(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Preferences
class type message_view_signals =
inherit GObj.misc_signals
inherit GUtil.add_ml_signals
method pushed : callback:Ideutils.logger -> GtkSignal.id
class message_view_signals_impl obj (pushed : 'a GUtil.signal) : message_view_signals =
val after = false
inherit GObj.misc_signals obj
inherit GUtil.add_ml_signals obj [pushed#disconnect]
method pushed ~callback = pushed#connect ~after ~callback:(fun (lvl, s) -> callback lvl s)
class type message_view =
inherit GObj.widget
method connect : message_view_signals
method clear : unit
method add : Pp.t -> unit
method add_string : string -> unit
method set : Pp.t -> unit
method refresh : bool -> unit
method push : Ideutils.logger
(** same as [add], but with an explicit level instead of [Notice] *)
method has_selection : bool
method get_selected_text : string
let message_view () : message_view =
let buffer = GSourceView3.source_buffer
~tag_table:Tags.Message.table ()
let mark = buffer#create_mark ~left_gravity:false buffer#start_iter in
let box = GPack.vbox () in
let scroll = GBin.scrolled_window
~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~packing:(box#pack ~expand:true) () in
let view = GSourceView3.source_view
~source_buffer:buffer ~packing:scroll#add
~editable:false ~cursor_visible:false ~wrap_mode:`WORD ()
let () = Gtk_parsing.fix_double_click view in
let default_clipboard = GData.clipboard Gdk.Atom.primary in
let _ = buffer#add_selection_clipboard default_clipboard in
let () = view#set_left_margin 2 in
view#misc#show ();
(* FIXME: handle this using CSS *)
(* let cb clr = view#misc#modify_bg [`NORMAL, `NAME clr] in *)
(* let _ = background_color#connect#changed ~callback:cb in *)
(* let _ = view#misc#connect#realize ~callback:(fun () -> cb background_color#get) in *)
let cb ft = view#misc#modify_font (GPango.font_description_from_string ft) in
stick text_font view cb;
(* Inserts at point, advances the mark *)
let insert_msg (level, msg) =
let tags = match level with
| Feedback.Error -> [Tags.Message.error]
| Feedback.Warning -> [Tags.Message.warning]
| _ -> []
let mark = `MARK mark in
let width = Ideutils.textview_width view in
Ideutils.insert_xml ~mark buffer ~tags (Richpp.richpp_of_pp width msg);
buffer#insert ~iter:(buffer#get_iter_at_mark mark) "\n"
let mv = object (self)
inherit GObj.widget box#as_widget
(* List of displayed messages *)
val mutable last_width = -1
val mutable msgs = []
val push = new GUtil.signal ()
method connect =
new message_view_signals_impl box#as_widget push
method refresh force =
(* We need to block updates here due to the following race:
insertion of messages may create a vertical scrollbar, this
will trigger a width change, calling refresh again and
going into an infinite loop. *)
let width = Ideutils.textview_width view in
(* Could still this method race if the scrollbar changes the
textview_width ?? *)
let needed = force || last_width <> width in
if needed then begin
last_width <- width;
buffer#set_text "";
buffer#move_mark (`MARK mark) ~where:buffer#start_iter;
List.(iter insert_msg (rev msgs))
method clear =
msgs <- []; self#refresh true
method push level msg =
msgs <- (level, msg) :: msgs;
insert_msg (level, msg);
push#call (level, msg)
method add msg = self#push Feedback.Notice msg
method add_string s = self#add (Pp.str s)
method set msg = self#clear; self#add msg
method has_selection = buffer#has_selection
method get_selected_text =
if buffer#has_selection then
let start, stop = buffer#selection_bounds in
buffer#get_text ~slice:true ~start ~stop ()
else ""
(* Is there a better way to connect the signal ? *)
let w_cb (_ : Gtk.rectangle) = mv#refresh false in
ignore (view#misc#connect#size_allocate ~callback:w_cb);
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