* Copyright (c) 2011, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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* questions.
#include "gc/g1/heapRegion.hpp"
#include "utilities/macros.hpp"
#define assert_heap_region_set(p, message) \
do { \
assert((p), "[%s] %s ln: %u", \
name(), message, length()); \
} while (0)
#define guarantee_heap_region_set(p, message) \
do { \
guarantee((p), "[%s] %s ln: %u", \
name(), message, length()); \
} while (0)
#define assert_free_region_list(p, message) \
do { \
assert((p), "[%s] %s ln: %u hd: " PTR_FORMAT " tl: " PTR_FORMAT, \
name(), message, length(), p2i(_head), p2i(_tail)); \
} while (0)
// Interface collecting various instance specific verification methods of
// HeapRegionSets.
class HeapRegionSetChecker : public CHeapObj<mtGC> {
// Verify MT safety for this HeapRegionSet.
virtual void check_mt_safety() = 0;
// Returns true if the given HeapRegion is of the correct type for this HeapRegionSet.
virtual bool is_correct_type(HeapRegion* hr) = 0;
// Return a description of the type of regions this HeapRegionSet contains.
virtual const char* get_description() = 0;
// Base class for all the classes that represent heap region sets. It
// contains the basic attributes that each set needs to maintain
// (e.g., length, region num, used bytes sum) plus any shared
// functionality (e.g., verification).
class HeapRegionSetBase {
friend class VMStructs;
HeapRegionSetChecker* _checker;
// The number of regions in to the set.
uint _length;
const char* _name;
bool _verify_in_progress;
// verify_region() is used to ensure that the contents of a region
// added to / removed from a set are consistent.
void verify_region(HeapRegion* hr) PRODUCT_RETURN;
void check_mt_safety() {
if (_checker != NULL) {
HeapRegionSetBase(const char* name, HeapRegionSetChecker* verifier);
const char* name() { return _name; }
uint length() const { return _length; }
bool is_empty() { return _length == 0; }
// It updates the fields of the set to reflect hr being added to
// the set and tags the region appropriately.
inline void add(HeapRegion* hr);
// It updates the fields of the set to reflect hr being removed
// from the set and tags the region appropriately.
inline void remove(HeapRegion* hr);
virtual void verify();
void verify_start();
void verify_next_region(HeapRegion* hr);
void verify_end();
void verify_optional() { DEBUG_ONLY(verify();) }
virtual void print_on(outputStream* out, bool print_contents = false);
// This class represents heap region sets whose members are not
// explicitly tracked. It's helpful to group regions using such sets
// so that we can reason about all the region groups in the heap using
// the same interface (namely, the HeapRegionSetBase API).
class HeapRegionSet : public HeapRegionSetBase {
HeapRegionSet(const char* name, HeapRegionSetChecker* checker):
HeapRegionSetBase(name, checker) {
void bulk_remove(const uint removed) {
_length -= removed;
// A set that links all the regions added to it in a doubly-linked
// sorted list. We should try to avoid doing operations that iterate over
// such lists in performance critical paths. Typically we should
// add / remove one region at a time or concatenate two lists.
class FreeRegionListIterator;
class G1NUMA;
class FreeRegionList : public HeapRegionSetBase {
friend class FreeRegionListIterator;
// This class is only initialized if there are multiple active nodes.
class NodeInfo : public CHeapObj<mtGC> {
G1NUMA* _numa;
uint* _length_of_node;
uint _num_nodes;
inline void increase_length(uint node_index);
inline void decrease_length(uint node_index);
inline uint length(uint index) const;
void clear();
void add(NodeInfo* info);
HeapRegion* _head;
HeapRegion* _tail;
// _last is used to keep track of where we added an element the last
// time. It helps to improve performance when adding several ordered items in a row.
HeapRegion* _last;
NodeInfo* _node_info;
static uint _unrealistically_long_length;
inline HeapRegion* remove_from_head_impl();
inline HeapRegion* remove_from_tail_impl();
inline void increase_length(uint node_index);
inline void decrease_length(uint node_index);
// Common checks for adding a list.
void add_list_common_start(FreeRegionList* from_list);
void add_list_common_end(FreeRegionList* from_list);
void verify_region_to_remove(HeapRegion* curr, HeapRegion* next) NOT_DEBUG_RETURN;
// See the comment for HeapRegionSetBase::clear()
virtual void clear();
FreeRegionList(const char* name, HeapRegionSetChecker* checker = NULL);
void verify_list();
#ifdef ASSERT
bool contains(HeapRegion* hr) const {
return hr->containing_set() == this;
static void set_unrealistically_long_length(uint len);
// Add hr to the list. The region should not be a member of another set.
// Assumes that the list is ordered and will preserve that order. The order
// is determined by hrm_index.
inline void add_ordered(HeapRegion* hr);
// Same restrictions as above, but adds the region last in the list.
inline void add_to_tail(HeapRegion* region_to_add);
// Removes from head or tail based on the given argument.
HeapRegion* remove_region(bool from_head);
HeapRegion* remove_region_with_node_index(bool from_head,
uint requested_node_index);
// Merge two ordered lists. The result is also ordered. The order is
// determined by hrm_index.
void add_ordered(FreeRegionList* from_list);
void append_ordered(FreeRegionList* from_list);
// It empties the list by removing all regions from it.
void remove_all();
// Abandon current free list. Requires that all regions in the current list
// are taken care of separately, to allow a rebuild.
void abandon();
// Remove all (contiguous) regions from first to first + num_regions -1 from
// this list.
// Num_regions must be >= 1.
void remove_starting_at(HeapRegion* first, uint num_regions);
virtual void verify();
using HeapRegionSetBase::length;
uint length(uint node_index) const;
// Iterator class that provides a convenient way to iterate over the
// regions of a FreeRegionList.
class FreeRegionListIterator : public StackObj {
FreeRegionList* _list;
HeapRegion* _curr;
bool more_available() {
return _curr != NULL;
HeapRegion* get_next() {
"get_next() should be called when more regions are available");
// If we are going to introduce a count in the iterator we should
// do the "cycle" check.
HeapRegion* hr = _curr;
_curr = hr->next();
return hr;
FreeRegionListIterator(FreeRegionList* list)
: _list(list),
_curr(list->_head) {
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