(* Title: ZF/Constructible/Wellorderings.thy
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
section \<open>Relativized Wellorderings\<close>
theory Wellorderings imports Relative begin
text\<open>We define functions analogous to \<^term>\<open>ordermap\<close> \<^term>\<open>ordertype\<close>
but without using recursion. Instead, there is a direct appeal
to Replacement. This will be the basis for a version relativized
to some class \<open>M\<close>. The main result is Theorem I 7.6 in Kunen,
page 17.\<close>
irreflexive :: "[i=>o,i,i]=>o" where
"irreflexive(M,A,r) == \x[M]. x\A \ \ r"
transitive_rel :: "[i=>o,i,i]=>o" where
"transitive_rel(M,A,r) ==
\<forall>x[M]. x\<in>A \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>y[M]. y\<in>A \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>z[M]. z\<in>A \<longrightarrow>
<x,y>\<in>r \<longrightarrow> <y,z>\<in>r \<longrightarrow> <x,z>\<in>r))"
linear_rel :: "[i=>o,i,i]=>o" where
"linear_rel(M,A,r) ==
\<forall>x[M]. x\<in>A \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>y[M]. y\<in>A \<longrightarrow> <x,y>\<in>r | x=y | <y,x>\<in>r)"
wellfounded :: "[i=>o,i]=>o" where
\<comment> \<open>EVERY non-empty set has an \<open>r\<close>-minimal element\<close>
"wellfounded(M,r) ==
\<forall>x[M]. x\<noteq>0 \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>y[M]. y\<in>x & ~(\<exists>z[M]. z\<in>x & <z,y> \<in> r))"
wellfounded_on :: "[i=>o,i,i]=>o" where
\<comment> \<open>every non-empty SUBSET OF \<open>A\<close> has an \<open>r\<close>-minimal element\<close>
"wellfounded_on(M,A,r) ==
\<forall>x[M]. x\<noteq>0 \<longrightarrow> x\<subseteq>A \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>y[M]. y\<in>x & ~(\<exists>z[M]. z\<in>x & <z,y> \<in> r))"
wellordered :: "[i=>o,i,i]=>o" where
\<comment> \<open>linear and wellfounded on \<open>A\<close>\<close>
"wellordered(M,A,r) ==
transitive_rel(M,A,r) & linear_rel(M,A,r) & wellfounded_on(M,A,r)"
subsubsection \<open>Trivial absoluteness proofs\<close>
lemma (in M_basic) irreflexive_abs [simp]:
"M(A) ==> irreflexive(M,A,r) \ irrefl(A,r)"
by (simp add: irreflexive_def irrefl_def)
lemma (in M_basic) transitive_rel_abs [simp]:
"M(A) ==> transitive_rel(M,A,r) \ trans[A](r)"
by (simp add: transitive_rel_def trans_on_def)
lemma (in M_basic) linear_rel_abs [simp]:
"M(A) ==> linear_rel(M,A,r) \ linear(A,r)"
by (simp add: linear_rel_def linear_def)
lemma (in M_basic) wellordered_is_trans_on:
"[| wellordered(M,A,r); M(A) |] ==> trans[A](r)"
by (auto simp add: wellordered_def)
lemma (in M_basic) wellordered_is_linear:
"[| wellordered(M,A,r); M(A) |] ==> linear(A,r)"
by (auto simp add: wellordered_def)
lemma (in M_basic) wellordered_is_wellfounded_on:
"[| wellordered(M,A,r); M(A) |] ==> wellfounded_on(M,A,r)"
by (auto simp add: wellordered_def)
lemma (in M_basic) wellfounded_imp_wellfounded_on:
"[| wellfounded(M,r); M(A) |] ==> wellfounded_on(M,A,r)"
by (auto simp add: wellfounded_def wellfounded_on_def)
lemma (in M_basic) wellfounded_on_subset_A:
"[| wellfounded_on(M,A,r); B<=A |] ==> wellfounded_on(M,B,r)"
by (simp add: wellfounded_on_def, blast)
subsubsection \<open>Well-founded relations\<close>
lemma (in M_basic) wellfounded_on_iff_wellfounded:
"wellfounded_on(M,A,r) \ wellfounded(M, r \ A*A)"
apply (simp add: wellfounded_on_def wellfounded_def, safe)
apply force
apply (drule_tac x=x in rspec, assumption, blast)
lemma (in M_basic) wellfounded_on_imp_wellfounded:
"[|wellfounded_on(M,A,r); r \ A*A|] ==> wellfounded(M,r)"
by (simp add: wellfounded_on_iff_wellfounded subset_Int_iff)
lemma (in M_basic) wellfounded_on_field_imp_wellfounded:
"wellfounded_on(M, field(r), r) ==> wellfounded(M,r)"
by (simp add: wellfounded_def wellfounded_on_iff_wellfounded, fast)
lemma (in M_basic) wellfounded_iff_wellfounded_on_field:
"M(r) ==> wellfounded(M,r) \ wellfounded_on(M, field(r), r)"
by (blast intro: wellfounded_imp_wellfounded_on
(*Consider the least z in domain(r) such that P(z) does not hold...*)
lemma (in M_basic) wellfounded_induct:
"[| wellfounded(M,r); M(a); M(r); separation(M, \x. ~P(x));
\<forall>x. M(x) & (\<forall>y. <y,x> \<in> r \<longrightarrow> P(y)) \<longrightarrow> P(x) |]
==> P(a)"
apply (simp (no_asm_use) add: wellfounded_def)
apply (drule_tac x="{z \ domain(r). ~P(z)}" in rspec)
apply (blast dest: transM)+
lemma (in M_basic) wellfounded_on_induct:
"[| a\A; wellfounded_on(M,A,r); M(A);
separation(M, \<lambda>x. x\<in>A \<longrightarrow> ~P(x));
\<forall>x\<in>A. M(x) & (\<forall>y\<in>A. <y,x> \<in> r \<longrightarrow> P(y)) \<longrightarrow> P(x) |]
==> P(a)"
apply (simp (no_asm_use) add: wellfounded_on_def)
apply (drule_tac x="{z\A. z\A \ ~P(z)}" in rspec)
apply (blast intro: transM)+
subsubsection \<open>Kunen's lemma IV 3.14, page 123\<close>
lemma (in M_basic) linear_imp_relativized:
"linear(A,r) ==> linear_rel(M,A,r)"
by (simp add: linear_def linear_rel_def)
lemma (in M_basic) trans_on_imp_relativized:
"trans[A](r) ==> transitive_rel(M,A,r)"
by (unfold transitive_rel_def trans_on_def, blast)
lemma (in M_basic) wf_on_imp_relativized:
"wf[A](r) \ wellfounded_on(M,A,r)"
apply (clarsimp simp: wellfounded_on_def wf_def wf_on_def)
apply (drule_tac x=x in spec, blast)
lemma (in M_basic) wf_imp_relativized:
"wf(r) ==> wellfounded(M,r)"
apply (simp add: wellfounded_def wf_def, clarify)
apply (drule_tac x=x in spec, blast)
lemma (in M_basic) well_ord_imp_relativized:
"well_ord(A,r) ==> wellordered(M,A,r)"
by (simp add: wellordered_def well_ord_def tot_ord_def part_ord_def
linear_imp_relativized trans_on_imp_relativized wf_on_imp_relativized)
text\<open>The property being well founded (and hence of being well ordered) is not absolute:
the set that doesn't contain a minimal element may not exist in the class M.
However, every set that is well founded in a transitive model M is well founded (page 124).\<close>
subsection\<open>Relativized versions of order-isomorphisms and order types\<close>
lemma (in M_basic) order_isomorphism_abs [simp]:
"[| M(A); M(B); M(f) |]
==> order_isomorphism(M,A,r,B,s,f) \<longleftrightarrow> f \<in> ord_iso(A,r,B,s)"
by (simp add: order_isomorphism_def ord_iso_def)
lemma (in M_trans) pred_set_abs [simp]:
"[| M(r); M(B) |] ==> pred_set(M,A,x,r,B) \ B = Order.pred(A,x,r)"
apply (simp add: pred_set_def Order.pred_def)
apply (blast dest: transM)
lemma (in M_basic) pred_closed [intro,simp]:
"\M(A); M(r); M(x)\ \ M(Order.pred(A, x, r))"
using pred_separation [of r x] by (simp add: Order.pred_def)
lemma (in M_basic) membership_abs [simp]:
"[| M(r); M(A) |] ==> membership(M,A,r) \ r = Memrel(A)"
apply (simp add: membership_def Memrel_def, safe)
apply (rule equalityI)
apply clarify
apply (frule transM, assumption)
apply blast
apply clarify
apply (subgoal_tac "M()", blast)
apply (blast dest: transM)
apply auto
lemma (in M_basic) M_Memrel_iff:
"M(A) \ Memrel(A) = {z \ A*A. \x[M]. \y[M]. z = \x,y\ & x \ y}"
unfolding Memrel_def by (blast dest: transM)
lemma (in M_basic) Memrel_closed [intro,simp]:
"M(A) \ M(Memrel(A))"
using Memrel_separation by (simp add: M_Memrel_iff)
subsection \<open>Main results of Kunen, Chapter 1 section 6\<close>
text\<open>Subset properties-- proved outside the locale\<close>
lemma linear_rel_subset:
"\linear_rel(M, A, r); B \ A\ \ linear_rel(M, B, r)"
by (unfold linear_rel_def, blast)
lemma transitive_rel_subset:
"\transitive_rel(M, A, r); B \ A\ \ transitive_rel(M, B, r)"
by (unfold transitive_rel_def, blast)
lemma wellfounded_on_subset:
"\wellfounded_on(M, A, r); B \ A\ \ wellfounded_on(M, B, r)"
by (unfold wellfounded_on_def subset_def, blast)
lemma wellordered_subset:
"\wellordered(M, A, r); B \ A\ \ wellordered(M, B, r)"
apply (unfold wellordered_def)
apply (blast intro: linear_rel_subset transitive_rel_subset
lemma (in M_basic) wellfounded_on_asym:
"[| wellfounded_on(M,A,r); \r; a\A; x\A; M(A) |] ==> \r"
apply (simp add: wellfounded_on_def)
apply (drule_tac x="{x,a}" in rspec)
apply (blast dest: transM)+
lemma (in M_basic) wellordered_asym:
"[| wellordered(M,A,r); \r; a\A; x\A; M(A) |] ==> \r"
by (simp add: wellordered_def, blast dest: wellfounded_on_asym)
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