(* Title: HOL/IOA/IOA.thy
Author: Tobias Nipkow & Konrad Slind
Copyright 1994 TU Muenchen
section \<open>The I/O automata of Lynch and Tuttle\<close>
theory IOA
imports Asig
type_synonym 'a seq = "nat => 'a"
type_synonym 'a oseq = "nat => 'a option"
type_synonym ('a, 'b) execution = "'a oseq * 'b seq"
type_synonym ('a, 's) transition = "('s * 'a * 's)"
type_synonym ('a,'s) ioa = "'a signature * 's set * ('a, 's) transition set"
(* IO automata *)
definition state_trans :: "['action signature, ('action,'state)transition set] => bool"
where "state_trans asig R \
(\<forall>triple. triple \<in> R \<longrightarrow> fst(snd(triple)) \<in> actions(asig)) \<and>
(\<forall>a. (a \<in> inputs(asig)) \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>s1. \<exists>s2. (s1,a,s2) \<in> R))"
definition asig_of :: "('action,'state)ioa => 'action signature"
where "asig_of == fst"
definition starts_of :: "('action,'state)ioa => 'state set"
where "starts_of == (fst o snd)"
definition trans_of :: "('action,'state)ioa => ('action,'state)transition set"
where "trans_of == (snd o snd)"
definition IOA :: "('action,'state)ioa => bool"
where "IOA(ioa) == (is_asig(asig_of(ioa)) &
(~ starts_of(ioa) = {}) &
state_trans (asig_of ioa) (trans_of ioa))"
(* Executions, schedules, and traces *)
(* An execution fragment is modelled with a pair of sequences:
the first is the action options, the second the state sequence.
Finite executions have None actions from some point on. *)
definition is_execution_fragment :: "[('action,'state)ioa, ('action,'state)execution] => bool"
where "is_execution_fragment A ex \
let act = fst(ex); state = snd(ex)
in \<forall>n a. (act(n)=None \<longrightarrow> state(Suc(n)) = state(n)) \<and>
(act(n)=Some(a) \<longrightarrow> (state(n),a,state(Suc(n))) \<in> trans_of(A))"
definition executions :: "('action,'state)ioa => ('action,'state)execution set"
where "executions(ioa) \ {e. snd e 0 \ starts_of(ioa) \ is_execution_fragment ioa e}"
definition reachable :: "[('action,'state)ioa, 'state] => bool"
where "reachable ioa s \ (\ex\executions(ioa). \n. (snd ex n) = s)"
definition invariant :: "[('action,'state)ioa, 'state=>bool] => bool"
where "invariant A P \ (\s. reachable A s \ P(s))"
(* Composition of action signatures and automata *)
compatible_asigs ::"('a \ 'action signature) \ bool"
asig_composition ::"('a \ 'action signature) \ 'action signature"
compatible_ioas ::"('a \ ('action,'state)ioa) \ bool"
ioa_composition ::"('a \ ('action, 'state)ioa) \ ('action,'a \ 'state)ioa"
(* binary composition of action signatures and automata *)
definition compat_asigs ::"['action signature, 'action signature] => bool"
where "compat_asigs a1 a2 ==
(((outputs(a1) Int outputs(a2)) = {}) \<and>
((internals(a1) Int actions(a2)) = {}) \<and>
((internals(a2) Int actions(a1)) = {}))"
definition compat_ioas ::"[('action,'s)ioa, ('action,'t)ioa] \ bool"
where "compat_ioas ioa1 ioa2 \ compat_asigs (asig_of(ioa1)) (asig_of(ioa2))"
definition asig_comp :: "['action signature, 'action signature] \ 'action signature"
where "asig_comp a1 a2 \
(((inputs(a1) \<union> inputs(a2)) - (outputs(a1) \<union> outputs(a2)),
(outputs(a1) \<union> outputs(a2)),
(internals(a1) \<union> internals(a2))))"
definition par :: "[('a,'s)ioa, ('a,'t)ioa] \ ('a,'s*'t)ioa" (infixr "||" 10)
where "(ioa1 || ioa2) \
(asig_comp (asig_of ioa1) (asig_of ioa2),
{pr. fst(pr) \<in> starts_of(ioa1) \<and> snd(pr) \<in> starts_of(ioa2)},
{tr. let s = fst(tr); a = fst(snd(tr)); t = snd(snd(tr))
in (a \<in> actions(asig_of(ioa1)) | a \<in> actions(asig_of(ioa2))) &
(if a \<in> actions(asig_of(ioa1)) then
(fst(s),a,fst(t)) \<in> trans_of(ioa1)
else fst(t) = fst(s))
(if a \<in> actions(asig_of(ioa2)) then
(snd(s),a,snd(t)) \<in> trans_of(ioa2)
else snd(t) = snd(s))})"
(* Filtering and hiding *)
(* Restrict the trace to those members of the set s *)
definition filter_oseq :: "('a => bool) => 'a oseq => 'a oseq"
where "filter_oseq p s \
(\<lambda>i. case s(i)
of None \<Rightarrow> None
| Some(x) \<Rightarrow> if p x then Some x else None)"
definition mk_trace :: "[('action,'state)ioa, 'action oseq] \ 'action oseq"
where "mk_trace(ioa) \ filter_oseq(\a. a \ externals(asig_of(ioa)))"
(* Does an ioa have an execution with the given trace *)
definition has_trace :: "[('action,'state)ioa, 'action oseq] \ bool"
where "has_trace ioa b \ (\ex\executions(ioa). b = mk_trace ioa (fst ex))"
definition NF :: "'a oseq => 'a oseq"
where "NF(tr) \ SOME nf. \f. mono(f) \ (\i. nf(i)=tr(f(i))) \
(\<forall>j. j \<notin> range(f) \<longrightarrow> nf(j)= None) &
(\<forall>i. nf(i)=None --> (nf (Suc i)) = None)"
(* All the traces of an ioa *)
definition traces :: "('action,'state)ioa => 'action oseq set"
where "traces(ioa) \ {trace. \tr. trace=NF(tr) \ has_trace ioa tr}"
definition restrict_asig :: "['a signature, 'a set] => 'a signature"
where "restrict_asig asig actns \
(inputs(asig) \<inter> actns, outputs(asig) \<inter> actns,
internals(asig) \<union> (externals(asig) - actns))"
definition restrict :: "[('a,'s)ioa, 'a set] => ('a,'s)ioa"
where "restrict ioa actns \
(restrict_asig (asig_of ioa) actns, starts_of(ioa), trans_of(ioa))"
(* Notions of correctness *)
definition ioa_implements :: "[('action,'state1)ioa, ('action,'state2)ioa] => bool"
where "ioa_implements ioa1 ioa2 \
((inputs(asig_of(ioa1)) = inputs(asig_of(ioa2))) \<and>
(outputs(asig_of(ioa1)) = outputs(asig_of(ioa2))) \<and>
traces(ioa1) \<subseteq> traces(ioa2))"
(* Instantiation of abstract IOA by concrete actions *)
definition rename :: "('a, 'b)ioa \ ('c \ 'a option) \ ('c,'b)ioa"
where "rename ioa ren \
(({b. \<exists>x. Some(x)= ren(b) \<and> x \<in> inputs(asig_of(ioa))},
{b. \<exists>x. Some(x)= ren(b) \<and> x \<in> outputs(asig_of(ioa))},
{b. \<exists>x. Some(x)= ren(b) \<and> x \<in> internals(asig_of(ioa))}),
starts_of(ioa) ,
{tr. let s = fst(tr); a = fst(snd(tr)); t = snd(snd(tr))
\<exists>x. Some(x) = ren(a) \<and> (s,x,t) \<in> trans_of(ioa)})"
declare Let_def [simp]
lemmas ioa_projections = asig_of_def starts_of_def trans_of_def
and exec_rws = executions_def is_execution_fragment_def
lemma ioa_triple_proj:
"asig_of(x,y,z) = x & starts_of(x,y,z) = y & trans_of(x,y,z) = z"
apply (simp add: ioa_projections)
lemma trans_in_actions:
"[| IOA(A); (s1,a,s2) \ trans_of(A) |] ==> a \ actions(asig_of(A))"
apply (unfold IOA_def state_trans_def actions_def is_asig_def)
apply (erule conjE)+
apply (erule allE, erule impE, assumption)
apply simp
lemma filter_oseq_idemp: "filter_oseq p (filter_oseq p s) = filter_oseq p s"
apply (simp add: filter_oseq_def)
apply (rule ext)
apply (case_tac "s i")
apply simp_all
lemma mk_trace_thm:
"(mk_trace A s n = None) =
(s(n)=None | (\<exists>a. s(n)=Some(a) \<and> a \<notin> externals(asig_of(A))))
(mk_trace A s n = Some(a)) =
(s(n)=Some(a) \<and> a \<in> externals(asig_of(A)))"
apply (unfold mk_trace_def filter_oseq_def)
apply (case_tac "s n")
apply auto
lemma reachable_0: "s \ starts_of(A) \ reachable A s"
apply (unfold reachable_def)
apply (rule_tac x = "(%i. None, %i. s)" in bexI)
apply simp
apply (simp add: exec_rws)
lemma reachable_n:
"\A. [| reachable A s; (s,a,t) \ trans_of(A) |] ==> reachable A t"
apply (unfold reachable_def exec_rws)
apply (simp del: bex_simps)
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) only: split_tupled_all)
apply safe
apply (rename_tac ex1 ex2 n)
apply (rule_tac x = "(%i. if i in bexI)
apply (rule_tac x = "Suc n" in exI)
apply (simp (no_asm))
apply simp
apply (metis ioa_triple_proj less_antisym)
lemma invariantI:
assumes p1: "\s. s \ starts_of(A) \ P(s)"
and p2: "\s t a. [|reachable A s; P(s)|] ==> (s,a,t) \ trans_of(A) \ P(t)"
shows "invariant A P"
apply (unfold invariant_def reachable_def Let_def exec_rws)
apply safe
apply (rename_tac ex1 ex2 n)
apply (rule_tac Q = "reachable A (ex2 n) " in conjunct1)
apply simp
apply (induct_tac n)
apply (fast intro: p1 reachable_0)
apply (erule_tac x = na in allE)
apply (case_tac "ex1 na", simp_all)
apply safe
apply (erule p2 [THEN mp])
apply (fast dest: reachable_n)+
lemma invariantI1:
"[| \s. s \ starts_of(A) \ P(s);
\<And>s t a. reachable A s \<Longrightarrow> P(s) \<longrightarrow> (s,a,t) \<in> trans_of(A) \<longrightarrow> P(t)
|] ==> invariant A P"
apply (blast intro!: invariantI)
lemma invariantE:
"[| invariant A P; reachable A s |] ==> P(s)"
apply (unfold invariant_def)
apply blast
lemma actions_asig_comp:
"actions(asig_comp a b) = actions(a) \ actions(b)"
apply (auto simp add: actions_def asig_comp_def asig_projections)
lemma starts_of_par:
"starts_of(A || B) = {p. fst(p) \ starts_of(A) \ snd(p) \ starts_of(B)}"
apply (simp add: par_def ioa_projections)
(* Every state in an execution is reachable *)
lemma states_of_exec_reachable:
"ex \ executions(A) \ \n. reachable A (snd ex n)"
apply (unfold reachable_def)
apply fast
lemma trans_of_par4:
"(s,a,t) \ trans_of(A || B || C || D) =
((a \<in> actions(asig_of(A)) | a \<in> actions(asig_of(B)) | a \<in> actions(asig_of(C)) |
a \<in> actions(asig_of(D))) \<and>
(if a \<in> actions(asig_of(A)) then (fst(s),a,fst(t)) \<in> trans_of(A)
else fst t=fst s) \<and>
(if a \<in> actions(asig_of(B)) then (fst(snd(s)),a,fst(snd(t))) \<in> trans_of(B)
else fst(snd(t))=fst(snd(s))) \<and>
(if a \<in> actions(asig_of(C)) then
(fst(snd(snd(s))),a,fst(snd(snd(t)))) \<in> trans_of(C)
else fst(snd(snd(t)))=fst(snd(snd(s)))) \<and>
(if a \<in> actions(asig_of(D)) then
(snd(snd(snd(s))),a,snd(snd(snd(t)))) \<in> trans_of(D)
else snd(snd(snd(t)))=snd(snd(snd(s)))))"
apply (simp (no_asm) add: par_def actions_asig_comp prod_eq_iff ioa_projections)
lemma cancel_restrict: "starts_of(restrict ioa acts) = starts_of(ioa) &
trans_of(restrict ioa acts) = trans_of(ioa) &
reachable (restrict ioa acts) s = reachable ioa s"
apply (simp add: is_execution_fragment_def executions_def
reachable_def restrict_def ioa_projections)
lemma asig_of_par: "asig_of(A || B) = asig_comp (asig_of A) (asig_of B)"
apply (simp add: par_def ioa_projections)
lemma externals_of_par: "externals(asig_of(A1||A2)) =
(externals(asig_of(A1)) \<union> externals(asig_of(A2)))"
apply (simp add: externals_def asig_of_par asig_comp_def
asig_inputs_def asig_outputs_def Un_def set_diff_eq)
apply blast
lemma ext1_is_not_int2:
"[| compat_ioas A1 A2; a \ externals(asig_of(A1))|] ==> a \ internals(asig_of(A2))"
apply (unfold externals_def actions_def compat_ioas_def compat_asigs_def)
apply auto
lemma ext2_is_not_int1:
"[| compat_ioas A2 A1 ; a \ externals(asig_of(A1))|] ==> a \ internals(asig_of(A2))"
apply (unfold externals_def actions_def compat_ioas_def compat_asigs_def)
apply auto
lemmas ext1_ext2_is_not_act2 = ext1_is_not_int2 [THEN int_and_ext_is_act]
and ext1_ext2_is_not_act1 = ext2_is_not_int1 [THEN int_and_ext_is_act]
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