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Datei:   Sprache: Python

Original von: Coq©

##         #   The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team       ##
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Drive coqtop with Python!

This module is a simple pexpect-based driver for coqtop, based on the old
REPL interface.

import os
import re

import pexpect

class CoqTopError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, err, last_sentence, before):
        self.err = err
        self.before = before
        self.last_sentence = last_sentence

class CoqTop:
    """Create an instance of coqtop.

    Use this as a context manager: no instance of coqtop is created until
    you call `__enter__`.  coqtop is terminated when you `__exit__` the
    context manager.

    Sentence parsing is very basic for now (a "." in a quoted string will
    confuse it).

    COQTOP_PROMPT = re.compile("\r\n[^< ]+ < ")

    def __init__(self, coqtop_bin=None, color=False, args=None) -> str:
        """Configure a coqtop instance (but don't start it yet).

        :param coqtop_bin: The path to coqtop; uses $COQBIN by default, falling back to "coqtop"
        :param color:      When True, tell coqtop to produce ANSI color codes (see
                           the ansicolors module)
        :param args:       Additional arguments to coqtop.
        self.coqtop_bin = coqtop_bin or os.path.join(os.getenv('COQBIN'""), "coqtop")
        if not pexpect.utils.which(self.coqtop_bin):
            raise ValueError("coqtop binary not found: '{}'".format(self.coqtop_bin))
        self.args = (args or []) + ["-color""on"] * color
        self.coqtop = None

    def __enter__(self):
        if self.coqtop:
            raise ValueError("This module isn't re-entrant")
        self.coqtop = pexpect.spawn(self.coqtop_bin, args=self.args, echo=False, encoding="utf-8")
        # Disable delays (
        self.coqtop.delaybeforesend = 0
        return self

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

    def next_prompt(self):
        """Wait for the next coqtop prompt, and return the output preceding it."""
        self.coqtop.expect(CoqTop.COQTOP_PROMPT, timeout = 10)
        return self.coqtop.before

    def sendone(self, sentence):
        """Send a single sentence to coqtop.

        :sentence: One Coq sentence (otherwise, Coqtop will produce multiple
                   prompts and we'll get confused)
        # Suppress newlines, but not spaces: they are significant in notations
        sentence = re.sub(r"[\r\n]+"" ", sentence).strip()
            output = self.next_prompt()
        except Exception as err:
            raise CoqTopError(err, sentence, self.coqtop.before)
        return output

    def send_initial_options(self):
        """Options to send when starting the toplevel and after a Reset Initial."""
        self.sendone('Set Coqtop Exit On Error.')
        self.sendone('Set Warnings "+default".')

def sendmany(*sentences):
    """A small demo: send each sentence in sentences and print the output"""
    with CoqTop() as coqtop:
        for sentence in sentences:
            response = coqtop.sendone(sentence)

def main():
    """Run a simple performance test and demo `sendmany`"""
    with CoqTop() as coqtop:
        for _ in range(200):
            print(repr(coqtop.sendone("Check nat.")))
        sendmany("Goal False -> True.""Proof.""intros H.",
                 "Check H.""Chchc.""apply I.""Qed.")

if __name__ == '__main__':

¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.1 Sekunden  (vorverarbeitet)  ¤

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