmax,ymax) ==
xmax > 0 and ymax > 0 and
dom pes subset dom exs and
forall p in set dom pes & is_Storage_building(exs(p).building.type)
init store == store = mk_Store({|->},{|->},Xmax,Ymax)
rectangular: seq of Point -> bool
rectangular(v) ==
distance(v(1),v(2)) = distance(v(3),v(4)) and
distance(v(1),v(4)) = distance(v(2),v(3)) and
distance(v(1),v(3)) = distance(v(2),v(4)) and
card elems v = len v
pre len v = 4;
distance: Point * Point -> Metre
distance(p1,p2) == sqrt((p2.x-p1.x)**2 + (p2.y-p1.y)**2);
sqrt (x: real) s:Realp
pre x >= 0
post s >= 0 and s**2 = x;
suff_space_at:Object * Magazine * Point -> bool
suff_space_at(o,m,p) ==
0 < p.x + o.xlen and p.x + o.xlen <= m.length and
0 < p.y + o.ylen and p.y + o.ylen <= m.breadth and
0 < o.zlen and o.zlen <= m.height and
forall a in set rng m.elements &
((a.x > p.x + o.xlen) or (a.x + a.object.xlen < p.x)) and
((a.y > p.y + o.ylen) or (a.y + a.object.ylen < p.y));
find_point(o:Object, m:Magazine) pt:Point
pre exists x: Realp, y:Realp & suff_space_at(o,m,mk_Point(x,y))
post suff_space_at(o,m,pt);
within_hazard: Object * Magazine -> bool
within_hazard(o,m) ==
hzdnum(o.hzd) >= hzdnum(m.hzd);
compatible: Cg * Cg -> bool
compatible(m,n) == (mk_(m,n) in set Compatible_pairs)
or (mk_(n,m) in set Compatible_pairs);
all_compatible: Object * Magazine -> bool
all_compatible(o,m) == forall elt in set rng m.elements &
sum: set of real -> real
sum(s) ==
if s = {}
then 0
else let x in set s
x + sum(s \ {x})
measure Card;
Card: set of real -> nat
Card(s) ==
card s;
suff_capacity: Object * Magazine -> bool
suff_capacity(o,m) ==
if m.max_neq <> <INFINITY>
then sum({elt.object.neq| elt in set rng m.elements}) + o.neq <= m.max_neq
else true;
safe_addition: Object * Magazine * Point -> bool
safe_addition(o,m,p) ==
suff_space_at(o,m,p) and
within_hazard(o,m) and
all_compatible(o,m) and
rel_pos:Pot_explosion_site * Exposed_site -> nat
rel_pos(pes,exs) == floor(ang_sep(pes,exs)) div 90;
table_entry: Pot_explosion_site * Exposed_site -> Table_Co_ordinate
table_entry(pes,exs) ==
let inc = rel_pos(pes,exs) in
let exs_ro = if is_Storage_building(exs.building.type)
then orientation((inc + exs.door) mod 4)
else <NONE>,
pes_ro = if pes.mgzn.type = <EARTHCOVEREDBUILDING>
then orientation((inc + pes.door) mod 4)
else <NONE> in
let o_exs = mk_(exs.building.type,exs_ro),
o_pes = mk_(pes.mgzn.type,pes_ro) in
min(s: set1 of Realp) m: Realp
post m in set s and forall x in set s & m <= x;
max(s: set1 of Realp) m:Realp
post m in set s and forall x in set s & m >= x;
truncated: Realp -> bool
truncated(r) == is_nat(r *(10 ** esharp));
side: Point * Point -> set of Point
side(p1,p2) ==
if p2.x = p1.x
then { mk_Point(p1.x,y) | y: Realp &
truncated(y) and
min({p1.y,p2.y}) <= y and y<=max({p1.y,p2.y})}
else { mk_Point(x,y) | x: Realp, y: Realp &
truncated(x) and
truncated(y) and
min({p1.x,p2.x}) <= x and x <= max({p1.x,p2.x}) and
min({p1.y,p2.y}) <= y and y <= max({p1.y,p2.y}) and
if x<> p1.x
then (y - p1.y)/(x - p1.x) = (p2.y - p1.y)/(p2.x - p1.x)
else y = p1.y};
perimeter: (Pot_explosion_site|Exposed_site) -> (set of Point)
perimeter(site) ==
dunion {side(site.vertices(i),site.vertices(next_point(i)))|
i in set {1,...,4}};
shortest_dist:Pot_explosion_site * Exposed_site -> Metre
shortest_dist(pes,exs) ==
min({distance(p1,p2)| p1: Point, p2:Point &
p1 in set perimeter(pes) and
p2 in set perimeter(exs)});
minseparation:Pot_explosion_site * Exposed_site -> bool
minseparation(pes,exs) ==
shortest_dist(pes,exs) >= bsharp((pes.mgzn.hzd))(table_entry(pes,exs));
qd: Pot_explosion_site * Exposed_site -> Kg
qd(pes,exs) ==
let d = shortest_dist(pes,exs),
tbe = table_entry(pes,exs) in
cases pes.mgzn.hzd :
(<ONEPONE>) ->
if tbe in set exceptions_hd1_1
then (if d < 180
then 0.54 * d ** (3/2)
elseif (180 <=d and d < 240)
then 0.03*d ** 2
else 9.1*10**(-5) * d**3)
else asharp(<ONEPONE>)(tbe) *d**3,
(<ONEPTWO>) ->
if tbe in set exceptions_hd1_2
then (<INFINITY>)
else asharp(<ONEPTWO>)(tbe) * d**5.5,
if tbe in set exceptions_hd1_3a
elseif tbe in set exceptions_hd1_3b
then asharp(<ONEPTHREE>)(tbe) * d**2
else asharp(<ONEPTHREE>)(tbe) * d**3,
exs: set of Exposed_site)e:Exposed_site
pre exists ex in set exs & is_Storage_building(ex.building.type)
post e in set exs and
is_Storage_building(e.building.type) and
forall ex in set exs &
is_Storage_building(ex.building.type) =>
shortest_dist(pes,e) <= shortest_dist(pes,ex);
exs: set of Exposed_site)e:Exposed_site
pre exists ex in set exs & ex.building.type.kind = <INHABITEDBUILDING>
post e in set exs and
e.building.type.kind = <INHABITEDBUILDING> and
forall ex in set exs &
ex.building.type.kind = <INHABITEDBUILDING> =>
shortest_dist(pes,e) <= shortest_dist(pes,ex);
exs: set of Exposed_site)e:Exposed_site
pre exists ex in set exs & ex.building.type.kind = <TRAFFICROUTE>
post e in set exs and
e.building.type.kind = <TRAFFICROUTE> and
forall ex in set exs &
ex.building.type.kind = <TRAFFICROUTE> =>
shortest_dist(pes,e) <= shortest_dist(pes,ex);
exs: set of Exposed_site)e:Exposed_site
pre exists ex in set exs & is_Process_building(ex.building.type)
post e in set exs and
is_Process_building(e.building.type) and
(forall ex in set exs &
is_Process_building(ex.building.type) =>
shortest_dist(pes,e) <= shortest_dist(pes,ex));
nearest_buildings(pes:Pot_explosion_site, exs: set of Exposed_site)
exset: (set of Exposed_site)
post (exists e in set exs & is_Storage_building(e.building.type))
=> nearest_storage_building(pes,exs) in set exset and
(exists e in set exs & is_Process_building(e.building.type))
=> nearest_process_building(pes,exs) in set exset and
(exists e in set exs & e.building.type.kind = <INHABITEDBUILDING>)
=> nearest_inhabited_building(pes,exs) in set exset and
(exists e in set exs & e.building.type.kind = <TRAFFICROUTE>)
=> nearest_traffic_route(pes,exs) in set exset;
find_max_neq:Pot_explosion_site * set1 of Exposed_site -> Kg
find_max_neq(pes,exs) ==
min({qd(pes,e)|e in set nearest_buildings(pes,exs)});
centre(v: Quad) p: Point
post forall i in set {1,...,3} &
distance(p,v(i)) = distance(p,v(1));
line_eqn: Point * Point * Point -> Line
line_eqn(p1,p2,p3) ==
mk_Line( (p1.y + p2.y - 2*p3.y)/(p1.x + p2.x - 2* p3.x),
p3.y - p3.x*((p1.y + p2.y - 2*p3.y)/(p1.x + p2.x - 2*p3.x)))
pre distance(p1,p3) = distance(p2,p3);
incline:Point * Point * Point * Point * Point * Point -> real
incline(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) ==
let mk_Line(m1,c1) = line_eqn(p5,p6,p2) in
let mk_Line(m2,c2) = line_eqn(p3,p4,p1) in
let x3 = (c1-c2)/(m2-m1) in
let y3 = ((m2*c1 - m1*c2)/(m2-m1)) in
sqrt( ((x3-p2.x)**2 + (y3-p2.y)**2)/((x3-p1.x)**2 + (y3-p1.y)**2))
pre distance(p1,p2) = distance(p1,p4) and
distance(p2,p5) = distance(p2,p6) and
line_eqn(p5,p6,p2).m*line_eqn(p3,p4,p1).m = -1;
ang_sep(pes:Pot_explosion_site, exs:Exposed_site) qsharp:real
post let fsharp = arctan(incline(centre(pes.vertices),centre(exs.vertices),
pes.vertices(1), pes.vertices(4), exs.vertices(1),
exs.vertices(2))) in
if centre(pes.vertices).x = centre(exs.vertices).x
then ( if centre(pes.vertices).y < centre(exs.vertices).y
then qsharp = fsharp
else qsharp = fsharp + 180)
else let m1 = line_eqn(pes.vertices(1), pes.vertices(4),
m2 = ((centre(exs.vertices).y - centre(pes.vertices).y)/
(centre(exs.vertices).x - centre(pes.vertices).x)) in
if m2 > m1 then qsharp = fsharp else qsharp = fsharp + 180;
arctan: real -> real
arctan(r) ==
let res : real in res -- is not yet defined
ADD_OBJECT(o:Object, elt: Element_label, site: Site_label)
ext wr pes: inmap Site_label to Pot_explosion_site
pre site in set dom pes and
exists pt: Point & (safe_addition(o,(pes(site)).mgzn,pt) and
elt not in set dom (pes(site)).mgzn.elements)
post let p = pes~(site) in
let mk_Point(x,y) = find_point(o,p.mgzn) in
let new_elems = p.mgzn.elements ++ {elt |-> mk_Element(o,x,y)} in
let new_mag = mu(p.mgzn, elements |-> new_elems) in
let new_site = mu(p, mgzn |-> new_mag) in
pes = pes~ ++ {site |-> new_site};
REMOVE_OBJECT(elt: Element_label, site: Site_label)
ext wr pes: inmap Site_label to Pot_explosion_site
pre site in set dom pes and elt in set dom (pes(site)).mgzn.elements
post let p = pes~(site) in
let new_elems = {elt} <-: p.mgzn.elements in
let new_mag = mu(p.mgzn, elements |-> new_elems) in
let new_site = mu(p, mgzn |-> new_mag) in
pes = pes~ ++ {site |-> new_site};
ADD_PES(pex:Pot_explosion_site, label: Site_label,type:Storage_building)
ext wr pes: inmap Site_label to Pot_explosion_site
wr exs: inmap Site_label to Exposed_site
rd xmax, ymax: Metre
pre forall exp in set rng exs & minseparation(pex,exp) and
forall v in seq pex.vertices &
(0 <= v.x and v.x <= xmax and
0 <= v.y and v.y <= ymax) and
label not in set dom pes
post let new_neq = find_max_neq(pex,rng(exs~)) in
let new_mgzn = mu(pex.mgzn, max_neq |-> new_neq) in
let new_pex = mu (pex, mgzn |-> new_mgzn) in
let new_building = mk_Building(type,pex.mgzn.length,pex.mgzn.breadth,
pex.mgzn.height) in
let new_exp = mk_Exposed_site(new_building,pex.vertices,pex.door) in
pes = pes~ ++ { label |-> new_pex} and
exs = exs~ ++ { label |-> new_exp};
ADD_EXP(ex:Exposed_site, label: Site_label)
ext wr exs: inmap Site_label to Exposed_site
rd pes: inmap Site_label to Pot_explosion_site
rd xmax, ymax: Metre
pre not (is_Storage_building(ex.building.type)) and
forall v in seq ex.vertices &
(0<=v.x and v.x <= xmax and
0<=v.y and v.y <= ymax) and
label not in set dom exs and
forall pex in set rng pes &
let proposed_neq = find_max_neq(pex, rng(exs ++ {label |-> ex})) in
if proposed_neq <> <INFINITY>
then find_max_neq(pex,rng(exs)) <= proposed_neq
else true
post exs = exs~ ++ {label |-> ex}
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