(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Ssrmatching_plugin
open Util
open Names
open Constr
open Context
open Proofview
open Proofview.Notations
open Ssrast
type ssriop =
| IOpId of Names.Id.t
| IOpDrop
| IOpTemporay
| IOpInaccessible of string option
| IOpInaccessibleAll
| IOpAbstractVars of Names.Id.t list
| IOpFastNondep
| IOpInj of ssriops list
| IOpDispatchBlock of id_block
| IOpDispatchBranches of ssriops list
| IOpCaseBlock of id_block
| IOpCaseBranches of ssriops list
| IOpRewrite of ssrocc * ssrdir
| IOpView of ssrclear option * ssrview (* extra clears to be performed *)
| IOpClear of ssrclear * ssrhyp option (* must clear, may clear *)
| IOpSimpl of ssrsimpl
| IOpEqGen of unit Proofview.tactic (* generation of eqn *)
| IOpNoop
and ssriops = ssriop list
let rec pr_ipatop = function
| IOpId id -> Names.Id.print id
| IOpDrop -> Pp.str "_"
| IOpTemporay -> Pp.str "+"
| IOpInaccessible None -> Pp.str "?"
| IOpInaccessible (Some s) -> Pp.str ("?«"^s^"»")
| IOpInaccessibleAll -> Pp.str "*"
| IOpAbstractVars l -> Pp.str ("[:"^String.concat " " (List.map Names.Id.to_string l)^"]")
| IOpFastNondep -> Pp.str ">"
| IOpInj l -> Pp.(str "[=" ++ ppl l ++ str "]")
| IOpDispatchBlock b -> Pp.(str"(" ++ Ssrprinters.pr_block b ++ str")")
| IOpDispatchBranches l -> Pp.(str "(" ++ ppl l ++ str ")")
| IOpCaseBlock b -> Pp.(str"[" ++ Ssrprinters.pr_block b ++ str"]")
| IOpCaseBranches l -> Pp.(str "[" ++ ppl l ++ str "]")
| IOpRewrite (occ,dir) -> Pp.(Ssrprinters.(pr_occ occ ++ pr_dir dir))
| IOpView (None,vs) -> Pp.(prlist_with_sep mt (fun c -> str "/" ++ Ssrprinters.pr_ast_closure_term c) vs)
| IOpView (Some cl,vs) -> Pp.(Ssrprinters.pr_clear Pp.spc cl ++ prlist_with_sep mt (fun c -> str "/" ++ Ssrprinters.pr_ast_closure_term c) vs)
| IOpClear (clmust,clmay) ->
Pp.(Ssrprinters.pr_clear spc clmust ++
match clmay with
| Some cl -> str "(try " ++ Ssrprinters.pr_clear spc [cl] ++ str")"
| None -> mt ())
| IOpSimpl s -> Ssrprinters.pr_simpl s
| IOpEqGen _ -> Pp.str "E:"
| IOpNoop -> Pp.str"-"
and ppl x = Pp.(prlist_with_sep (fun () -> str"|") (prlist_with_sep spc pr_ipatop)) x
module IpatMachine : sig
(* the => tactical. ?eqtac is a tactic to be eventually run
* after the first [..] block. first_case_is_dispatch is the
* ssr exception to elim: and case: *)
val main : ?eqtac:unit tactic -> first_case_is_dispatch:bool ->
ssriops -> unit tactic
val tclCompileIPats : ssripats -> ssriops
val tclSEED_SUBGOALS : Names.Name.t list array -> unit tactic -> unit tactic
end = struct (* {{{ *)
module State : sig
type delayed_gen = {
tmp_id : Id.t; (* Temporary name *)
orig_name : Name.t (* Old name *)
(* to_clear API *)
val isCLR_PUSH : Id.t -> unit tactic
val isCLR_PUSHL : Id.t list -> unit tactic
val isCLR_CONSUME : unit tactic
(* to_generalize API *)
val isGEN_PUSH : delayed_gen -> unit tactic
val isGEN_CONSUME : unit tactic
(* name_seed API *)
val isNSEED_SET : Names.Name.t list -> unit tactic
val isNSEED_CONSUME : (Names.Name.t list option -> unit tactic) -> unit tactic
(* Some data may expire *)
val isTICK : ssriop -> unit tactic
val isPRINT : Proofview.Goal.t -> Pp.t
end = struct (* {{{ *)
type istate = {
(* Delayed clear *)
to_clear : Id.t list;
(* Temporary intros, to be generalized back *)
to_generalize : delayed_gen list;
(* The type of the inductive constructor corresponding to the current proof
* branch: name seeds are taken from that in an intro block *)
name_seed : Names.Name.t list option;
and delayed_gen = {
tmp_id : Id.t; (* Temporary name *)
orig_name : Name.t (* Old name *)
let empty_state = {
to_clear = [];
to_generalize = [];
name_seed = None;
include Ssrcommon.MakeState(struct
type state = istate
let init = empty_state
let print_name_seed env sigma = function
| None -> Pp.str "-"
| Some nl -> Pp.prlist Names.Name.print nl
let print_delayed_gen { tmp_id; orig_name } =
Pp.(Id.print tmp_id ++ str"->" ++ Name.print orig_name)
let isPRINT g =
let env, sigma = Goal.env g, Goal.sigma g in
let state = get g in
Pp.(str"{{ to_clear: " ++
prlist_with_sep spc Id.print state.to_clear ++ spc () ++
str"to_generalize: " ++
prlist_with_sep spc print_delayed_gen state.to_generalize ++ spc () ++
str"name_seed: " ++ print_name_seed env sigma state.name_seed ++ str" }}")
let isCLR_PUSH id =
tclGET (fun ({ to_clear = ids } as s) ->
tclSET { s with to_clear = id :: ids })
let isCLR_PUSHL more_ids =
tclGET (fun ({ to_clear = ids } as s) ->
tclSET { s with to_clear = more_ids @ ids })
tclGET (fun ({ to_clear = ids } as s) ->
tclSET { s with to_clear = [] } <*>
Tactics.clear ids)
let isGEN_PUSH dg =
tclGET (fun s ->
tclSET { s with to_generalize = dg :: s.to_generalize })
(* generalize `id` as `new_name` *)
let gen_astac id new_name =
let gen = ((None,Some(false,[])),Ssrmatching.cpattern_of_id id) in
V82.tactic (Ssrcommon.gentac gen)
<*> Ssrcommon.tclRENAME_HD_PROD new_name
(* performs and resets all delayed generalizations *)
tclGET (fun ({ to_generalize = dgs } as s) ->
tclSET { s with to_generalize = [] } <*>
(List.map (fun { tmp_id; orig_name } ->
gen_astac tmp_id orig_name) dgs) <*>
Tactics.clear (List.map (fun gen -> gen.tmp_id) dgs))
let isNSEED_SET ty =
tclGET (fun s ->
tclSET { s with name_seed = Some ty })
tclGET (fun ({ name_seed = x } as s) ->
tclSET { s with name_seed = None } <*>
k x)
let isTICK = function
| IOpSimpl _ | IOpClear _ -> tclUNIT ()
| _ -> tclGET (fun s -> tclSET { s with name_seed = None })
end (* }}} *************************************************************** *)
open State
(***[=> *] ****************************************************************)
(** [nb_assums] returns the number of dependent premises
Warning: unlike [nb_deps_assums], it does not perform reduction *)
let rec nb_assums cur env sigma t =
match EConstr.kind sigma t with
| Prod(name,ty,body) ->
nb_assums (cur+1) env sigma body
| LetIn(name,ty,t1,t2) ->
nb_assums (cur+1) env sigma t2
| Cast(t,_,_) ->
nb_assums cur env sigma t
| _ -> cur
let nb_assums = nb_assums 0
let intro_anon_all = Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let env = Goal.env gl in
let sigma = Goal.sigma gl in
let g = Goal.concl gl in
let n = nb_assums env sigma g in
Tacticals.New.tclDO n (Ssrcommon.tclINTRO_ANON ())
(*** [=> >*] **************************************************************)
(** [nb_deps_assums] returns the number of dependent premises *)
let rec nb_deps_assums cur env sigma t =
let t' = Reductionops.whd_allnolet env sigma t in
match EConstr.kind sigma t' with
| Constr.Prod(name,ty,body) ->
if EConstr.Vars.noccurn sigma 1 body &&
not (Typeclasses.is_class_type sigma ty) then cur
else nb_deps_assums (cur+1) env sigma body
| Constr.LetIn(name,ty,t1,t2) ->
nb_deps_assums (cur+1) env sigma t2
| Constr.Cast(t,_,_) ->
nb_deps_assums cur env sigma t
| _ -> cur
let nb_deps_assums = nb_deps_assums 0
let intro_anon_deps = Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let env = Goal.env gl in
let sigma = Goal.sigma gl in
let g = Goal.concl gl in
let n = nb_deps_assums env sigma g in
Tacticals.New.tclDO n (Ssrcommon.tclINTRO_ANON ())
(** [intro_drop] behaves like [intro_anon] but registers the id of the
introduced assumption for a delayed clear. *)
let intro_drop =
Ssrcommon.tclINTRO ~id:Ssrcommon.Anon
~conclusion:(fun ~orig_name:_ ~new_name -> isCLR_PUSH new_name)
(** [intro_temp] behaves like [intro_anon] but registers the id of the
introduced assumption for a regeneralization. *)
let intro_anon_temp =
Ssrcommon.tclINTRO ~id:Ssrcommon.Anon
~conclusion:(fun ~orig_name ~new_name ->
isGEN_PUSH { tmp_id = new_name; orig_name })
(** [intro_end] performs the actions that have been delayed. *)
let intro_end =
Ssrcommon.tcl0G ~default:() (isCLR_CONSUME <*> isGEN_CONSUME)
(** [=> _] *****************************************************************)
let intro_clear ids =
Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let _, clear_ids, ren =
List.fold_left (fun (used_ids, clear_ids, ren) id ->
let new_id = Ssrcommon.mk_anon_id (Id.to_string id) used_ids in
(new_id :: used_ids, new_id :: clear_ids, (id, new_id) :: ren))
(Tacmach.New.pf_ids_of_hyps gl, [], []) ids
Tactics.rename_hyp ren <*>
isCLR_PUSHL clear_ids
let tacCHECK_HYPS_EXIST hyps = Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let ctx = Goal.hyps gl in
List.iter (Ssrcommon.check_hyp_exists ctx) hyps;
tclUNIT ()
let tacFILTER_HYP_EXIST hyps k = Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let ctx = Goal.hyps gl in
k (Option.bind hyps (fun h ->
if Ssrcommon.test_hyp_exists ctx h &&
Ssrcommon.(not_section_id (hyp_id h)) then Some h else None))
(** [=> []] *****************************************************************)
(* calls t1 then t2 on each subgoal passing to t2 the index of the current
* subgoal (starting from 0) as well as the number of subgoals *)
let tclTHENin t1 t2 =
tclUNIT () >>= begin fun () -> let i = ref (-1) in
t1 <*> numgoals >>= fun n ->
Goal.enter begin fun g -> incr i; t2 !i n end
(* Attaches one element of `seeds` to each of the last k goals generated by
`tac`, where k is the size of `seeds` *)
let tclSEED_SUBGOALS seeds tac =
tclTHENin tac (fun i n ->
Ssrprinters.ppdebug (lazy Pp.(str"seeding"));
(* eg [case: (H _ : nat)] generates 3 goals:
- 1 for _
- 2 for the nat constructors *)
let extra_goals = n - Array.length seeds in
if i < extra_goals then tclUNIT ()
else isNSEED_SET seeds.(i - extra_goals))
let tac_case t =
Goal.enter begin fun _ ->
Ssrcommon.tacTYPEOF t >>= fun ty ->
Ssrcommon.tacIS_INJECTION_CASE ~ty t >>= fun is_inj ->
if is_inj then
V82.tactic ~nf_evars:false (Ssrelim.perform_injection t)
Goal.enter begin fun g ->
(Ssrelim.casetac t (fun ?seed k ->
match seed with
| None -> k
| Some seed -> tclSEED_SUBGOALS seed k))
(** [=> [^ seed ]] *********************************************************)
let tac_intro_seed interp_ipats fix = Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
isNSEED_CONSUME begin fun seeds ->
let seeds =
Ssrcommon.option_assert_get seeds Pp.(str"tac_intro_seed: no seed") in
let ipats = List.map (function
| Anonymous ->
let s = match fix with
| Prefix id -> Id.to_string id ^ "?"
| SuffixNum n -> "?" ^ string_of_int n
| SuffixId id -> "?" ^ Id.to_string id in
IOpInaccessible (Some s)
| Name id ->
let s = match fix with
| Prefix fix -> Id.to_string fix ^ Id.to_string id
| SuffixNum n -> Id.to_string id ^ string_of_int n
| SuffixId fix -> Id.to_string id ^ Id.to_string fix in
IOpId (Id.of_string s)) seeds in
interp_ipats ipats
end end
(*** [=> [: id]] ************************************************************)
let mk_abstract_id =
let open Coqlib in
let ssr_abstract_id = Summary.ref ~name:"SSR:abstractid" 0 in
begin fun env sigma ->
let sigma, zero = EConstr.fresh_global env sigma (lib_ref "num.nat.O") in
let sigma, succ = EConstr.fresh_global env sigma (lib_ref "num.nat.S") in
let rec nat_of_n n =
if n = 0 then zero
else EConstr.mkApp (succ, [|nat_of_n (n-1)|]) in
incr ssr_abstract_id;
sigma, nat_of_n !ssr_abstract_id
let tclMK_ABSTRACT_VAR id = Goal.enter begin fun gl ->
let env, concl = Goal.(env gl, concl gl) in
let step = begin fun sigma ->
let (sigma, (abstract_proof, abstract_ty)) =
let (sigma, (ty, _)) =
Evarutil.new_type_evar env sigma Evd.univ_flexible_alg in
let (sigma, ablock) = Ssrcommon.mkSsrConst "abstract_lock" env sigma in
let (sigma, lock) = Evarutil.new_evar env sigma ablock in
let (sigma, abstract) = Ssrcommon.mkSsrConst "abstract" env sigma in
let (sigma, abstract_id) = mk_abstract_id env sigma in
let abstract_ty = EConstr.mkApp(abstract, [|ty; abstract_id; lock|]) in
let sigma, m = Evarutil.new_evar env sigma abstract_ty in
sigma, (m, abstract_ty) in
let sigma, kont =
let rd = Context.Rel.Declaration.LocalAssum (make_annot (Name id) Sorts.Relevant, abstract_ty) in
let sigma, ev = Evarutil.new_evar (EConstr.push_rel rd env) sigma concl in
sigma, ev
let term =
EConstr.(mkApp (mkLambda(make_annot (Name id) Sorts.Relevant,abstract_ty,kont),[|abstract_proof|])) in
let sigma, _ = Typing.type_of env sigma term in
sigma, term
end in
Tactics.New.refine ~typecheck:false step <*>
tclFOCUS 1 3 Proofview.shelve
let tclMK_ABSTRACT_VARS ids =
List.fold_right (fun id tac ->
Tacticals.New.tclTHENFIRST (tclMK_ABSTRACT_VAR id) tac) ids (tclUNIT ())
(* Debugging *)
let tclLOG p t =
tclUNIT () >>= begin fun () ->
Ssrprinters.ppdebug (lazy Pp.(str "exec: " ++ pr_ipatop p));
tclUNIT ()
end <*>
Goal.enter begin fun g ->
Ssrprinters.ppdebug (lazy Pp.(str" on state:" ++ spc () ++
isPRINT g ++
str" goal:" ++ spc () ++ Printer.pr_goal (Goal.print g)));
tclUNIT ()
t p
>>= fun ret ->
Goal.enter begin fun g ->
Ssrprinters.ppdebug (lazy Pp.(str "done: " ++ isPRINT g));
tclUNIT ()
>>= fun () -> tclUNIT ret
let notTAC = tclUNIT false
let duplicate_clear =
CWarnings.create ~name:"duplicate-clear" ~category:"ssr"
(fun id -> Pp.(str "Duplicate clear of " ++ Id.print id))
(* returns true if it was a tactic (eg /ltac:tactic) *)
let rec ipat_tac1 ipat : bool tactic =
match ipat with
| IOpView (glued_clear,l) ->
let clear_if_id, extra_clear =
match glued_clear with
| None -> false, []
| Some x -> true, List.map Ssrcommon.hyp_id x in
~views:l ~clear_if_id
~conclusion:(fun ~to_clear:clr ->
let inter = CList.intersect Id.equal clr extra_clear in
List.iter duplicate_clear inter;
let cl = CList.union Id.equal clr extra_clear in
intro_clear cl)
| IOpDispatchBranches ipatss ->
tclDISPATCH (List.map ipat_tac ipatss) <*> notTAC
| IOpDispatchBlock id_block ->
tac_intro_seed ipat_tac id_block <*> notTAC
| IOpCaseBlock id_block ->
Ssrcommon.tclWITHTOP tac_case <*> tac_intro_seed ipat_tac id_block <*> notTAC
| IOpCaseBranches ipatss ->
tclIORPAT (Ssrcommon.tclWITHTOP tac_case) ipatss <*> notTAC
| IOpId id -> Ssrcommon.tclINTRO_ID id <*> notTAC
| IOpFastNondep -> intro_anon_deps <*> notTAC
| IOpDrop -> intro_drop <*> notTAC
| IOpInaccessible seed -> Ssrcommon.tclINTRO_ANON ?seed () <*> notTAC
| IOpInaccessibleAll -> intro_anon_all <*> notTAC
| IOpTemporay -> intro_anon_temp <*> notTAC
| IOpSimpl Nop -> assert false
| IOpInj ipatss ->
tclIORPAT (Ssrcommon.tclWITHTOP
(fun t -> V82.tactic ~nf_evars:false (Ssrelim.perform_injection t)))
<*> notTAC
| IOpClear (must,may) ->
tacCHECK_HYPS_EXIST must <*>
tacFILTER_HYP_EXIST may (fun may ->
let must = List.map Ssrcommon.hyp_id must in
let cl = Option.fold_left (fun cls (SsrHyp(_,id)) ->
if CList.mem_f Id.equal id cls then begin
duplicate_clear id;
end else id :: cls) must may in
intro_clear cl) <*>
| IOpSimpl x ->
V82.tactic ~nf_evars:false (Ssrequality.simpltac x) <*> notTAC
| IOpRewrite (occ,dir) ->
(fun x -> V82.tactic ~nf_evars:false (Ssrequality.ipat_rewrite occ dir x)) <*> notTAC
| IOpAbstractVars ids -> tclMK_ABSTRACT_VARS ids <*> notTAC
| IOpEqGen t -> t <*> notTAC
| IOpNoop -> notTAC
and ipat_tac pl : unit tactic =
match pl with
| [] -> tclUNIT ()
| pat :: pl ->
Ssrcommon.tcl0G ~default:false (tclLOG pat ipat_tac1) >>= fun was_tac ->
isTICK pat (* drops expired seeds *) >>= fun () ->
if was_tac then (* exception *)
let ip_before, case, ip_after = split_at_first_case pl in
let case = ssr_exception true case in
let case = option_to_list case in
ipat_tac (ip_before @ case @ ip_after)
else ipat_tac pl
and tclIORPAT tac = function
| [[]] -> tac
| p -> Tacticals.New.tclTHENS tac (List.map ipat_tac p)
and ssr_exception is_on = function
| Some (IOpCaseBranches [[]]) when is_on -> Some IOpNoop
| Some (IOpCaseBranches l) when is_on ->
Some (IOpDispatchBranches l)
| Some (IOpCaseBlock s) when is_on ->
Some (IOpDispatchBlock s)
| x -> x
and option_to_list = function None -> [] | Some x -> [x]
and split_at_first_case ipats =
let rec loop acc = function
| (IOpSimpl _ | IOpClear _) as x :: rest -> loop (x :: acc) rest
| (IOpCaseBlock _ | IOpCaseBranches _
| IOpDispatchBlock _ | IOpDispatchBranches _) as x :: xs ->
CList.rev acc, Some x, xs
| pats -> CList.rev acc, None, pats
loop [] ipats
(* Simple pass doing {x}/v -> /v{x} *)
let tclCompileIPats l =
let rec elab = function
| (IPatClear cl) :: (IPatView v) :: rest ->
(IOpView(Some cl,v)) :: elab rest
| (IPatClear cl) :: (IPatId id) :: rest ->
(IOpClear (cl,Some (SsrHyp(None,id)))) :: IOpId id :: elab rest
(* boring code *)
| [] -> []
| IPatId id :: rest -> IOpId id :: elab rest
| IPatAnon (One hint) ::rest -> IOpInaccessible hint :: elab rest
| IPatAnon Drop :: rest -> IOpDrop :: elab rest
| IPatAnon All :: rest -> IOpInaccessibleAll :: elab rest
| IPatAnon Temporary :: rest -> IOpTemporay :: elab rest
| IPatAbstractVars vs :: rest -> IOpAbstractVars vs :: elab rest
| IPatFastNondep :: rest -> IOpFastNondep :: elab rest
| IPatInj pats :: rest -> IOpInj (List.map elab pats) :: elab rest
| IPatRewrite(occ,dir) :: rest -> IOpRewrite(occ,dir) :: elab rest
| IPatView vs :: rest -> IOpView (None,vs) :: elab rest
| IPatSimpl s :: rest -> IOpSimpl s :: elab rest
| IPatClear cl :: rest -> IOpClear (cl,None) :: elab rest
| IPatCase (Block seed) :: rest -> IOpCaseBlock seed :: elab rest
| IPatCase (Regular bs) :: rest -> IOpCaseBranches (List.map elab bs) :: elab rest
| IPatDispatch (Block seed) :: rest -> IOpDispatchBlock seed :: elab rest
| IPatDispatch (Regular bs) :: rest -> IOpDispatchBranches (List.map elab bs) :: elab rest
| IPatNoop :: rest -> IOpNoop :: elab rest
elab l
let tclCompileIPats l =
Ssrprinters.ppdebug (lazy Pp.(str "tclCompileIPats input: " ++
prlist_with_sep spc Ssrprinters.pr_ipat l));
let ops = tclCompileIPats l in
Ssrprinters.ppdebug (lazy Pp.(str "tclCompileIPats output: " ++
prlist_with_sep spc pr_ipatop ops));
let main ?eqtac ~first_case_is_dispatch iops =
let ip_before, case, ip_after = split_at_first_case iops in
let case = ssr_exception first_case_is_dispatch case in
let case = option_to_list case in
let eqtac = option_to_list (Option.map (fun x -> IOpEqGen x) eqtac) in
let ipats = ip_before @ case @ eqtac @ ip_after in
Ssrcommon.tcl0G ~default:() (ipat_tac ipats <*> intro_end)
end (* }}} *)
let tclIPAT_EQ eqtac ip =
Ssrprinters.ppdebug (lazy Pp.(str "ipat@run: " ++ Ssrprinters.pr_ipats ip));
IpatMachine.(main ~eqtac ~first_case_is_dispatch:true (tclCompileIPats ip))
let tclIPATssr ip =
Ssrprinters.ppdebug (lazy Pp.(str "ipat@run: " ++ Ssrprinters.pr_ipats ip));
IpatMachine.(main ~first_case_is_dispatch:true (tclCompileIPats ip))
let tclCompileIPats = IpatMachine.tclCompileIPats
(* Common code to handle generalization lists along with the defective case *)
let with_defective maintac deps clr = Goal.enter begin fun g ->
let sigma, concl = Goal.(sigma g, concl g) in
let top_id =
match EConstr.kind_of_type sigma concl with
| Term.ProdType ({binder_name=Name id}, _, _)
when Ssrcommon.is_discharged_id id -> id
| _ -> Ssrcommon.top_id in
let top_gen = Ssrequality.mkclr clr, Ssrmatching.cpattern_of_id top_id in
Ssrcommon.tclINTRO_ID top_id <*> maintac deps top_gen
let with_dgens { dgens; gens; clr } maintac = match gens with
| [] -> with_defective maintac dgens clr
| gen :: gens ->
V82.tactic ~nf_evars:false (Ssrcommon.genstac (gens, clr)) <*> maintac dgens gen
let mkCoqEq env sigma =
let eq = Coqlib.((build_coq_eq_data ()).eq) in
let sigma, eq = EConstr.fresh_global env sigma eq in
eq, sigma
let mkCoqRefl t c env sigma =
let refl = Coqlib.((build_coq_eq_data()).refl) in
let sigma, refl = EConstr.fresh_global env sigma refl in
EConstr.mkApp (refl, [|t; c|]), sigma
(** Intro patterns processing for elim tactic, in particular when used in
conjunction with equation generation as in [elim E: x] *)
let elim_intro_tac ipats ?seed what eqid ssrelim is_rec clr =
let intro_eq =
match eqid with
| Some (IPatId ipat) when not is_rec ->
let rec intro_eq () = Goal.enter begin fun g ->
let sigma, env, concl = Goal.(sigma g, env g, concl g) in
match EConstr.kind_of_type sigma concl with
| Term.ProdType (_, src, tgt) -> begin
match EConstr.kind_of_type sigma src with
| Term.AtomicType (hd, _) when Ssrcommon.is_protect hd env sigma ->
V82.tactic ~nf_evars:false Ssrcommon.unprotecttac <*>
Ssrcommon.tclINTRO_ID ipat
| _ -> Ssrcommon.tclINTRO_ANON () <*> intro_eq ()
|_ -> Ssrcommon.errorstrm (Pp.str "Too many names in intro pattern")
end in
intro_eq ()
| Some (IPatId ipat) ->
let intro_lhs = Goal.enter begin fun g ->
let sigma = Goal.sigma g in
let elim_name = match clr, what with
| [SsrHyp(_, x)], _ -> x
| _, `EConstr(_,_,t) when EConstr.isVar sigma t ->
EConstr.destVar sigma t
| _ -> Ssrcommon.mk_anon_id "K" (Tacmach.New.pf_ids_of_hyps g) in
[ Ssrcommon.tclINTRO_ID elim_name
; Ssrcommon.tclINTRO_ANON ~seed:"K" ()]
end in
let rec gen_eq_tac () = Goal.enter begin fun g ->
let sigma, env, concl = Goal.(sigma g, env g, concl g) in
let sigma, eq =
EConstr.fresh_global env sigma (Coqlib.lib_ref "core.eq.type") in
let ctx, last = EConstr.decompose_prod_assum sigma concl in
let args = match EConstr.kind_of_type sigma last with
| Term.AtomicType (hd, args) ->
if Ssrcommon.is_protect hd env sigma then args
else Ssrcommon.errorstrm
(Pp.str "Too many names in intro pattern")
| _ -> assert false in
let case = args.(Array.length args-1) in
if not(EConstr.Vars.closed0 sigma case)
then Ssrcommon.tclINTRO_ANON () <*> gen_eq_tac ()
Ssrcommon.tacTYPEOF case >>= fun case_ty ->
let open EConstr in
let refl =
mkApp (eq, [|Vars.lift 1 case_ty; mkRel 1; Vars.lift 1 case|]) in
let name = Ssrcommon.mk_anon_id "K" (Tacmach.New.pf_ids_of_hyps g) in
let new_concl =
mkProd (make_annot (Name name) Sorts.Relevant, case_ty, mkArrow refl Sorts.Relevant (Vars.lift 2 concl)) in
let erefl, sigma = mkCoqRefl case_ty case env sigma in
Proofview.Unsafe.tclEVARS sigma <*>
Tactics.apply_type ~typecheck:true new_concl [case;erefl]
end in
gen_eq_tac () <*>
intro_lhs <*>
Ssrcommon.tclINTRO_ID ipat
| _ -> tclUNIT () in
let unprotect =
if eqid <> None && is_rec
then V82.tactic ~nf_evars:false Ssrcommon.unprotecttac else tclUNIT () in
begin match seed with
| None -> ssrelim
| Some s -> IpatMachine.tclSEED_SUBGOALS s ssrelim end <*>
tclIPAT_EQ (intro_eq <*> unprotect) ipats
let mkEq dir cl c t n env sigma =
let open EConstr in
let eqargs = [|t; c; c|] in
eqargs.(Ssrequality.dir_org dir) <- mkRel n;
let eq, sigma = mkCoqEq env sigma in
let refl, sigma = mkCoqRefl t c env sigma in
mkArrow (mkApp (eq, eqargs)) Sorts.Relevant (Vars.lift 1 cl), refl, sigma
(** in [tac/v: last gens..] the first (last to be run) generalization is
"special" in that is it also the main argument of [tac] and is eventually
to be processed forward with view [v]. The behavior implemented is
very close to [tac: (v last) gens..] but:
- [v last] may use a view adaptor
- eventually clear for [last] is taken into account
- [tac/v {clr}] is also supported, and [{clr}] is to be run later
The code here does not "grab" [v last] nor apply [v] to [last], see the
[tacVIEW_THEN_GRAB] combinator. *)
let tclLAST_GEN ~to_ind ((oclr, occ), t) conclusion = tclINDEPENDENTL begin
Ssrcommon.tacSIGMA >>= fun sigma0 ->
Goal.enter_one begin fun g ->
let pat = Ssrmatching.interp_cpattern sigma0 t None in
let cl0, env, sigma, hyps = Goal.(concl g, env g, sigma g, hyps g) in
let cl = EConstr.to_constr ~abort_on_undefined_evars:false sigma cl0 in
let (c, ucst), cl =
try Ssrmatching.fill_occ_pattern ~raise_NoMatch:true env sigma cl pat occ 1
with Ssrmatching.NoMatch -> Ssrmatching.redex_of_pattern env pat, cl in
let sigma = Evd.merge_universe_context sigma ucst in
let c, cl = EConstr.of_constr c, EConstr.of_constr cl in
let clr =
Ssrcommon.interp_clr sigma (oclr, (Ssrmatching.tag_of_cpattern t,c)) in
(* Historically in Coq, and hence in ssr, [case t] accepts [t] of type
[A.. -> Ind] and opens new goals for [A..] as well as for the branches
of [Ind], see the [~to_ind] argument *)
if not(Termops.occur_existential sigma c) then
if Ssrmatching.tag_of_cpattern t = Ssrprinters.xWithAt then
if not (EConstr.isVar sigma c) then
Ssrcommon.errorstrm Pp.(str "@ can be used with variables only")
else match Context.Named.lookup (EConstr.destVar sigma c) hyps with
| Context.Named.Declaration.LocalAssum _ ->
Ssrcommon.errorstrm Pp.(str "@ can be used with let-ins only")
| Context.Named.Declaration.LocalDef (name, b, ty) ->
Unsafe.tclEVARS sigma <*>
tclUNIT (true, EConstr.mkLetIn (map_annot Name.mk_name name,b,ty,cl), c, clr)
Unsafe.tclEVARS sigma <*>
Ssrcommon.tacMKPROD c cl >>= fun ccl ->
tclUNIT (false, ccl, c, clr)
if to_ind && occ = None then
let _, p, _, ucst' =
(* TODO: use abs_evars2 *)
Ssrcommon.pf_abs_evars sigma0 (fst pat, c) in
let sigma = Evd.merge_universe_context sigma ucst' in
Unsafe.tclEVARS sigma <*>
Ssrcommon.tacTYPEOF p >>= fun pty ->
(* TODO: check bug: cl0 no lift? *)
let ccl = EConstr.mkProd (make_annot (Ssrcommon.constr_name sigma c) Sorts.Relevant, pty, cl0) in
tclUNIT (false, ccl, p, clr)
Ssrcommon.errorstrm Pp.(str "generalized term didn't match")
end end >>= begin
fun infos -> tclDISPATCH (infos |> List.map conclusion)
(** a typical mate of [tclLAST_GEN] doing the job of applying the views [cs]
to [c] and generalizing the resulting term *)
let tacVIEW_THEN_GRAB ?(simple_types=true)
vs ~conclusion (is_letin, new_concl, c, clear)
Ssrview.tclWITH_FWD_VIEWS ~simple_types ~subject:c ~views:vs
~conclusion:(fun t ->
Ssrcommon.tacCONSTR_NAME c >>= fun name ->
Goal.enter_one ~__LOC__ begin fun g ->
let sigma, env = Goal.sigma g, Goal.env g in
Ssrcommon.tacMKPROD t ~name
(Termops.subst_term sigma t (* NOTE: we grab t here *)
(Termops.prod_applist sigma new_concl [c])) >>=
conclusion is_letin t clear
(* Elim views are elimination lemmas, so the eliminated term is not added *)
(* to the dependent terms as for "case", unless it actually occurs in the *)
(* goal, the "all occurrences" {+} switch is used, or the equation switch *)
(* is used and there are no dependents. *)
let ssrelimtac (view, (eqid, (dgens, ipats))) =
let ndefectelimtac view eqid ipats deps gen =
match view with
| [v] ->
Ssrcommon.tclINTERP_AST_CLOSURE_TERM_AS_CONSTR v >>= fun cs ->
tclDISPATCH (List.map (fun elim ->
(Ssrelim.ssrelim deps (`EGen gen) ~elim eqid (elim_intro_tac ipats)))
| [] ->
(Ssrelim.ssrelim deps (`EGen gen) eqid (elim_intro_tac ipats))
| _ ->
Pp.(str "elim: only one elimination lemma can be provided")
with_dgens dgens (ndefectelimtac view eqid ipats)
let ssrcasetac (view, (eqid, (dgens, ipats))) =
let ndefectcasetac view eqid ipats deps ((_, occ), _ as gen) =
tclLAST_GEN ~to_ind:true gen (fun (_, cl, c, clear as info) ->
let conclusion _ vc _clear _cl =
Ssrcommon.tacIS_INJECTION_CASE vc >>= fun inj ->
let simple = (eqid = None && deps = [] && occ = None) in
if simple && inj then
V82.tactic ~nf_evars:false (Ssrelim.perform_injection vc) <*>
Tactics.clear (List.map Ssrcommon.hyp_id clear) <*>
tclIPATssr ipats
(* macro for "case/v E: x" ---> "case E: x / (v x)" *)
let deps, clear, occ =
if view <> [] && eqid <> None && deps = []
then [gen], [], None
else deps, clear, occ in
Ssrelim.ssrelim ~is_case:true deps (`EConstr (clear, occ, vc))
eqid (elim_intro_tac ipats)
if view = [] then conclusion false c clear c
else tacVIEW_THEN_GRAB ~simple_types:false view ~conclusion info)
with_dgens dgens (ndefectcasetac view eqid ipats)
let ssrscasetoptac = Ssrcommon.tclWITHTOP Ssrelim.ssrscase_or_inj_tac
let ssrselimtoptac = Ssrcommon.tclWITHTOP Ssrelim.elimtac
(** [move] **************************************************************)
let pushmoveeqtac cl c = Goal.enter begin fun g ->
let env, sigma = Goal.(env g, sigma g) in
let x, t, cl1 = EConstr.destProd sigma cl in
let cl2, eqc, sigma = mkEq R2L cl1 c t 1 env sigma in
Unsafe.tclEVARS sigma <*>
Tactics.apply_type ~typecheck:true (EConstr.mkProd (x, t, cl2)) [c; eqc]
let eqmovetac _ gen =
Ssrcommon.pfLIFT (Ssrcommon.pf_interp_gen false gen) >>=
fun (cl, c, _) -> pushmoveeqtac cl c
let rec eqmoveipats eqpat = function
| (IOpSimpl _ | IOpClear _ as ipat) :: ipats ->
ipat :: eqmoveipats eqpat ipats
| (IOpInaccessibleAll :: _ | []) as ipats ->
IOpInaccessible None :: eqpat @ ipats
| ipat :: ipats ->
ipat :: eqpat @ ipats
let ssrsmovetac = Goal.enter begin fun g ->
let sigma, concl = Goal.(sigma g, concl g) in
match EConstr.kind sigma concl with
| Prod _ | LetIn _ -> tclUNIT ()
| _ -> Tactics.hnf_in_concl
let tclIPAT ip =
IpatMachine.main ~first_case_is_dispatch:false ip
let ssrmovetac = function
| _::_ as view, (_, ({ gens = lastgen :: gens; clr }, ipats)) ->
let gentac = V82.tactic ~nf_evars:false (Ssrcommon.genstac (gens, [])) in
let conclusion _ t clear ccl =
Tactics.apply_type ~typecheck:true ccl [t] <*>
Tactics.clear (List.map Ssrcommon.hyp_id clear) in
gentac <*>
tclLAST_GEN ~to_ind:false lastgen
(tacVIEW_THEN_GRAB view ~conclusion) <*>
tclIPAT (IOpClear (clr,None) :: IpatMachine.tclCompileIPats ipats)
| _::_ as view, (_, ({ gens = []; clr }, ipats)) ->
tclIPAT (IOpView (None,view) :: IOpClear (clr,None) :: IpatMachine.tclCompileIPats ipats)
| _, (Some pat, (dgens, ipats)) ->
let dgentac = with_dgens dgens eqmovetac in
dgentac <*> tclIPAT (eqmoveipats (IpatMachine.tclCompileIPats [pat]) (IpatMachine.tclCompileIPats ipats))
| _, (_, ({ gens = (_ :: _ as gens); dgens = []; clr}, ipats)) ->
let gentac = V82.tactic ~nf_evars:false (Ssrcommon.genstac (gens, clr)) in
gentac <*> tclIPAT (IpatMachine.tclCompileIPats ipats)
| _, (_, ({ clr }, ipats)) ->
Tacticals.New.tclTHENLIST [ssrsmovetac; Tactics.clear (List.map Ssrcommon.hyp_id clr); tclIPAT (IpatMachine.tclCompileIPats ipats)]
(** [abstract: absvar gens] **************************************************)
let rec is_Evar_or_CastedMeta sigma x =
EConstr.isEvar sigma x ||
EConstr.isMeta sigma x ||
(EConstr.isCast sigma x &&
is_Evar_or_CastedMeta sigma (pi1 (EConstr.destCast sigma x)))
let occur_existential_or_casted_meta sigma c =
let rec occrec c = match EConstr.kind sigma c with
| Evar _ -> raise Not_found
| Cast (m,_,_) when EConstr.isMeta sigma m -> raise Not_found
| _ -> EConstr.iter sigma occrec c
try occrec c; false
with Not_found -> true
let tacEXAMINE_ABSTRACT id = Ssrcommon.tacTYPEOF id >>= begin fun tid ->
Ssrcommon.tacMK_SSR_CONST "abstract" >>= fun abstract ->
Goal.enter_one ~__LOC__ begin fun g ->
let sigma, env = Goal.(sigma g, env g) in
let err () =
Pp.(strbrk"not a proper abstract constant: "++
Printer.pr_econstr_env env sigma id) in
if not (EConstr.isApp sigma tid) then err ();
let hd, args_id = EConstr.destApp sigma tid in
if not (EConstr.eq_constr_nounivs sigma hd abstract) then err ();
if Array.length args_id <> 3 then err ();
if not (is_Evar_or_CastedMeta sigma args_id.(2)) then
Ssrcommon.errorstrm Pp.(strbrk"abstract constant "++
Printer.pr_econstr_env env sigma id++str" already used");
tclUNIT (tid, args_id)
end end
let tacFIND_ABSTRACT_PROOF check_lock abstract_n =
Ssrcommon.tacMK_SSR_CONST "abstract" >>= fun abstract ->
Goal.enter_one ~__LOC__ begin fun g ->
let sigma, env = Goal.(sigma g, env g) in
let l = Evd.fold_undefined (fun e ei l ->
match EConstr.kind sigma ei.Evd.evar_concl with
| App(hd, [|ty; n; lock|])
when (not check_lock ||
(occur_existential_or_casted_meta sigma ty &&
is_Evar_or_CastedMeta sigma lock)) &&
EConstr.eq_constr_nounivs sigma hd abstract &&
EConstr.eq_constr_nounivs sigma n abstract_n -> e :: l
| _ -> l) sigma [] in
match l with
| [e] -> tclUNIT e
| _ -> Ssrcommon.errorstrm
Pp.(strbrk"abstract constant "++
Printer.pr_econstr_env env sigma abstract_n ++
strbrk" not found in the evar map exactly once. "++
strbrk"Did you tamper with it?")
let ssrabstract dgens =
let main _ (_,cid) = Goal.enter begin fun g ->
Ssrcommon.tacMK_SSR_CONST "abstract" >>= fun abstract ->
Ssrcommon.tacMK_SSR_CONST "abstract_key" >>= fun abstract_key ->
Ssrcommon.tacINTERP_CPATTERN cid >>= fun cid ->
let id = EConstr.mkVar (Option.get (Ssrmatching.id_of_pattern cid)) in
tacEXAMINE_ABSTRACT id >>= fun (idty, args_id) ->
let abstract_n = args_id.(1) in
tacFIND_ABSTRACT_PROOF true abstract_n >>= fun abstract_proof ->
let tacFIND_HOLE = Goal.enter_one ~__LOC__ begin fun g ->
let sigma, env, concl = Goal.(sigma g, env g, concl g) in
let t = args_id.(0) in
match EConstr.kind sigma t with
| (Evar _ | Meta _) -> Ssrcommon.tacUNIFY concl t <*> tclUNIT id
| Cast(m,_,_)
when EConstr.isEvar sigma m || EConstr.isMeta sigma m ->
Ssrcommon.tacUNIFY concl t <*> tclUNIT id
| _ ->
Pp.(strbrk"abstract constant "++
Printer.pr_econstr_env env sigma abstract_n ++
strbrk" has an unexpected shape. Did you tamper with it?")
end in
tacFIND_HOLE >>= fun proof ->
Ssrcommon.tacUNIFY abstract_key args_id.(2) <*>
Ssrcommon.tacTYPEOF idty >>= fun _ ->
Unsafe.tclGETGOALS >>= fun goals ->
(* Here we jump in the proof tree: we move from the current goal to
the evar that inhabits the abstract variable with the current goal *)
(goals @ [Proofview_monad.with_empty_state abstract_proof]) <*>
Tacticals.New.tclSOLVE [Tactics.apply proof];
end in
let interp_gens { gens } ~conclusion = Goal.enter begin fun g ->
Ssrcommon.tacSIGMA >>= fun gl0 ->
let open Ssrmatching in
let ipats = List.map (fun (_,cp) ->
match id_of_pattern (interp_cpattern gl0 cp None) with
| None -> IPatAnon (One None)
| Some id -> IPatId id)
(List.tl gens) in
conclusion ipats
end in
interp_gens dgens ~conclusion:(fun ipats ->
with_dgens dgens main <*>
tclIPATssr ipats)
module Internal = struct
let pf_find_abstract_proof b gl t =
let res = ref None in
let _ = V82.of_tactic (tacFIND_ABSTRACT_PROOF b (EConstr.of_constr t) >>= fun x -> res := Some x; tclUNIT ()) gl in
match !res with
| None -> assert false
| Some x -> x
let examine_abstract t gl =
let res = ref None in
let _ = V82.of_tactic (tacEXAMINE_ABSTRACT t >>= fun x -> res := Some x; tclUNIT ()) gl in
match !res with
| None -> assert false
| Some x -> x
(* vim: set filetype=ocaml foldmethod=marker: *)
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