<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<chapter id="editing">
<title>Editing Text</title>
<!-- jEdit buffer-local properties:
:xml.root=users-guide.xml: -->
<section id="caret">
<title>Moving The Caret</title>
<para>The simplest way to move the caret is to click the mouse at the
desired location in the text area. The caret can also be moved using the
<para>The <keycap>LEFT</keycap>, <keycap>RIGHT</keycap>,
<keycap>UP</keycap> and <keycap>DOWN</keycap> keys move the caret in the
respective direction, and the <keycap>PAGE_UP</keycap> and
<keycap>PAGE_DOWN</keycap> keys move the caret up and down one
screen-full, respectively.</para>
<para>When pressed once, the <keycap>HOME</keycap> key moves the caret
to the first non-whitespace character of the current screen line.
Pressing it a second time moves the caret to the beginning of the
current buffer line. Pressing it a third time moves the caret to the
first visible line.</para>
<para>The <keycap>END</keycap> key behaves in a similar manner, going to
the last non-whitespace character of the current screen line, the end of
the current buffer line, and finally to the last visible line.</para>
<para>If soft wrap is disabled, a <quote>screen line</quote> is the same
as a <quote>buffer line</quote>. If soft wrap is enabled, a screen line
is a section of a newline-delimited buffer line that fits within the
wrap margin width. See <xref linkend="word-wrap" />.</para>
<para><keycap>C+HOME</keycap> and <keycap>C+END</keycap> move the caret
to the beginning and end of the buffer, respectively.</para>
<para>More advanced caret movement is covered in <xref
linkend="words" />, <xref linkend="lines" /> and <xref
linkend="paragraphs" />.</para>
<title>The Home and End keys</title>
<para>If you prefer more traditional behavior for the
<keycap>HOME</keycap> and <keycap>END</keycap> keys, you can
reassign the respective keyboard shortcuts in the
<guibutton>Shortcuts</guibutton> pane of the
see <xref linkend="shortcuts-pane" />.</para>
<para>By default, the shortcuts are assigned as follows:</para>
<para><keycap>HOME</keycap> is bound to <guimenuitem>Smart
<para><keycap>END</keycap> is bound to <guimenuitem>Smart
<para><keycap>S+HOME</keycap> is bound to
<guimenuitem>Select to Smart Home
<para><keycap>S+END</keycap> is bound to <guimenuitem>Select
to Smart End Position</guimenuitem>.</para>
<para>However you can rebind them to anything you want, for example,
various combinations of the following, or indeed any other command
or macro:</para>
<para><guimenuitem>Go to Start/End of White
<para><guimenuitem>Go to Start/End of
<para><guimenuitem>Go to Start/End of
<para><guimenuitem>Select to Start/End of White Space
<para><guimenuitem>Select to Start/End of
<para><guimenuitem>Select to Start/End of
<section id="selection">
<title>Selecting Text</title>
<para>A <firstterm>selection</firstterm> is a block of text marked for
further manipulation. Range selections are equivalent to selections in
most other text editors; they cover text between two points in a buffer.
In addition to the standard text-selection mode, jEdit also allows
<emphasis role="bold">rectangular selections</emphasis> that cover a
rectangular area (some text editors refer to these as <quote>column
selections</quote>). Furthermore, several chunks of text can be selected
and operated on simultaneously.</para>
<title>Range Selection</title>
<para>Dragging the mouse creates a range selection from where the
mouse was pressed to where it was released. Holding down
<keycap>Shift</keycap> while clicking a location in the buffer will
create a selection from the caret position to the clicked
<para>Holding down <keycap>Shift</keycap> in addition to a caret
movement key (<keycap>LEFT</keycap>, <keycap>UP</keycap>,
<keycap>HOME</keycap>, etc) will extend a selection in the specified
All</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+a</keycap>) selects the
entire buffer.</para>
Selection</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Select None</guimenuitem>
(shortcut: <keycap>ESCAPE</keycap>) deactivates the
<section id="rect-select">
<title>Rectangular Selection</title>
<para>Dragging with the <keycap>Control</keycap> key held down will
create a rectangular selection. Holding down <keycap>Shift</keycap>
and <keycap>Control</keycap> while clicking a location in the buffer
will create a rectangular selection from the caret position to the
clicked location.</para>
<para>Alternatively, invoking
Selection</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>A+\</keycap>) toggles
rectangular selection mode. In rectangular selection mode, dragging
the mouse always creates a rectangular selection, and keyboard
commands that would normally create a range selection create a
rectangular selection instead. A status bar indicator is shown when
this mode is enabled.</para>
<para>It is possible to select a rectangle with zero width but
non-zero height. This can be used to insert a new column between two
existing columns, for example. Such zero-width selections are shown
as a thin vertical line.</para>
<para>Inserting text into a rectangular selection repeats the text
going down as many times as necessary, and shifts the selection to
the right. This makes it behave like a <quote>tall</quote>
<para>Rectangles can be deleted, copied, pasted, and operated on
using ordinary editing commands. If necessary, rectangular
selections are automatically filled in with whitespace to maintain
<para>Rectangular selections can extend beyond the end of a line
into <quote>virtual space</quote>. Furthermore, if keyboard
rectangular selection mode is on or if the <keycap>Control</keycap>
key is being held down, clicking beyond the end of a line will
insert the appropriate amount of whitespace in order to position the
cursor at the clicked location.</para>
<para>Rectangular selections are implemented using character
offsets, not absolute screen positions, so they might not behave
as you might expect if a proportional-width font is being used
or if soft wrap is enabled. The text area font can be changed in
the <guibutton>Text Area</guibutton> pane of the
dialog box. For information about soft
wrap, see <xref linkend="word-wrap" />.</para>
<section id="multi-select">
<title>Multiple Selection</title>
Selection</guimenuitem> (keyboard shortcut: <keycap>C+\</keycap>)
turns multiple selection mode on and off. In multiple selection
mode, multiple fragments of text can be selected and operated on
simultaneously, and the caret can be moved independently of the
selection. The status bar indicates if multiple selection mode is
active; see <xref linkend="status-bar" />.</para>
<para>Various jEdit commands behave differently with multiple
<para>Commands that copy text place the contents of each
selection, separated by line breaks, in the specified
<para>Commands that insert (or paste) text replace each
selection with the entire text that is being
<para>Commands that filter text (such as <guimenuitem>Spaces
to Tabs</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Range
Comment</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Replace in
Selection</guimenuitem>, and so on) behave as if each block
was selected independently, and the command invoked on each
in turn.</para>
<para>Line-based commands (such as <guimenuitem>Shift Indent
Left</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Shift Indent
Right</guimenuitem>, and <guimenuitem>Line
Comment</guimenuitem>) operate on each line that contains at
least one selection.</para>
<para>Caret movement commands that would normally deactivate
the selection (such as the arrow keys, while
<keycap>Shift</keycap> is not being held down), move the
caret, leaving the selection as-is.</para>
<para>Some older plugins may not support multiple selection
at all.</para>
Selection</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Select None</guimenuitem>
(shortcut: <keycap>ESCAPE</keycap>) deactivates the selection
containing the caret, if there is one. Otherwise it deactivates all
active selections.</para>
Selection</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+e C+i</keycap>) selects
a set of text chunks such that all text that was formerly part of a
selection is now unselected, and all text that wasn't, is
<para>Deactivating multiple selection mode while multiple blocks
of text are selected will leave the selections in place, but you
will not be able to add new selections until multiple selection
mode is reactivated.</para>
<section id="keyboard-focus">
<title> Keyboard Focus </title>
<para> When the cursor disappears, that means the text area no longer has focus, and when you type, your keystrokes are probably going somewhere else, such as a dockable. To ensure that the keyboard is focused
in the textarea, you can always use the mouse and click in it,
but a more keyboard-friendly way is preferred when you are just about to start typing anyway. For this reason, a number of jEdit's actions
have a side-effect of focusing on the text area as well. <guimenuitem> View - Toggle Full Screen</guimenuitem> is one example. Some others are listed below:
<para> From the <guimenuitem>View - Scrolling</guimenuitem> submenu:
<listitem><para> <guimenuitem>Scroll and Center Caret</guimenuitem> </para></listitem>
<listitem><para> <guimenuitem>Scroll to Line</guimenuitem></para>
<para> From the <guimenuitem>View - Docking</guimenuitem> submenu:
<listitem><para> <guimenuitem>Toggle Docked Areas</guimenuitem> </para></listitem>
<listitem><para> <guimenuitem>Close current docking area</guimenuitem> </para></listitem>
<para> In general, jEdit is a keyboard-friendly editor that is also
mouse-friendly, so you should never be forced to use a mouse to do anything. </para>
<section id="entering-text">
<title>Inserting and Deleting Text</title>
<para>Text entered at the keyboard is inserted into the buffer. In
overwrite mode, which can be toggled by pressing
<keycap>INSERT</keycap>, one character is deleted from in front of the
caret position for every character that is inserted. The caret is drawn
as a horizontal line while overwrite mode is active. The status bar also
indicates if overwrite mode is active; see <xref linkend="status-bar" />
for details.</para>
<para>Inserting text while there is a selection will replace the
selection with the inserted text.</para>
<para>When inserting text, the <keycap>TAB</keycap> and
<keycap>ENTER</keycap> keys might not behave entirely like you expect
because of various indentation features; see <xref linkend="indent" />
for details.</para>
<para>The simplest way to delete text is with the
<keycap>BACKSPACE</keycap> and <keycap>DELETE</keycap> keys. If nothing
is selected, they delete the character before or after the caret,
respectively. If a selection exists, both delete the selection.</para>
<para>More advanced deletion commands are described in <xref
linkend="words" />, <xref linkend="lines" /> and <xref
linkend="paragraphs" />.</para>
<section id="undo-redo">
<title>Undo and Redo</title>
(shortcut: <keycap>C+z</keycap>) reverses the most recent editing
command. For example, this can be used to restore unintentionally
deleted text. More complicated operations, such as a search and replace,
can also be undone.</para>
<para>If you undo too many changes,
<guimenu>Edit</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Redo</guimenuitem> (shortcut:
<keycap>C+e C+z</keycap>) can restore the changes again. For example, if
some text was inserted, <guimenuitem>Undo</guimenuitem> will remove it
from the buffer. <guimenuitem>Redo</guimenuitem> will insert it
<para>By default, the last 100 edits is retained; older edits cannot be
undone. The maximum number of undos and whether undos are reset when a
buffer is saved can be changed in the <guibutton>Editing</guibutton>
pane of the <guimenu>Utilities</guimenu>>
dialog box; see <xref
linkend="editing-pane" />.</para>
<section id="words">
<title>Working With Words</title>
<para><keycap>C+LEFT</keycap> and <keycap>C+RIGHT</keycap> move the
caret a word at a time. Holding down <keycap>Shift</keycap> in addition
to the above extends the selection a word at a time.</para>
<para>A single word can be selected by double-clicking with the mouse,
or using the <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>><guisubmenu>More
Selection</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Select Word</guimenuitem> command
(shortcut: <keycap>C+e w</keycap>). A selection that begins and ends on
word boundaries can be created by double-clicking and dragging.</para>
<para><keycap>C+BACKSPACE</keycap> and <keycap>C+DELETE</keycap> delete
the word before or after the caret, respectively.</para>
Word</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+b</keycap>) locates possible
completions for the word at the caret, first by looking in the current
edit mode's syntax highlighting keyword list, and then in the current
buffer for words that begin with the word at the caret. This serves as a
very basic code completion feature.</para>
<para>If there is only one completion, it will be inserted into the
buffer immediately.</para>
<para>If multiple completions were found, the longest common prefix is
inserted into the buffer, and a popup is shown below the caret position
listing the completions.</para>
<para>To insert a completion from the list, either select it using the
<keycap>UP</keycap> and <keycap>DOWN</keycap> keys and press
<keycap>ENTER</keycap>, press a digit to insert one of the first ten
completions (1 is the first completion; 9 is the 9th; 0 is the 10th), or
click the desired completion with the mouse. To close the popup without
inserting a completion, press <keycap>ESCAPE</keycap>.</para>
<para>Typing while the popup is visible will automatically update the
popup and narrow the set of completions as necessary.</para>
<para>The default word completion uses the visible buffers (buffers
being shown in an EditPane) to find completions. The set of possible
words can be expanded by enabling the <guimenuitem>Global Options - Text
Area - Complete words from all open buffers</guimenuitem> option.
Setting this option will use all open buffers to search for possible
completions. Note, this can degrade completion performance if many
buffers are open.</para>
<para><guimenu>Edit</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Word Count</guimenuitem>
displays a dialog box with the number of characters, words and lines in
the current buffer.</para>
<title>What's a Word?
<para>The default behavior of the <keycap>C+LEFT</keycap>,
<keycap>C+RIGHT</keycap>, <keycap>C+BACKSPACE</keycap> and
<keycap>C+DELETE</keycap> commands is to stop both at the beginning
and the end of each word. Normally, a word is a sequence of
alphanumerics, but you can add other characters as part of
what jEdit considers to be a 'word', set on a global or mode basis
from <guimenuitem>Global Options - Editing - Extra Word
In addition, this behavior can be changed by remapping
these keystrokes to alternative actions whose names end with
<guimenuitem>(Eat Whitespace)</guimenuitem> in the
<guibutton>Shortcuts</guibutton> pane of the
dialog box; see <xref
linkend="shortcuts-pane" />.</para>
<section id="lines">
<title>Working With Lines</title>
<para>An entire line can be selected by triple-clicking with the mouse,
or using the <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>><guisubmenu>More
Selection</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Select Line</guimenuitem> command
(shortcut: <keycap>C+e l</keycap>). A selection that begins and ends on
line boundaries can be created by triple-clicking and dragging.</para>
<para><guimenu>Edit</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Go to Line</guimenuitem>
(shortcut: <keycap>C+l</keycap>) prompts for a line number and moves the
caret there. A relative offset can be used here, if it is prefixed by
a + or a - sign. So for example <literal>-5</literal> moves the caret up by
5 lines. </para>
Selection</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Select Line Range</guimenuitem>
(shortcut: <keycap>C+e C+l</keycap>) prompts for two line numbers and
selects all text between them.</para>
Line</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+d</keycap>) deletes the current
to Start Of Line</guimenuitem> (shortcut:
<keycap>CS+BACK_SPACE</keycap>) deletes all text from the start of the
current line to the caret.</para>
to End Of Line</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>CS+DELETE</keycap>)
deletes all text from the caret to the end of the current line.</para>
Lines</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+j</keycap>) removes any
whitespace from the start of the next line and joins it with the current
line. The caret is moved to the position where the two lines were
joined. For example, if you invoke <guimenuitem>Join Lines</guimenuitem>
with the caret on the first line of the following Java code:</para>
<screen>new Widget(Foo
<para>It will be changed to:</para>
<screen>new Widget(Foo.createDefaultFoo());</screen>
<section id="paragraphs">
<title>Working With Paragraphs</title>
<para>As far as jEdit is concerned, <quote>paragraphs</quote> are
delimited by double newlines. This is also how
<application>TeX</application> defines a paragraph. Note that jEdit
doesn't parse HTML files for <P> tags, nor does it
support paragraphs delimited only by a leading indent.</para>
<para><keycap>C+UP</keycap> and <keycap>C+DOWN</keycap> move the caret
to the previous and next paragraph, respectively. Holding down
<keycap>Shift</keycap> in addition to the above extends the selection a
paragraph at a time.</para>
Selection</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Select Paragraph</guimenuitem>
(shortcut: <keycap>C+e p</keycap>) selects the paragraph containing the
Paragraph</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+e f</keycap>) splits and
joins lines in the current selection to make it fit within the wrap
column position. If nothing is selected, the paragraph containing the
caret is formatted instead. See <xref linkend="word-wrap" /> for
information about word wrap and changing the wrap column.</para>
Paragraph</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+e d</keycap>) deletes the
paragraph containing the caret.</para>
<section id="word-wrap">
<title>Wrapping Long Lines</title>
<para>The <firstterm>word wrap</firstterm> feature splits lines at word
boundaries in order to fit text within a specified wrap margin. A word
boundary, for the purposes of word wrap, means whitespace. Long lines
without whitespace are currently not wrapped by jEdit. The wrap margin
position is indicated in the text are as a faint blue vertical line.
There are two <quote>wrap modes</quote>, <quote>soft</quote> and
<quote>hard</quote>; they are described below. The current wrap mode is
shown in the status bar; see <xref linkend="status-bar" />. The wrap
mode can be changed in one of the following ways:</para>
<para>On a global or mode-specific basis in the
<guibutton>Editing</guibutton> pane of the
<guimenuitem>Options</guimenuitem> dialog box.
See <xref linkend="editing-pane" />.</para>
<para>In the current buffer for the duration of the editing
<para>By clicking the status bar indicator.</para>
<para>In the
Options</guimenuitem> dialog box. See <xref
linkend="buffer-opts" />.</para>
<listitem> <para>From the keyboard, if a keyboard shortcut
has been assigned to the <guimenuitem>Built-in
Command</guimenuitem> for <guimenuitem>Toggle Word
Wrap</guimenuitem> in the <guibutton>Shortcuts</guibutton>
pane of <guimenu>Global Options</guimenu>. By default, this
command does not have a keyboard shortcut, or appear in any menu. </para> </listitem>
<para>In the current buffer for future editing sessions by
placing the following in one of the first or last 10 lines of
the buffer, where <replaceable>mode</replaceable> is either
<quote>none</quote>, <quote>soft</quote> or <quote>hard</quote>,
and <replaceable>column</replaceable> is the desired wrap
<title>Soft Wrap</title>
<para>In soft wrap mode, lines are automatically wrapped when
displayed on screen. Newlines are not inserted at the wrap
positions, and the wrapping is automatically updated when text is
inserted or removed.</para>
<para>If the margin is set to 0, then the width of the text area
window is used to determine where to wrap lines.</para>
<para>If end of line markers are enabled in the <guibutton>Text
Area</guibutton> pane of the
dialog box, a special character (<quote>↩</quote>) is
painted at the end of wrapped lines. If you are using a font
that can not display it, or wish to use a different character, you can
<literal>jEdit.setProperty("view.eolMarkerChar", "↩");</literal>
from the Console beanshell and you will see it after a restart of jEdit.
To enable/disable or change its color, see <xref
linkend="text-area-pane" />. </para>
<title>Hard Wrap</title>
<para>In hard wrap mode, inserting text at the end of a line will
automatically break the line if it extends beyond the wrap margin.
Inserting or removing text in the middle of a line has no effect,
however text can be re-wrapped using the
Paragraph</guimenuitem> command. See <xref
linkend="paragraphs" />.</para>
<para>Hard wrap is implemented using character offsets, not screen
positions, so it might not behave like you expect if a
proportional-width font is being used. The text area font can be
changed in the <guibutton>Text Area</guibutton> pane of the
dialog box.</para>
<section id="scrolling">
<para>If you have a mouse with a scroll wheel, you can use the wheel to
scroll up and down in the text area. Various modifier keys change the
action of the wheel:</para>
<para><keycap>Shift</keycap> - moves the horizontal scrollbar.
<para><keycap>Control</keycap> - scrolls a single line at a
<para><keycap>Alt</keycap> - moves the caret up and down instead
of scrolling.</para>
<para><keycap>CTRL+SHIFT</keycap> - scroll a page at a time. </para>
</keycombo> - extends the selection up and down instead of
<para>Keyboard commands for scrolling the text area are also
to Current Line</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+e C+j</keycap>)
scrolls the text area in order to make the caret visible, if necessary.
It does nothing if the caret is already visible.</para>
Caret on Screen</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+e C+n</keycap>) moves
the caret to the line in the middle of the screen.</para>
Scroll Up</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+QUOTE</keycap>) scrolls the
text area up by one line.</para>
Scroll Down</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+SLASH</keycap>) scrolls
the text area down by one line.</para>
Scroll Up</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>A+QUOTE</keycap>) scrolls the
text area up by one screenful.</para>
Scroll Down</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>A+SLASH</keycap>) scrolls
the text area down by one screenful.</para>
<para>The above scrolling commands differ from the caret movement
commands in that they don't actually move the caret; they just change
the scroll bar position.</para>
<section id="text-transfer">
<title>Transferring Text</title>
<para>jEdit provides a rich set of commands for moving and copying text.
Commands are provided for moving chunks of text from buffers to
<firstterm>registers</firstterm> and vice-versa. A register is a holding
area for an arbitrary length of text, with a single-character name. Most
other programs can only transfer text to and from the system clipboard;
in jEdit, the system clipboard is just another register, with the
special name <filename>$</filename>.</para>
<title>The Clipboard</title>
<para>jEdit offers the usual text transfer operations, that operate
on the <filename>$</filename> register.</para>
(shortcut: <keycap>C+x</keycap>) places the selected text in the
clipboard and removes it from the buffer.</para>
(shortcut: <keycap>C+c</keycap>) places the selected text in the
clipboard and leaves it in the buffer.</para>
(shortcut: <keycap>C+v</keycap>) inserts the clipboard contents in
place of the selection (or at the caret position, if there is no
<para>The <guimenuitem>Cut</guimenuitem> and
<guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem> commands replace the old clipboard
contents with the selected text. There are two alternative commands
which add the selection at the end of the existing clipboard
contents, instead of replacing it.</para>
Clipboard</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Cut Append</guimenuitem>
(shortcut: <keycap>C+e C+u</keycap>) appends the selected text to
the clipboard, then removes it from the buffer. After this command
has been invoked, the clipboard will consist of the former clipboard
contents, followed by a newline, followed by the selected
Clipboard</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Copy Append</guimenuitem>
(shortcut: <keycap>C+e C+a</keycap>) is the same as <guimenuitem>Cut
Append</guimenuitem> except it does not remove the selection from
the buffer.</para>
<section id="quick-copy">
<title>Quick Copy</title>
<para>The quick copy feature is usually found in Unix text editors.
Quick copy is disabled by default, but it can be enabled in the
<guibutton>Mouse</guibutton> pane of the
dialog box.</para>
<para>The quick copy feature is accessed using the middle mouse
button. If you do not have a three-button mouse, then either
<keycap>Alt</keycap>-click (on Windows and Unix) or
<keycap>Option</keycap>-click (on MacOS X). The quick copy feature
enables the following behavior:</para>
<para>Clicking the middle mouse button in the text area
inserts the most recently selected text at the clicked
location. If you only have a two-button mouse, you can click
the left mouse button while holding down
<keycap>Alt</keycap> instead of middle-clicking.</para>
<para>Dragging with the middle mouse button creates a
selection without moving the caret. As soon as the mouse
button is released, the selected text is inserted at the
caret position and the selection is deactivated. A message
is shown in the status bar while text is being selected to
remind you that this is not an ordinary selection.</para>
<para>Holding down <keycap>Shift</keycap> while clicking the
middle mouse button will duplicate text between the caret
and the clicked location.</para>
<para>Holding down <keycap>Control</keycap> while clicking
the middle mouse button on a bracket will insert all text in
that bracket's scope at the caret position.
<para>The most recently selected text is stored in the
<filename>%</filename> register.</para>
<para>If jEdit is being run under Java 2 version 1.4 on Unix, you
will be able to transfer text with other X Windows applications
using the quick copy feature. On other platforms and Java versions,
the contents of the quick copy register are only accessible from
within jEdit.</para>
<section id="registers">
<title>General Register Commands</title>
<para>These commands require more keystrokes than the two methods
shown above, but they can operate on any register, allowing an
arbitrary number of text chunks to be retained at a time.</para>
<para>Each command prompts for a single-character register name to
be entered after being invoked. Pressing <keycap>ESCAPE</keycap>
instead of specifying a register name cancels the operation.</para>
<para>Note that the content of registers other than the clipboard
and quick copy register are automatically saved between jEdit
Clipboard</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Cut to Register</guimenuitem>
(shortcut: <keycap>C+r C+x <replaceable>key</replaceable></keycap>)
stores the selected text in the specified register, removing it from
the buffer.</para>
Clipboard</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Copy to
Register</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+r C+c
<replaceable>key</replaceable></keycap>) stores the selected text in
the specified register, leaving it in the buffer.</para>
Clipboard</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Cut Append to
Register</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+r C+u
<replaceable>key</replaceable></keycap>) adds the selected text to
the existing contents of the specified register, and removes it from
the buffer.</para>
Clipboard</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Copy Append to
Register</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+r C+a
<replaceable>key</replaceable></keycap>) adds the selected text to
the existing contents of the specified register, without removing it
from the buffer.</para>
Clipboard</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Paste from
Register</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+r C+v
<replaceable>key</replaceable></keycap>) replaces the selection with
the contents of the specified register.</para>
<para>The following three commands display dialog boxes instead of
prompting for a register name.</para>
Clipboard</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Paste Previous</guimenuitem>
(shortcut: <keycap>C+e C+v</keycap>) displays a dialog box listing
the 20 most recently copied and pasted text strings.</para>
Clipboard</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>Paste Deleted</guimenuitem>
(shortcut: <keycap>C+e C+y</keycap>) is not really a register
command; it displays a dialog box listing the 20 most recently
deleted text strings.</para>
Clipboard</guisubmenu>><guimenuitem>View Registers</guimenuitem>
displays a dialog box for viewing register contents, including the
clipboard and the quick copy.</para>
<section id="markers">
<tip> <title> MarkerSets </title>
<para> The MarkerSets plugin is a replacement for the
built-in Markers feature of jEdit. Markers saved with
MarkerSets properly update when lines are added or
removed from a buffer. Furthermore, you can see
markers from multiple files in the Marker Sets
dockable. We recommend you use that instead
of the built-in Markers.
<para>A <firstterm>marker</firstterm> is a pointer to a specific
location within a buffer, which may or may not have a single-character
<firstterm>shortcut</firstterm> associated with it. Markers are
persistent; they are saved to
<filename>.<replaceable>filename</replaceable>.marks</filename>, where
<filename><replaceable>filename</replaceable></filename> is the name of
the buffer. (The dot prefix makes the markers file hidden on Unix
systems.) Marker saving can be disabled in the
<guibutton>General</guibutton> pane of the
dialog box; see <xref
linkend="general-pane" />.</para>
Marker</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+e C+m</keycap>) adds a marker
without a shortcut pointing to the current line. If a marker is already
set on the current line, the marker is removed instead. If text is
selected, markers are added to the first and last line of each
<para>Markers are listed in the <guimenu>Markers</guimenu> menu;
selecting a marker from this menu will move the caret to its
<para><guimenu>Markers</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Go to Previous
Marker</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+e C+COMMA</keycap>) goes to
the marker immediately before the caret position.</para>
<para><guimenu>Markers</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Go to Next
Marker</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+e C+PERIOD</keycap>) goes to
the marker immediately after the caret position.</para>
<para><guimenu>Markers</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Remove All
Markers</guimenuitem> removes all markers set in the current
<para>Markers with shortcuts allow for quicker keyboard-based
navigation. The following commands all prompt for a single-character
shortcut when invoked. Pressing <keycap>ESCAPE</keycap> instead of
specifying a shortcut will cancel the operation.</para>
<para><guimenu>Markers</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Add Marker With
Shortcut</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+t
<replaceable>key</replaceable></keycap>) adds a marker with the
specified shortcut. If marker with that shortcut already exists, it will
remain in the buffer but lose its shortcut.</para>
<para><guimenu>Markers</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Go to
Marker</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+y
<replaceable>key</replaceable></keycap>) moves the caret to the location
of the marker with the specified shortcut.</para>
<para><guimenu>Markers</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Select to
Marker</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+u
<replaceable>key</replaceable></keycap>) creates a selection from the
caret location to the marker with the specified shortcut.</para>
<para><guimenu>Markers</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Swap Caret and
Marker</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+k
<replaceable>key</replaceable></keycap>) moves the caret to the location
of the marker with the specified shortcut, and moves the marker to the
former caret position. Invoke this command multiple times to flip
between two locations in the buffer.</para>
<para>Lines which contain markers are indicated in the gutter with a
highlight. Moving the mouse over the highlight displays a tool tip
showing the marker's shortcut, if it has one. See
linkend="overview" /> for information about the gutter.</para>
<section id="search-replace">
<title>Search and Replace</title>
<title>Searching For Text</title>
(shortcut: <keycap>C+f</keycap>) displays the search and replace
dialog box.</para>
<para>The search string can be entered in the <guibutton>Search
for</guibutton> text field. This text field remembers previously
entered strings; see <xref linkend="history" /> for details.</para>
<para>If text was selected in the text area and the selection does
not span a line break, the selected text becomes the default search
<para>If the selection spans a line break, the <guibutton>Search in
Selection</guibutton> and <guibutton>HyperSearch</guibutton> buttons
will be pre-selected, and the search string field will be initially
blank. (See <xref linkend="hypersearch" /> for information about the
HyperSearch feature.) <!-- Note that finding the next or previous
occurrence cannot be constrained to a selected range; only
replacement and HyperSearch can be (see <xref linkend="hypersearch" />). -->
<para>Selecting the <guibutton>Ignore case</guibutton> check box
makes the search case insensitive - for example, searching for
<quote>Hello</quote> will match <quote>hello</quote>,
<quote>HELLO</quote> and <quote>HeLlO</quote>.</para>
<para>After selecting the <guibutton>Whole word</guibutton>
check box, searching respects the <guibutton>Extra word
characters</guibutton> setting from the editing options
for recognizing words.
<para>To search for special characters (such as newlines or
non-printable characters), inexact sequences of text, or strings
that span multiple lines, we use
<emphasis role="bold">Regular Expressions</emphasis>.
Selecting the <guibutton>Regular expressions</guibutton> check
box allows special characters to be used in the search string.
Regular expression syntax is described in <xref linkend="regexps"/>.
If you use (groups) in the search field, you back-reference them
with $1 through $9 in the replace field. </para>
<para>The <guibutton>Backward</guibutton> and
<guibutton>Forward</guibutton> buttons specify the search direction.
Note that regular expressions can only be used when searching in a
forward direction.</para>
<para>Clicking <guibutton>Find</guibutton> will locate the next
occurrence of the search string (or previous occurrence, if
searching backwards). If the <guibutton>Keep dialog</guibutton>
check box is selected, the dialog box will remain open after the
search string has been located; otherwise, it will close.</para>
<para>If no occurrences could be found and the <guibutton>Auto
wrap</guibutton> check box is selected, the search will
automatically restart from the beginning of the buffer (or the end,
if searching backwards). If <guibutton>Auto wrap</guibutton> is not
selected, a confirmation dialog box is shown before restarting the
Next</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+g</keycap>) locates the next
occurrence of the most recent search string without displaying the
search and replace dialog box.</para>
Previous</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+h</keycap>) locates the
previous occurrence of the most recent search string without
displaying the search and replace dialog box.</para>
<title>Replacing Text</title>
<para>The replace string text field of the search dialog remembers
previously entered strings; see <xref linkend="history" /> for
<para>Clicking <guibutton>Replace & Find</guibutton> will
perform a replacement in the current selection and locate the next
occurrence of the search string. Clicking <guibutton>Replace
All</guibutton> will replace all occurrences of the search string
with the replacement string in the current search scope (which is
either the selection, the current buffer, or a set of buffers, as
specified in the search and replace dialog box).</para>
<para>Occurrences of the search string can be replaced with either a
replacement string, or the return value of a BeanShell script
snippet. Two radio buttons in the search and replace dialog box
select between the two replacement modes, which are described in
detail below.</para>
<title>Text Replace</title>
<para>If the <guibutton>Text</guibutton> button is selected, the
search string is simply replaced with the replacement
<para>If regular expressions are enabled, positional parameters
(<literal>$0</literal>, <literal>$1</literal>,
<literal>$2</literal>, and so on) can be used to insert the
contents of matched subexpressions in the replacement string;
see <xref linkend="regexps" /> for more information.</para>
<para>If the search is case-insensitive, jEdit attempts to
modify the case of the replacement string to match that of the
particular instance of the search string being replaced. For
example, searching for <quote>label</quote> and replacing it
with <quote>text</quote>, will perform the following
<para><quote>String label</quote> would become
<quote>String text</quote></para>
<para><quote>setLabel</quote> would become
<para><quote>DEFAULT_LABEL</quote> would become
<title>BeanShell Replace</title>
<para>In BeanShell replacement mode, the search string is
replaced with the return value of a BeanShell snippet. If
you want to use multiple line snippet, enclose your BeanShell
in braces. The following predefined variables can be referenced
in the snippet:</para>
<para><varname>_0</varname> -- the text to be
<para><varname>_1</varname> - <varname>_9</varname> --
if regular expressions are enabled, these contain the
values of matched subexpressions.</para>
<para>BeanShell syntax and features are covered in great detail
in <xref linkend="writing-macros-part" />, but here are some
<para>To replace each occurrence of <quote>Windows</quote>
with <quote>Linux</quote>, and each occurrence of
<quote>Linux</quote> with <quote>Windows</quote>, search for
the following regular expression:</para>
<para>Replacing it with the following BeanShell
<programlisting>_1.equals("Windows") ? "Linux" : "Windows"</programlisting>
<para>To convert all HTML tags to lower case, search for the
following regular expression:</para>
<para>Replacing it with the following BeanShell
<para>To replace arithmetic expressions contained in curly
braces with the result of evaluating the expression, search
for the following regular expression:</para>
<para>Replacing it with the following BeanShell
<para>To replace 3d6 with 3 simulated dice throws:</para>
<para>Replacing it with the following BeanShell
snippet (note the braces around multi-instruction beanshell code):</para>
<![CDATA[{r = new java.util.Random(); b = "";
for(i=0;i<3;i++)b+=(r.nextInt(5)+1) + " ";
return b;}]]>
<para>These examples only scratch the surface; the possibilities
are endless.</para>
<section id="hypersearch">
<para>If the <guibutton>HyperSearch</guibutton> check box in the
search and replace dialog box is selected, clicking
<guibutton>Find</guibutton> lists all occurrences of the search
string, instead of locating the next match.</para>
<para>By default, HyperSearch results are shown in a floating
window. This window can be docked using the commands in its top-left
corner popup menu; see <xref linkend="docking" />.</para>
<para>If the <guibutton>Multiple results</guibutton> toggle button is
selected in the results window, past search results are
<para>Running searches can be stopped in the
Progress Monitor</guimenuitem> dialog box.</para>
<para>Once the results are shown in the Hypersearch dockable, you can
left-click on a result to jump to the position, or right-click to see some
"hidden actions". From the top tree-node, for example, you can
<guimenuitem>Redo Hypersearch</guimenuitem>, and <guimenuitem>Copy to
Clipboard</guimenuitem>. </para>
<title>Multiple File Search</title>
<para>Search and replace commands can be performed over an arbitrary
set of files in one step. The set of files to search is selected
with a set of buttons in the search dialog box.</para>
<para>If the <guibutton>Current buffer</guibutton> button is
selected, only the current buffer is searched. This is the default
<para>If the <guibutton>All buffers</guibutton> button is selected,
all open buffers whose names match the glob pattern entered in the
<guibutton>Filter</guibutton> text field will be searched. See <xref
linkend="globs" /> for more information about glob patterns.</para>
<para>If the <guibutton>Directory</guibutton> radio button is
selected, all files contained in the specified directory whose names
match the glob will be searched. The directory to search in can
either be entered in the <guibutton>Directory</guibutton> text
field, or chosen in a file selector dialog box by clicking the
<guibutton>Choose</guibutton> button next to the field. If the
<guibutton>Search subdirectories</guibutton> check box is selected,
all subdirectories of the specified directory will also be searched.
Keep in mind that searching through directories containing many
files can take a long time.</para>
<para>The <guibutton>Directory</guibutton> and
<guibutton>Filter</guibutton> text fields remember previously
entered strings; see <xref linkend="history" /> for details.</para>
<para>When the search and replace dialog box is opened, the
directory and file name filter fields are set to their previous
values. They can be set to match the current buffer's directory and
file name extension by clicking
<para>Note that clicking the <guibutton>All Buffers</guibutton> or
<guibutton>Directory</guibutton> radio buttons also selects the
<guibutton>HyperSearch</guibutton> check box since that is what you
would want, most of the time. However, the
<guibutton>HyperSearch</guibutton> check box can be unchecked, for
stepping through search results in multiple files one at a
<para>Two convenience commands are provided for performing multiple
file searches.</para>
<para><guimenu>Search</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Search in Open
Buffers</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+e C+b</keycap>) displays
the search dialog box and selects the <guibutton>All
buffers</guibutton> button.</para>
<para><guimenu>Search</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Search in
Directory</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+e C+d</keycap>)
displays the search dialog box and selects the
<guibutton>Directory</guibutton> button.</para>
<section id="search-bar">
<title>The Search Bar</title>
<para>The search bar feature provides a convenient way to search in
the current buffer without opening the search dialog box. The search
bar does not support replacement or multiple file search. Previously
entered strings can be recalled in the search bar with the
<keycap>Up</keycap> and <keycap>Down</keycap> arrow keys; see <xref
linkend="history" />.</para>
<para>By default, the search bar remains hidden until one of the
quick search commands (described below) is invoked; however you can
choose to have it always visible in the
<guibutton>View</guibutton> pane of the
dialog box; see <xref
linkend="view-pane" />.</para>
<para><guimenu>Search</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Incremental Search
Bar</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+COMMA</keycap>) displays the
search bar if necessary, and gives it keyboard focus. </para>
<para><guimenu>Search</guimenu>><guimenuitem>Incremental Search
for Word</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>A+COMMA</keycap>) behaves
like the above command except it places the word at the caret in the
search string field. If this command is invoked while there is a
selection, the selection is placed in the search string
field instead.</para>
<para>Unless the <guibutton>HyperSearch</guibutton> check box is
selected, the search bar will perform an <firstterm>incremental
search</firstterm>. In incremental search mode, the first occurrence
of the search string is located in the current buffer as it is being
typed. Pressing <keycap>ENTER</keycap> and <keycap>S+ENTER</keycap>
searches for the next and previous occurrence, respectively. Once
the desired occurrence has been located, pressing
<keycap>ESCAPE</keycap> returns keyboard focus to the text area.
Unless the search bar is set to be always visible (see above),
pressing <keycap>ESCAPE</keycap> will also hide the search
<para>Incremental searches cannot be not recorded in macros. If
your macro needs to perform a search, use the search and replace
dialog box instead. See <xref linkend="using-macros" /> for
information about macros.</para>
Bar</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>C+PERIOD</keycap>) displays the
search bar if necessary, gives it keyboard focus, and selects the
<guibutton>HyperSearch</guibutton> check box. If this command is
invoked while there is a selection, the selected text will be
searched for immediately and the search bar will not be
<para>If the <guibutton>HyperSearch</guibutton> check box is
selected, pressing <keycap>Enter</keycap> in the search string field
will perform a HyperSearch in the current buffer.</para>
<para><guimenu>Search</guimenu>><guimenuitem>HyperSearch for
Word</guimenuitem> (shortcut: <keycap>A+PERIOD</keycap>) performs a
HyperSearch for the word at the caret. This command does not show
the search bar or give it keyboard focus.</para>
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Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.