(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
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(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Names
open EConstr
open Environ
(** {6 Implicit Arguments } *)
(** Here we store the implicit arguments. Notice that we
are outside the kernel, which knows nothing about implicit arguments. *)
val make_implicit_args : bool -> unit
val make_strict_implicit_args : bool -> unit
val make_strongly_strict_implicit_args : bool -> unit
val make_reversible_pattern_implicit_args : bool -> unit
val make_contextual_implicit_args : bool -> unit
val make_maximal_implicit_args : bool -> unit
val is_implicit_args : unit -> bool
val is_strict_implicit_args : unit -> bool
val is_strongly_strict_implicit_args : unit -> bool
val is_reversible_pattern_implicit_args : unit -> bool
val is_contextual_implicit_args : unit -> bool
val is_maximal_implicit_args : unit -> bool
val with_implicit_protection : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
(** {6 ... } *)
(** An [implicits_list] is a list of positions telling which arguments
of a reference can be automatically inferred *)
type argument_position =
| Conclusion
| Hyp of int
(** We remember various information about why an argument is
inferable as implicit *)
type implicit_explanation =
| DepRigid of argument_position
(** means that the implicit argument can be found by
unification along a rigid path (we do not print the arguments of
this kind if there is enough arguments to infer them) *)
| DepFlex of argument_position
(** means that the implicit argument can be found by unification
along a collapsible path only (e.g. as x in (P x) where P is another
argument) (we do (defensively) print the arguments of this kind) *)
| DepFlexAndRigid of (*flex*) argument_position * (*rig*) argument_position
(** means that the least argument from which the
implicit argument can be inferred is following a collapsible path
but there is a greater argument from where the implicit argument is
inferable following a rigid path (useful to know how to print a
partial application) *)
| Manual
(** means the argument has been explicitly set as implicit. *)
(** We also consider arguments inferable from the conclusion but it is
operational only if [conclusion_matters] is true. *)
type maximal_insertion = bool (** true = maximal contextual insertion *)
type force_inference = bool (** true = always infer, never turn into evar/subgoal *)
type implicit_status = (Id.t * implicit_explanation *
(maximal_insertion * force_inference)) option
(** [None] = Not implicit *)
type implicit_side_condition
type implicits_list = implicit_side_condition * implicit_status list
val is_status_implicit : implicit_status -> bool
val is_inferable_implicit : bool -> int -> implicit_status -> bool
val name_of_implicit : implicit_status -> Id.t
val maximal_insertion_of : implicit_status -> bool
val force_inference_of : implicit_status -> bool
val positions_of_implicits : implicits_list -> int list
(** A [manual_explicitation] is a tuple of a positional or named explicitation with
maximal insertion, force inference and force usage flags. Forcing usage makes
the argument implicit even if the automatic inference considers it not inferable. *)
type manual_explicitation = Constrexpr.explicitation *
(maximal_insertion * force_inference * bool)
type manual_implicits = manual_explicitation list
val compute_implicits_with_manual : env -> Evd.evar_map -> types -> bool ->
manual_implicits -> implicit_status list
val compute_implicits_names : env -> Evd.evar_map -> types -> Name.t list
(** {6 Computation of implicits (done using the global environment). } *)
val declare_var_implicits : variable -> unit
val declare_constant_implicits : Constant.t -> unit
val declare_mib_implicits : MutInd.t -> unit
val declare_implicits : bool -> GlobRef.t -> unit
(** [declare_manual_implicits local ref enriching l]
Manual declaration of which arguments are expected implicit.
If not set, we decide if it should enrich by automatically inferd
implicits depending on the current state.
Unsets implicits if [l] is empty. *)
val declare_manual_implicits : bool -> GlobRef.t -> ?enriching:bool ->
manual_implicits -> unit
(** If the list is empty, do nothing, otherwise declare the implicits. *)
val maybe_declare_manual_implicits : bool -> GlobRef.t -> ?enriching:bool ->
manual_implicits -> unit
type implicit_kind = Implicit | MaximallyImplicit | NotImplicit
(** [set_implicits local ref l]
Manual declaration of implicit arguments.
`l` is a list of possible sequences of implicit statuses. *)
val set_implicits : bool -> GlobRef.t -> implicit_kind list list -> unit
val implicits_of_global : GlobRef.t -> implicits_list list
val extract_impargs_data :
implicits_list list -> ((int * int) option * implicit_status list) list
val lift_implicits : int -> manual_implicits -> manual_implicits
val make_implicits_list : implicit_status list -> implicits_list list
val drop_first_implicits : int -> implicits_list -> implicits_list
val projection_implicits : env -> Projection.t -> implicit_status list ->
implicit_status list
val select_impargs_size : int -> implicits_list list -> implicit_status list
val select_stronger_impargs : implicits_list list -> implicit_status list
val explicitation_eq : Constrexpr.explicitation -> Constrexpr.explicitation -> bool
[@@ocaml.deprecated "Use Constrexpr_ops.explicitation_eq instead (since 8.10)"]
(** Equality on [explicitation]. *)
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