(* Author: Andreas Lochbihler, ETH Zurich
Author: Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
with some material ported from HOL Light by LCP
section \<open>Polynomial mapping: combination of almost everywhere zero functions with an algebraic view\<close>
theory Poly_Mapping
imports Groups_Big_Fun Fun_Lexorder More_List
subsection \<open>Preliminary: auxiliary operations for \emph{almost everywhere zero}\<close>
text \<open>
A central notion for polynomials are functions being \emph{almost everywhere zero}.
For these we provide some auxiliary definitions and lemmas.
lemma finite_mult_not_eq_zero_leftI:
fixes f :: "'b \ 'a :: mult_zero"
assumes "finite {a. f a \ 0}"
shows "finite {a. g a * f a \ 0}"
proof -
have "{a. g a * f a \ 0} \ {a. f a \ 0}" by auto
then show ?thesis using assms by (rule finite_subset)
lemma finite_mult_not_eq_zero_rightI:
fixes f :: "'b \ 'a :: mult_zero"
assumes "finite {a. f a \ 0}"
shows "finite {a. f a * g a \ 0}"
proof -
have "{a. f a * g a \ 0} \ {a. f a \ 0}" by auto
then show ?thesis using assms by (rule finite_subset)
lemma finite_mult_not_eq_zero_prodI:
fixes f g :: "'a \ 'b::semiring_0"
assumes "finite {a. f a \ 0}" (is "finite ?F")
assumes "finite {b. g b \ 0}" (is "finite ?G")
shows "finite {(a, b). f a * g b \ 0}"
proof -
from assms have "finite (?F \ ?G)"
by blast
then have "finite {(a, b). f a \ 0 \ g b \ 0}"
by simp
then show ?thesis
by (rule rev_finite_subset) auto
lemma finite_not_eq_zero_sumI:
fixes f g :: "'a::monoid_add \ 'b::semiring_0"
assumes "finite {a. f a \ 0}" (is "finite ?F")
assumes "finite {b. g b \ 0}" (is "finite ?G")
shows "finite {a + b | a b. f a \ 0 \ g b \ 0}" (is "finite ?FG")
proof -
from assms have "finite (?F \ ?G)"
by (simp add: finite_cartesian_product_iff)
then have "finite (case_prod plus ` (?F \ ?G))"
by (rule finite_imageI)
also have "case_prod plus ` (?F \ ?G) = ?FG"
by auto
finally show ?thesis
by simp
lemma finite_mult_not_eq_zero_sumI:
fixes f g :: "'a::monoid_add \ 'b::semiring_0"
assumes "finite {a. f a \ 0}"
assumes "finite {b. g b \ 0}"
shows "finite {a + b | a b. f a * g b \ 0}"
proof -
from assms
have "finite {a + b | a b. f a \ 0 \ g b \ 0}"
by (rule finite_not_eq_zero_sumI)
then show ?thesis
by (rule rev_finite_subset) (auto dest: mult_not_zero)
lemma finite_Sum_any_not_eq_zero_weakenI:
assumes "finite {a. \b. f a b \ 0}"
shows "finite {a. Sum_any (f a) \ 0}"
proof -
have "{a. Sum_any (f a) \ 0} \ {a. \b. f a b \ 0}"
by (auto elim: Sum_any.not_neutral_obtains_not_neutral)
then show ?thesis using assms by (rule finite_subset)
context zero
definition "when" :: "'a \ bool \ 'a" (infixl "when" 20)
"(a when P) = (if P then a else 0)"
text \<open>
Case distinctions always complicate matters, particularly when
nested. The @{const "when"} operation allows to minimise these
if @{term 0} is the false-case value and makes proof obligations
much more readable.
lemma "when" [simp]:
"P \ (a when P) = a"
"\ P \ (a when P) = 0"
by (simp_all add: when_def)
lemma when_simps [simp]:
"(a when True) = a"
"(a when False) = 0"
by simp_all
lemma when_cong:
assumes "P \ Q"
and "Q \ a = b"
shows "(a when P) = (b when Q)"
using assms by (simp add: when_def)
lemma zero_when [simp]:
"(0 when P) = 0"
by (simp add: when_def)
lemma when_when:
"(a when P when Q) = (a when P \ Q)"
by (cases Q) simp_all
lemma when_commute:
"(a when Q when P) = (a when P when Q)"
by (simp add: when_when conj_commute)
lemma when_neq_zero [simp]:
"(a when P) \ 0 \ P \ a \ 0"
by (cases P) simp_all
context monoid_add
lemma when_add_distrib:
"(a + b when P) = (a when P) + (b when P)"
by (simp add: when_def)
context semiring_1
lemma zero_power_eq:
"0 ^ n = (1 when n = 0)"
by (simp add: power_0_left)
context comm_monoid_add
lemma Sum_any_when_equal [simp]:
"(\a. (f a when a = b)) = f b"
by (simp add: when_def)
lemma Sum_any_when_equal' [simp]:
"(\a. (f a when b = a)) = f b"
by (simp add: when_def)
lemma Sum_any_when_independent:
"(\a. g a when P) = ((\a. g a) when P)"
by (cases P) simp_all
lemma Sum_any_when_dependent_prod_right:
"(\(a, b). g a when b = h a) = (\a. g a)"
proof -
have "inj_on (\a. (a, h a)) {a. g a \ 0}"
by (rule inj_onI) auto
then show ?thesis unfolding Sum_any.expand_set
by (rule sum.reindex_cong) auto
lemma Sum_any_when_dependent_prod_left:
"(\(a, b). g b when a = h b) = (\b. g b)"
proof -
have "(\(a, b). g b when a = h b) = (\(b, a). g b when a = h b)"
by (rule Sum_any.reindex_cong [of prod.swap]) (simp_all add: fun_eq_iff)
then show ?thesis by (simp add: Sum_any_when_dependent_prod_right)
context cancel_comm_monoid_add
lemma when_diff_distrib:
"(a - b when P) = (a when P) - (b when P)"
by (simp add: when_def)
context group_add
lemma when_uminus_distrib:
"(- a when P) = - (a when P)"
by (simp add: when_def)
context mult_zero
lemma mult_when:
"a * (b when P) = (a * b when P)"
by (cases P) simp_all
lemma when_mult:
"(a when P) * b = (a * b when P)"
by (cases P) simp_all
subsection \<open>Type definition\<close>
text \<open>
The following type is of central importance:
typedef (overloaded) ('a, 'b) poly_mapping ("(_ \\<^sub>0 /_)" [1, 0] 0) =
"{f :: 'a \ 'b::zero. finite {x. f x \ 0}}"
morphisms lookup Abs_poly_mapping
proof -
have "(\_::'a. (0 :: 'b)) \ ?poly_mapping" by simp
then show ?thesis by (blast intro!: exI)
declare lookup_inverse [simp]
declare lookup_inject [simp]
lemma lookup_Abs_poly_mapping [simp]:
"finite {x. f x \ 0} \ lookup (Abs_poly_mapping f) = f"
using Abs_poly_mapping_inverse [of f] by simp
lemma finite_lookup [simp]:
"finite {k. lookup f k \ 0}"
using poly_mapping.lookup [of f] by simp
lemma finite_lookup_nat [simp]:
fixes f :: "'a \\<^sub>0 nat"
shows "finite {k. 0 < lookup f k}"
using poly_mapping.lookup [of f] by simp
lemma poly_mapping_eqI:
assumes "\k. lookup f k = lookup g k"
shows "f = g"
using assms unfolding poly_mapping.lookup_inject [symmetric]
by blast
lemma poly_mapping_eq_iff: "a = b \ lookup a = lookup b"
by auto
text \<open>
We model the universe of functions being \emph{almost everywhere zero}
by means of a separate type @{typ "('a, 'b) poly_mapping"}.
For convenience we provide a suggestive infix syntax which
is a variant of the usual function space syntax. Conversion between both types
happens through the morphisms
@{term_type lookup}
@{term_type Abs_poly_mapping}
@{thm lookup_inverse}
@{thm lookup_Abs_poly_mapping}
Luckily, we have rarely to deal with those low-level morphisms explicitly
but rely on Isabelle's \emph{lifting} package with its method \transfer\
and its specification tool \<open>lift_definition\<close>.
setup_lifting type_definition_poly_mapping
code_datatype Abs_poly_mapping\<comment>\<open>FIXME? workaround for preventing \<open>code_abstype\<close> setup\<close>
text \<open>
@{typ "'a \\<^sub>0 'b"} serves distinctive purposes:
\item A clever nesting as @{typ "(nat \<Rightarrow>\<^sub>0 nat) \<Rightarrow>\<^sub>0 'a"}
later in theory \<open>MPoly\<close> gives a suitable
representation type for polynomials \emph{almost for free}:
Interpreting @{typ "nat \\<^sub>0 nat"} as a mapping from variable identifiers
to exponents yields monomials, and the whole type maps monomials
to coefficients. Lets call this the \emph{ultimate interpretation}.
\item A further more specialised type isomorphic to @{typ "nat \<Rightarrow>\<^sub>0 'a"}
is apt to direct implementation using code generation
Note that despite the names \emph{mapping} and \emph{lookup} suggest something
implementation-near, it is best to keep @{typ "'a \\<^sub>0 'b"} as an abstract
\emph{algebraic} type
providing operations like \emph{addition}, \emph{multiplication} without any notion
of key-order, data structures etc. This implementations-specific notions are
easily introduced later for particular implementations but do not provide any
gain for specifying logical properties of polynomials.
subsection \<open>Additive structure\<close>
text \<open>
The additive structure covers the usual operations \<open>0\<close>, \<open>+\<close> and
(unary and binary) \<open>-\<close>. Recalling the ultimate interpretation, it
is obvious that these have just lift the corresponding operations on values
to mappings.
Isabelle has a rich hierarchy of algebraic type classes, and in such situations
of pointwise lifting a typical pattern is to have instantiations for a considerable
number of type classes.
The operations themselves are specified using \<open>lift_definition\<close>, where
the proofs of the \emph{almost everywhere zero} property can be significantly involved.
The @{const lookup} operation is supposed to be usable explicitly (unless in
other situations where the morphisms between types are somehow internal
to the \emph{lifting} package). Hence it is good style to provide explicit rewrite
rules how @{const lookup} acts on operations immediately.
instantiation poly_mapping :: (type, zero) zero
lift_definition zero_poly_mapping :: "'a \\<^sub>0 'b"
is "\k. 0"
by simp
instance ..
lemma Abs_poly_mapping [simp]: "Abs_poly_mapping (\k. 0) = 0"
by (simp add: zero_poly_mapping.abs_eq)
lemma lookup_zero [simp]: "lookup 0 k = 0"
by transfer rule
instantiation poly_mapping :: (type, monoid_add) monoid_add
lift_definition plus_poly_mapping ::
"('a \\<^sub>0 'b) \ ('a \\<^sub>0 'b) \ 'a \\<^sub>0 'b"
is "\f1 f2 k. f1 k + f2 k"
proof -
fix f1 f2 :: "'a \ 'b"
assume "finite {k. f1 k \ 0}"
and "finite {k. f2 k \ 0}"
then have "finite ({k. f1 k \ 0} \ {k. f2 k \ 0})" by auto
moreover have "{x. f1 x + f2 x \ 0} \ {k. f1 k \ 0} \ {k. f2 k \ 0}"
by auto
ultimately show "finite {x. f1 x + f2 x \ 0}"
by (blast intro: finite_subset)
by intro_classes (transfer, simp add: fun_eq_iff ac_simps)+
lemma lookup_add:
"lookup (f + g) k = lookup f k + lookup g k"
by transfer rule
instance poly_mapping :: (type, comm_monoid_add) comm_monoid_add
by intro_classes (transfer, simp add: fun_eq_iff ac_simps)+
lemma lookup_sum: "lookup (sum pp X) i = sum (\x. lookup (pp x) i) X"
by (induction rule: infinite_finite_induct) (auto simp: lookup_add)
(*instance poly_mapping :: (type, "{monoid_add, cancel_semigroup_add}") cancel_semigroup_add
by intro_classes (transfer, simp add: fun_eq_iff)+*)
instantiation poly_mapping :: (type, cancel_comm_monoid_add) cancel_comm_monoid_add
lift_definition minus_poly_mapping :: "('a \\<^sub>0 'b) \ ('a \\<^sub>0 'b) \ 'a \\<^sub>0 'b"
is "\f1 f2 k. f1 k - f2 k"
proof -
fix f1 f2 :: "'a \ 'b"
assume "finite {k. f1 k \ 0}"
and "finite {k. f2 k \ 0}"
then have "finite ({k. f1 k \ 0} \ {k. f2 k \ 0})" by auto
moreover have "{x. f1 x - f2 x \ 0} \ {k. f1 k \ 0} \ {k. f2 k \ 0}"
by auto
ultimately show "finite {x. f1 x - f2 x \ 0}" by (blast intro: finite_subset)
by intro_classes (transfer, simp add: fun_eq_iff diff_diff_add)+
instantiation poly_mapping :: (type, ab_group_add) ab_group_add
lift_definition uminus_poly_mapping :: "('a \\<^sub>0 'b) \ 'a \\<^sub>0 'b"
is uminus
by simp
by intro_classes (transfer, simp add: fun_eq_iff ac_simps)+
lemma lookup_uminus [simp]:
"lookup (- f) k = - lookup f k"
by transfer simp
lemma lookup_minus:
"lookup (f - g) k = lookup f k - lookup g k"
by transfer rule
subsection \<open>Multiplicative structure\<close>
instantiation poly_mapping :: (zero, zero_neq_one) zero_neq_one
lift_definition one_poly_mapping :: "'a \\<^sub>0 'b"
is "\k. 1 when k = 0"
by simp
by intro_classes (transfer, simp add: fun_eq_iff)
lemma lookup_one:
"lookup 1 k = (1 when k = 0)"
by transfer rule
lemma lookup_one_zero [simp]:
"lookup 1 0 = 1"
by transfer simp
definition prod_fun :: "('a \ 'b) \ ('a \ 'b) \ 'a::monoid_add \ 'b::semiring_0"
"prod_fun f1 f2 k = (\l. f1 l * (\q. (f2 q when k = l + q)))"
lemma prod_fun_unfold_prod:
fixes f g :: "'a :: monoid_add \ 'b::semiring_0"
assumes fin_f: "finite {a. f a \ 0}"
assumes fin_g: "finite {b. g b \ 0}"
shows "prod_fun f g k = (\(a, b). f a * g b when k = a + b)"
proof -
let ?C = "{a. f a \ 0} \ {b. g b \ 0}"
from fin_f fin_g have "finite ?C" by blast
moreover have "{a. \b. (f a * g b when k = a + b) \ 0} \
{b. \<exists>a. (f a * g b when k = a + b) \<noteq> 0} \<subseteq> {a. f a \<noteq> 0} \<times> {b. g b \<noteq> 0}"
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using fin_g
by (auto simp add: prod_fun_def
Sum_any.cartesian_product [of "{a. f a \ 0} \ {b. g b \ 0}"] Sum_any_right_distrib mult_when)
lemma finite_prod_fun:
fixes f1 f2 :: "'a :: monoid_add \ 'b :: semiring_0"
assumes fin1: "finite {l. f1 l \ 0}"
and fin2: "finite {q. f2 q \ 0}"
shows "finite {k. prod_fun f1 f2 k \ 0}"
proof -
have *: "finite {k. (\l. f1 l \ 0 \ (\q. f2 q \ 0 \ k = l + q))}"
using assms by simp
{ fix k l
have "{q. (f2 q when k = l + q) \ 0} \ {q. f2 q \ 0 \ k = l + q}" by auto
with fin2 have "sum f2 {q. f2 q \ 0 \ k = l + q} = (\q. (f2 q when k = l + q))"
by (simp add: Sum_any.expand_superset [of "{q. f2 q \ 0 \ k = l + q}"]) }
note aux = this
have "{k. (\l. f1 l * sum f2 {q. f2 q \ 0 \ k = l + q}) \ 0}
\<subseteq> {k. (\<exists>l. f1 l * sum f2 {q. f2 q \<noteq> 0 \<and> k = l + q} \<noteq> 0)}"
by (auto elim!: Sum_any.not_neutral_obtains_not_neutral)
also have "\ \ {k. (\l. f1 l \ 0 \ sum f2 {q. f2 q \ 0 \ k = l + q} \ 0)}"
by (auto dest: mult_not_zero)
also have "\ \ {k. (\l. f1 l \ 0 \ (\q. f2 q \ 0 \ k = l + q))}"
by (auto elim!: sum.not_neutral_contains_not_neutral)
finally have "finite {k. (\l. f1 l * sum f2 {q. f2 q \ 0 \ k = l + q}) \ 0}"
using * by (rule finite_subset)
with aux have "finite {k. (\l. f1 l * (\q. (f2 q when k = l + q))) \ 0}"
by simp
with fin2 show ?thesis
by (simp add: prod_fun_def)
instantiation poly_mapping :: (monoid_add, semiring_0) semiring_0
lift_definition times_poly_mapping :: "('a \\<^sub>0 'b) \ ('a \\<^sub>0 'b) \ 'a \\<^sub>0 'b"
is prod_fun
by(rule finite_prod_fun)
fix a b c :: "'a \\<^sub>0 'b"
show "a * b * c = a * (b * c)"
proof transfer
fix f g h :: "'a \ 'b"
assume fin_f: "finite {a. f a \ 0}" (is "finite ?F")
assume fin_g: "finite {b. g b \ 0}" (is "finite ?G")
assume fin_h: "finite {c. h c \ 0}" (is "finite ?H")
from fin_f fin_g have fin_fg: "finite {(a, b). f a * g b \ 0}" (is "finite ?FG")
by (rule finite_mult_not_eq_zero_prodI)
from fin_g fin_h have fin_gh: "finite {(b, c). g b * h c \ 0}" (is "finite ?GH")
by (rule finite_mult_not_eq_zero_prodI)
from fin_f fin_g have fin_fg': "finite {a + b | a b. f a * g b \ 0}" (is "finite ?FG'")
by (rule finite_mult_not_eq_zero_sumI)
then have fin_fg'': "finite {d. (\(a, b). f a * g b when d = a + b) \ 0}"
by (auto intro: finite_Sum_any_not_eq_zero_weakenI)
from fin_g fin_h have fin_gh': "finite {b + c | b c. g b * h c \ 0}" (is "finite ?GH'")
by (rule finite_mult_not_eq_zero_sumI)
then have fin_gh'': "finite {d. (\(b, c). g b * h c when d = b + c) \ 0}"
by (auto intro: finite_Sum_any_not_eq_zero_weakenI)
show "prod_fun (prod_fun f g) h = prod_fun f (prod_fun g h)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
fix k
from fin_f fin_g fin_h fin_fg''
have "?lhs k = (\(ab, c). (\(a, b). f a * g b when ab = a + b) * h c when k = ab + c)"
by (simp add: prod_fun_unfold_prod)
also have "\ = (\(ab, c). (\(a, b). f a * g b * h c when k = ab + c when ab = a + b))"
apply (subst Sum_any_left_distrib)
using fin_fg apply (simp add: split_def)
apply (subst Sum_any_when_independent [symmetric])
apply (simp add: when_when when_mult mult_when split_def conj_commute)
also have "\ = (\(ab, c, a, b). f a * g b * h c when k = ab + c when ab = a + b)"
apply (subst Sum_any.cartesian_product2 [of "(?FG' \ ?H) \ ?FG"])
apply (auto simp add: finite_cartesian_product_iff fin_fg fin_fg' fin_h dest: mult_not_zero)
also have "\ = (\(ab, c, a, b). f a * g b * h c when k = a + b + c when ab = a + b)"
by (rule Sum_any.cong) (simp add: split_def when_def)
also have "\ = (\(ab, cab). (case cab of (c, a, b) \ f a * g b * h c when k = a + b + c)
when ab = (case cab of (c, a, b) \<Rightarrow> a + b))"
by (simp add: split_def)
also have "\ = (\(c, a, b). f a * g b * h c when k = a + b + c)"
by (simp add: Sum_any_when_dependent_prod_left)
also have "\ = (\(bc, cab). (case cab of (c, a, b) \ f a * g b * h c when k = a + b + c)
when bc = (case cab of (c, a, b) \<Rightarrow> b + c))"
by (simp add: Sum_any_when_dependent_prod_left)
also have "\ = (\(bc, c, a, b). f a * g b * h c when k = a + b + c when bc = b + c)"
by (simp add: split_def)
also have "\ = (\(bc, c, a, b). f a * g b * h c when bc = b + c when k = a + bc)"
by (rule Sum_any.cong) (simp add: split_def when_def ac_simps)
also have "\ = (\(a, bc, b, c). f a * g b * h c when bc = b + c when k = a + bc)"
proof -
have "bij (\(a, d, b, c). (d, c, a, b))"
by (auto intro!: bijI injI surjI [of _ "\(d, c, a, b). (a, d, b, c)"] simp add: split_def)
then show ?thesis
by (rule Sum_any.reindex_cong) auto
also have "\ = (\(a, bc). (\(b, c). f a * g b * h c when bc = b + c when k = a + bc))"
apply (subst Sum_any.cartesian_product2 [of "(?F \ ?GH') \ ?GH"])
apply (auto simp add: finite_cartesian_product_iff fin_f fin_gh fin_gh' ac_simps dest: mult_not_zero)
also have "\ = (\(a, bc). f a * (\(b, c). g b * h c when bc = b + c) when k = a + bc)"
apply (subst Sum_any_right_distrib)
using fin_gh apply (simp add: split_def)
apply (subst Sum_any_when_independent [symmetric])
apply (simp add: when_when when_mult mult_when split_def ac_simps)
also from fin_f fin_g fin_h fin_gh''
have "\ = ?rhs k"
by (simp add: prod_fun_unfold_prod)
finally show "?lhs k = ?rhs k" .
show "(a + b) * c = a * c + b * c"
proof transfer
fix f g h :: "'a \ 'b"
assume fin_f: "finite {k. f k \ 0}"
assume fin_g: "finite {k. g k \ 0}"
assume fin_h: "finite {k. h k \ 0}"
show "prod_fun (\k. f k + g k) h = (\k. prod_fun f h k + prod_fun g h k)"
apply (rule ext)
apply (auto simp add: prod_fun_def algebra_simps)
apply (subst Sum_any.distrib)
using fin_f fin_g apply (auto intro: finite_mult_not_eq_zero_rightI)
show "a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c"
proof transfer
fix f g h :: "'a \ 'b"
assume fin_f: "finite {k. f k \ 0}"
assume fin_g: "finite {k. g k \ 0}"
assume fin_h: "finite {k. h k \ 0}"
show "prod_fun f (\k. g k + h k) = (\k. prod_fun f g k + prod_fun f h k)"
apply (rule ext)
apply (auto simp add: prod_fun_def Sum_any.distrib algebra_simps when_add_distrib)
apply (subst Sum_any.distrib)
apply (simp_all add: algebra_simps)
apply (auto intro: fin_g fin_h)
apply (subst Sum_any.distrib)
apply (simp_all add: algebra_simps)
using fin_f apply (rule finite_mult_not_eq_zero_rightI)
using fin_f apply (rule finite_mult_not_eq_zero_rightI)
show "0 * a = 0"
by transfer (simp add: prod_fun_def [abs_def])
show "a * 0 = 0"
by transfer (simp add: prod_fun_def [abs_def])
lemma lookup_mult:
"lookup (f * g) k = (\l. lookup f l * (\q. lookup g q when k = l + q))"
by transfer (simp add: prod_fun_def)
instance poly_mapping :: (comm_monoid_add, comm_semiring_0) comm_semiring_0
fix a b c :: "'a \\<^sub>0 'b"
show "a * b = b * a"
proof transfer
fix f g :: "'a \ 'b"
assume fin_f: "finite {a. f a \ 0}"
assume fin_g: "finite {b. g b \ 0}"
show "prod_fun f g = prod_fun g f"
fix k
have fin1: "\l. finite {a. (f a when k = l + a) \ 0}"
using fin_f by auto
have fin2: "\l. finite {b. (g b when k = l + b) \ 0}"
using fin_g by auto
from fin_f fin_g have "finite {(a, b). f a \ 0 \ g b \ 0}" (is "finite ?AB")
by simp
show "prod_fun f g k = prod_fun g f k"
apply (simp add: prod_fun_def)
apply (subst Sum_any_right_distrib)
apply (rule fin2)
apply (subst Sum_any_right_distrib)
apply (rule fin1)
apply (subst Sum_any.swap [of ?AB])
apply (fact \<open>finite ?AB\<close>)
apply (auto simp add: mult_when ac_simps)
show "(a + b) * c = a * c + b * c"
proof transfer
fix f g h :: "'a \ 'b"
assume fin_f: "finite {k. f k \ 0}"
assume fin_g: "finite {k. g k \ 0}"
assume fin_h: "finite {k. h k \ 0}"
show "prod_fun (\k. f k + g k) h = (\k. prod_fun f h k + prod_fun g h k)"
apply (auto simp add: prod_fun_def fun_eq_iff algebra_simps)
apply (subst Sum_any.distrib)
using fin_f apply (rule finite_mult_not_eq_zero_rightI)
using fin_g apply (rule finite_mult_not_eq_zero_rightI)
apply simp_all
instance poly_mapping :: (monoid_add, semiring_0_cancel) semiring_0_cancel
instance poly_mapping :: (comm_monoid_add, comm_semiring_0_cancel) comm_semiring_0_cancel
instance poly_mapping :: (monoid_add, semiring_1) semiring_1
fix a :: "'a \\<^sub>0 'b"
show "1 * a = a"
by transfer (simp add: prod_fun_def [abs_def] when_mult)
show "a * 1 = a"
apply transfer
apply (simp add: prod_fun_def [abs_def] Sum_any_right_distrib Sum_any_left_distrib mult_when)
apply (subst when_commute)
apply simp
instance poly_mapping :: (comm_monoid_add, comm_semiring_1) comm_semiring_1
fix a :: "'a \\<^sub>0 'b"
show "1 * a = a"
by transfer (simp add: prod_fun_def [abs_def])
instance poly_mapping :: (monoid_add, semiring_1_cancel) semiring_1_cancel
instance poly_mapping :: (monoid_add, ring) ring
instance poly_mapping :: (comm_monoid_add, comm_ring) comm_ring
instance poly_mapping :: (monoid_add, ring_1) ring_1
instance poly_mapping :: (comm_monoid_add, comm_ring_1) comm_ring_1
subsection \<open>Single-point mappings\<close>
lift_definition single :: "'a \ 'b \ 'a \\<^sub>0 'b::zero"
is "\k v k'. (v when k = k')"
by simp
lemma inj_single [iff]:
"inj (single k)"
proof (rule injI, transfer)
fix k :: 'b and a b :: "'a::zero"
assume "(\k'. a when k = k') = (\k'. b when k = k')"
then have "(\k'. a when k = k') k = (\k'. b when k = k') k"
by (rule arg_cong)
then show "a = b" by simp
lemma lookup_single:
"lookup (single k v) k' = (v when k = k')"
by transfer rule
lemma lookup_single_eq [simp]:
"lookup (single k v) k = v"
by transfer simp
lemma lookup_single_not_eq:
"k \ k' \ lookup (single k v) k' = 0"
by transfer simp
lemma single_zero [simp]:
"single k 0 = 0"
by transfer simp
lemma single_one [simp]:
"single 0 1 = 1"
by transfer simp
lemma single_add:
"single k (a + b) = single k a + single k b"
by transfer (simp add: fun_eq_iff when_add_distrib)
lemma single_uminus:
"single k (- a) = - single k a"
by transfer (simp add: fun_eq_iff when_uminus_distrib)
lemma single_diff:
"single k (a - b) = single k a - single k b"
by transfer (simp add: fun_eq_iff when_diff_distrib)
lemma single_numeral [simp]:
"single 0 (numeral n) = numeral n"
by (induct n) (simp_all only: numeral.simps numeral_add single_zero single_one single_add)
lemma lookup_numeral:
"lookup (numeral n) k = (numeral n when k = 0)"
proof -
have "lookup (numeral n) k = lookup (single 0 (numeral n)) k"
by simp
then show ?thesis unfolding lookup_single by simp
lemma single_of_nat [simp]:
"single 0 (of_nat n) = of_nat n"
by (induct n) (simp_all add: single_add)
lemma lookup_of_nat:
"lookup (of_nat n) k = (of_nat n when k = 0)"
proof -
have "lookup (of_nat n) k = lookup (single 0 (of_nat n)) k"
by simp
then show ?thesis unfolding lookup_single by simp
lemma of_nat_single:
"of_nat = single 0 \ of_nat"
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
lemma mult_single:
"single k a * single l b = single (k + l) (a * b)"
proof transfer
fix k l :: 'a and a b :: 'b
show "prod_fun (\k'. a when k = k') (\k'. b when l = k') = (\k'. a * b when k + l = k')"
fix k'
have "prod_fun (\k'. a when k = k') (\k'. b when l = k') k' = (\n. a * b when l = n when k' = k + n)"
by (simp add: prod_fun_def Sum_any_right_distrib mult_when when_mult)
also have "\ = (\n. a * b when k' = k + n when l = n)"
by (simp add: when_when conj_commute)
also have "\ = (a * b when k' = k + l)"
by simp
also have "\ = (a * b when k + l = k')"
by (simp add: when_def)
finally show "prod_fun (\k'. a when k = k') (\k'. b when l = k') k' =
(\<lambda>k'. a * b when k + l = k') k'" .
instance poly_mapping :: (monoid_add, semiring_char_0) semiring_char_0
by intro_classes (auto intro: inj_compose inj_of_nat simp add: of_nat_single)
instance poly_mapping :: (monoid_add, ring_char_0) ring_char_0
lemma single_of_int [simp]:
"single 0 (of_int k) = of_int k"
by (cases k) (simp_all add: single_diff single_uminus)
lemma lookup_of_int:
"lookup (of_int l) k = (of_int l when k = 0)"
proof -
have "lookup (of_int l) k = lookup (single 0 (of_int l)) k"
by simp
then show ?thesis unfolding lookup_single by simp
subsection \<open>Integral domains\<close>
instance poly_mapping :: ("{ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_add, linorder}", semiring_no_zero_divisors) semiring_no_zero_divisors
text \<open>The @{class "linorder"} constraint is a pragmatic device for the proof --- maybe it can be dropped\<close>
fix f g :: "'a \\<^sub>0 'b"
assume "f \ 0" and "g \ 0"
then show "f * g \ 0"
proof transfer
fix f g :: "'a \ 'b"
define F where "F = {a. f a \ 0}"
moreover define G where "G = {a. g a \ 0}"
ultimately have [simp]:
"\a. f a \ 0 \ a \ F"
"\b. g b \ 0 \ b \ G"
by simp_all
assume "finite {a. f a \ 0}"
then have [simp]: "finite F"
by simp
assume "finite {a. g a \ 0}"
then have [simp]: "finite G"
by simp
assume "f \ (\a. 0)"
then obtain a where "f a \ 0"
by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
assume "g \ (\b. 0)"
then obtain b where "g b \ 0"
by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
from \<open>f a \<noteq> 0\<close> and \<open>g b \<noteq> 0\<close> have "F \<noteq> {}" and "G \<noteq> {}"
by auto
note Max_F = \<open>finite F\<close> \<open>F \<noteq> {}\<close>
note Max_G = \<open>finite G\<close> \<open>G \<noteq> {}\<close>
from Max_F and Max_G have [simp]:
"Max F \ F"
"Max G \ G"
by auto
from Max_F Max_G have [dest!]:
"\a. a \ F \ a \ Max F"
"\b. b \ G \ b \ Max G"
by auto
define q where "q = Max F + Max G"
have "(\(a, b). f a * g b when q = a + b) =
(\<Sum>(a, b). f a * g b when q = a + b when a \<in> F \<and> b \<in> G)"
by (rule Sum_any.cong) (auto simp add: split_def when_def q_def intro: ccontr)
also have "\ =
(\<Sum>(a, b). f a * g b when (Max F, Max G) = (a, b))"
proof (rule Sum_any.cong)
fix ab :: "'a \ 'a"
obtain a b where [simp]: "ab = (a, b)"
by (cases ab) simp_all
have [dest!]:
"a \ Max F \ Max F \ a \ a < Max F"
"b \ Max G \ Max G \ b \ b < Max G"
by auto
show "(case ab of (a, b) \ f a * g b when q = a + b when a \ F \ b \ G) =
(case ab of (a, b) \<Rightarrow> f a * g b when (Max F, Max G) = (a, b))"
by (auto simp add: split_def when_def q_def dest: add_strict_mono [of a "Max F" b "Max G"])
also have "\ = (\ab. (case ab of (a, b) \ f a * g b) when
(Max F, Max G) = ab)"
unfolding split_def when_def by auto
also have "\ \ 0"
by simp
finally have "prod_fun f g q \ 0"
by (simp add: prod_fun_unfold_prod)
then show "prod_fun f g \ (\k. 0)"
by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
instance poly_mapping :: ("{ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_add, linorder}", ring_no_zero_divisors) ring_no_zero_divisors
instance poly_mapping :: ("{ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_add, linorder}", ring_1_no_zero_divisors) ring_1_no_zero_divisors
instance poly_mapping :: ("{ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_add, linorder}", idom) idom
subsection \<open>Mapping order\<close>
instantiation poly_mapping :: (linorder, "{zero, linorder}") linorder
lift_definition less_poly_mapping :: "('a \\<^sub>0 'b) \ ('a \\<^sub>0 'b) \ bool"
is less_fun
lift_definition less_eq_poly_mapping :: "('a \\<^sub>0 'b) \ ('a \\<^sub>0 'b) \ bool"
is "\f g. less_fun f g \ f = g"
instance proof (rule class.Orderings.linorder.of_class.intro)
show "class.linorder (less_eq :: (_ \\<^sub>0 _) \ _) less"
proof (rule linorder_strictI, rule order_strictI)
fix f g h :: "'a \\<^sub>0 'b"
show "f \ g \ f < g \ f = g"
by transfer (rule refl)
show "\ f < f"
by transfer (rule less_fun_irrefl)
show "f < g \ f = g \ g < f"
proof transfer
fix f g :: "'a \ 'b"
assume "finite {k. f k \ 0}" and "finite {k. g k \ 0}"
then have "finite ({k. f k \ 0} \ {k. g k \ 0})"
by simp
moreover have "{k. f k \ g k} \ {k. f k \ 0} \ {k. g k \ 0}"
by auto
ultimately have "finite {k. f k \ g k}"
by (rule rev_finite_subset)
then show "less_fun f g \ f = g \ less_fun g f"
by (rule less_fun_trichotomy)
assume "f < g" then show "\ g < f"
by transfer (rule less_fun_asym)
note \<open>f < g\<close> moreover assume "g < h"
ultimately show "f < h"
by transfer (rule less_fun_trans)
instance poly_mapping :: (linorder, "{ordered_comm_monoid_add, ordered_ab_semigroup_add_imp_le, linorder}") ordered_ab_semigroup_add
proof (intro_classes, transfer)
fix f g h :: "'a \ 'b"
assume *: "less_fun f g \ f = g"
{ assume "less_fun f g"
then obtain k where "f k < g k" "(\k'. k' < k \ f k' = g k')"
by (blast elim!: less_funE)
then have "h k + f k < h k + g k" "(\k'. k' < k \ h k' + f k' = h k' + g k')"
by simp_all
then have "less_fun (\k. h k + f k) (\k. h k + g k)"
by (blast intro: less_funI)
with * show "less_fun (\k. h k + f k) (\k. h k + g k) \ (\k. h k + f k) = (\k. h k + g k)"
by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
instance poly_mapping :: (linorder, "{ordered_comm_monoid_add, ordered_ab_semigroup_add_imp_le, cancel_comm_monoid_add, linorder}") linordered_cancel_ab_semigroup_add
instance poly_mapping :: (linorder, "{ordered_comm_monoid_add, ordered_ab_semigroup_add_imp_le, cancel_comm_monoid_add, linorder}") ordered_comm_monoid_add
instance poly_mapping :: (linorder, "{ordered_comm_monoid_add, ordered_ab_semigroup_add_imp_le, cancel_comm_monoid_add, linorder}") ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_add
instance poly_mapping :: (linorder, linordered_ab_group_add) linordered_ab_group_add
text \<open>
For pragmatism we leave out the final elements in the hierarchy:
@{class linordered_ring}, @{class linordered_ring_strict}, @{class linordered_idom};
remember that the order instance is a mere technical device, not a deeper algebraic
subsection \<open>Fundamental mapping notions\<close>
lift_definition keys :: "('a \\<^sub>0 'b::zero) \ 'a set"
is "\f. {k. f k \ 0}" .
lift_definition range :: "('a \\<^sub>0 'b::zero) \ 'b set"
is "\f :: 'a \ 'b. Set.range f - {0}" .
lemma finite_keys [simp]:
"finite (keys f)"
by transfer
lemma not_in_keys_iff_lookup_eq_zero:
"k \ keys f \ lookup f k = 0"
by transfer simp
lemma lookup_not_eq_zero_eq_in_keys:
"lookup f k \ 0 \ k \ keys f"
by transfer simp
lemma lookup_eq_zero_in_keys_contradict [dest]:
"lookup f k = 0 \ \ k \ keys f"
by (simp add: not_in_keys_iff_lookup_eq_zero)
lemma finite_range [simp]: "finite (Poly_Mapping.range p)"
proof transfer
fix f :: "'b \ 'a"
assume *: "finite {x. f x \ 0}"
have "Set.range f - {0} \ f ` {x. f x \ 0}"
by auto
thus "finite (Set.range f - {0})"
by(rule finite_subset)(rule finite_imageI[OF *])
lemma in_keys_lookup_in_range [simp]:
"k \ keys f \ lookup f k \ range f"
by transfer simp
lemma in_keys_iff: "x \ (keys s) = (lookup s x \ 0)"
by (transfer, simp)
lemma keys_zero [simp]:
"keys 0 = {}"
by transfer simp
lemma range_zero [simp]:
"range 0 = {}"
by transfer auto
lemma keys_add:
"keys (f + g) \ keys f \ keys g"
by transfer auto
lemma keys_one [simp]:
"keys 1 = {0}"
by transfer simp
lemma range_one [simp]:
"range 1 = {1}"
by transfer (auto simp add: when_def)
lemma keys_single [simp]:
"keys (single k v) = (if v = 0 then {} else {k})"
by transfer simp
lemma range_single [simp]:
"range (single k v) = (if v = 0 then {} else {v})"
by transfer (auto simp add: when_def)
lemma keys_mult:
"keys (f * g) \ {a + b | a b. a \ keys f \ b \ keys g}"
apply transfer
apply (auto simp add: prod_fun_def dest!: mult_not_zero elim!: Sum_any.not_neutral_obtains_not_neutral)
apply blast
lemma setsum_keys_plus_distrib:
assumes hom_0: "\k. f k 0 = 0"
and hom_plus: "\k. k \ Poly_Mapping.keys p \ Poly_Mapping.keys q \ f k (Poly_Mapping.lookup p k + Poly_Mapping.lookup q k) = f k (Poly_Mapping.lookup p k) + f k (Poly_Mapping.lookup q k)"
"(\k\Poly_Mapping.keys (p + q). f k (Poly_Mapping.lookup (p + q) k)) =
(\<Sum>k\<in>Poly_Mapping.keys p. f k (Poly_Mapping.lookup p k)) +
(\<Sum>k\<in>Poly_Mapping.keys q. f k (Poly_Mapping.lookup q k))"
(is "?lhs = ?p + ?q")
proof -
let ?A = "Poly_Mapping.keys p \ Poly_Mapping.keys q"
have "?lhs = (\k\?A. f k (Poly_Mapping.lookup p k + Poly_Mapping.lookup q k))"
apply(rule sum.mono_neutral_cong_left)
apply(simp_all add: Poly_Mapping.keys_add)
apply(transfer fixing: f)
apply(auto simp add: hom_0)[1]
apply(transfer fixing: f)
apply(auto simp add: hom_0)[1]
also have "\ = (\k\?A. f k (Poly_Mapping.lookup p k) + f k (Poly_Mapping.lookup q k))"
by(rule sum.cong)(simp_all add: hom_plus)
also have "\ = (\k\?A. f k (Poly_Mapping.lookup p k)) + (\k\?A. f k (Poly_Mapping.lookup q k))"
(is "_ = ?p' + ?q'")
by(simp add: sum.distrib)
also have "?p' = ?p"
by (simp add: hom_0 in_keys_iff sum.mono_neutral_cong_right)
also have "?q' = ?q"
by (simp add: hom_0 in_keys_iff sum.mono_neutral_cong_right)
finally show ?thesis .
subsection \<open>Degree\<close>
definition degree :: "(nat \\<^sub>0 'a::zero) \ nat"
"degree f = Max (insert 0 (Suc ` keys f))"
lemma degree_zero [simp]:
"degree 0 = 0"
unfolding degree_def by transfer simp
lemma degree_one [simp]:
"degree 1 = 1"
unfolding degree_def by transfer simp
lemma degree_single_zero [simp]:
"degree (single k 0) = 0"
unfolding degree_def by transfer simp
lemma degree_single_not_zero [simp]:
"v \ 0 \ degree (single k v) = Suc k"
unfolding degree_def by transfer simp
lemma degree_zero_iff [simp]:
"degree f = 0 \ f = 0"
unfolding degree_def proof transfer
fix f :: "nat \ 'a"
assume "finite {n. f n \ 0}"
then have fin: "finite (insert 0 (Suc ` {n. f n \ 0}))" by auto
show "Max (insert 0 (Suc ` {n. f n \ 0})) = 0 \ f = (\n. 0)" (is "?P \ ?Q")
assume ?P
have "{n. f n \ 0} = {}"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "{n. f n \ 0} \ {}"
then obtain n where "n \ {n. f n \ 0}" by blast
then have "{n. f n \ 0} = insert n {n. f n \ 0}" by auto
then have "Suc ` {n. f n \ 0} = insert (Suc n) (Suc ` {n. f n \ 0})" by auto
with \<open>?P\<close> have "Max (insert 0 (insert (Suc n) (Suc ` {n. f n \<noteq> 0}))) = 0" by simp
then have "Max (insert (Suc n) (insert 0 (Suc ` {n. f n \ 0}))) = 0"
by (simp add: insert_commute)
with fin have "max (Suc n) (Max (insert 0 (Suc ` {n. f n \ 0}))) = 0"
by simp
then show False by simp
then show ?Q by (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
assume ?Q then show ?P by simp
lemma degree_greater_zero_in_keys:
assumes "0 < degree f"
shows "degree f - 1 \ keys f"
proof -
from assms have "keys f \ {}"
by (auto simp add: degree_def)
then show ?thesis unfolding degree_def
by (simp add: mono_Max_commute [symmetric] mono_Suc)
lemma in_keys_less_degree:
"n \ keys f \ n < degree f"
unfolding degree_def by transfer (auto simp add: Max_gr_iff)
lemma beyond_degree_lookup_zero:
"degree f \ n \ lookup f n = 0"
unfolding degree_def by transfer auto
lemma degree_add:
"degree (f + g) \ max (degree f) (Poly_Mapping.degree g)"
unfolding degree_def proof transfer
fix f g :: "nat \ 'a"
assume f: "finite {x. f x \ 0}"
assume g: "finite {x. g x \ 0}"
let ?f = "Max (insert 0 (Suc ` {k. f k \ 0}))"
let ?g = "Max (insert 0 (Suc ` {k. g k \ 0}))"
have "Max (insert 0 (Suc ` {k. f k + g k \ 0})) \ Max (insert 0 (Suc ` ({k. f k \ 0} \ {k. g k \ 0})))"
by (rule Max.subset_imp) (insert f g, auto)
also have "\ = max ?f ?g"
using f g by (simp_all add: image_Un Max_Un [symmetric])
finally show "Max (insert 0 (Suc ` {k. f k + g k \ 0}))
\<le> max (Max (insert 0 (Suc ` {k. f k \<noteq> 0}))) (Max (insert 0 (Suc ` {k. g k \<noteq> 0})))"
lemma sorted_list_of_set_keys:
"sorted_list_of_set (keys f) = filter (\k. k \ keys f) [0..
proof -
have "keys f = set ?r"
by (auto dest: in_keys_less_degree)
moreover have "sorted_list_of_set (set ?r) = ?r"
unfolding sorted_list_of_set_sort_remdups
by (simp add: remdups_filter filter_sort [symmetric])
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
subsection \<open>Inductive structure\<close>
lift_definition update :: "'a \ 'b \ ('a \\<^sub>0 'b::zero) \ 'a \\<^sub>0 'b"
is "\k v f. f(k := v)"
proof -
fix f :: "'a \ 'b" and k' v
assume "finite {k. f k \ 0}"
then have "finite (insert k' {k. f k \ 0})"
by simp
then show "finite {k. (f(k' := v)) k \ 0}"
by (rule rev_finite_subset) auto
lemma update_induct [case_names const update]:
assumes const': "P 0"
assumes update': "\f a b. a \ keys f \ b \ 0 \ P f \ P (update a b f)"
shows "P f"
proof -
obtain g where "f = Abs_poly_mapping g" and "finite {a. g a \ 0}"
by (cases f) simp_all
define Q where "Q g = P (Abs_poly_mapping g)" for g
from \<open>finite {a. g a \<noteq> 0}\<close> have "Q g"
proof (induct g rule: finite_update_induct)
case const with const' Q_def show ?case
by simp
case (update a b g)
from \<open>finite {a. g a \<noteq> 0}\<close> \<open>g a = 0\<close> have "a \<notin> keys (Abs_poly_mapping g)"
by (simp add: Abs_poly_mapping_inverse keys.rep_eq)
moreover note \<open>b \<noteq> 0\<close>
moreover from \<open>Q g\<close> have "P (Abs_poly_mapping g)"
by (simp add: Q_def)
ultimately have "P (update a b (Abs_poly_mapping g))"
by (rule update')
also from \<open>finite {a. g a \<noteq> 0}\<close>
have "update a b (Abs_poly_mapping g) = Abs_poly_mapping (g(a := b))"
by (simp add: update.abs_eq eq_onp_same_args)
finally show ?case
by (simp add: Q_def fun_upd_def)
then show ?thesis by (simp add: Q_def \<open>f = Abs_poly_mapping g\<close>)
lemma lookup_update:
"lookup (update k v f) k' = (if k = k' then v else lookup f k')"
by transfer simp
lemma keys_update:
"keys (update k v f) = (if v = 0 then keys f - {k} else insert k (keys f))"
by transfer auto
subsection \<open>Quasi-functorial structure\<close>
lift_definition map :: "('b::zero \ 'c::zero)
\<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow>\<^sub>0 'b) \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow>\<^sub>0 'c::zero)"
is "\g f k. g (f k) when f k \ 0"
by simp
fixes f :: "'b \ 'a"
assumes inj_f: "inj f"
lift_definition map_key :: "('a \\<^sub>0 'c::zero) \ 'b \\<^sub>0 'c"
is "\p. p \ f"
proof -
fix g :: "'c \ 'd" and p :: "'a \ 'c"
assume "finite {x. p x \ 0}"
hence "finite (f ` {y. p (f y) \ 0})"
by(rule finite_subset[rotated]) auto
thus "finite {x. (p \ f) x \ 0}" unfolding o_def
by(rule finite_imageD)(rule subset_inj_on[OF inj_f], simp)
lemma map_key_compose:
assumes [transfer_rule]: "inj f" "inj g"
shows "map_key f (map_key g p) = map_key (g \ f) p"
proof -
from assms have [transfer_rule]: "inj (g \ f)"
by(simp add: inj_compose)
show ?thesis by transfer(simp add: o_assoc)
lemma map_key_id:
"map_key (\x. x) p = p"
proof -
have [transfer_rule]: "inj (\x. x)" by simp
show ?thesis by transfer(simp add: o_def)
fixes f :: "'a \ 'b"
assumes inj_f [transfer_rule]: "inj f"
lemma map_key_map:
"map_key f (map g p) = map g (map_key f p)"
by transfer (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
lemma map_key_plus:
"map_key f (p + q) = map_key f p + map_key f q"
by transfer (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
lemma keys_map_key:
"keys (map_key f p) = f -` keys p"
by transfer auto
lemma map_key_zero [simp]:
"map_key f 0 = 0"
by transfer (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
lemma map_key_single [simp]:
"map_key f (single (f k) v) = single k v"
by transfer (simp add: fun_eq_iff inj_onD [OF inj_f] when_def)
lemma mult_map_scale_conv_mult: "map ((*) s) p = single 0 s * p"
proof(transfer fixing: s)
fix p :: "'a \ 'b"
assume *: "finite {x. p x \ 0}"
{ fix x
have "prod_fun (\k'. s when 0 = k') p x =
(\<Sum>l :: 'a. if l = 0 then s * (\<Sum>q. p q when x = q) else 0)"
by(auto simp add: prod_fun_def when_def intro: Sum_any.cong simp del: Sum_any.delta)
also have "\ = (\k. s * p k when p k \ 0) x" by(simp add: when_def)
also note calculation }
then show "(\k. s * p k when p k \ 0) = prod_fun (\k'. s when 0 = k') p"
by(simp add: fun_eq_iff)
lemma map_single [simp]:
"(c = 0 \ f 0 = 0) \ map f (single x c) = single x (f c)"
by transfer(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff when_def)
lemma map_eq_zero_iff: "map f p = 0 \ (\k \ keys p. f (lookup p k) = 0)"
by transfer(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff when_def)
subsection \<open>Canonical dense representation of @{typ "nat \<Rightarrow>\<^sub>0 'a"}\<close>
abbreviation no_trailing_zeros :: "'a :: zero list \ bool"
"no_trailing_zeros \ no_trailing ((=) 0)"
lift_definition "nth" :: "'a list \ (nat \\<^sub>0 'a::zero)"
is "nth_default 0"
by (fact finite_nth_default_neq_default)
text \<open>
The opposite direction is directly specified on (later)
type \<open>nat_mapping\<close>.
lemma nth_Nil [simp]:
"nth [] = 0"
by transfer (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
lemma nth_singleton [simp]:
"nth [v] = single 0 v"
proof (transfer, rule ext)
fix n :: nat and v :: 'a
show "nth_default 0 [v] n = (v when 0 = n)"
by (auto simp add: nth_default_def nth_append)
lemma nth_replicate [simp]:
"nth (replicate n 0 @ [v]) = single n v"
proof (transfer, rule ext)
fix m n :: nat and v :: 'a
show "nth_default 0 (replicate n 0 @ [v]) m = (v when n = m)"
by (auto simp add: nth_default_def nth_append)
lemma nth_strip_while [simp]:
"nth (strip_while ((=) 0) xs) = nth xs"
by transfer (fact nth_default_strip_while_dflt)
lemma nth_strip_while' [simp]:
"nth (strip_while (\k. k = 0) xs) = nth xs"
by (subst eq_commute) (fact nth_strip_while)
lemma nth_eq_iff:
"nth xs = nth ys \ strip_while (HOL.eq 0) xs = strip_while (HOL.eq 0) ys"
by transfer (simp add: nth_default_eq_iff)
lemma lookup_nth [simp]:
"lookup (nth xs) = nth_default 0 xs"
by (fact nth.rep_eq)
lemma keys_nth [simp]:
"keys (nth xs) = fst ` {(n, v) \ set (enumerate 0 xs). v \ 0}"
proof transfer
fix xs :: "'a list"
{ fix n
assume "nth_default 0 xs n \ 0"
then have "n < length xs" and "xs ! n \ 0"
by (auto simp add: nth_default_def split: if_splits)
then have "(n, xs ! n) \ {(n, v). (n, v) \ set (enumerate 0 xs) \ v \ 0}" (is "?x \ ?A")
by (auto simp add: in_set_conv_nth enumerate_eq_zip)
then have "fst ?x \ fst ` ?A"
by blast
then have "n \ fst ` {(n, v). (n, v) \ set (enumerate 0 xs) \ v \ 0}"
by simp
then show "{k. nth_default 0 xs k \ 0} = fst ` {(n, v). (n, v) \ set (enumerate 0 xs) \ v \ 0}"
by (auto simp add: in_enumerate_iff_nth_default_eq)
lemma range_nth [simp]:
"range (nth xs) = set xs - {0}"
by transfer simp
lemma degree_nth:
"no_trailing_zeros xs \ degree (nth xs) = length xs"
unfolding degree_def proof transfer
fix xs :: "'a list"
assume *: "no_trailing_zeros xs"
let ?A = "{n. nth_default 0 xs n \ 0}"
let ?f = "nth_default 0 xs"
let ?bound = "Max (insert 0 (Suc ` {n. ?f n \ 0}))"
show "?bound = length xs"
proof (cases "xs = []")
case False
with * obtain n where n: "n < length xs" "xs ! n \ 0"
by (fastforce simp add: no_trailing_unfold last_conv_nth neq_Nil_conv)
then have "?bound = Max (Suc ` {k. (k < length xs \ xs ! k \ (0::'a)) \ k < length xs})"
by (subst Max_insert) (auto simp add: nth_default_def)
also let ?A = "{k. k < length xs \ xs ! k \ 0}"
have "{k. (k < length xs \ xs ! k \ (0::'a)) \ k < length xs} = ?A" by auto
also have "Max (Suc ` ?A) = Suc (Max ?A)" using n
by (subst mono_Max_commute [where f = Suc, symmetric]) (auto simp add: mono_Suc)
also {
have "Max ?A \ ?A" using n Max_in [of ?A] by fastforce
hence "Suc (Max ?A) \ length xs" by simp
moreover from * False have "length xs - 1 \ ?A"
by(auto simp add: no_trailing_unfold last_conv_nth)
hence "length xs - 1 \ Max ?A" using Max_ge[of ?A "length xs - 1"] by auto
hence "length xs \ Suc (Max ?A)" by simp
ultimately have "Suc (Max ?A) = length xs" by simp }
finally show ?thesis .
qed simp
lemma nth_trailing_zeros [simp]:
"nth (xs @ replicate n 0) = nth xs"
by transfer simp
lemma nth_idem:
"nth (List.map (lookup f) [0..
unfolding degree_def by transfer
(auto simp add: nth_default_def fun_eq_iff not_less)
lemma nth_idem_bound:
assumes "degree f \ n"
shows "nth (List.map (lookup f) [0..
proof -
from assms obtain m where "n = degree f + m"
by (blast dest: le_Suc_ex)
then have "[0..
by (simp add: upt_add_eq_append [of 0])
moreover have "List.map (lookup f) [degree f..
by (rule replicate_eqI) (auto simp add: beyond_degree_lookup_zero)
ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: nth_idem)
subsection \<open>Canonical sparse representation of @{typ "'a \<Rightarrow>\<^sub>0 'b"}\<close>
lift_definition the_value :: "('a \ 'b) list \ 'a \\<^sub>0 'b::zero"
is "\xs k. case map_of xs k of None \ 0 | Some v \ v"
proof -
fix xs :: "('a \ 'b) list"
have fin: "finite {k. \v. map_of xs k = Some v}"
using finite_dom_map_of [of xs] unfolding dom_def by auto
then show "finite {k. (case map_of xs k of None \ 0 | Some v \ v) \ 0}"
using fin by (simp split: option.split)
definition items :: "('a::linorder \\<^sub>0 'b::zero) \ ('a \ 'b) list"
"items f = List.map (\k. (k, lookup f k)) (sorted_list_of_set (keys f))"
text \<open>
For the canonical sparse representation we provide both
directions of morphisms since the specification of
ordered association lists in theory \<open>OAList\<close>
will support arbitrary linear orders @{class linorder}
as keys, not just natural numbers @{typ nat}.
lemma the_value_items [simp]:
"the_value (items f) = f"
unfolding items_def
by transfer (simp add: fun_eq_iff map_of_map_restrict restrict_map_def)
lemma lookup_the_value:
"lookup (the_value xs) k = (case map_of xs k of None \ 0 | Some v \ v)"
by transfer rule
lemma items_the_value:
assumes "sorted (List.map fst xs)" and "distinct (List.map fst xs)" and "0 \ snd ` set xs"
shows "items (the_value xs) = xs"
proof -
from assms have "sorted_list_of_set (set (List.map fst xs)) = List.map fst xs"
unfolding sorted_list_of_set_sort_remdups by (simp add: distinct_remdups_id sorted_sort_id)
moreover from assms have "keys (the_value xs) = fst ` set xs"
by transfer (auto simp add: image_def split: option.split dest: set_map_of_compr)
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding items_def using assms
by (auto simp add: lookup_the_value intro: map_idI)
lemma the_value_Nil [simp]:
"the_value [] = 0"
by transfer (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
lemma the_value_Cons [simp]:
"the_value (x # xs) = update (fst x) (snd x) (the_value xs)"
by transfer (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
lemma items_zero [simp]:
"items 0 = []"
unfolding items_def by simp
lemma items_one [simp]:
"items 1 = [(0, 1)]"
unfolding items_def by transfer simp
lemma items_single [simp]:
"items (single k v) = (if v = 0 then [] else [(k, v)])"
unfolding items_def by simp
lemma in_set_items_iff [simp]:
"(k, v) \ set (items f) \ k \ keys f \ lookup f k = v"
unfolding items_def by transfer auto
subsection \<open>Size estimation\<close>
fixes f :: "'a \ nat"
and g :: "'b :: zero \ nat"
definition poly_mapping_size :: "('a \\<^sub>0 'b) \ nat"
"poly_mapping_size m = g 0 + (\k \ keys m. Suc (f k + g (lookup m k)))"
lemma poly_mapping_size_0 [simp]:
"poly_mapping_size 0 = g 0"
by (simp add: poly_mapping_size_def)
lemma poly_mapping_size_single [simp]:
"poly_mapping_size (single k v) = (if v = 0 then g 0 else g 0 + f k + g v + 1)"
unfolding poly_mapping_size_def by transfer simp
lemma keys_less_poly_mapping_size:
"k \ keys m \ f k + g (lookup m k) < poly_mapping_size m"
unfolding poly_mapping_size_def
proof transfer
fix k :: 'a and m :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'b" and f :: "'a \<Rightarrow> nat" and g
let ?keys = "{k. m k \ 0}"
assume *: "finite ?keys" "k \ ?keys"
then have "f k + g (m k) = (\k' \ ?keys. f k' + g (m k') when k' = k)"
by (simp add: sum.delta when_def)
also have "\ < (\k' \ ?keys. Suc (f k' + g (m k')))" using *
by (intro sum_strict_mono) (auto simp add: when_def)
also have "\ \ g 0 + \" by simp
finally have "f k + g (m k) < \" .
then show "f k + g (m k) < g 0 + (\k | m k \ 0. Suc (f k + g (m k)))"
by simp
lemma lookup_le_poly_mapping_size:
"g (lookup m k) \ poly_mapping_size m"
proof (cases "k \ keys m")
case True
with keys_less_poly_mapping_size [of k m]
show ?thesis by simp
case False
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: Poly_Mapping.poly_mapping_size_def in_keys_iff)
lemma poly_mapping_size_estimation:
"k \ keys m \ y \ f k + g (lookup m k) \ y < poly_mapping_size m"
using keys_less_poly_mapping_size by (auto intro: le_less_trans)
lemma poly_mapping_size_estimation2:
assumes "v \ range m" and "y \ g v"
shows "y < poly_mapping_size m"
proof -
from assms obtain k where *: "lookup m k = v" "v \ 0"
by transfer blast
from * have "k \ keys m"
by (simp add: in_keys_iff)
then show ?thesis
proof (rule poly_mapping_size_estimation)
from assms * have "y \ g (lookup m k)"
by simp
then show "y \ f k + g (lookup m k)"
by simp
lemma poly_mapping_size_one [simp]:
"poly_mapping_size f g 1 = g 0 + f 0 + g 1 + 1"
unfolding poly_mapping_size_def by transfer simp
lemma poly_mapping_size_cong [fundef_cong]:
"m = m' \ g 0 = g' 0 \ (\k. k \ keys m' \ f k = f' k)
\<Longrightarrow> (\<And>v. v \<in> range m' \<Longrightarrow> g v = g' v)
\<Longrightarrow> poly_mapping_size f g m = poly_mapping_size f' g' m'"
by (auto simp add: poly_mapping_size_def intro!: sum.cong)
instantiation poly_mapping :: (type, zero) size
definition "size = poly_mapping_size (\_. 0) (\_. 0)"
instance ..
subsection \<open>Further mapping operations and properties\<close>
text \<open>It is like in algebra: there are many definitions, some are also used\<close>
lift_definition mapp ::
"('a \ 'b :: zero \ 'c :: zero) \ ('a \\<^sub>0 'b) \ ('a \\<^sub>0 'c)"
is "\f p k. (if k \ keys p then f k (lookup p k) else 0)"
by simp
lemma mapp_cong [fundef_cong]:
"\ m = m'; \k. k \ keys m' \ f k (lookup m' k) = f' k (lookup m' k) \
\<Longrightarrow> mapp f m = mapp f' m'"
by transfer (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
lemma lookup_mapp:
"lookup (mapp f p) k = (f k (lookup p k) when k \ keys p)"
by (simp add: mapp.rep_eq)
lemma keys_mapp_subset: "keys (mapp f p) \ keys p"
by (meson in_keys_iff mapp.rep_eq subsetI)
subsection\<open>Free Abelian Groups Over a Type\<close>
abbreviation frag_of :: "'a \ 'a \\<^sub>0 int"
where "frag_of c \ Poly_Mapping.single c (1::int)"
lemma lookup_frag_of [simp]:
"Poly_Mapping.lookup(frag_of c) = (\x. if x = c then 1 else 0)"
by (force simp add: lookup_single_not_eq)
lemma frag_of_nonzero [simp]: "frag_of a \ 0"
proof -
let ?f = "\x. if x = a then 1 else (0::int)"
have "?f \ (\x. 0::int)"
by (auto simp: fun_eq_iff)
then have "Poly_Mapping.lookup (Abs_poly_mapping ?f) \ Poly_Mapping.lookup (Abs_poly_mapping (\x. 0))"
by fastforce
then show ?thesis
by (metis lookup_single_eq lookup_zero)
definition frag_cmul :: "int \ ('a \\<^sub>0 int) \ ('a \\<^sub>0 int)"
where "frag_cmul c a = Abs_poly_mapping (\x. c * Poly_Mapping.lookup a x)"
lemma frag_cmul_zero [simp]: "frag_cmul 0 x = 0"
by (simp add: frag_cmul_def)
lemma frag_cmul_zero2 [simp]: "frag_cmul c 0 = 0"
by (simp add: frag_cmul_def)
lemma frag_cmul_one [simp]: "frag_cmul 1 x = x"
by (auto simp: frag_cmul_def Poly_Mapping.poly_mapping.lookup_inverse)
lemma frag_cmul_minus_one [simp]: "frag_cmul (-1) x = -x"
by (simp add: frag_cmul_def uminus_poly_mapping_def poly_mapping_eqI)
lemma frag_cmul_cmul [simp]: "frag_cmul c (frag_cmul d x) = frag_cmul (c*d) x"
by (simp add: frag_cmul_def mult_ac)
lemma lookup_frag_cmul [simp]: "poly_mapping.lookup (frag_cmul c x) i = c * poly_mapping.lookup x i"
by (simp add: frag_cmul_def)
lemma minus_frag_cmul [simp]: "- frag_cmul k x = frag_cmul (-k) x"
by (simp add: poly_mapping_eqI)
lemma keys_frag_of: "Poly_Mapping.keys(frag_of a) = {a}"
by simp
lemma finite_cmul_nonzero: "finite {x. c * Poly_Mapping.lookup a x \ (0::int)}"
by simp
lemma keys_cmul: "Poly_Mapping.keys(frag_cmul c a) \ Poly_Mapping.keys a"
using finite_cmul_nonzero [of c a]
by (metis lookup_frag_cmul mult_zero_right not_in_keys_iff_lookup_eq_zero subsetI)
lemma keys_cmul_iff [iff]: "i \ Poly_Mapping.keys (frag_cmul c x) \ i \ Poly_Mapping.keys x \ c \ 0"
apply (auto simp: )
apply (meson subsetD keys_cmul)
by (metis in_keys_iff lookup_frag_cmul mult_eq_0_iff)
lemma keys_minus [simp]: "Poly_Mapping.keys(-a) = Poly_Mapping.keys a"
by (metis (no_types, hide_lams) in_keys_iff lookup_uminus neg_equal_0_iff_equal subsetI subset_antisym)
lemma keys_diff:
"Poly_Mapping.keys(a - b) \ Poly_Mapping.keys a \ Poly_Mapping.keys b"
by (auto simp add: in_keys_iff lookup_minus)
lemma keys_eq_empty [simp]: "Poly_Mapping.keys c = {} \ c = 0"
by (metis in_keys_iff keys_zero lookup_zero poly_mapping_eqI)
lemma frag_cmul_eq_0_iff [simp]: "frag_cmul k c = 0 \ k=0 \ c=0"
by auto (metis subsetI subset_antisym keys_cmul_iff keys_eq_empty)
lemma frag_of_eq: "frag_of x = frag_of y \ x = y"
by (metis lookup_single_eq lookup_single_not_eq zero_neq_one)
lemma frag_cmul_distrib: "frag_cmul (c+d) a = frag_cmul c a + frag_cmul d a"
by (simp add: frag_cmul_def plus_poly_mapping_def int_distrib)
lemma frag_cmul_distrib2: "frag_cmul c (a+b) = frag_cmul c a + frag_cmul c b"
proof -
have "finite {x. poly_mapping.lookup a x + poly_mapping.lookup b x \ 0}"
using keys_add [of a b]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) finite_keys finite_subset keys.rep_eq lookup_add mem_Collect_eq subsetI)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: frag_cmul_def plus_poly_mapping_def int_distrib)
lemma frag_cmul_diff_distrib: "frag_cmul (a - b) c = frag_cmul a c - frag_cmul b c"
by (auto simp: left_diff_distrib lookup_minus poly_mapping_eqI)
lemma frag_cmul_sum:
"frag_cmul a (sum b I) = (\i\I. frag_cmul a (b i))"
proof (induction rule: infinite_finite_induct)
case (insert i I)
then show ?case
by (auto simp: algebra_simps frag_cmul_distrib2)
qed auto
lemma keys_sum: "Poly_Mapping.keys(sum b I) \ (\i \I. Poly_Mapping.keys(b i))"
proof (induction I rule: infinite_finite_induct)
case (insert i I)
then show ?case
using keys_add [of "b i" "sum b I"] by auto
qed auto
definition frag_extend :: "('b \ 'a \\<^sub>0 int) \ ('b \\<^sub>0 int) \ 'a \\<^sub>0 int"
where "frag_extend b x \ (\i \ Poly_Mapping.keys x. frag_cmul (Poly_Mapping.lookup x i) (b i))"
lemma frag_extend_0 [simp]: "frag_extend b 0 = 0"
by (simp add: frag_extend_def)
lemma frag_extend_of [simp]: "frag_extend f (frag_of a) = f a"
by (simp add: frag_extend_def)
lemma frag_extend_cmul:
"frag_extend f (frag_cmul c x) = frag_cmul c (frag_extend f x)"
by (auto simp: frag_extend_def frag_cmul_sum intro: sum.mono_neutral_cong_left)
lemma frag_extend_minus:
"frag_extend f (- x) = - (frag_extend f x)"
using frag_extend_cmul [of f "-1"] by simp
lemma frag_extend_add:
"frag_extend f (a+b) = (frag_extend f a) + (frag_extend f b)"
proof -
have *: "(\i\Poly_Mapping.keys a. frag_cmul (poly_mapping.lookup a i) (f i))
= (\<Sum>i\<in>Poly_Mapping.keys a \<union> Poly_Mapping.keys b. frag_cmul (poly_mapping.lookup a i) (f i))"
"(\i\Poly_Mapping.keys b. frag_cmul (poly_mapping.lookup b i) (f i))
= (\<Sum>i\<in>Poly_Mapping.keys a \<union> Poly_Mapping.keys b. frag_cmul (poly_mapping.lookup b i) (f i))"
by (auto simp: in_keys_iff intro: sum.mono_neutral_cong_left)
have "frag_extend f (a+b) = (\i\Poly_Mapping.keys (a + b).
frag_cmul (poly_mapping.lookup a i) (f i) + frag_cmul (poly_mapping.lookup b i) (f i)) "
by (auto simp: frag_extend_def Poly_Mapping.lookup_add frag_cmul_distrib)
also have "... = (\i \ Poly_Mapping.keys a \ Poly_Mapping.keys b. frag_cmul (poly_mapping.lookup a i) (f i)
+ frag_cmul (poly_mapping.lookup b i) (f i))"
apply (rule sum.mono_neutral_cong_left)
using keys_add [of a b]
apply (auto simp add: in_keys_iff plus_poly_mapping.rep_eq frag_cmul_distrib [symmetric])
also have "... = (frag_extend f a) + (frag_extend f b)"
by (auto simp: * sum.distrib frag_extend_def)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma frag_extend_diff:
"frag_extend f (a-b) = (frag_extend f a) - (frag_extend f b)"
by (metis (no_types, hide_lams) add_uminus_conv_diff frag_extend_add frag_extend_minus)
lemma frag_extend_sum:
"finite I \ frag_extend f (\i\I. g i) = sum (frag_extend f o g) I"
by (induction I rule: finite_induct) (simp_all add: frag_extend_add)
lemma frag_extend_eq:
"(\f. f \ Poly_Mapping.keys c \ g f = h f) \ frag_extend g c = frag_extend h c"
by (simp add: frag_extend_def)
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--> maximum size reached
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