identification division.
program-id. sort-array.
* aus Wirth, systematisches Programmieren p. 84
author. "JD".
date-written. 11.9.2005.
data division.
working-storage section.
78 n pic 9(4) value 10.
77 s pic 9(4)V9(4).
77 u pic 9(4)V9(4).
77 h pic 9(4).
77 j pic 9(4).
77 k pic 9(4).
linkage section.
77 x pic 9(4)V9(4) occurs n.
procedure division using x.
* sort array x
perform varying h from 1 by 1 until h >=n - 1
move h to j
perform varying k from h+1 by 1 until k>=n
if x(k) > x(j) then move k to j
move x(h) to u
move x(j) to x(h)
move u to x(j)
display "sorted"
* now x is sorted
end-program sort-array.
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