(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(* Locations management *)
type source =
| InFile of string
| ToplevelInput
type t = {
fname : source; (** filename or toplevel input *)
line_nb : int; (** start line number *)
bol_pos : int; (** position of the beginning of start line *)
line_nb_last : int; (** end line number *)
bol_pos_last : int; (** position of the beginning of end line *)
bp : int; (** start position *)
ep : int; (** end position *)
let create fname line_nb bol_pos bp ep = {
fname = fname; line_nb = line_nb; bol_pos = bol_pos;
line_nb_last = line_nb; bol_pos_last = bol_pos; bp = bp; ep = ep;
let initial source = create source 1 0 0 0
let make_loc (bp, ep) = {
fname = ToplevelInput; line_nb = -1; bol_pos = 0; line_nb_last = -1; bol_pos_last = 0;
bp = bp; ep = ep;
let mergeable loc1 loc2 =
loc1.fname = loc2.fname
let merge loc1 loc2 =
if not (mergeable loc1 loc2) then
failwith "Trying to merge unmergeable locations.";
if loc1.bp < loc2.bp then
if loc1.ep < loc2.ep then {
fname = loc1.fname;
line_nb = loc1.line_nb;
bol_pos = loc1.bol_pos;
line_nb_last = loc2.line_nb_last;
bol_pos_last = loc2.bol_pos_last;
bp = loc1.bp; ep = loc2.ep;
else loc1
else if loc2.ep < loc1.ep then {
fname = loc2.fname;
line_nb = loc2.line_nb;
bol_pos = loc2.bol_pos;
line_nb_last = loc1.line_nb_last;
bol_pos_last = loc1.bol_pos_last;
bp = loc2.bp; ep = loc1.ep;
else loc2
let merge_opt l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with
| None, None -> None
| Some l , None -> Some l
| None, Some l -> Some l
| Some l1, Some l2 -> Some (merge l1 l2)
let finer l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with
| None, _ -> false
| Some l , None -> true
| Some l1, Some l2 -> l1.fname = l2.fname && merge l1 l2 = l2
let unloc loc = (loc.bp, loc.ep)
let shift_loc kb kp loc = { loc with bp = loc.bp + kb ; ep = loc.ep + kp }
(** Located type *)
type 'a located = t option * 'a
let tag ?loc x = loc, x
let map f (l,x) = (l, f x)
(** Exceptions *)
let location : t Exninfo.t = Exninfo.make ()
let add_loc e loc = Exninfo.add e location loc
let get_loc e = Exninfo.get e location
let raise ?loc e =
match loc with
| None -> raise e
| Some loc ->
let info = Exninfo.add Exninfo.null location loc in
Exninfo.iraise (e, info)
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