(* Title: HOL/HOLCF/Lift.thy
Author: Olaf Müller
section \<open>Lifting types of class type to flat pcpo's\<close>
theory Lift
imports Discrete Up
default_sort type
pcpodef 'a lift = "UNIV :: 'a discr u set"
by simp_all
lemmas inst_lift_pcpo = Abs_lift_strict [symmetric]
Def :: "'a \ 'a lift" where
"Def x = Abs_lift (up\(Discr x))"
subsection \<open>Lift as a datatype\<close>
lemma lift_induct: "\P \; \x. P (Def x)\ \ P y"
apply (induct y)
apply (rule_tac p=y in upE)
apply (simp add: Abs_lift_strict)
apply (case_tac x)
apply (simp add: Def_def)
old_rep_datatype "\::'a lift" Def
by (erule lift_induct) (simp_all add: Def_def Abs_lift_inject inst_lift_pcpo)
text \<open>\<^term>\<open>bottom\<close> and \<^term>\<open>Def\<close>\<close>
lemma not_Undef_is_Def: "(x \ \) = (\y. x = Def y)"
by (cases x) simp_all
lemma lift_definedE: "\x \ \; \a. x = Def a \ R\ \ R"
by (cases x) simp_all
text \<open>
For \<^term>\<open>x ~= \<bottom>\<close> in assumptions \<open>defined\<close> replaces \<open>x\<close> by \<open>Def a\<close> in conclusion.\<close>
method_setup defined = \<open>
Scan.succeed (fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD'
(eresolve_tac ctxt @{thms lift_definedE} THEN' asm_simp_tac ctxt))
lemma DefE: "Def x = \ \ R"
by simp
lemma DefE2: "\x = Def s; x = \\ \ R"
by simp
lemma Def_below_Def: "Def x \ Def y \ x = y"
by (simp add: below_lift_def Def_def Abs_lift_inverse)
lemma Def_below_iff [simp]: "Def x \ y \ Def x = y"
by (induct y, simp, simp add: Def_below_Def)
subsection \<open>Lift is flat\<close>
instance lift :: (type) flat
fix x y :: "'a lift"
assume "x \ y" thus "x = \ \ x = y"
by (induct x) auto
subsection \<open>Continuity of \<^const>\<open>case_lift\<close>\<close>
lemma case_lift_eq: "case_lift \ f x = fup\(\ y. f (undiscr y))\(Rep_lift x)"
apply (induct x, unfold lift.case)
apply (simp add: Rep_lift_strict)
apply (simp add: Def_def Abs_lift_inverse)
lemma cont2cont_case_lift [simp]:
"\\y. cont (\x. f x y); cont g\ \ cont (\x. case_lift \ (f x) (g x))"
unfolding case_lift_eq by (simp add: cont_Rep_lift)
subsection \<open>Further operations\<close>
flift1 :: "('a \ 'b::pcpo) \ ('a lift \ 'b)" (binder "FLIFT " 10) where
"flift1 = (\f. (\ x. case_lift \ f x))"
"\(XCONST Def x). t" => "CONST flift1 (\x. t)"
"\(CONST Def x). FLIFT y. t" <= "FLIFT x y. t"
"\(CONST Def x). t" <= "FLIFT x. t"
flift2 :: "('a \ 'b) \ ('a lift \ 'b lift)" where
"flift2 f = (FLIFT x. Def (f x))"
lemma flift1_Def [simp]: "flift1 f\(Def x) = (f x)"
by (simp add: flift1_def)
lemma flift2_Def [simp]: "flift2 f\(Def x) = Def (f x)"
by (simp add: flift2_def)
lemma flift1_strict [simp]: "flift1 f\\ = \"
by (simp add: flift1_def)
lemma flift2_strict [simp]: "flift2 f\\ = \"
by (simp add: flift2_def)
lemma flift2_defined [simp]: "x \ \ \ (flift2 f)\x \ \"
by (erule lift_definedE, simp)
lemma flift2_bottom_iff [simp]: "(flift2 f\x = \) = (x = \)"
by (cases x, simp_all)
lemma FLIFT_mono:
"(\x. f x \ g x) \ (FLIFT x. f x) \ (FLIFT x. g x)"
by (rule cfun_belowI, case_tac x, simp_all)
lemma cont2cont_flift1 [simp, cont2cont]:
"\\y. cont (\x. f x y)\ \ cont (\x. FLIFT y. f x y)"
by (simp add: flift1_def cont2cont_LAM)
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