\section{Modelling of Bags}
module BAG
struct Bag;
struct Elem
Empty: () -> Bag;
Add: Elem * Bag -> Bag;
Remove: Elem * Bag -> Bag;
Count: Elem * Bag -> nat;
In: Elem * Bag -> bool;
Join: Bag * Bag -> Bag;
Union: Bag * Bag -> Bag;
SubBag: Bag * Bag -> bool;
Difference: Bag * Bag -> Bag;
Size: Bag -> nat;
Intersection: Bag * Bag -> Bag;
SeqToBag: seq of Elem -> Bag
baga,bagb: Bag
Elem = <A> | <B> | <C> | <D> | <E>;
Bag = map Elem to nat1
-- Support Functions
-- Minimum value of a pair of two integers
Min : nat * nat -> nat
Min (i, j) ==
if i < j
then i
else j;
-- Maximum value of a pair of two integers
Max : nat * nat -> nat
Max (i, j) ==
if i > j
then i
else j;
-- Add a sequence of elements, s, to a bag, b,
-- by adding the head of s,
-- and making a recursive call
AuxSeqToBag : seq of Elem * Bag -> Bag
AuxSeqToBag (s, b) ==
cases s :
[] -> b,
[e] ^ rest -> AuxSeqToBag(rest, Add(e, b))
measure LenPar1;
LenPar1 : seq of Elem * Bag -> nat
LenPar1(list,-) ==
len list;
-- Functions Required by Customer
-- These as described by the user document
-- (Exercise 7)
Empty : () -> Bag
Empty () ==
{ |-> };
Add : Elem * Bag -> Bag
Add (e, b) ==
if e in set dom b
then b ++ {e |-> b(e) + 1}
else b ++ {e |-> 1};
Remove : Elem * Bag -> Bag
Remove (e, b) ==
if e in set dom b
then if b(e) = 1
then {e} <-: b
else b ++ {e |-> b(e) - 1}
else b;
Count : Elem * Bag -> nat
Count (e, b) ==
if e in set dom b
then b(e)
else 0;
-- from given examples, if not in bag then
-- count = 0, not an error
In : Elem * Bag -> bool
In (e, b) ==
e in set dom b;
Join : Bag * Bag -> Bag
Join (b1, b2) ==
{ e |-> Max( Count(e, b1), Count(e, b2)) |
e in set (dom b1 union dom b2) };
Union : Bag * Bag -> Bag
Union (b1, b2) ==
{e |-> Count (e, b1) + Count (e, b2) |
e in set (dom b1 union dom b2)};
SubBag : Bag * Bag -> bool
SubBag (b1, b2) ==
forall e in set dom b1 &
Count(e, b1) <= Count(e, b2);
Difference : Bag * Bag -> Bag
Difference (b1, b2) ==
{e |-> Count(e, b1) - Count(e, b2)
e in set dom b1
Count(e, b1) > Count(e, b2)
Size : Bag -> nat
Size (b) ==
if b = { |-> }
then 0
else let e in set dom b
b(e) + Size ({e} <-: b)
measure CardDom;
CardDom: Bag -> nat
CardDom(b) ==
card dom b;
Intersection : Bag * Bag -> Bag
Intersection (b1, b2) ==
{e |-> Min (Count(e, b1), Count(e, b2)) |
-- Design note: Min(...,...) is > 0
-- as use inter in next line
-- to ensure both Counts are at least 1
e in set (dom b1 inter dom b2)
SeqToBag : seq of Elem -> Bag
SeqToBag (s) ==
AuxSeqToBag(s, Empty())
-- The values requested by the customer for tests
baga : Bag = { <A> |-> 3, <B> |-> 2, <C> |-> 4};
bagb : Bag = { <A> |-> 1, <C> |-> 5, <D> |-> 4,
<E> |-> 1}
end BAG
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