(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Util
open Names
open Constr
open Vars
open Mod_subst
open Environ
open Libobject
open Lib
open Context.Named.Declaration
(** Characterization of the head of a term *)
(* We only compute an approximation to ensure the computation is not
arbitrary long (e.g. the head constant of [h] defined to be
[g (fun x -> phi(x))] where [g] is [fun f => g O] does not launch
the evaluation of [phi(0)] and the head of [h] is declared unknown). *)
type rigid_head_kind =
| RigidParameter of Constant.t (* a Const without body. Module substitution may instantiate it with something else. *)
| RigidOther (* a Var without body, inductive, product, sort, projection *)
type head_approximation =
| RigidHead of rigid_head_kind
| ConstructorHead
| FlexibleHead of int * int * int * bool (* [true] if a surrounding case *)
| NotImmediatelyComputableHead
(** Registration as global tables and rollback. *)
module Evalreford = struct
type t = evaluable_global_reference
let compare gr1 gr2 = match gr1, gr2 with
| EvalVarRef id1, EvalVarRef id2 -> Id.compare id1 id2
| EvalVarRef _, EvalConstRef _ -> -1
| EvalConstRef c1, EvalConstRef c2 ->
Constant.CanOrd.compare c1 c2
| EvalConstRef _, EvalVarRef _ -> 1
module Evalrefmap =
Map.Make (Evalreford)
let head_map = Summary.ref Evalrefmap.empty ~name:"Head_decl"
let variable_head id = Evalrefmap.find (EvalVarRef id) !head_map
let constant_head cst = Evalrefmap.find (EvalConstRef cst) !head_map
let kind_of_head env t =
let rec aux k l t b = match kind (Reduction.whd_betaiotazeta env t) with
| Rel n when n > k -> NotImmediatelyComputableHead
| Rel n -> FlexibleHead (k,k+1-n,List.length l,b)
| Var id ->
(try on_subterm k l b (variable_head id)
with Not_found ->
(* a goal variable *)
match lookup_named id env with
| LocalDef (_,c,_) -> aux k l c b
| LocalAssum _ -> NotImmediatelyComputableHead)
| Const (cst,_) ->
(try on_subterm k l b (constant_head cst)
with Not_found ->
Pp.(str "constant not found in kind_of_head: " ++
Names.Constant.print cst ++
str "."))
| Construct _ | CoFix _ ->
if b then NotImmediatelyComputableHead else ConstructorHead
| Sort _ | Ind _ | Prod _ -> RigidHead RigidOther
| Cast (c,_,_) -> aux k l c b
| Lambda (_,_,c) ->
begin match l with
| [] ->
let () = assert (not b) in
aux (k + 1) [] c b
| h :: l -> aux k l (subst1 h c) b
| LetIn _ -> assert false
| Meta _ | Evar _ -> NotImmediatelyComputableHead
| App (c,al) -> aux k (Array.to_list al @ l) c b
| Proj (p,c) -> RigidHead RigidOther
| Case (_,_,c,_) -> aux k [] c true
| Int _ -> ConstructorHead
| Fix ((i,j),_) ->
let n = i.(j) in
try aux k [] (List.nth l n) true
with Failure _ -> FlexibleHead (k + n + 1, k + n + 1, 0, true)
and on_subterm k l with_case = function
| FlexibleHead (n,i,q,with_subcase) ->
let m = List.length l in
let k',rest,a =
if n > m then
(* eta-expansion *)
let a =
if i <= m then
(* we pick the head in the existing arguments *)
lift (n-m) (List.nth l (i-1))
(* we pick the head in the added arguments *)
mkRel (n-i+1) in
(* enough arguments to [cst] *)
k,List.skipn n l,List.nth l (i-1) in
let l' = List.make q (mkMeta 0) @ rest in
aux k' l' a (with_subcase || with_case)
| ConstructorHead when with_case -> NotImmediatelyComputableHead
| x -> x
in aux 0 [] t false
(* FIXME: maybe change interface here *)
let compute_head = function
| EvalConstRef cst ->
let env = Global.env() in
let body = Environ.constant_opt_value_in env (cst,Univ.Instance.empty) in
(match body with
| None -> RigidHead (RigidParameter cst)
| Some c -> kind_of_head env c)
| EvalVarRef id ->
(match Global.lookup_named id with
| LocalDef (_,c,_) when not (Decls.variable_opacity id) ->
kind_of_head (Global.env()) c
| _ -> RigidHead RigidOther)
let is_rigid env t =
match kind_of_head env t with
| RigidHead _ | ConstructorHead -> true
| _ -> false
(** Registration of heads as an object *)
let load_head _ (_,(ref,(k:head_approximation))) =
head_map := Evalrefmap.add ref k !head_map
let cache_head o =
load_head 1 o
let subst_head_approximation subst = function
| RigidHead (RigidParameter cst) as k ->
let cst',c = subst_con subst cst in
if cst == cst' then k
(match c with
| None ->
(* A change of the prefix of the constant *)
RigidHead (RigidParameter cst')
| Some c ->
(* A substitution of the constant by a functor argument *)
kind_of_head (Global.env()) c.Univ.univ_abstracted_value)
| x -> x
let subst_head (subst,(ref,k)) =
(subst_evaluable_reference subst ref, subst_head_approximation subst k)
let discharge_head (_,(ref,k)) =
match ref with
| EvalConstRef cst -> Some (ref, k)
| EvalVarRef id -> None
let rebuild_head (ref,k) =
(ref, compute_head ref)
type head_obj = evaluable_global_reference * head_approximation
let inHead : head_obj -> obj =
declare_object {(default_object "HEAD") with
cache_function = cache_head;
load_function = load_head;
subst_function = subst_head;
classify_function = (fun x -> Substitute x);
discharge_function = discharge_head;
rebuild_function = rebuild_head }
let declare_head c =
let hd = compute_head c in
add_anonymous_leaf (inHead (c,hd))
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