(* Title: HOL/Library/LaTeXsugar.thy
Author: Gerwin Klein, Tobias Nipkow, Norbert Schirmer
Copyright 2005 NICTA and TUM
theory LaTeXsugar
imports Main
(* LOGIC *)
notation (latex output)
If ("(\<^latex>\\\textsf{\if\<^latex>\}\ (_)/ \<^latex>\\\textsf{\then\<^latex>\}\ (_)/ \<^latex>\\\textsf{\else\<^latex>\}\ (_))" 10)
syntax (latex output)
"_Let" :: "[letbinds, 'a] => 'a"
("(\<^latex>\\\textsf{\let\<^latex>\}\ (_)/ \<^latex>\\\textsf{\in\<^latex>\}\ (_))" 10)
"_case_syntax":: "['a, cases_syn] => 'b"
("(\<^latex>\\\textsf{\case\<^latex>\}\ _ \<^latex>\\\textsf{\of\<^latex>\}\/ _)" 10)
(* SETS *)
(* empty set *)
notation (latex)
"Set.empty" ("\")
(* insert *)
"{x} \ A" <= "CONST insert x A"
"{x,y}" <= "{x} \ {y}"
"{x,y} \ A" <= "{x} \ ({y} \ A)"
"{x}" <= "{x} \ \"
(* set comprehension *)
syntax (latex output)
"_Collect" :: "pttrn => bool => 'a set" ("(1{_ | _})")
"_CollectIn" :: "pttrn => 'a set => bool => 'a set" ("(1{_ \ _ | _})")
"_Collect p P" <= "{p. P}"
"_Collect p P" <= "{p|xs. P}"
"_CollectIn p A P" <= "{p : A. P}"
(* card *)
notation (latex output)
card ("|_|")
(* LISTS *)
(* Cons *)
notation (latex)
Cons ("_ \/ _" [66,65] 65)
(* length *)
notation (latex output)
length ("|_|")
(* nth *)
notation (latex output)
nth ("_\<^latex>\\\ensuremath{_{[\\mathit{\_\<^latex>\}]}}\" [1000,0] 1000)
(* DUMMY *)
consts DUMMY :: 'a ("\<^latex>\\\_\")
notation (Rule output)
Pure.imp ("\<^latex>\\\mbox{}\\inferrule{\\mbox{\_\<^latex>\}}\\<^latex>\{\\mbox{\_\<^latex>\}}\")
syntax (Rule output)
"_bigimpl" :: "asms \ prop \ prop"
"_asms" :: "prop \ asms \ asms"
("\<^latex>\\\mbox{\_\<^latex>\}\\\\\/ _")
"_asm" :: "prop \ asms" ("\<^latex>\\\mbox{\_\<^latex>\}\")
notation (Axiom output)
"Trueprop" ("\<^latex>\\\mbox{}\\inferrule{\\mbox{}}{\\mbox{\_\<^latex>\}}\")
notation (IfThen output)
Pure.imp ("\<^latex>\{\\normalsize{}\If\<^latex>\\\,}\ _/ \<^latex>\{\\normalsize \\,\then\<^latex>\\\,}\/ _.")
syntax (IfThen output)
"_bigimpl" :: "asms \ prop \ prop"
("\<^latex>\{\\normalsize{}\If\<^latex>\\\,}\ _ /\<^latex>\{\\normalsize \\,\then\<^latex>\\\,}\/ _.")
"_asms" :: "prop \ asms \ asms" ("\<^latex>\\\mbox{\_\<^latex>\}\ /\<^latex>\{\\normalsize \\,\and\<^latex>\\\,}\/ _")
"_asm" :: "prop \ asms" ("\<^latex>\\\mbox{\_\<^latex>\}\")
notation (IfThenNoBox output)
Pure.imp ("\<^latex>\{\\normalsize{}\If\<^latex>\\\,}\ _/ \<^latex>\{\\normalsize \\,\then\<^latex>\\\,}\/ _.")
syntax (IfThenNoBox output)
"_bigimpl" :: "asms \ prop \ prop"
("\<^latex>\{\\normalsize{}\If\<^latex>\\\,}\ _ /\<^latex>\{\\normalsize \\,\then\<^latex>\\\,}\/ _.")
"_asms" :: "prop \ asms \ asms" ("_ /\<^latex>\{\\normalsize \\,\and\<^latex>\\\,}\/ _")
"_asm" :: "prop \ asms" ("_")
setup \<open>
Thy_Output.antiquotation_pretty_source_embedded \<^binding>\<open>const_typ\<close>
(Scan.lift Args.embedded_inner_syntax)
(fn ctxt => fn c =>
let val tc = Proof_Context.read_const {proper = false, strict = false} ctxt c in
Pretty.block [Thy_Output.pretty_term ctxt tc, Pretty.str " ::",
Pretty.brk 1, Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt (fastype_of tc)]
fun dummy_pats (wrap $ (eq $ lhs $ rhs)) =
val rhs_vars = Term.add_vars rhs [];
fun dummy (v as Var (ixn as (_, T))) =
if member ((=) ) rhs_vars ixn then v else Const (\<^const_name>\<open>DUMMY\<close>, T)
| dummy (t $ u) = dummy t $ dummy u
| dummy (Abs (n, T, b)) = Abs (n, T, dummy b)
| dummy t = t;
in wrap $ (eq $ dummy lhs $ rhs) end
Term_Style.setup \<^binding>\<open>dummy_pats\<close> (Scan.succeed (K dummy_pats))
setup \<open>
fun eta_expand Ts t xs = case t of
Abs(x,T,t) =>
let val (t', xs') = eta_expand (T::Ts) t xs
in (Abs (x, T, t'), xs') end
| _ =>
val (a,ts) = strip_comb t (* assume a atomic *)
val (ts',xs') = fold_map (eta_expand Ts) ts xs
val t' = list_comb (a, ts');
val Bs = binder_types (fastype_of1 (Ts,t));
val n = Int.min (length Bs, length xs');
val bs = map Bound ((n - 1) downto 0);
val xBs = ListPair.zip (xs',Bs);
val xs'' = drop n xs';
val t'' = fold_rev Term.abs xBs (list_comb(t', bs))
in (t'', xs'') end
val style_eta_expand =
(Scan.repeat Args.name) >> (fn xs => fn ctxt => fn t => fst (eta_expand [] t xs))
in Term_Style.setup \<^binding>\<open>eta_expand\<close> style_eta_expand end
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.3 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.