(* Title: HOL/HOLCF/Tools/domaindef.ML
Author: Brian Huffman
Defining representable domains using algebraic deflations.
signature DOMAINDEF =
type rep_info =
emb_def : thm,
prj_def : thm,
defl_def : thm,
liftemb_def : thm,
liftprj_def : thm,
liftdefl_def : thm,
DEFL : thm
val add_domaindef: binding * (string * sort) list * mixfix ->
term -> Typedef.bindings option -> theory ->
(Typedef.info * Cpodef.cpo_info * Cpodef.pcpo_info * rep_info) * theory
val domaindef_cmd: (binding * (string * string option) list * mixfix) * string
* Typedef.bindings option -> theory -> theory
structure Domaindef : DOMAINDEF =
open HOLCF_Library
infixr 6 ->>
infix -->>
(** type definitions **)
type rep_info =
emb_def : thm,
prj_def : thm,
defl_def : thm,
liftemb_def : thm,
liftprj_def : thm,
liftdefl_def : thm,
DEFL : thm
(* building types and terms *)
val udomT = \<^typ>\<open>udom\<close>
val deflT = \<^typ>\<open>udom defl\<close>
val udeflT = \<^typ>\<open>udom u defl\<close>
fun emb_const T = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>emb\<close>, T ->> udomT)
fun prj_const T = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>prj\<close>, udomT ->> T)
fun defl_const T = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>defl\<close>, Term.itselfT T --> deflT)
fun liftemb_const T = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>liftemb\<close>, mk_upT T ->> mk_upT udomT)
fun liftprj_const T = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>liftprj\<close>, mk_upT udomT ->> mk_upT T)
fun liftdefl_const T = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>liftdefl\<close>, Term.itselfT T --> udeflT)
fun mk_u_map t =
val (T, U) = dest_cfunT (fastype_of t)
val u_map_type = (T ->> U) ->> (mk_upT T ->> mk_upT U)
val u_map_const = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>u_map\<close>, u_map_type)
mk_capply (u_map_const, t)
fun mk_cast (t, x) =
capply_const (udomT, udomT)
$ (capply_const (deflT, udomT ->> udomT) $ \<^term>\<open>cast :: udom defl -> udom -> udom\<close> $ t)
$ x
(* manipulating theorems *)
(* proving class instances *)
fun gen_add_domaindef
(prep_term: Proof.context -> 'a -> term)
(typ as (tname, raw_args, _) : binding * (string * sort) list * mixfix)
(raw_defl: 'a)
(opt_bindings: Typedef.bindings option)
(thy: theory)
: (Typedef.info * Cpodef.cpo_info * Cpodef.pcpo_info * rep_info) * theory =
val tmp_ctxt =
Proof_Context.init_global thy
|> fold (Variable.declare_typ o TFree) raw_args
val defl = prep_term tmp_ctxt raw_defl
val tmp_ctxt = tmp_ctxt |> Variable.declare_constraints defl
val deflT = Term.fastype_of defl
val _ = if deflT = \<^typ>\<open>udom defl\<close> then ()
else error ("Not type defl: " ^ quote (Syntax.string_of_typ tmp_ctxt deflT))
val lhs_tfrees = map (Proof_Context.check_tfree tmp_ctxt) raw_args
val full_tname = Sign.full_name thy tname
val newT = Type (full_tname, map TFree lhs_tfrees)
val set = \<^term>\<open>defl_set :: udom defl => udom set\<close> $ defl
fun tac1 ctxt = resolve_tac ctxt @{thms defl_set_bottom} 1
fun tac2 ctxt = resolve_tac ctxt @{thms adm_defl_set} 1
val ((info, cpo_info, pcpo_info), thy) = thy
|> Cpodef.add_pcpodef typ set opt_bindings (tac1, tac2)
val Rep_const = Const (#Rep_name (#1 info), newT --> udomT)
val Abs_const = Const (#Abs_name (#1 info), udomT --> newT)
val emb_eqn = Logic.mk_equals (emb_const newT, cabs_const (newT, udomT) $ Rep_const)
val prj_eqn = Logic.mk_equals (prj_const newT, cabs_const (udomT, newT) $
Abs ("x", udomT, Abs_const $ mk_cast (defl, Bound 0)))
val defl_eqn = Logic.mk_equals (defl_const newT,
Abs ("x", Term.itselfT newT, defl))
val liftemb_eqn =
Logic.mk_equals (liftemb_const newT, mk_u_map (emb_const newT))
val liftprj_eqn =
Logic.mk_equals (liftprj_const newT, mk_u_map (prj_const newT))
val liftdefl_eqn =
Logic.mk_equals (liftdefl_const newT,
Abs ("t", Term.itselfT newT,
mk_capply (\<^const>\<open>liftdefl_of\<close>, defl_const newT $ Logic.mk_type newT)))
val name_def = Thm.def_binding tname
val emb_bind = (Binding.prefix_name "emb_" name_def, [])
val prj_bind = (Binding.prefix_name "prj_" name_def, [])
val defl_bind = (Binding.prefix_name "defl_" name_def, [])
val liftemb_bind = (Binding.prefix_name "liftemb_" name_def, [])
val liftprj_bind = (Binding.prefix_name "liftprj_" name_def, [])
val liftdefl_bind = (Binding.prefix_name "liftdefl_" name_def, [])
(*instantiate class rep*)
val lthy = thy
|> Class.instantiation ([full_tname], lhs_tfrees, \<^sort>\<open>domain\<close>)
val ((_, (_, emb_ldef)), lthy) =
Specification.definition NONE [] [] (emb_bind, emb_eqn) lthy
val ((_, (_, prj_ldef)), lthy) =
Specification.definition NONE [] [] (prj_bind, prj_eqn) lthy
val ((_, (_, defl_ldef)), lthy) =
Specification.definition NONE [] [] (defl_bind, defl_eqn) lthy
val ((_, (_, liftemb_ldef)), lthy) =
Specification.definition NONE [] [] (liftemb_bind, liftemb_eqn) lthy
val ((_, (_, liftprj_ldef)), lthy) =
Specification.definition NONE [] [] (liftprj_bind, liftprj_eqn) lthy
val ((_, (_, liftdefl_ldef)), lthy) =
Specification.definition NONE [] [] (liftdefl_bind, liftdefl_eqn) lthy
val ctxt_thy = Proof_Context.init_global (Proof_Context.theory_of lthy)
val emb_def = singleton (Proof_Context.export lthy ctxt_thy) emb_ldef
val prj_def = singleton (Proof_Context.export lthy ctxt_thy) prj_ldef
val defl_def = singleton (Proof_Context.export lthy ctxt_thy) defl_ldef
val liftemb_def = singleton (Proof_Context.export lthy ctxt_thy) liftemb_ldef
val liftprj_def = singleton (Proof_Context.export lthy ctxt_thy) liftprj_ldef
val liftdefl_def = singleton (Proof_Context.export lthy ctxt_thy) liftdefl_ldef
val typedef_thms =
[#type_definition (#2 info), #below_def cpo_info, emb_def, prj_def, defl_def,
liftemb_def, liftprj_def, liftdefl_def]
val thy = lthy
|> Class.prove_instantiation_instance
(fn ctxt => resolve_tac ctxt [@{thm typedef_domain_class} OF typedef_thms] 1)
|> Local_Theory.exit_global
(*other theorems*)
val defl_thm' = Thm.transfer thy defl_def
val (DEFL_thm, thy) = thy
|> Sign.add_path (Binding.name_of tname)
|> Global_Theory.add_thm
((Binding.prefix_name "DEFL_" tname,
Drule.zero_var_indexes (@{thm typedef_DEFL} OF [defl_thm'])), [])
||> Sign.restore_naming thy
val rep_info =
{ emb_def = emb_def, prj_def = prj_def, defl_def = defl_def,
liftemb_def = liftemb_def, liftprj_def = liftprj_def,
liftdefl_def = liftdefl_def, DEFL = DEFL_thm }
((info, cpo_info, pcpo_info, rep_info), thy)
handle ERROR msg =>
cat_error msg ("The error(s) above occurred in domaindef " ^ Binding.print tname)
fun add_domaindef typ defl opt_bindings thy =
gen_add_domaindef Syntax.check_term typ defl opt_bindings thy
fun domaindef_cmd ((b, raw_args, mx), A, morphs) thy =
val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy
val args = map (apsnd (Typedecl.read_constraint ctxt)) raw_args
in snd (gen_add_domaindef Syntax.read_term (b, args, mx) A morphs thy) end
(** outer syntax **)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command \<^command_keyword>\<open>domaindef\<close> "HOLCF definition of domains from deflations"
((Parse.type_args_constrained -- Parse.binding) --
Parse.opt_mixfix -- (\<^keyword>\<open>=\<close> |-- Parse.term) --
(\<^keyword>\<open>morphisms\<close> |-- Parse.!!! (Parse.binding -- Parse.binding)) >>
(fn (((((args, t)), mx), A), morphs) =>
Toplevel.theory (domaindef_cmd ((t, args, mx), A, SOME (Typedef.make_morphisms t morphs)))));
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