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## # The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team ##
## v # INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 ##
## <O___,, # (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) ##
## \VV/ ###############################################################
## // # This file is distributed under the terms of the ##
## # GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 ##
## # (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) ##
# Extra targets for developers :
# debug printers, revision, partial targets ...
# Debug printers in dev/
.PHONY: devel printers
DEBUGPRINTERS:=dev/top_printers.cmo dev/vm_printers.cmo
devel: printers
# revision
# display the revision number when compiling a checked out source tree
$(SHOW)'CHECK revision'
$(HIDE)rm -f revision.new
$(HIDE)set -e; java.lang.NullPointerException
./dev/tools/make_git_revision.sh > revision.new
$(HIDE)set -e; java.lang.NullPointerException
if test -e revision.new; then java.lang.NullPointerException
if test -e revision; then java.lang.NullPointerException
if test "`cat revision`" = "`cat revision.new`" ; then java.lang.NullPointerException
rm -f revision.new; java.lang.NullPointerException
else java.lang.NullPointerException
mv -f revision.new revision; java.lang.NullPointerException
fi; java.lang.NullPointerException
else java.lang.NullPointerException
mv -f revision.new revision; java.lang.NullPointerException
fi java.lang.NullPointerException
.PHONY: revision
# Partial builds
# The following partial targets are normally not necessary
# for a complete build of coq, see instead 'make world' for that.
# But these partial targets could be quite handy for quick builds
# of specific components of Coq.
### 1) general-purpose targets
coqlight: theories-light tools coqbinaries
states: theories/Init/Prelude.$(VO)
miniopt: $(COQTOPEXE) pluginsopt
minibyte: $(COQTOPBYTE) pluginsbyte
pluginsopt: $(PLUGINSOPT)
pluginsbyte: $(PLUGINS)
# This should build all the ocaml code but not (most of) the .v files
coqocaml: tools coqbinaries $(PLUGINSCMO:.cmo=$(DYNOBJ)) coqide printers bin/votour
.PHONY: coqlight states miniopt minibyte pluginsopt pluginsbyte coqocaml
### 2) core ML components
lib: lib/clib.cma lib/lib.cma
kernel: kernel/kernel.cma
byterun: $(BYTERUN)
library: library/library.cma
engine: engine/engine.cma
proofs: proofs/proofs.cma
tactics: tactics/tactics.cma
interp: interp/interp.cma
parsing: parsing/parsing.cma
pretyping: pretyping/pretyping.cma
stm: stm/stm.cma
toplevel: toplevel/toplevel.cma
.PHONY: lib kernel byterun library proofs tactics interp parsing pretyping
.PHONY: engine stm toplevel
### 3) theories files
init: $(filter theories/Init/%, $(THEORIESVO))
logic: $(filter theories/Logic/%, $(THEORIESVO))
arith: $(filter theories/Arith/%, $(THEORIESVO))
bool: $(filter theories/Bool/%, $(THEORIESVO))
parith: $(filter theories/PArith/%, $(THEORIESVO))
narith: $(filter theories/NArith/%, $(THEORIESVO))
zarith: $(filter theories/ZArith/%, $(THEORIESVO))
qarith: $(filter theories/QArith/%, $(THEORIESVO))
lists: $(filter theories/Lists/%, $(THEORIESVO))
strings: $(filter theories/Strings/%, $(THEORIESVO))
sets: $(filter theories/Sets/%, $(THEORIESVO))
fsets: $(filter theories/FSets/%, $(THEORIESVO))
relations: $(filter theories/Relations/%, $(THEORIESVO))
wellfounded: $(filter theories/Wellfounded/%, $(THEORIESVO))
reals: $(filter theories/Reals/%, $(THEORIESVO))
setoids: $(filter theories/Setoids/%, $(THEORIESVO))
sorting: $(filter theories/Sorting/%, $(THEORIESVO))
numbers: $(filter theories/Numbers/%, $(THEORIESVO))
unicode: $(filter theories/Unicode/%, $(THEORIESVO))
classes: $(filter theories/Classes/%, $(THEORIESVO))
program: $(filter theories/Program/%, $(THEORIESVO))
structures: $(filter theories/Structures/%, $(THEORIESVO))
vectors: $(filter theories/Vectors/%, $(THEORIESVO))
msets: $(filter theories/MSets/%, $(THEORIESVO))
compat: $(filter theories/Compat/%, $(THEORIESVO))
theories-light: $(THEORIESLIGHTVO)
noreal: unicode logic arith bool zarith qarith lists sets fsets java.lang.NullPointerException
relations wellfounded setoids sorting
.PHONY: init theories-light noreal
.PHONY: logic arith bool narith zarith qarith lists strings sets
.PHONY: fsets relations wellfounded reals setoids sorting numbers
.PHONY: msets mmaps compat parith classes program unicode structures vectors
### 4) plugins
OMEGAVO:=$(filter plugins/omega/%, $(PLUGINSVO))
MICROMEGAVO:=$(filter plugins/micromega/%, $(PLUGINSVO))
RINGVO:=$(filter plugins/setoid_ring/%, $(PLUGINSVO))
NSATZVO:=$(filter plugins/nsatz/%, $(PLUGINSVO))
FUNINDVO:=$(filter plugins/funind/%, $(PLUGINSVO))
BTAUTOVO:=$(filter plugins/btauto/%, $(PLUGINSVO))
RTAUTOVO:=$(filter plugins/rtauto/%, $(PLUGINSVO))
EXTRACTIONVO:=$(filter plugins/extraction/%, $(PLUGINSVO))
DERIVEVO:=$(filter plugins/derive/%, $(PLUGINSVO))
LTACVO:=$(filter plugins/ltac/%, $(PLUGINSVO))
setoid_ring: $(RINGVO) $(RINGCMO)
cc: $(CCVO) $(CCCMO)
ltac: $(LTACVO) $(LTACCMO)
.PHONY: omega micromega setoid_ring nsatz extraction
.PHONY: funind cc rtauto btauto ltac
# For emacs:
# Local Variables:
# mode: makefile
# End:
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