(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
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(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(** This module manages customization parameters at the vernacular level *)
(** Two kinds of things are managed : tables and options value
- Tables are created by applying the [MakeTable] functor.
- Variables storing options value are created by applying one of the
[declare_int_option], [declare_bool_option], ... functions.
Each table/option is uniquely identified by a key of type [option_name]
which consists in a list of strings. Note that for parsing constraints,
table names must not be made of more than 2 strings while option names
can be of arbitrary length.
The declaration of a table, say of name [["Toto";"Titi"]]
automatically makes available the following vernacular commands:
Add Toto Titi foo.
Remove Toto Titi foo.
Print Toto Titi.
Test Toto Titi.
The declaration of a non boolean option value, say of name
[["Tata";"Tutu";"Titi"]], automatically makes available the
following vernacular commands:
Set Tata Tutu Titi val.
Print Table Tata Tutu Titi.
If it is the declaration of a boolean value, the following
vernacular commands are made available:
Set Tata Tutu Titi.
Unset Tata Tutu Titi.
Print Table Tata Tutu Titi. (** synonym: Test Table Tata Tutu Titi. *)
All options are synchronized with the document.
open Libnames
open Mod_subst
type option_name = string list
type option_locality = OptDefault | OptLocal | OptExport | OptGlobal
(** {6 Tables. } *)
(** The functor [MakeStringTable] declares a table containing objects
of type [string]; the function [member_message] say what to print
when invoking the "Test Toto Titi foo." command; at the end [title]
is the table name printed when invoking the "Print Toto Titi."
command; [active] is roughly the internal version of the vernacular
"Test ...": it tells if a given object is in the table; [elements]
returns the list of elements of the table *)
module MakeStringTable :
(A : sig
val key : option_name
val title : string
val member_message : string -> bool -> Pp.t
end) ->
val active : string -> bool
val elements : unit -> string list
(** The functor [MakeRefTable] declares a new table of objects of type
[A.t] practically denoted by [reference]; the encoding function
[encode : reference -> A.t] is typically a globalization function,
possibly with some restriction checks; the function
[member_message] say what to print when invoking the "Test Toto
Titi foo." command; at the end [title] is the table name printed
when invoking the "Print Toto Titi." command; [active] is roughly
the internal version of the vernacular "Test ...": it tells if a
given object is in the table. *)
module MakeRefTable :
(A : sig
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val encode : qualid -> t
val subst : substitution -> t -> t
val printer : t -> Pp.t
val key : option_name
val title : string
val member_message : t -> bool -> Pp.t
end) ->
val active : A.t -> bool
val elements : unit -> A.t list
(** {6 Options. } *)
(** These types and function are for declaring a new option of name [key]
and access functions [read] and [write]; the parameter [name] is the option name
used when printing the option value (command "Print Toto Titi." *)
type 'a option_sig = {
optdepr : bool;
(** whether the option is DEPRECATED *)
optname : string;
(** a short string describing the option *)
optkey : option_name;
(** the low-level name of this option *)
optread : unit -> 'a;
optwrite : 'a -> unit
(** The [preprocess] function is triggered before setting the option. It can be
used to emit a warning on certain values, and clean-up the final value. *)
val declare_int_option : ?preprocess:(int option -> int option) ->
int option option_sig -> unit
val declare_bool_option : ?preprocess:(bool -> bool) ->
bool option_sig -> unit
val declare_string_option: ?preprocess:(string -> string) ->
string option_sig -> unit
val declare_stringopt_option: ?preprocess:(string option -> string option) ->
string option option_sig -> unit
(** Helper to declare a reference controlled by an option. Read-only
as to avoid races. *)
val declare_bool_option_and_ref : depr:bool -> name:string -> key:option_name -> value:bool -> (unit -> bool)
(** {6 Special functions supposed to be used only in vernacentries.ml } *)
module OptionMap : CSig.MapS with type key = option_name
val get_string_table :
option_name ->
< add : string -> unit;
remove : string -> unit;
mem : string -> unit;
print : unit >
val get_ref_table :
option_name ->
< add : qualid -> unit;
remove : qualid -> unit;
mem : qualid -> unit;
print : unit >
(** The first argument is a locality flag. *)
val set_int_option_value_gen : ?locality:option_locality -> option_name -> int option -> unit
val set_bool_option_value_gen : ?locality:option_locality -> option_name -> bool -> unit
val set_string_option_value_gen : ?locality:option_locality -> option_name -> string -> unit
val set_string_option_append_value_gen : ?locality:option_locality -> option_name -> string -> unit
val unset_option_value_gen : ?locality:option_locality -> option_name -> unit
val set_int_option_value : option_name -> int option -> unit
val set_bool_option_value : option_name -> bool -> unit
val set_string_option_value : option_name -> string -> unit
val print_option_value : option_name -> unit
type option_value =
| BoolValue of bool
| IntValue of int option
| StringValue of string
| StringOptValue of string option
val set_option_value : ?locality:option_locality ->
('a -> option_value -> option_value) -> option_name -> 'a -> unit
(** [set_option_value ?locality f name v] sets [name] to the result of
applying [f] to [v] and [name]'s current value. Use for behaviour
depending on the type of the option, eg erroring when ['a] doesn't
match it. Changing the type will result in errors later so don't do
that. *)
(** Summary of an option status *)
type option_state = {
opt_depr : bool;
opt_name : string;
opt_value : option_value;
val get_tables : unit -> option_state OptionMap.t
val print_tables : unit -> Pp.t
val error_undeclared_key : option_name -> 'a
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