* Copyright (c) 1999, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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#ifndef SHARE_C1_C1_IR_HPP
#define SHARE_C1_C1_IR_HPP
#include "c1/c1_Instruction.hpp"
#include "ci/ciExceptionHandler.hpp"
#include "ci/ciMethod.hpp"
#include "ci/ciStreams.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.hpp"
// An XHandler is a C1 internal description for an exception handler
class XHandler: public CompilationResourceObj {
ciExceptionHandler* _desc;
BlockBegin* _entry_block; // Entry block of xhandler
LIR_List* _entry_code; // LIR-operations that must be executed before jumping to entry_block
int _entry_pco; // pco where entry_code (or entry_block if no entry_code) starts
int _phi_operand; // For resolving of phi functions at begin of entry_block
int _scope_count; // for filling ExceptionRangeEntry::scope_count
#ifdef ASSERT
int _lir_op_id; // op_id of the LIR-operation throwing to this handler
// creation
XHandler(ciExceptionHandler* desc)
: _desc(desc)
, _entry_block(NULL)
, _entry_code(NULL)
, _entry_pco(-1)
, _phi_operand(-1)
, _scope_count(-1)
#ifdef ASSERT
, _lir_op_id(-1)
{ }
XHandler(XHandler* other)
: _desc(other->_desc)
, _entry_block(other->_entry_block)
, _entry_code(other->_entry_code)
, _entry_pco(other->_entry_pco)
, _phi_operand(other->_phi_operand)
, _scope_count(other->_scope_count)
#ifdef ASSERT
, _lir_op_id(other->_lir_op_id)
{ }
// accessors for data of ciExceptionHandler
int beg_bci() const { return _desc->start(); }
int end_bci() const { return _desc->limit(); }
int handler_bci() const { return _desc->handler_bci(); }
bool is_catch_all() const { return _desc->is_catch_all(); }
int catch_type() const { return _desc->catch_klass_index(); }
ciInstanceKlass* catch_klass() const { return _desc->catch_klass(); }
bool covers(int bci) const { return beg_bci() <= bci && bci < end_bci(); }
// accessors for additional fields
BlockBegin* entry_block() const { return _entry_block; }
LIR_List* entry_code() const { return _entry_code; }
int entry_pco() const { return _entry_pco; }
int phi_operand() const { assert(_phi_operand != -1, "not set"); return _phi_operand; }
int scope_count() const { assert(_scope_count != -1, "not set"); return _scope_count; }
DEBUG_ONLY(int lir_op_id() const { return _lir_op_id; });
void set_entry_block(BlockBegin* entry_block) {
assert(entry_block->is_set(BlockBegin::exception_entry_flag), "must be an exception handler entry");
assert(entry_block->bci() == handler_bci(), "bci's must correspond");
_entry_block = entry_block;
void set_entry_code(LIR_List* entry_code) { _entry_code = entry_code; }
void set_entry_pco(int entry_pco) { _entry_pco = entry_pco; }
void set_phi_operand(int phi_operand) { _phi_operand = phi_operand; }
void set_scope_count(int scope_count) { _scope_count = scope_count; }
DEBUG_ONLY(void set_lir_op_id(int lir_op_id) { _lir_op_id = lir_op_id; });
bool equals(XHandler* other) const;
typedef GrowableArray<XHandler*> _XHandlerList;
// XHandlers is the C1 internal list of exception handlers for a method
class XHandlers: public CompilationResourceObj {
_XHandlerList _list;
// creation
XHandlers() : _list() { }
XHandlers(ciMethod* method);
XHandlers(XHandlers* other);
// accessors
int length() const { return _list.length(); }
XHandler* handler_at(int i) const { return _list.at(i); }
bool has_handlers() const { return _list.length() > 0; }
void append(XHandler* h) { _list.append(h); }
XHandler* remove_last() { return _list.pop(); }
bool could_catch(ciInstanceKlass* klass, bool type_is_exact) const;
bool equals(XHandlers* others) const;
class IRScope;
typedef GrowableArray<IRScope*> IRScopeList;
class Compilation;
class IRScope: public CompilationResourceObj {
// hierarchy
Compilation* _compilation; // the current compilation
IRScope* _caller; // the caller scope, or NULL
int _level; // the inlining level
ciMethod* _method; // the corresponding method
IRScopeList _callees; // the inlined method scopes
// graph
XHandlers* _xhandlers; // the exception handlers
int _number_of_locks; // the number of monitor lock slots needed
bool _monitor_pairing_ok; // the monitor pairing info
bool _wrote_final; // has written final field
bool _wrote_fields; // has written fields
bool _wrote_volatile; // has written volatile field
BlockBegin* _start; // the start block, successsors are method entries
ResourceBitMap _requires_phi_function; // bit is set if phi functions at loop headers are necessary for a local variable
// helper functions
BlockBegin* build_graph(Compilation* compilation, int osr_bci);
// creation
IRScope(Compilation* compilation, IRScope* caller, int caller_bci, ciMethod* method, int osr_bci, bool create_graph = false);
// accessors
Compilation* compilation() const { return _compilation; }
IRScope* caller() const { return _caller; }
int level() const { return _level; }
ciMethod* method() const { return _method; }
int max_stack() const; // NOTE: expensive
BitMap& requires_phi_function() { return _requires_phi_function; }
// hierarchy
bool is_top_scope() const { return _caller == NULL; }
void add_callee(IRScope* callee) { _callees.append(callee); }
int number_of_callees() const { return _callees.length(); }
IRScope* callee_no(int i) const { return _callees.at(i); }
// accessors, graph
bool is_valid() const { return start() != NULL; }
XHandlers* xhandlers() const { return _xhandlers; }
int number_of_locks() const { return _number_of_locks; }
void set_min_number_of_locks(int n) { if (n > _number_of_locks) _number_of_locks = n; }
bool monitor_pairing_ok() const { return _monitor_pairing_ok; }
BlockBegin* start() const { return _start; }
void set_wrote_final() { _wrote_final = true; }
bool wrote_final () const { return _wrote_final; }
void set_wrote_fields() { _wrote_fields = true; }
bool wrote_fields () const { return _wrote_fields; }
void set_wrote_volatile() { _wrote_volatile = true; }
bool wrote_volatile () const { return _wrote_volatile; }
// IRScopeDebugInfo records the debug information for a particular IRScope
// in a particular CodeEmitInfo. This allows the information to be computed
// once early enough for the OopMap to be available to the LIR and also to be
// reemited for different pcs using the same CodeEmitInfo without recomputing
// everything.
class IRScopeDebugInfo: public CompilationResourceObj {
IRScope* _scope;
int _bci;
GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* _locals;
GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* _expressions;
GrowableArray<MonitorValue*>* _monitors;
IRScopeDebugInfo* _caller;
IRScopeDebugInfo(IRScope* scope,
int bci,
GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* locals,
GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* expressions,
GrowableArray<MonitorValue*>* monitors,
IRScopeDebugInfo* caller):
, _bci(bci)
, _locals(locals)
, _expressions(expressions)
, _monitors(monitors)
, _caller(caller) {}
IRScope* scope() { return _scope; }
int bci() { return _bci; }
GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* locals() { return _locals; }
GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* expressions() { return _expressions; }
GrowableArray<MonitorValue*>* monitors() { return _monitors; }
IRScopeDebugInfo* caller() { return _caller; }
//Whether we should reexecute this bytecode for deopt
bool should_reexecute();
void record_debug_info(DebugInformationRecorder* recorder, int pc_offset, bool reexecute, bool is_method_handle_invoke = false) {
if (caller() != NULL) {
// Order is significant: Must record caller first.
caller()->record_debug_info(recorder, pc_offset, false/*reexecute*/);
DebugToken* locvals = recorder->create_scope_values(locals());
DebugToken* expvals = recorder->create_scope_values(expressions());
DebugToken* monvals = recorder->create_monitor_values(monitors());
// reexecute allowed only for the topmost frame
bool return_oop = false; // This flag will be ignored since it used only for C2 with escape analysis.
bool rethrow_exception = false;
bool has_ea_local_in_scope = false;
bool arg_escape = false;
recorder->describe_scope(pc_offset, methodHandle(), scope()->method(), bci(),
reexecute, rethrow_exception, is_method_handle_invoke, return_oop,
has_ea_local_in_scope, arg_escape, locvals, expvals, monvals);
class CodeEmitInfo: public CompilationResourceObj {
friend class LinearScan;
IRScopeDebugInfo* _scope_debug_info;
IRScope* _scope;
XHandlers* _exception_handlers;
OopMap* _oop_map;
ValueStack* _stack; // used by deoptimization (contains also monitors
bool _is_method_handle_invoke; // true if the associated call site is a MethodHandle call site.
bool _deoptimize_on_exception;
bool _force_reexecute; // force the reexecute flag on, used for patching stub
FrameMap* frame_map() const { return scope()->compilation()->frame_map(); }
Compilation* compilation() const { return scope()->compilation(); }
// use scope from ValueStack
CodeEmitInfo(ValueStack* stack, XHandlers* exception_handlers, bool deoptimize_on_exception = false);
// make a copy
CodeEmitInfo(CodeEmitInfo* info, ValueStack* stack = NULL);
// accessors
OopMap* oop_map() { return _oop_map; }
ciMethod* method() const { return _scope->method(); }
IRScope* scope() const { return _scope; }
XHandlers* exception_handlers() const { return _exception_handlers; }
ValueStack* stack() const { return _stack; }
bool deoptimize_on_exception() const { return _deoptimize_on_exception; }
void add_register_oop(LIR_Opr opr);
void record_debug_info(DebugInformationRecorder* recorder, int pc_offset);
bool is_method_handle_invoke() const { return _is_method_handle_invoke; }
void set_is_method_handle_invoke(bool x) { _is_method_handle_invoke = x; }
bool force_reexecute() const { return _force_reexecute; }
void set_force_reexecute() { _force_reexecute = true; }
int interpreter_frame_size() const;
class IR: public CompilationResourceObj {
Compilation* _compilation; // the current compilation
IRScope* _top_scope; // the root of the scope hierarchy
int _num_loops; // Total number of loops
BlockList* _code; // the blocks in code generation order w/ use counts
// creation
IR(Compilation* compilation, ciMethod* method, int osr_bci);
// accessors
bool is_valid() const { return top_scope()->is_valid(); }
Compilation* compilation() const { return _compilation; }
IRScope* top_scope() const { return _top_scope; }
int number_of_locks() const { return top_scope()->number_of_locks(); }
ciMethod* method() const { return top_scope()->method(); }
BlockBegin* start() const { return top_scope()->start(); }
BlockBegin* std_entry() const { return start()->end()->as_Base()->std_entry(); }
BlockBegin* osr_entry() const { return start()->end()->as_Base()->osr_entry(); }
BlockList* code() const { return _code; }
int num_loops() const { return _num_loops; }
int max_stack() const { return top_scope()->max_stack(); } // expensive
// ir manipulation
void optimize_blocks();
void eliminate_null_checks();
void compute_predecessors();
void split_critical_edges();
void compute_code();
void compute_use_counts();
// The linear-scan order and the code emission order are equal, but
// this may change in future
BlockList* linear_scan_order() { assert(_code != NULL, "not computed"); return _code; }
// iteration
void iterate_preorder (BlockClosure* closure);
void iterate_postorder (BlockClosure* closure);
void iterate_linear_scan_order(BlockClosure* closure);
// debugging
static void print(BlockBegin* start, bool cfg_only, bool live_only = false) PRODUCT_RETURN;
void print(bool cfg_only, bool live_only = false) PRODUCT_RETURN;
void expand_with_neighborhood(BlockList& blocks) NOT_DEBUG_RETURN;
void verify_local(BlockList&) NOT_DEBUG_RETURN;
void verify() NOT_DEBUG_RETURN;
// Globally do instruction substitution and remove substituted
// instructions from the instruction list.
class SubstitutionResolver: public BlockClosure, ValueVisitor {
virtual void visit(Value* v);
SubstitutionResolver(IR* hir) {
SubstitutionResolver(BlockBegin* block) {
virtual void block_do(BlockBegin* block);
#endif // SHARE_C1_C1_IR_HPP
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