(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
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(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Names
(** Identifiers and names *)
val make_ident : string -> int option -> Id.t
val repr_ident : Id.t -> string * int option
val atompart_of_id : Id.t -> string (** remove trailing digits *)
val root_of_id : Id.t -> Id.t (** remove trailing digits, ' and _ *)
val add_suffix : Id.t -> string -> Id.t
val add_prefix : string -> Id.t -> Id.t
(** Below, by {i subscript} we mean a suffix composed solely from (decimal) digits. *)
module Subscript :
type t
(** Abstract datatype of subscripts. Isomorphic to a string of digits. *)
val zero : t
(** Empty subscript *)
val succ : t -> t
(** Guarantees that [x < succ x], but [succ x] might not be the smallest
element strictly above [x], generally it does not exist. Example mappings:
"" ↦ "0"
"0" ↦ "1"
"00" ↦ "01"
"1" ↦ "2"
"01" ↦ "02"
"9" ↦ "10"
"09" ↦ "10"
"99" ↦ "100"
val compare : t -> t -> int
(** Well-founded order. *)
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val has_subscript : Id.t -> bool
val get_subscript : Id.t -> Id.t * Subscript.t
(** Split an identifier into a base name and a subscript. *)
val add_subscript : Id.t -> Subscript.t -> Id.t
(** Append the subscript to the identifier. *)
val increment_subscript : Id.t -> Id.t
(** Return the same identifier as the original one but whose {i subscript} is incremented.
If the original identifier does not have a suffix, [0] is appended to it.
Example mappings:
[bar] ↦ [bar0]
[bar0] ↦ [bar1]
[bar00] ↦ [bar01]
[bar1] ↦ [bar2]
[bar01] ↦ [bar01]
[bar9] ↦ [bar10]
[bar09] ↦ [bar10]
[bar99] ↦ [bar100]
val forget_subscript : Id.t -> Id.t
module Name : sig
include module type of struct include Names.Name end
exception IsAnonymous
val fold_left : ('a -> Id.t -> 'a) -> 'a -> Name.t -> 'a
(** [fold_left f na a] is [f id a] if [na] is [Name id], and [a] otherwise. *)
val fold_right : (Id.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> Name.t -> 'a -> 'a
(** [fold_right f a na] is [f a id] if [na] is [Name id], and [a] otherwise. *)
val iter : (Id.t -> unit) -> Name.t -> unit
(** [iter f na] does [f id] if [na] equals [Name id], nothing otherwise. *)
val map : (Id.t -> Id.t) -> Name.t -> t
(** [map f na] is [Anonymous] if [na] is [Anonymous] and [Name (f id)] if [na] is [Name id]. *)
val fold_left_map : ('a -> Id.t -> 'a * Id.t) -> 'a -> Name.t -> 'a * Name.t
(** [fold_left_map f a na] is [a',Name id'] when [na] is [Name id] and [f a id] is [(a',id')].
It is [a,Anonymous] otherwise. *)
val fold_right_map : (Id.t -> 'a -> Id.t * 'a) -> Name.t -> 'a -> Name.t * 'a
(** [fold_right_map f na a] is [Name id',a'] when [na] is [Name id] and [f id a] is [(id',a')].
It is [Anonymous,a] otherwise. *)
val get_id : Name.t -> Id.t
(** [get_id] associates [id] to [Name id]. @raise IsAnonymous otherwise. *)
val pick : Name.t -> Name.t -> Name.t
(** [pick na na'] returns [Anonymous] if both names are [Anonymous].
Pick one of [na] or [na'] otherwise. *)
val pick_annot : Name.t Context.binder_annot -> Name.t Context.binder_annot ->
Name.t Context.binder_annot
val cons : Name.t -> Id.t list -> Id.t list
(** [cons na l] returns [id::l] if [na] is [Name id] and [l] otherwise. *)
val to_option : Name.t -> Id.t option
(** [to_option Anonymous] is [None] and [to_option (Name id)] is [Some id] *)
(** Metavariables *)
val pr_meta : Constr.metavariable -> Pp.t
val string_of_meta : Constr.metavariable -> string
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