theory Scala
imports Base
chapter \<open>Isabelle/Scala systems programming \label{sec:scala}\<close>
text \<open>
Isabelle/ML and Isabelle/Scala are the two main implementation languages of
the Isabelle environment:
\<^item> Isabelle/ML is for \<^emph>\<open>mathematics\<close>, to develop tools within the context
of symbolic logic, e.g.\ for constructing proofs or defining
domain-specific formal languages. See the \<^emph>\<open>Isabelle/Isar implementation
manual\<close> @{cite "isabelle-implementation"} for more details.
\<^item> Isabelle/Scala is for \<^emph>\<open>physics\<close>, to connect with the world of systems
and services, including editors and IDE frameworks.
There are various ways to access Isabelle/Scala modules and operations:
\<^item> Isabelle command-line tools (\secref{sec:scala-tools}) run in a separate
Java process.
\<^item> Isabelle/ML antiquotations access Isabelle/Scala functions
(\secref{sec:scala-functions}) via the PIDE protocol: execution happens
within the running Java process underlying Isabelle/Scala.
\<^item> The \<^verbatim>\<open>Console/Scala\<close> plugin of Isabelle/jEdit @{cite "isabelle-jedit"}
operates on the running Java application, using the Scala
read-eval-print-loop (REPL).
The main Isabelle/Scala functionality is provided by \<^verbatim>\<open>Pure.jar\<close>, but
further add-ons are bundled with Isabelle, e.g.\ to access SQLite or
PostgreSQL using JDBC (Java Database Connectivity).
Other components may augment the system environment by providing a suitable
\<^path>\<open>etc/settings\<close> shell script in the component directory. Some shell
functions are available to help with that:
\<^item> Function \<^bash_function>\<open>classpath\<close> adds \<^verbatim>\<open>jar\<close> files in Isabelle path
notation (POSIX). On Windows, this is converted to native path names
before invoking @{tool java} or @{tool scala} (\secref{sec:scala-tools}).
\<^item> Function \<^bash_function>\<open>isabelle_scala_service\<close> registers global
service providers as subclasses of
\<^scala_type>\<open>isabelle.Isabelle_System.Service\<close>, using the raw Java name
according to @{scala_method (in java.lang.Object) getClass} (it should be
enclosed in single quotes to avoid special characters like \<^verbatim>\<open>$\<close> to be
interpreted by the shell).
Particular Isabelle/Scala services require particular subclasses:
instances are filtered according to their dynamic type. For example, class
\<^scala_type>\<open>isabelle.Isabelle_Scala_Tools\<close> collects Scala command-line
tools, and class \<^scala_type>\<open>isabelle.Scala.Functions\<close>
collects Scala functions (\secref{sec:scala-functions}).
section \<open>Command-line tools \label{sec:scala-tools}\<close>
subsection \<open>Java Runtime Environment \label{sec:tool-java}\<close>
text \<open>
The @{tool_def java} tool is a direct wrapper for the Java Runtime
Environment, within the regular Isabelle settings environment
(\secref{sec:settings}) and Isabelle classpath. The command line arguments
are that of the bundled Java distribution: see option \<^verbatim>\<open>-help\<close> in
The \<^verbatim>\<open>java\<close> executable is taken from @{setting ISABELLE_JDK_HOME}, according
to the standard directory layout for regular distributions of OpenJDK.
The shell function \<^bash_function>\<open>isabelle_jdk\<close> allows shell scripts to
invoke other Java tools robustly (e.g.\ \<^verbatim>\<open>isabelle_jdk jar\<close>), without
depending on accidental operating system installations.
subsection \<open>Scala toplevel \label{sec:tool-scala}\<close>
text \<open>
The @{tool_def scala} tool is a direct wrapper for the Scala toplevel,
similar to @{tool java} above. The command line arguments are that of the
bundled Scala distribution: see option \<^verbatim>\<open>-help\<close> in particular. This allows
to interact with Isabelle/Scala interactively.
subsubsection \<open>Example\<close>
text \<open>
Explore the Isabelle system environment in Scala:
@{verbatim [display, indent = 2] \<open>$ isabelle scala\<close>}
@{scala [display, indent = 2]
\<open>import isabelle._
val isabelle_home = Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_HOME")
val options = Options.init()
subsection \<open>Scala compiler \label{sec:tool-scalac}\<close>
text \<open>
The @{tool_def scalac} tool is a direct wrapper for the Scala compiler; see
also @{tool scala} above. The command line arguments are that of the
bundled Scala distribution.
This allows to compile further Scala modules, depending on existing
Isabelle/Scala functionality. The resulting \<^verbatim>\<open>class\<close> or \<^verbatim>\<open>jar\<close> files can be
added to the Java classpath using the shell function
\<^bash_function>\<open>classpath\<close>. Thus add-on components can register themselves
in a modular manner, see also \secref{sec:components}.
Note that Isabelle/jEdit @{cite "isabelle-jedit"} has its own mechanisms for
adding plugin components. This needs special attention, since it overrides
the standard Java class loader.
subsection \<open>Scala script wrapper\<close>
text \<open>
The executable @{executable "$ISABELLE_HOME/bin/isabelle_scala_script"}
allows to run Isabelle/Scala source files stand-alone programs, by using a
suitable ``hash-bang'' line and executable file permissions. For example:
@{verbatim [display, indent = 2] \<open>#!/usr/bin/env isabelle_scala_script\<close>}
@{scala [display, indent = 2]
\<open>val options = isabelle.Options.init()
Console.println("browser_info = " + options.bool("browser_info"))
Console.println("document = " + options.string("document"))\<close>}
This assumes that the executable may be found via the @{setting PATH} from
the process environment: this is the case when Isabelle settings are active,
e.g.\ in the context of the main Isabelle tool wrapper
\secref{sec:isabelle-tool}. Alternatively, the full
\<^file>\<open>$ISABELLE_HOME/bin/isabelle_scala_script\<close> may be specified in expanded
subsection \<open>Project setup for common Scala IDEs\<close>
text \<open>
The @{tool_def scala_project} tool creates a project configuration for
@{verbatim [display]
\<open>Usage: isabelle scala_project [OPTIONS] PROJECT_DIR
Options are:
-L make symlinks to original scala files
Setup Gradle project for Isabelle/Scala/jEdit --- to support Scala IDEs
such as IntelliJ IDEA.\<close>}
The generated configuration is for Gradle\<^footnote>\<open>\<^url>\<open>https://gradle.org\<close>\<close>, but the
main purpose is to import it into common Scala IDEs, such as IntelliJ
IDEA\<^footnote>\<open>\<^url>\<open>https://www.jetbrains.com/idea\<close>\<close>. This allows to explore the
sources with static analysis and other hints in real-time.
The specified project directory needs to be fresh. The generated files refer
to physical file-system locations, using the path notation of the underlying
OS platform. Thus the project needs to be recreated whenever the Isabelle
installation is changed or moved.
By default, Scala sources are \<^emph>\<open>copied\<close> from the Isabelle distribution and
editing them within the IDE has no permanent effect.
Option \<^verbatim>\<open>-L\<close> produces \<^emph>\<open>symlinks\<close> to the original files: this allows to
develop Isabelle/Scala/jEdit within an external Scala IDE. Note that
building the result always requires \<^verbatim>\<open>isabelle jedit -b\<close> on the
section \<open>Registered Isabelle/Scala functions \label{sec:scala-functions}\<close>
subsection \<open>Defining functions in Isabelle/Scala\<close>
text \<open>
A Scala functions of type \<^scala_type>\<open>String => String\<close> may be wrapped as
\<^scala_type>\<open>isabelle.Scala.Fun\<close> and collected via an instance of the
class \<^scala_type>\<open>isabelle.Scala.Functions\<close>. A system component
can then register that class via \<^bash_function>\<open>isabelle_scala_service\<close>
in \<^path>\<open>etc/settings\<close> (\secref{sec:components}). An example is the
predefined collection of \<^scala_type>\<open>isabelle.Scala.Functions\<close> in
Isabelle/\<^verbatim>\<open>Pure.jar\<close> with the following line in
@{verbatim [display, indent = 2] \<open>isabelle_scala_service 'isabelle.Functions'\<close>}
The overall list of registered functions is accessible in Isabelle/Scala as
subsection \<open>Invoking functions in Isabelle/ML\<close>
text \<open>
Isabelle/PIDE provides a protocol to invoke registered Scala functions in
ML: this works both within the Prover IDE and in batch builds.
The subsequent ML antiquotations refer to Scala functions in a
formally-checked manner.
@{ML_antiquotation_def "scala_function"} & : & \<open>ML_antiquotation\<close> \\
@{ML_antiquotation_def "scala"} & : & \<open>ML_antiquotation\<close> \\
@{ML_antiquotation_def "scala_thread"} & : & \<open>ML_antiquotation\<close> \\
(@{ML_antiquotation scala_function} |
@{ML_antiquotation scala} |
@{ML_antiquotation scala_thread}) @{syntax embedded}
\<^descr> \<open>@{scala_function name}\<close> inlines the checked function name as ML string
\<^descr> \<open>@{scala name}\<close> and \<open>@{scala_thread name}\<close> invoke the checked function via
the PIDE protocol. In Isabelle/ML this appears as a function of type
\<^ML_type>\<open>string -> string\<close>, which is subject to interrupts within the ML
runtime environment as usual. A \<^scala>\<open>null\<close> result in Scala raises an
exception \<^ML>\<open>Scala.Null\<close> in ML. The execution of \<open>@{scala}\<close> works via a
Scala future on a bounded thread farm, while \<open>@{scala_thread}\<close> always forks
a separate Java thread.
The standard approach of representing datatypes via strings works via XML in
YXML transfer syntax. See Isabelle/ML operations and modules @{ML
YXML.string_of_body}, @{ML YXML.parse_body}, @{ML_structure XML.Encode},
@{ML_structure XML.Decode}; similarly for Isabelle/Scala. Isabelle symbols
may have to be recoded via Scala operations
\<^scala_method>\<open>isabelle.Symbol.decode\<close> and
subsubsection \<open>Examples\<close>
text \<open>
Invoke the predefined Scala function \<^scala_function>\<open>echo\<close>:
ML \<open>
val s = "test";
val s' = \<^scala>\echo\ s;
\<^assert> (s = s')
text \<open>
Let the Scala compiler process some toplevel declarations, producing a list
of errors:
ML \<open>
val source = "class A(a: Int, b: Boolean)"
val errors =
\<^scala>\<open>scala_toplevel\<close> source
|> YXML.parse_body
|> let open XML.Decode in list string end;
\<^assert> (null errors)\<close>
text \<open>
The above is merely for demonstration. See \<^ML>\<open>Scala_Compiler.toplevel\<close>
for a more convenient version with builtin decoding and treatment of errors.
section \<open>Documenting Isabelle/Scala entities\<close>
text \<open>
The subsequent document antiquotations help to document Isabelle/Scala
entities, with formal checking of names against the Isabelle classpath.
@{antiquotation_def "scala"} & : & \<open>antiquotation\<close> \\
@{antiquotation_def "scala_object"} & : & \<open>antiquotation\<close> \\
@{antiquotation_def "scala_type"} & : & \<open>antiquotation\<close> \\
@{antiquotation_def "scala_method"} & : & \<open>antiquotation\<close> \\
(@@{antiquotation scala} | @@{antiquotation scala_object})
@{syntax embedded}
@@{antiquotation scala_type} @{syntax embedded} types
@@{antiquotation scala_method} class @{syntax embedded} types args
class: ('(' @'in' @{syntax name} types ')')?
types: ('[' (@{syntax name} ',' +) ']')?
args: ('(' (nat | (('_' | @{syntax name}) + ',')) ')')?
\<^descr> \<open>@{scala s}\<close> is similar to \<open>@{verbatim s}\<close>, but the given source text is
checked by the Scala compiler as toplevel declaration (without evaluation).
This allows to write Isabelle/Scala examples that are statically checked.
\<^descr> \<open>@{scala_object x}\<close> checks the given Scala object name (simple value or
ground module) and prints the result verbatim.
\<^descr> \<open>@{scala_type T[A]}\<close> checks the given Scala type name (with optional type
parameters) and prints the result verbatim.
\<^descr> \<open>@{scala_method (in c[A]) m[B](n)}\<close> checks the given Scala method \<open>m\<close> in
the context of class \<open>c\<close>. The method argument slots are either specified by
a number \<open>n\<close> or by a list of (optional) argument types; this may refer to
type variables specified for the class or method: \<open>A\<close> or \<open>B\<close> above.
Everything except for the method name \<open>m\<close> is optional. The absence of the
class context means that this is a static method. The absence of arguments
with types means that the method can be determined uniquely as \<^verbatim>\<open>(\<close>\<open>m\<close>\<^verbatim>\<open> _)\<close>
in Scala (no overloading).
subsubsection \<open>Examples\<close>
text \<open>
Miscellaneous Isabelle/Scala entities:
\<^item> object: \<^scala_object>\<open>isabelle.Isabelle_Process\<close>
\<^item> type without parameter: @{scala_type isabelle.Console_Progress}
\<^item> type with parameter: @{scala_type List[A]}
\<^item> static method: \<^scala_method>\<open>isabelle.Isabelle_System.bash\<close>
\<^item> class and method with type parameters:
@{scala_method (in List[A]) map[B]("A => B")}
\<^item> overloaded method with argument type: @{scala_method (in Int) "+" (Int)}
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