(* Title: HOL/SPARK/Tools/fdl_lexer.ML
Author: Stefan Berghofer
Copyright: secunet Security Networks AG
Lexical analyzer for fdl files.
signature FDL_LEXER =
type T
type chars
type banner
type date
type time
datatype kind = Keyword | Ident | Long_Ident | Traceability | Number | Comment | EOF
val tokenize: (chars -> 'a * chars) -> (chars -> T * chars) ->
Position.T -> string -> 'a * T list
val position_of: T -> Position.T
val pos_of: T -> string
val is_eof: T -> bool
val stopper: T Scan.stopper
val kind_of: T -> kind
val content_of: T -> string
val unparse: T -> string
val is_proper: T -> bool
val is_digit: string -> bool
val c_comment: chars -> T * chars
val curly_comment: chars -> T * chars
val percent_comment: chars -> T * chars
val vcg_header: chars -> (banner * (date * time) option) * chars
val siv_header: chars ->
(banner * (date * time) * (date * time) * (string * string)) * chars
structure Fdl_Lexer: FDL_LEXER =
(** tokens **)
datatype kind = Keyword | Ident | Long_Ident | Traceability | Number | Comment | EOF;
datatype T = Token of kind * string * Position.T;
fun make_token k xs = Token (k, implode (map fst xs),
case xs of [] => Position.none | (_, p) :: _ => p);
fun kind_of (Token (k, _, _)) = k;
fun is_proper (Token (Comment, _, _)) = false
| is_proper _ = true;
fun content_of (Token (_, s, _)) = s;
fun unparse (Token (Traceability, s, _)) = "For " ^ s ^ ":"
| unparse (Token (_, s, _)) = s;
fun position_of (Token (_, _, pos)) = pos;
val pos_of = Position.here o position_of;
fun is_eof (Token (EOF, _, _)) = true
| is_eof _ = false;
fun mk_eof pos = Token (EOF, "", pos);
val eof = mk_eof Position.none;
val stopper =
Scan.stopper (fn [] => eof | toks => mk_eof (position_of (List.last toks))) is_eof;
fun leq_token (Token (_, s, _), Token (_, s', _)) = size s <= size s';
(** split up a string into a list of characters (with positions) **)
type chars = (string * Position.T) list;
fun is_char_eof ("", _) = true
| is_char_eof _ = false;
val char_stopper = Scan.stopper (K ("", Position.none)) is_char_eof;
fun symbol (x : string, _ : Position.T) = x;
fun explode_pos s pos = fst (fold_map (fn x => fn pos =>
((x, pos), Position.advance x pos)) (raw_explode s) pos);
(** scanners **)
val any = Scan.one (not o Scan.is_stopper char_stopper);
fun prfx [] = Scan.succeed []
| prfx (x :: xs) = Scan.one (equal x o symbol) ::: prfx xs;
val $$$ = prfx o raw_explode;
val lexicon = Scan.make_lexicon (map raw_explode
fun keyword s = Scan.literal lexicon :|--
(fn xs => if map symbol xs = raw_explode s then Scan.succeed xs else Scan.fail);
fun is_digit x = "0" <= x andalso x <= "9";
fun is_alpha x = "a" <= x andalso x <= "z" orelse "A" <= x andalso x <= "Z";
val is_underscore = equal "_";
val is_tilde = equal "~";
val is_newline = equal "\n";
val is_tab = equal "\t";
val is_space = equal " ";
val is_whitespace = is_space orf is_tab orf is_newline;
val is_whitespace' = is_space orf is_tab;
val number = Scan.many1 (is_digit o symbol);
val identifier =
Scan.one (is_alpha o symbol) :::
((is_alpha orf is_digit orf is_underscore) o symbol) @@@
Scan.optional (Scan.one (is_tilde o symbol) >> single) [];
val long_identifier =
identifier @@@ Scan.repeats1 ($$$ "." @@@ identifier);
val whitespace = Scan.many (is_whitespace o symbol);
val whitespace1 = Scan.many1 (is_whitespace o symbol);
val whitespace' = Scan.many (is_whitespace' o symbol);
val newline = Scan.one (is_newline o symbol);
fun beginning n cs =
val drop_blanks = drop_suffix is_whitespace;
val all_cs = drop_blanks cs;
val dots = if length all_cs > n then " ..." else "";
(drop_blanks (take n all_cs)
|> map (fn c => if is_whitespace c then " " else c)
|> implode) ^ dots
fun !!! text scan =
fun get_pos [] = " (end-of-input)"
| get_pos ((_, pos) :: _) = Position.here pos;
fun err (syms, msg) = fn () =>
text ^ get_pos syms ^ " at " ^ beginning 10 (map symbol syms) ^
(case msg of NONE => "" | SOME m => "\n" ^ m ());
in Scan.!! err scan end;
val any_line' =
Scan.many (not o (Scan.is_stopper char_stopper orf (is_newline o symbol)));
val any_line = whitespace' |-- any_line' --|
newline >> (implode o map symbol);
fun gen_comment a b = $$$ a |-- !!! "unclosed comment"
(Scan.repeat (Scan.unless ($$$ b) any) --| $$$ b) >> make_token Comment;
val c_comment = gen_comment "/*" "*/";
val curly_comment = gen_comment "{" "}";
val percent_comment = $$$ "%" |-- any_line' >> make_token Comment;
fun repeatn 0 _ = Scan.succeed []
| repeatn n p = Scan.one p ::: repeatn (n-1) p;
(** header of *.vcg and *.siv files (see simplifier/load_provenance.pro) **)
type banner = string * string * string;
type date = string * string * string;
type time = string * string * string * string option;
val asterisks = Scan.repeat1 (Scan.one (equal "*" o symbol));
fun alphan n = repeatn n (is_alpha o symbol) >> (implode o map symbol);
fun digitn n = repeatn n (is_digit o symbol) >> (implode o map symbol);
val time =
digitn 2 --| $$$ ":" -- digitn 2 --| $$$ ":" -- digitn 2 --
Scan.option ($$$ "." |-- digitn 2) >>
(fn (((hr, mi), s), ms) => (hr, mi, s, ms));
val date =
digitn 2 --| $$$ "-" -- alphan 3 --| $$$ "-" -- digitn 4 >>
(fn ((d, m), y) => (d, m, y));
val banner =
whitespace' |-- asterisks --| whitespace' --| newline :|-- (fn xs =>
(any_line -- any_line -- any_line >>
(fn ((l1, l2), l3) => (l1, l2, l3))) --|
whitespace' --| prfx (map symbol xs) --| whitespace' --| newline);
val vcg_header = banner -- Scan.option (whitespace |--
$$$ "DATE :" |-- whitespace |-- date --| whitespace --|
Scan.option ($$$ "TIME :" -- whitespace) -- time);
val siv_header = banner --| whitespace --
($$$ "CREATED" |-- whitespace |-- (date --| $$$ "," --| whitespace -- time)) --|
whitespace --
($$$ "SIMPLIFIED" |-- whitespace |-- (date --| $$$ "," --| whitespace -- time)) --|
newline --| newline -- (any_line -- any_line) >>
(fn (((b, c), s), ls) => (b, c, s, ls));
(** the main tokenizer **)
fun scan header comment =
!!! "bad header" header --| whitespace --
Scan.repeat (Scan.unless (Scan.one is_char_eof)
(!!! "bad input"
( comment
|| (keyword "For" -- whitespace1) |--
Scan.repeat1 (Scan.unless (keyword ":") any) --|
keyword ":" >> make_token Traceability
|| Scan.max leq_token
(Scan.literal lexicon >> make_token Keyword)
( long_identifier >> make_token Long_Ident
|| identifier >> make_token Ident)
|| number >> make_token Number) --|
fun tokenize header comment pos s =
fst (Scan.finite char_stopper
(Scan.error (scan header comment)) (explode_pos s pos));
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.1 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.