(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Names
open Environ
(** We introduce here the global environment of the system,
and we declare it as a synchronized table. *)
let global_env_summary_name = "Global environment"
module GlobalSafeEnv : sig
val safe_env : unit -> Safe_typing.safe_environment
val set_safe_env : Safe_typing.safe_environment -> unit
val join_safe_environment : ?except:Future.UUIDSet.t -> unit -> unit
val is_joined_environment : unit -> bool
val global_env_summary_tag : Safe_typing.safe_environment Summary.Dyn.tag
end = struct
let global_env = ref Safe_typing.empty_environment
let join_safe_environment ?except () =
global_env := Safe_typing.join_safe_environment ?except !global_env
let is_joined_environment () =
Safe_typing.is_joined_environment !global_env
let global_env_summary_tag =
Summary.declare_summary_tag global_env_summary_name
{ Summary.freeze_function = (fun ~marshallable -> if marshallable then
(join_safe_environment (); !global_env)
else !global_env);
unfreeze_function = (fun fr -> global_env := fr);
init_function = (fun () -> global_env := Safe_typing.empty_environment) }
let assert_not_parsing () =
if !Flags.we_are_parsing then
CErrors.anomaly (
Pp.strbrk"The global environment cannot be accessed during parsing.")
let safe_env () = assert_not_parsing(); !global_env
let set_safe_env e = global_env := e
let global_env_summary_tag = GlobalSafeEnv.global_env_summary_tag
let safe_env = GlobalSafeEnv.safe_env
let join_safe_environment ?except () =
GlobalSafeEnv.join_safe_environment ?except ()
let is_joined_environment = GlobalSafeEnv.is_joined_environment
let env () = Safe_typing.env_of_safe_env (safe_env ())
let env_is_initial () = Safe_typing.is_initial (safe_env ())
(** Turn ops over the safe_environment state monad to ops on the global env *)
let globalize0 f = GlobalSafeEnv.set_safe_env (f (safe_env ()))
let globalize f =
let res,env = f (safe_env ()) in GlobalSafeEnv.set_safe_env env; res
let globalize_with_summary fs f =
let res,env = f (safe_env ()) in
Summary.unfreeze_summaries fs;
GlobalSafeEnv.set_safe_env env;
(** [Safe_typing] operations, now operating on the global environment *)
let i2l = Label.of_id
let push_named_assum a = globalize0 (Safe_typing.push_named_assum a)
let push_named_def d = globalize0 (Safe_typing.push_named_def d)
let add_constraints c = globalize0 (Safe_typing.add_constraints c)
let push_context_set b c = globalize0 (Safe_typing.push_context_set b c)
let set_engagement c = globalize0 (Safe_typing.set_engagement c)
let set_indices_matter b = globalize0 (Safe_typing.set_indices_matter b)
let set_typing_flags c = globalize0 (Safe_typing.set_typing_flags c)
let typing_flags () = Environ.typing_flags (env ())
let make_sprop_cumulative () = globalize0 Safe_typing.make_sprop_cumulative
let set_allow_sprop b = globalize0 (Safe_typing.set_allow_sprop b)
let sprop_allowed () = Environ.sprop_allowed (env())
let export_private_constants ~in_section cd = globalize (Safe_typing.export_private_constants ~in_section cd)
let add_constant ~in_section id d = globalize (Safe_typing.add_constant ~in_section (i2l id) d)
let add_mind id mie = globalize (Safe_typing.add_mind (i2l id) mie)
let add_modtype id me inl = globalize (Safe_typing.add_modtype (i2l id) me inl)
let add_module id me inl = globalize (Safe_typing.add_module (i2l id) me inl)
let add_include me ismod inl = globalize (Safe_typing.add_include me ismod inl)
let start_module id = globalize (Safe_typing.start_module (i2l id))
let start_modtype id = globalize (Safe_typing.start_modtype (i2l id))
let end_module fs id mtyo =
globalize_with_summary fs (Safe_typing.end_module (i2l id) mtyo)
let end_modtype fs id =
globalize_with_summary fs (Safe_typing.end_modtype (i2l id))
let add_module_parameter mbid mte inl =
globalize (Safe_typing.add_module_parameter mbid mte inl)
(** Queries on the global environment *)
let universes () = universes (env())
let universes_lbound () = universes_lbound (env())
let named_context () = named_context (env())
let named_context_val () = named_context_val (env())
let lookup_named id = lookup_named id (env())
let lookup_constant kn = lookup_constant kn (env())
let lookup_inductive ind = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif (env()) ind
let lookup_pinductive (ind,_) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif (env()) ind
let lookup_mind kn = lookup_mind kn (env())
let lookup_module mp = lookup_module mp (env())
let lookup_modtype kn = lookup_modtype kn (env())
let exists_objlabel id = Safe_typing.exists_objlabel id (safe_env ())
let opaque_tables () = Environ.opaque_tables (env ())
let body_of_constant_body ce = body_of_constant_body (env ()) ce
let body_of_constant cst = body_of_constant_body (lookup_constant cst)
(** Operations on kernel names *)
let constant_of_delta_kn kn =
Safe_typing.constant_of_delta_kn_senv (safe_env ()) kn
let mind_of_delta_kn kn =
Safe_typing.mind_of_delta_kn_senv (safe_env ()) kn
(** Operations on libraries *)
let start_library dir = globalize (Safe_typing.start_library dir)
let export ?except ~output_native_objects s =
Safe_typing.export ?except ~output_native_objects (safe_env ()) s
let import c u d = globalize (Safe_typing.import c u d)
(** Function to get an environment from the constants part of the global
environment and a given context. *)
let env_of_context hyps =
reset_with_named_context hyps (env())
let type_of_global_in_context = Typeops.type_of_global_in_context
let universes_of_global gr =
universes_of_global (env ()) gr
let is_polymorphic r = Environ.is_polymorphic (env()) r
let is_template_polymorphic r = is_template_polymorphic (env ()) r
let is_template_checked r = is_template_checked (env ()) r
let get_template_polymorphic_variables r = get_template_polymorphic_variables (env ()) r
let is_type_in_type r = is_type_in_type (env ()) r
let current_modpath () =
Safe_typing.current_modpath (safe_env ())
let current_dirpath () =
Safe_typing.current_dirpath (safe_env ())
let with_global f =
let (a, ctx) = f (env ()) (current_dirpath ()) in
push_context_set false ctx; a
let register_inline c = globalize0 (Safe_typing.register_inline c)
let register_inductive c r = globalize0 (Safe_typing.register_inductive c r)
let set_strategy k l =
globalize0 (Safe_typing.set_strategy k l)
let set_share_reduction b =
globalize0 (Safe_typing.set_share_reduction b)
let set_VM b = globalize0 (Safe_typing.set_VM b)
let set_native_compiler b = globalize0 (Safe_typing.set_native_compiler b)
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