(* Title: HOL/Library/Product_Order.thy
Author: Brian Huffman
section \<open>Pointwise order on product types\<close>
theory Product_Order
imports Product_Plus
subsection \<open>Pointwise ordering\<close>
instantiation prod :: (ord, ord) ord
"x \ y \ fst x \ fst y \ snd x \ snd y"
"(x::'a \ 'b) < y \ x \ y \ \ y \ x"
instance ..
lemma fst_mono: "x \ y \ fst x \ fst y"
unfolding less_eq_prod_def by simp
lemma snd_mono: "x \ y \ snd x \ snd y"
unfolding less_eq_prod_def by simp
lemma Pair_mono: "x \ x' \ y \ y' \ (x, y) \ (x', y')"
unfolding less_eq_prod_def by simp
lemma Pair_le [simp]: "(a, b) \ (c, d) \ a \ c \ b \ d"
unfolding less_eq_prod_def by simp
instance prod :: (preorder, preorder) preorder
fix x y z :: "'a \ 'b"
show "x < y \ x \ y \ \ y \ x"
by (rule less_prod_def)
show "x \ x"
unfolding less_eq_prod_def
by fast
assume "x \ y" and "y \ z" thus "x \ z"
unfolding less_eq_prod_def
by (fast elim: order_trans)
instance prod :: (order, order) order
by standard auto
subsection \<open>Binary infimum and supremum\<close>
instantiation prod :: (inf, inf) inf
definition "inf x y = (inf (fst x) (fst y), inf (snd x) (snd y))"
lemma inf_Pair_Pair [simp]: "inf (a, b) (c, d) = (inf a c, inf b d)"
unfolding inf_prod_def by simp
lemma fst_inf [simp]: "fst (inf x y) = inf (fst x) (fst y)"
unfolding inf_prod_def by simp
lemma snd_inf [simp]: "snd (inf x y) = inf (snd x) (snd y)"
unfolding inf_prod_def by simp
instance ..
instance prod :: (semilattice_inf, semilattice_inf) semilattice_inf
by standard auto
instantiation prod :: (sup, sup) sup
"sup x y = (sup (fst x) (fst y), sup (snd x) (snd y))"
lemma sup_Pair_Pair [simp]: "sup (a, b) (c, d) = (sup a c, sup b d)"
unfolding sup_prod_def by simp
lemma fst_sup [simp]: "fst (sup x y) = sup (fst x) (fst y)"
unfolding sup_prod_def by simp
lemma snd_sup [simp]: "snd (sup x y) = sup (snd x) (snd y)"
unfolding sup_prod_def by simp
instance ..
instance prod :: (semilattice_sup, semilattice_sup) semilattice_sup
by standard auto
instance prod :: (lattice, lattice) lattice ..
instance prod :: (distrib_lattice, distrib_lattice) distrib_lattice
by standard (auto simp add: sup_inf_distrib1)
subsection \<open>Top and bottom elements\<close>
instantiation prod :: (top, top) top
"top = (top, top)"
instance ..
lemma fst_top [simp]: "fst top = top"
unfolding top_prod_def by simp
lemma snd_top [simp]: "snd top = top"
unfolding top_prod_def by simp
lemma Pair_top_top: "(top, top) = top"
unfolding top_prod_def by simp
instance prod :: (order_top, order_top) order_top
by standard (auto simp add: top_prod_def)
instantiation prod :: (bot, bot) bot
"bot = (bot, bot)"
instance ..
lemma fst_bot [simp]: "fst bot = bot"
unfolding bot_prod_def by simp
lemma snd_bot [simp]: "snd bot = bot"
unfolding bot_prod_def by simp
lemma Pair_bot_bot: "(bot, bot) = bot"
unfolding bot_prod_def by simp
instance prod :: (order_bot, order_bot) order_bot
by standard (auto simp add: bot_prod_def)
instance prod :: (bounded_lattice, bounded_lattice) bounded_lattice ..
instance prod :: (boolean_algebra, boolean_algebra) boolean_algebra
by standard (auto simp add: prod_eqI diff_eq)
subsection \<open>Complete lattice operations\<close>
instantiation prod :: (Inf, Inf) Inf
definition "Inf A = (INF x\A. fst x, INF x\A. snd x)"
instance ..
instantiation prod :: (Sup, Sup) Sup
definition "Sup A = (SUP x\A. fst x, SUP x\A. snd x)"
instance ..
instance prod :: (conditionally_complete_lattice, conditionally_complete_lattice)
by standard (force simp: less_eq_prod_def Inf_prod_def Sup_prod_def bdd_below_def bdd_above_def
intro!: cInf_lower cSup_upper cInf_greatest cSup_least)+
instance prod :: (complete_lattice, complete_lattice) complete_lattice
by standard (simp_all add: less_eq_prod_def Inf_prod_def Sup_prod_def
INF_lower SUP_upper le_INF_iff SUP_le_iff bot_prod_def top_prod_def)
lemma fst_Inf: "fst (Inf A) = (INF x\A. fst x)"
by (simp add: Inf_prod_def)
lemma fst_INF: "fst (INF x\A. f x) = (INF x\A. fst (f x))"
by (simp add: fst_Inf image_image)
lemma fst_Sup: "fst (Sup A) = (SUP x\A. fst x)"
by (simp add: Sup_prod_def)
lemma fst_SUP: "fst (SUP x\A. f x) = (SUP x\A. fst (f x))"
by (simp add: fst_Sup image_image)
lemma snd_Inf: "snd (Inf A) = (INF x\A. snd x)"
by (simp add: Inf_prod_def)
lemma snd_INF: "snd (INF x\A. f x) = (INF x\A. snd (f x))"
by (simp add: snd_Inf image_image)
lemma snd_Sup: "snd (Sup A) = (SUP x\A. snd x)"
by (simp add: Sup_prod_def)
lemma snd_SUP: "snd (SUP x\A. f x) = (SUP x\A. snd (f x))"
by (simp add: snd_Sup image_image)
lemma INF_Pair: "(INF x\A. (f x, g x)) = (INF x\A. f x, INF x\A. g x)"
by (simp add: Inf_prod_def image_image)
lemma SUP_Pair: "(SUP x\A. (f x, g x)) = (SUP x\A. f x, SUP x\A. g x)"
by (simp add: Sup_prod_def image_image)
text \<open>Alternative formulations for set infima and suprema over the product
of two complete lattices:\<close>
lemma INF_prod_alt_def: \<^marker>\<open>contributor \<open>Alessandro Coglio\<close>\<close>
"Inf (f ` A) = (Inf ((fst \ f) ` A), Inf ((snd \ f) ` A))"
by (simp add: Inf_prod_def image_image)
lemma SUP_prod_alt_def: \<^marker>\<open>contributor \<open>Alessandro Coglio\<close>\<close>
"Sup (f ` A) = (Sup ((fst \ f) ` A), Sup((snd \ f) ` A))"
by (simp add: Sup_prod_def image_image)
subsection \<open>Complete distributive lattices\<close>
instance prod :: (complete_distrib_lattice, complete_distrib_lattice) complete_distrib_lattice \<^marker>\<open>contributor \<open>Alessandro Coglio\<close>\<close>
fix A::"('a\'b) set set"
show "Inf (Sup ` A) \ Sup (Inf ` {f ` A |f. \Y\A. f Y \ Y})"
by (simp add: Inf_prod_def Sup_prod_def INF_SUP_set image_image)
subsection \<open>Bekic's Theorem\<close>
text \<open>
Simultaneous fixed points over pairs can be written in terms of separate fixed points.
Transliterated from HOLCF.Fix by Peter Gammie
lemma lfp_prod:
fixes F :: "'a::complete_lattice \ 'b::complete_lattice \ 'a \ 'b"
assumes "mono F"
shows "lfp F = (lfp (\x. fst (F (x, lfp (\y. snd (F (x, y)))))),
(lfp (\<lambda>y. snd (F (lfp (\<lambda>x. fst (F (x, lfp (\<lambda>y. snd (F (x, y)))))), y)))))"
(is "lfp F = (?x, ?y)")
proof(rule lfp_eqI[OF assms])
have 1: "fst (F (?x, ?y)) = ?x"
by (rule trans [symmetric, OF lfp_unfold])
(blast intro!: monoI monoD[OF assms(1)] fst_mono snd_mono Pair_mono lfp_mono)+
have 2: "snd (F (?x, ?y)) = ?y"
by (rule trans [symmetric, OF lfp_unfold])
(blast intro!: monoI monoD[OF assms(1)] fst_mono snd_mono Pair_mono lfp_mono)+
from 1 2 show "F (?x, ?y) = (?x, ?y)" by (simp add: prod_eq_iff)
fix z assume F_z: "F z = z"
obtain x y where z: "z = (x, y)" by (rule prod.exhaust)
from F_z z have F_x: "fst (F (x, y)) = x" by simp
from F_z z have F_y: "snd (F (x, y)) = y" by simp
let ?y1 = "lfp (\y. snd (F (x, y)))"
have "?y1 \ y" by (rule lfp_lowerbound, simp add: F_y)
hence "fst (F (x, ?y1)) \ fst (F (x, y))"
by (simp add: assms fst_mono monoD)
hence "fst (F (x, ?y1)) \ x" using F_x by simp
hence 1: "?x \ x" by (simp add: lfp_lowerbound)
hence "snd (F (?x, y)) \ snd (F (x, y))"
by (simp add: assms snd_mono monoD)
hence "snd (F (?x, y)) \ y" using F_y by simp
hence 2: "?y \ y" by (simp add: lfp_lowerbound)
show "(?x, ?y) \ z" using z 1 2 by simp
lemma gfp_prod:
fixes F :: "'a::complete_lattice \ 'b::complete_lattice \ 'a \ 'b"
assumes "mono F"
shows "gfp F = (gfp (\x. fst (F (x, gfp (\y. snd (F (x, y)))))),
(gfp (\<lambda>y. snd (F (gfp (\<lambda>x. fst (F (x, gfp (\<lambda>y. snd (F (x, y)))))), y)))))"
(is "gfp F = (?x, ?y)")
proof(rule gfp_eqI[OF assms])
have 1: "fst (F (?x, ?y)) = ?x"
by (rule trans [symmetric, OF gfp_unfold])
(blast intro!: monoI monoD[OF assms(1)] fst_mono snd_mono Pair_mono gfp_mono)+
have 2: "snd (F (?x, ?y)) = ?y"
by (rule trans [symmetric, OF gfp_unfold])
(blast intro!: monoI monoD[OF assms(1)] fst_mono snd_mono Pair_mono gfp_mono)+
from 1 2 show "F (?x, ?y) = (?x, ?y)" by (simp add: prod_eq_iff)
fix z assume F_z: "F z = z"
obtain x y where z: "z = (x, y)" by (rule prod.exhaust)
from F_z z have F_x: "fst (F (x, y)) = x" by simp
from F_z z have F_y: "snd (F (x, y)) = y" by simp
let ?y1 = "gfp (\y. snd (F (x, y)))"
have "y \ ?y1" by (rule gfp_upperbound, simp add: F_y)
hence "fst (F (x, y)) \ fst (F (x, ?y1))"
by (simp add: assms fst_mono monoD)
hence "x \ fst (F (x, ?y1))" using F_x by simp
hence 1: "x \ ?x" by (simp add: gfp_upperbound)
hence "snd (F (x, y)) \ snd (F (?x, y))"
by (simp add: assms snd_mono monoD)
hence "y \ snd (F (?x, y))" using F_y by simp
hence 2: "y \ ?y" by (simp add: gfp_upperbound)
show "z \ (?x, ?y)" using z 1 2 by simp
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