open OUnit
(* general case to build a test *)
let mk_test nm test = nm >: test
(* common cases for building tests *)
let mk_eq_test nm descr expected actual =
mk_test nm (TestCase (fun _ -> assert_equal ~msg:descr expected actual))
let mk_bool_test nm descr actual =
mk_test nm (TestCase (fun _ -> assert_bool descr actual))
let cfprintf oc = Printf.(kfprintf (fun oc -> fprintf oc "\n%!") oc)
(* given test result, print message, return success boolean *)
let logger out_ch result =
let cprintf s = cfprintf out_ch s in
match result with
| RSuccess path ->
cprintf "TEST SUCCEEDED: %s" (string_of_path path);
| RError (path,msg)
| RFailure (path,msg) ->
cprintf "TEST FAILED: %s (%s)" (string_of_path path) msg;
| RSkip (path,msg)
| RTodo (path,msg) ->
cprintf "TEST DID NOT SUCCEED: %s (%s)" (string_of_path path) msg;
(* run one OUnit test case, return successes, no. of tests *)
(* notionally one test, which might be a TestList *)
let run_one logit test =
let rec process_results rs =
match rs with
[] -> (0,0)
| (r::rest) ->
let succ = if logit r then 1 else 0 in
let succ_results,tot_results = process_results rest in
(succ + succ_results,tot_results + 1)
let results = perform_test (fun _ -> ()) test in
process_results results
let open_log_out_ch ml_fn =
let log_fn = ml_fn ^ ".log" in
open_out log_fn
(* run list of OUnit test cases, log results *)
let run_tests ml_fn out_ch tests =
let cprintf s = cfprintf out_ch s in
let ceprintf s = cfprintf stderr s in
let logit = logger out_ch in
let rec run_some tests succ tot =
match tests with
[] -> (succ,tot)
| (t::ts) ->
let succ_one,tot_one = run_one logit t in
run_some ts (succ + succ_one) (tot + tot_one)
(* format for test-suite summary to find status
success if all tests succeeded, else failure
let succ,tot = run_some tests 0 0 in
"*** Ran %d tests, with %d successes and %d failures ***"
tot succ (tot - succ);
if succ = tot then
"==========> SUCCESS <==========\n %s...Ok" ml_fn
else begin
"==========> FAILURE <==========\n %s...Error!" ml_fn;
ceprintf "FAILED %s.log" ml_fn
close_out out_ch
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