(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Util
open Extend
open Pcoq
open Genarg
open Vernacexpr
(** Grammar extensions declared at ML level *)
type 's grammar_prod_item =
| GramTerminal of string
| GramNonTerminal :
('a raw_abstract_argument_type * ('s, _, 'a) symbol) Loc.located -> 's grammar_prod_item
type 'a ty_arg = ('a -> raw_generic_argument)
type ('self, 'tr, _, 'r) ty_rule =
| TyStop : ('self, Extend.norec, 'r, 'r) ty_rule
| TyNext : ('self, _, 'a, 'r) ty_rule * ('self, _, 'b) Extend.symbol * 'b ty_arg option ->
('self, Extend.mayrec, 'b -> 'a, 'r) ty_rule
type ('self, 'r) any_ty_rule =
| AnyTyRule : ('self, _, 'act, Loc.t -> 'r) ty_rule -> ('self, 'r) any_ty_rule
let rec ty_rule_of_gram = function
| [] -> AnyTyRule TyStop
| GramTerminal s :: rem ->
let AnyTyRule rem = ty_rule_of_gram rem in
let tok = Atoken (CLexer.terminal s) in
let r = TyNext (rem, tok, None) in
AnyTyRule r
| GramNonTerminal (_, (t, tok)) :: rem ->
let AnyTyRule rem = ty_rule_of_gram rem in
let inj = Some (fun obj -> Genarg.in_gen t obj) in
let r = TyNext (rem, tok, inj) in
AnyTyRule r
let rec ty_erase : type s tr a r. (s, tr, a, r) ty_rule -> (s, tr, a, r) Extend.rule = function
| TyStop -> Extend.Stop
| TyNext (rem, tok, _) -> Extend.Next (ty_erase rem, tok)
type 'r gen_eval = Loc.t -> raw_generic_argument list -> 'r
let rec ty_eval : type s tr a. (s, tr, a, Loc.t -> s) ty_rule -> s gen_eval -> a = function
| TyStop -> fun f loc -> f loc []
| TyNext (rem, tok, None) -> fun f _ -> ty_eval rem f
| TyNext (rem, tok, Some inj) -> fun f x ->
let f loc args = f loc (inj x :: args) in
ty_eval rem f
let make_rule f prod =
let AnyTyRule ty_rule = ty_rule_of_gram (List.rev prod) in
let symb = ty_erase ty_rule in
let f loc l = f loc (List.rev l) in
let act = ty_eval ty_rule f in
Extend.Rule (symb, act)
let rec proj_symbol : type a b c. (a, b, c) ty_user_symbol -> (a, b, c) genarg_type = function
| TUentry a -> ExtraArg a
| TUentryl (a,l) -> ExtraArg a
| TUopt(o) -> OptArg (proj_symbol o)
| TUlist1 l -> ListArg (proj_symbol l)
| TUlist1sep (l,_) -> ListArg (proj_symbol l)
| TUlist0 l -> ListArg (proj_symbol l)
| TUlist0sep (l,_) -> ListArg (proj_symbol l)
(** Vernac grammar extensions *)
let vernac_exts = ref []
let get_extend_vernac_rule (s, i) =
let find ((name, j), _) = String.equal name s && Int.equal i j in
let (_, rules) = List.find find !vernac_exts in
| Failure _ -> raise Not_found
let extend_vernac_command_grammar s nt gl =
let nt = Option.default Pvernac.Vernac_.command nt in
vernac_exts := (s,gl) :: !vernac_exts;
let mkact loc l = VernacExtend (s, l) in
let rules = [make_rule mkact gl] in
grammar_extend nt None (None, [None, None, rules])
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