(* Title: Pure/Isar/token.ML
Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
Outer token syntax for Isabelle/Isar.
signature TOKEN =
datatype kind =
(*immediate source*)
Command | Keyword | Ident | Long_Ident | Sym_Ident | Var | Type_Ident | Type_Var | Nat |
Float | Space |
(*delimited content*)
String | Alt_String | Verbatim | Cartouche | Comment of Comment.kind option |
(*special content*)
Error of string | EOF
val str_of_kind: kind -> string
type file = {src_path: Path.T, lines: string list, digest: SHA1.digest, pos: Position.T}
type T
type src = T list
type name_value = {name: string, kind: string, print: Proof.context -> Markup.T * xstring}
datatype value =
Source of src |
Literal of bool * Markup.T |
Name of name_value * morphism |
Typ of typ |
Term of term |
Fact of string option * thm list |
Attribute of morphism -> attribute |
Declaration of declaration |
Files of file Exn.result list
val pos_of: T -> Position.T
val adjust_offsets: (int -> int option) -> T -> T
val eof: T
val is_eof: T -> bool
val not_eof: T -> bool
val stopper: T Scan.stopper
val kind_of: T -> kind
val is_kind: kind -> T -> bool
val is_command: T -> bool
val keyword_with: (string -> bool) -> T -> bool
val is_command_modifier: T -> bool
val ident_with: (string -> bool) -> T -> bool
val is_proper: T -> bool
val is_comment: T -> bool
val is_informal_comment: T -> bool
val is_formal_comment: T -> bool
val is_document_marker: T -> bool
val is_ignored: T -> bool
val is_begin_ignore: T -> bool
val is_end_ignore: T -> bool
val is_error: T -> bool
val is_space: T -> bool
val is_blank: T -> bool
val is_newline: T -> bool
val range_of: T list -> Position.range
val core_range_of: T list -> Position.range
val content_of: T -> string
val source_of: T -> string
val input_of: T -> Input.source
val inner_syntax_of: T -> string
val keyword_markup: bool * Markup.T -> string -> Markup.T
val completion_report: T -> Position.report_text list
val reports: Keyword.keywords -> T -> Position.report_text list
val markups: Keyword.keywords -> T -> Markup.T list
val unparse: T -> string
val print: T -> string
val text_of: T -> string * string
val file_source: file -> Input.source
val get_files: T -> file Exn.result list
val put_files: file Exn.result list -> T -> T
val get_value: T -> value option
val reports_of_value: T -> Position.report list
val name_value: name_value -> value
val get_name: T -> name_value option
val declare_maxidx: T -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
val map_facts: (string option -> thm list -> thm list) -> T -> T
val trim_context_src: src -> src
val transform: morphism -> T -> T
val init_assignable: T -> T
val assign: value option -> T -> T
val evaluate: ('a -> value) -> (T -> 'a) -> T -> 'a
val closure: T -> T
val pretty_value: Proof.context -> T -> Pretty.T
val name_of_src: src -> string * Position.T
val args_of_src: src -> T list
val checked_src: src -> bool
val check_src: Proof.context -> (Proof.context -> 'a Name_Space.table) -> src -> src * 'a
val pretty_src: Proof.context -> src -> Pretty.T
val ident_or_symbolic: string -> bool
val read_cartouche: Symbol_Pos.T list -> T
val tokenize: Keyword.keywords -> {strict: bool} -> Symbol_Pos.T list -> T list
val explode: Keyword.keywords -> Position.T -> string -> T list
val explode0: Keyword.keywords -> string -> T list
val print_name: Keyword.keywords -> string -> string
val make: (int * int) * string -> Position.T -> T * Position.T
val make_string: string * Position.T -> T
val make_int: int -> T list
val make_src: string * Position.T -> T list -> src
type 'a parser = T list -> 'a * T list
type 'a context_parser = Context.generic * T list -> 'a * (Context.generic * T list)
val read_body: Keyword.keywords -> 'a parser -> Symbol_Pos.T list -> 'a option
val read_antiq: Keyword.keywords -> 'a parser -> Symbol_Pos.T list * Position.T -> 'a
val syntax_generic: 'a context_parser -> src -> Context.generic -> 'a * Context.generic
val syntax: 'a context_parser -> src -> Proof.context -> 'a * Proof.context
structure Token: TOKEN =
(** tokens **)
(* token kind *)
datatype kind =
(*immediate source*)
Command | Keyword | Ident | Long_Ident | Sym_Ident | Var | Type_Ident | Type_Var | Nat |
Float | Space |
(*delimited content*)
String | Alt_String | Verbatim | Cartouche | Comment of Comment.kind option |
(*special content*)
Error of string | EOF;
val str_of_kind =
fn Command => "command"
| Keyword => "keyword"
| Ident => "identifier"
| Long_Ident => "long identifier"
| Sym_Ident => "symbolic identifier"
| Var => "schematic variable"
| Type_Ident => "type variable"
| Type_Var => "schematic type variable"
| Nat => "natural number"
| Float => "floating-point number"
| Space => "white space"
| String => "quoted string"
| Alt_String => "back-quoted string"
| Verbatim => "verbatim text"
| Cartouche => "text cartouche"
| Comment NONE => "informal comment"
| Comment (SOME _) => "formal comment"
| Error _ => "bad input"
| EOF => "end-of-input";
val immediate_kinds =
[Command, Keyword, Ident, Long_Ident, Sym_Ident, Var, Type_Ident, Type_Var, Nat, Float, Space];
val delimited_kind =
(fn String => true
| Alt_String => true
| Verbatim => true
| Cartouche => true
| Comment _ => true
| _ => false);
(* datatype token *)
(*The value slot assigns an (optional) internal value to a token,
usually as a side-effect of special scanner setup (see also
args.ML). Note that an assignable ref designates an intermediate
state of internalization -- it is NOT meant to persist.*)
type file = {src_path: Path.T, lines: string list, digest: SHA1.digest, pos: Position.T};
type name_value = {name: string, kind: string, print: Proof.context -> Markup.T * xstring};
datatype T = Token of (Symbol_Pos.text * Position.range) * (kind * string) * slot
and slot =
Slot |
Value of value option |
Assignable of value option Unsynchronized.ref
and value =
Source of T list |
Literal of bool * Markup.T |
Name of name_value * morphism |
Typ of typ |
Term of term |
Fact of string option * thm list | (*optional name for dynamic fact, i.e. fact "variable"*)
Attribute of morphism -> attribute |
Declaration of declaration |
Files of file Exn.result list;
type src = T list;
(* position *)
fun pos_of (Token ((_, (pos, _)), _, _)) = pos;
fun end_pos_of (Token ((_, (_, pos)), _, _)) = pos;
fun adjust_offsets adjust (Token ((x, range), y, z)) =
Token ((x, apply2 (Position.adjust_offsets adjust) range), y, z);
(* stopper *)
fun mk_eof pos = Token (("", (pos, Position.none)), (EOF, ""), Slot);
val eof = mk_eof Position.none;
fun is_eof (Token (_, (EOF, _), _)) = true
| is_eof _ = false;
val not_eof = not o is_eof;
val stopper =
Scan.stopper (fn [] => eof | toks => mk_eof (end_pos_of (List.last toks))) is_eof;
(* kind of token *)
fun kind_of (Token (_, (k, _), _)) = k;
fun is_kind k (Token (_, (k', _), _)) = k = k';
val is_command = is_kind Command;
fun keyword_with pred (Token (_, (Keyword, x), _)) = pred x
| keyword_with _ _ = false;
val is_command_modifier = keyword_with (fn x => x = "private" orelse x = "qualified");
fun ident_with pred (Token (_, (Ident, x), _)) = pred x
| ident_with _ _ = false;
fun is_ignored (Token (_, (Space, _), _)) = true
| is_ignored (Token (_, (Comment NONE, _), _)) = true
| is_ignored _ = false;
fun is_proper (Token (_, (Space, _), _)) = false
| is_proper (Token (_, (Comment _, _), _)) = false
| is_proper _ = true;
fun is_comment (Token (_, (Comment _, _), _)) = true
| is_comment _ = false;
fun is_informal_comment (Token (_, (Comment NONE, _), _)) = true
| is_informal_comment _ = false;
fun is_formal_comment (Token (_, (Comment (SOME _), _), _)) = true
| is_formal_comment _ = false;
fun is_document_marker (Token (_, (Comment (SOME Comment.Marker), _), _)) = true
| is_document_marker _ = false;
fun is_begin_ignore (Token (_, (Comment NONE, "<"), _)) = true
| is_begin_ignore _ = false;
fun is_end_ignore (Token (_, (Comment NONE, ">"), _)) = true
| is_end_ignore _ = false;
fun is_error (Token (_, (Error _, _), _)) = true
| is_error _ = false;
(* blanks and newlines -- space tokens obey lines *)
fun is_space (Token (_, (Space, _), _)) = true
| is_space _ = false;
fun is_blank (Token (_, (Space, x), _)) = not (String.isSuffix "\n" x)
| is_blank _ = false;
fun is_newline (Token (_, (Space, x), _)) = String.isSuffix "\n" x
| is_newline _ = false;
(* range of tokens *)
fun range_of (toks as tok :: _) =
let val pos' = end_pos_of (List.last toks)
in Position.range (pos_of tok, pos') end
| range_of [] = Position.no_range;
val core_range_of =
drop_prefix is_ignored #> drop_suffix is_ignored #> range_of;
(* token content *)
fun content_of (Token (_, (_, x), _)) = x;
fun source_of (Token ((source, _), _, _)) = source;
fun input_of (Token ((source, range), (kind, _), _)) =
Input.source (delimited_kind kind) source range;
fun inner_syntax_of tok =
let val x = content_of tok
in if YXML.detect x then x else Syntax.implode_input (input_of tok) end;
(* markup reports *)
val token_kind_markup =
fn Var => (Markup.var, "")
| Type_Ident => (Markup.tfree, "")
| Type_Var => (Markup.tvar, "")
| String => (Markup.string, "")
| Alt_String => (Markup.alt_string, "")
| Verbatim => (Markup.verbatim, "")
| Cartouche => (Markup.cartouche, "")
| Comment _ => (Markup.comment, "")
| Error msg => (Markup.bad (), msg)
| _ => (Markup.empty, "");
fun keyword_reports tok = map (fn markup => ((pos_of tok, markup), ""));
fun command_markups keywords x =
if Keyword.is_theory_end keywords x then [Markup.keyword2 |> Markup.keyword_properties]
(if Keyword.is_proof_asm keywords x then [Markup.keyword3]
else if Keyword.is_improper keywords x then [Markup.keyword1, Markup.improper]
else [Markup.keyword1])
|> map Markup.command_properties;
fun keyword_markup (important, keyword) x =
if important orelse Symbol.is_ascii_identifier x then keyword else Markup.delimiter;
fun completion_report tok =
if is_kind Keyword tok
then map (fn m => ((pos_of tok, m), "")) (Completion.suppress_abbrevs (content_of tok))
else [];
fun reports keywords tok =
if is_command tok then
keyword_reports tok (command_markups keywords (content_of tok))
else if is_kind Keyword tok then
keyword_reports tok
[keyword_markup (false, Markup.keyword2 |> Markup.keyword_properties) (content_of tok)]
val pos = pos_of tok;
val (m, text) = token_kind_markup (kind_of tok);
val delete = #2 (Symbol_Pos.explode_delete (source_of tok, pos));
in ((pos, m), text) :: map (fn p => ((p, Markup.delete), "")) delete end;
fun markups keywords = map (#2 o #1) o reports keywords;
(* unparse *)
fun unparse (Token (_, (kind, x), _)) =
(case kind of
String => Symbol_Pos.quote_string_qq x
| Alt_String => Symbol_Pos.quote_string_bq x
| Verbatim => enclose "{*" "*}" x
| Cartouche => cartouche x
| Comment NONE => enclose "(*" "*)" x
| EOF => ""
| _ => x);
fun print tok = Markup.markups (markups Keyword.empty_keywords tok) (unparse tok);
fun text_of tok =
val k = str_of_kind (kind_of tok);
val ms = markups Keyword.empty_keywords tok;
val s = unparse tok;
if s = "" then (k, "")
else if size s < 40 andalso not (exists_string (fn c => c = "\n") s)
then (k ^ " " ^ Markup.markups ms s, "")
else (k, Markup.markups ms s)
(** associated values **)
(* inlined file content *)
fun file_source (file: file) =
val text = cat_lines (#lines file);
val end_pos = fold Position.advance (Symbol.explode text) (#pos file);
in Input.source true text (Position.range (#pos file, end_pos)) end;
fun get_files (Token (_, _, Value (SOME (Files files)))) = files
| get_files _ = [];
fun put_files [] tok = tok
| put_files files (Token (x, y, Slot)) = Token (x, y, Value (SOME (Files files)))
| put_files _ tok = raise Fail ("Cannot put inlined files here" ^ Position.here (pos_of tok));
(* access values *)
fun get_value (Token (_, _, Value v)) = v
| get_value _ = NONE;
fun map_value f (Token (x, y, Value (SOME v))) = Token (x, y, Value (SOME (f v)))
| map_value _ tok = tok;
(* reports of value *)
fun get_assignable_value (Token (_, _, Assignable r)) = ! r
| get_assignable_value (Token (_, _, Value v)) = v
| get_assignable_value _ = NONE;
fun reports_of_value tok =
(case get_assignable_value tok of
SOME (Literal markup) =>
val pos = pos_of tok;
val x = content_of tok;
if Position.is_reported pos then
map (pair pos) (keyword_markup markup x :: Completion.suppress_abbrevs x)
else []
| _ => []);
(* name value *)
fun name_value a = Name (a, Morphism.identity);
fun get_name tok =
(case get_assignable_value tok of
SOME (Name (a, _)) => SOME a
| _ => NONE);
(* maxidx *)
fun declare_maxidx tok =
(case get_value tok of
SOME (Source src) => fold declare_maxidx src
| SOME (Typ T) => Variable.declare_maxidx (Term.maxidx_of_typ T)
| SOME (Term t) => Variable.declare_maxidx (Term.maxidx_of_term t)
| SOME (Fact (_, ths)) => fold (Variable.declare_maxidx o Thm.maxidx_of) ths
| SOME (Attribute _) => I (* FIXME !? *)
| SOME (Declaration decl) =>
(fn ctxt =>
let val ctxt' = Context.proof_map (Morphism.form decl) ctxt
in Variable.declare_maxidx (Variable.maxidx_of ctxt') ctxt end)
| _ => I);
(* fact values *)
fun map_facts f =
map_value (fn v =>
(case v of
Source src => Source (map (map_facts f) src)
| Fact (a, ths) => Fact (a, f a ths)
| _ => v));
val trim_context_src = (map o map_facts) (K (map Thm.trim_context));
(* transform *)
fun transform phi =
map_value (fn v =>
(case v of
Source src => Source (map (transform phi) src)
| Literal _ => v
| Name (a, psi) => Name (a, psi $> phi)
| Typ T => Typ (Morphism.typ phi T)
| Term t => Term (Morphism.term phi t)
| Fact (a, ths) => Fact (a, Morphism.fact phi ths)
| Attribute att => Attribute (Morphism.transform phi att)
| Declaration decl => Declaration (Morphism.transform phi decl)
| Files _ => v));
(* static binding *)
(*1st stage: initialize assignable slots*)
fun init_assignable tok =
(case tok of
Token (x, y, Slot) => Token (x, y, Assignable (Unsynchronized.ref NONE))
| Token (_, _, Value _) => tok
| Token (_, _, Assignable r) => (r := NONE; tok));
(*2nd stage: assign values as side-effect of scanning*)
fun assign v tok =
(case tok of
Token (x, y, Slot) => Token (x, y, Value v)
| Token (_, _, Value _) => tok
| Token (_, _, Assignable r) => (r := v; tok));
fun evaluate mk eval arg =
let val x = eval arg in (assign (SOME (mk x)) arg; x) end;
(*3rd stage: static closure of final values*)
fun closure (Token (x, y, Assignable (Unsynchronized.ref v))) = Token (x, y, Value v)
| closure tok = tok;
(* pretty *)
fun pretty_value ctxt tok =
(case get_value tok of
SOME (Literal markup) =>
let val x = content_of tok
in Pretty.mark_str (keyword_markup markup x, x) end
| SOME (Name ({print, ...}, _)) => Pretty.quote (Pretty.mark_str (print ctxt))
| SOME (Typ T) => Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt T
| SOME (Term t) => Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t
| SOME (Fact (_, ths)) =>
Pretty.enclose "(" ")" (Pretty.breaks (map (Pretty.cartouche o Thm.pretty_thm ctxt) ths))
| _ => Pretty.marks_str (markups Keyword.empty_keywords tok, unparse tok));
(* src *)
fun dest_src ([]: src) = raise Fail "Empty token source"
| dest_src (head :: args) = (head, args);
fun name_of_src src =
val head = #1 (dest_src src);
val name =
(case get_name head of
SOME {name, ...} => name
| NONE => content_of head);
in (name, pos_of head) end;
val args_of_src = #2 o dest_src;
fun pretty_src ctxt src =
val (head, args) = dest_src src;
val prt_name =
(case get_name head of
SOME {print, ...} => Pretty.mark_str (print ctxt)
| NONE => Pretty.str (content_of head));
in Pretty.block (Pretty.breaks (Pretty.quote prt_name :: map (pretty_value ctxt) args)) end;
fun checked_src (head :: _) = is_some (get_name head)
| checked_src [] = true;
fun check_src ctxt get_table src =
val (head, args) = dest_src src;
val table = get_table ctxt;
(case get_name head of
SOME {name, ...} => (src, Name_Space.get table name)
| NONE =>
val pos = pos_of head;
val (name, x) = Name_Space.check (Context.Proof ctxt) table (content_of head, pos);
val _ = Context_Position.report ctxt pos Markup.operator;
val kind = Name_Space.kind_of (Name_Space.space_of_table table);
fun print ctxt' =
Name_Space.markup_extern ctxt' (Name_Space.space_of_table (get_table ctxt')) name;
val value = name_value {name = name, kind = kind, print = print};
val head' = closure (assign (SOME value) head);
in (head' :: args, x) end)
(** scanners **)
open Basic_Symbol_Pos;
val err_prefix = "Outer lexical error: ";
fun !!! msg = Symbol_Pos.!!! (fn () => err_prefix ^ msg);
(* scan symbolic idents *)
val scan_symid =
Scan.many1 (Symbol.is_symbolic_char o Symbol_Pos.symbol) ||
Scan.one (Symbol.is_symbolic o Symbol_Pos.symbol) >> single;
fun is_symid str =
(case try Symbol.explode str of
SOME [s] => Symbol.is_symbolic s orelse Symbol.is_symbolic_char s
| SOME ss => forall Symbol.is_symbolic_char ss
| _ => false);
fun ident_or_symbolic "begin" = false
| ident_or_symbolic ":" = true
| ident_or_symbolic "::" = true
| ident_or_symbolic s = Symbol_Pos.is_identifier s orelse is_symid s;
(* scan verbatim text *)
val scan_verb =
$$$ "*" --| Scan.ahead (~$$ "}") ||
Scan.one (fn (s, _) => s <> "*" andalso Symbol.not_eof s) >> single;
val scan_verbatim =
Scan.ahead ($$ "{" -- $$ "*") |--
!!! "unclosed verbatim text"
((Symbol_Pos.scan_pos --| $$ "{" --| $$ "*") --
(Scan.repeats scan_verb -- ($$ "*" |-- $$ "}" |-- Symbol_Pos.scan_pos)));
val recover_verbatim =
$$$ "{" @@@ $$$ "*" @@@ Scan.repeats scan_verb;
(* scan cartouche *)
val scan_cartouche =
Symbol_Pos.scan_pos --
((Symbol_Pos.scan_cartouche err_prefix >> Symbol_Pos.cartouche_content) -- Symbol_Pos.scan_pos);
(* scan space *)
fun space_symbol (s, _) = Symbol.is_blank s andalso s <> "\n";
val scan_space =
Scan.many1 space_symbol @@@ Scan.optional ($$$ "\n") [] ||
Scan.many space_symbol @@@ $$$ "\n";
(* scan comment *)
val scan_comment =
Symbol_Pos.scan_pos -- (Symbol_Pos.scan_comment_body err_prefix -- Symbol_Pos.scan_pos);
(** token sources **)
fun token_leq ((_, syms1), (_, syms2)) = length syms1 <= length syms2;
fun token k ss =
Token ((Symbol_Pos.implode ss, Symbol_Pos.range ss), (k, Symbol_Pos.content ss), Slot);
fun token_range k (pos1, (ss, pos2)) =
Token (Symbol_Pos.implode_range (pos1, pos2) ss, (k, Symbol_Pos.content ss), Slot);
fun scan_token keywords = !!! "bad input"
(Symbol_Pos.scan_string_qq err_prefix >> token_range String ||
Symbol_Pos.scan_string_bq err_prefix >> token_range Alt_String ||
scan_verbatim >> token_range Verbatim ||
scan_cartouche >> token_range Cartouche ||
scan_comment >> token_range (Comment NONE) ||
Comment.scan_outer >> (fn (k, ss) => token (Comment (SOME k)) ss) ||
scan_space >> token Space ||
(Scan.max token_leq
(Scan.max token_leq
(Scan.literal (Keyword.major_keywords keywords) >> pair Command)
(Scan.literal (Keyword.minor_keywords keywords) >> pair Keyword))
(Lexicon.scan_longid >> pair Long_Ident ||
Lexicon.scan_id >> pair Ident ||
Lexicon.scan_var >> pair Var ||
Lexicon.scan_tid >> pair Type_Ident ||
Lexicon.scan_tvar >> pair Type_Var ||
Symbol_Pos.scan_float >> pair Float ||
Symbol_Pos.scan_nat >> pair Nat ||
scan_symid >> pair Sym_Ident) >> uncurry token));
fun recover msg =
(Symbol_Pos.recover_string_qq ||
Symbol_Pos.recover_string_bq ||
recover_verbatim ||
Symbol_Pos.recover_cartouche ||
Symbol_Pos.recover_comment ||
Scan.one (Symbol.not_eof o Symbol_Pos.symbol) >> single)
>> (single o token (Error msg));
fun make_source keywords {strict} =
val scan_strict = Scan.bulk (scan_token keywords);
val scan = if strict then scan_strict else Scan.recover scan_strict recover;
in Source.source Symbol_Pos.stopper scan end;
fun read_cartouche syms =
(case Scan.read Symbol_Pos.stopper (scan_cartouche >> token_range Cartouche) syms of
SOME tok => tok
| NONE => error ("Single cartouche expected" ^ Position.here (#1 (Symbol_Pos.range syms))));
(* explode *)
fun tokenize keywords strict syms =
Source.of_list syms |> make_source keywords strict |> Source.exhaust;
fun explode keywords pos text =
Symbol_Pos.explode (text, pos) |> tokenize keywords {strict = false};
fun explode0 keywords = explode keywords Position.none;
(* print name in parsable form *)
fun print_name keywords name =
((case explode keywords Position.none name of
[tok] => not (member (op =) [Ident, Long_Ident, Sym_Ident, Nat] (kind_of tok))
| _ => true) ? Symbol_Pos.quote_string_qq) name;
(* make *)
fun make ((k, n), s) pos =
val pos' = Position.advance_offsets n pos;
val range = Position.range (pos, pos');
val tok =
if 0 <= k andalso k < Vector.length immediate_kinds then
Token ((s, range), (Vector.sub (immediate_kinds, k), s), Slot)
(case explode Keyword.empty_keywords pos s of
[tok] => tok
| _ => Token ((s, range), (Error (err_prefix ^ "exactly one token expected"), s), Slot))
in (tok, pos') end;
fun make_string (s, pos) =
val Token ((x, _), y, z) = #1 (make ((~1, 0), Symbol_Pos.quote_string_qq s) Position.none);
val pos' = Position.no_range_position pos;
in Token ((x, (pos', pos')), y, z) end;
val make_int = explode Keyword.empty_keywords Position.none o signed_string_of_int;
fun make_src a args = make_string a :: args;
(** parsers **)
type 'a parser = T list -> 'a * T list;
type 'a context_parser = Context.generic * T list -> 'a * (Context.generic * T list);
(* read body -- e.g. antiquotation source *)
fun read_body keywords scan =
tokenize (Keyword.no_command_keywords keywords) {strict = true}
#> filter is_proper
#> Scan.read stopper scan;
fun read_antiq keywords scan (syms, pos) =
(case read_body keywords scan syms of
SOME x => x
| NONE => error ("Malformed antiquotation" ^ Position.here pos));
(* wrapped syntax *)
fun syntax_generic scan src context =
val (name, pos) = name_of_src src;
val old_reports = maps reports_of_value src;
val args1 = map init_assignable (args_of_src src);
fun reported_text () =
if Context_Position.reports_enabled_generic context then
let val new_reports = maps (reports_of_value o closure) args1 in
if old_reports <> new_reports then
map (fn (p, m) => Position.reported_text p m "") new_reports
else []
else [];
(case Scan.error (Scan.finite' stopper (Scan.option scan)) (context, args1) of
(SOME x, (context', [])) =>
let val _ = Output.report (reported_text ())
in (x, context') end
| (_, (context', args2)) =>
val print_name =
(case get_name (hd src) of
NONE => quote name
| SOME {kind, print, ...} =>
val ctxt' = Context.proof_of context';
val (markup, xname) = print ctxt';
in plain_words kind ^ " " ^ quote (Markup.markup markup xname) end);
val print_args =
if null args2 then "" else ":\n " ^ space_implode " " (map print args2);
error ("Bad arguments for " ^ print_name ^ Position.here pos ^ print_args ^
Markup.markup_report (implode (reported_text ())))
fun syntax scan src = apsnd Context.the_proof o syntax_generic scan src o Context.Proof;
type 'a parser = 'a Token.parser;
type 'a context_parser = 'a Token.context_parser;
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.36 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.