Literal = seq of token;
State = set of Literal;
Goal = set of Literal;
Action :: name : Literal
pra : set of Literal
add : set of Literal
del : set of Literal;
Planning_Problem :: AS : set of Action
I : State
G : Goal
inv mk_Planning_Problem ( AS, I, G) ==
forall l in set G &
(l in set I or
exists A in set AS & l in set
not (G subset I) and
forall A in set AS & not (exists p : Literal & p in set A.add and
p in set A.del);
Action_id = token;
Action_instances = map Action_id to Action;
Arc ::
source : Action_id
dest : Action_id;
Bounded_Poset = set of Arc
inv p ==
forall x, y in set get_nodes(p) &
not (before(x, y, p) and before(y, x, p)) and
x <> mk_token("pinit") => before(mk_token("pinit"), x, p) and
x <> mk_token("goal") => before(x, mk_token("goal"), p);
Goal_instance ::
gl : Literal
ai : Action_id;
Goal_instances = set of Goal_instance
state Partial_Plan of
pp: Planning_Problem
Os: Action_instances
Ts: Bounded_Poset
Ps: Goal_instances
As: Goal_instances
inv mk_Partial_Plan(pp, Os, Ts, Ps, As)==
(Os(mk_token("pinit")) = mk_Action([mk_token("pinit")], { }, pp.I, { })) and
(Os(mk_token("goal")) = mk_Action([mk_token("goal")], pp.G, { }, { })) and
rng Os subset pp.AS union {Os(mk_token("pinit")), Os(mk_token("goal"))} and
dom Os = get_nodes(Ts) and
As inter Ps = {} and
forall A in set dom Os & (forall p in set Os(A).pra &
mk_Goal_instance(p, A) in set (Ps union As)) and
forall gi in set As & exists A in set dom Os & achieve(Os, Ts, A, gi)
get_nodes : set of Arc -> set of Action_id
get_nodes(p) ==
{a.source | a in set p} union {a.dest | a in set p};
before : Action_id * Action_id * set of Arc -> bool
before(x, z, p) ==
mk_Arc(x, z) in set p or
exists y in set get_nodes(p) & before(x, y, p) and before(y, z, p);
possibly_before : Action_id * Action_id * set of Arc -> bool
possibly_before(x, z, p) ==
x <> z and not before(z, x, p);
completion_of : Bounded_Poset * Bounded_Poset -> bool
completion_of(p, q) ==
(forall x, y in set get_nodes(p) & before(x, y, q) and before(x, y, p));
initposet: () -> Bounded_Poset
initposet() ==
{mk_Arc(mk_token("pinit"), mk_token("goal"))};
add_node : Action_id * Bounded_Poset -> Bounded_Poset
add_node(u, p) ==
p union {mk_Arc(mk_token("pinit"), u), mk_Arc(u, mk_token("goal"))};
make_before : Action_id * Action_id * Bounded_Poset -> Bounded_Poset
make_before(u, v, p) ==
if possibly_before(u, v, p) and {u, v} subset get_nodes(p)
then p union {mk_Arc(u, v)} else p;
newid(isa : set of Action_id) i: Action_id
post i not in set isa;
achieve : Action_instances * Bounded_Poset * Action_id * Goal_instance -> bool
achieve(Os, Ts, A, mk_Goal_instance(p, O)) ==
before(A, O, Ts) and
p in set Os(A).add and
not (exists C in set dom Os &
possibly_before(C, O, Ts) and
possibly_before(A, C, Ts) and
p in set Os(C).del);
declobber:Action_instances * Bounded_Poset * Action_id * Goal_instance -> bool
declobber(Os, Ts, NewA, mk_Goal_instance(q, C)) ==
before(C, NewA, Ts) or
not(q in set Os(NewA).del) or
exists W in set dom Os &
(before(NewA, W, Ts) and
before(W, C, Ts) and
q in set Os(W).add)
INIT (ppi : Planning_Problem)
ext wr pp : Planning_Problem
wr Os : Action_instances
wr Ts : Bounded_Poset
wr Ps : Goal_instances
wr As : Goal_instances
post pp = ppi and
Os = {mk_token("pinit") |-> mk_Action([mk_token("pinit")], { },
ppi.I, { }),
mk_token("goal") |->
mk_Action([mk_token ("goal")], ppi.G, { }, { })} and
Ts = initposet( ) and
Ps = {mk_Goal_instance(g, mk_token("goal")) | g in set ppi.G} and
As = { };
ACHIEVE_1(gi : Goal_instance)
ext rd Os : Action_instances
wr Ts : Bounded_Poset
wr Ps : Goal_instances
wr As : Goal_instances
pre gi in set Ps
post exists A in set dom Os & achieve(Os, Ts, A, gi) and
completion_of (Ts, Ts~) and
Ps = Ps~ \{gi} and
As = As~ union {gi};
ACHIEVE_2(gi: Goal_instance)
ext rd pp : Planning_Problem
wr Os : Action_instances
wr Ts : Bounded_Poset
wr Ps : Goal_instances
wr As : Goal_instances
pre gi in set Ps
post let NewA = newid(dom Os~) in
exists A in set pp.AS & Os = Os~ ++ {NewA |-> A} and
achieve(Os, Ts, NewA, gi) and
forall gj in set As~ & declobber(Os, Ts, NewA, gj) and
completion_of(Ts, add_node(NewA, Ts~)) and
Ps = (Ps~ \ {gi}) union {mk_Goal_instance(p, NewA) | p in set A.pra} and
As = As~ union {gi}
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