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Datei: psOldGen.cpp   Sprache: C

 * Copyright (c) 2001, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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 * questions.

#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "gc/parallel/objectStartArray.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/parallel/parallelArguments.hpp"
#include "gc/parallel/parallelScavengeHeap.hpp"
#include "gc/parallel/psAdaptiveSizePolicy.hpp"
#include "gc/parallel/psCardTable.hpp"
#include "gc/parallel/psOldGen.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/cardTableBarrierSet.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/gcLocker.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/spaceDecorator.inline.hpp"
#include "logging/log.hpp"
#include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/java.hpp"
#include "utilities/align.hpp"

PSOldGen::PSOldGen(ReservedSpace rs, size_t initial_size, size_t min_size,
                   size_t max_size, const char* perf_data_name, int level):
  initialize(rs, initial_size, GenAlignment, perf_data_name, level);

void PSOldGen::initialize(ReservedSpace rs, size_t initial_size, size_t alignment,
                          const char* perf_data_name, int level) {
  initialize_virtual_space(rs, initial_size, alignment);
  initialize_work(perf_data_name, level);

  initialize_performance_counters(perf_data_name, level);

void PSOldGen::initialize_virtual_space(ReservedSpace rs,
                                        size_t initial_size,
                                        size_t alignment) {

  _virtual_space = new PSVirtualSpace(rs, alignment);
  if (!_virtual_space->expand_by(initial_size)) {
    vm_exit_during_initialization("Could not reserve enough space for "
                                  "object heap");

void PSOldGen::initialize_work(const char* perf_data_name, int level) {
  MemRegion const reserved_mr = reserved();
  assert(reserved_mr.byte_size() == max_gen_size(), "invariant");

  // Object start stuff: for all reserved memory

  // Card table stuff: for all committed memory
  MemRegion committed_mr((HeapWord*)virtual_space()->low(),

  if (ZapUnusedHeapArea) {
    // Mangle newly committed space immediately rather than
    // waiting for the initialization of the space even though
    // mangling is related to spaces.  Doing it here eliminates
    // the need to carry along information that a complete mangling
    // (bottom to end) needs to be done.

  ParallelScavengeHeap* heap = ParallelScavengeHeap::heap();
  PSCardTable* ct = heap->card_table();

  // Verify that the start and end of this generation is the start of a card.
  // If this wasn't true, a single card could span more than one generation,
  // which would cause problems when we commit/uncommit memory, and when we
  // clear and dirty cards.
  guarantee(ct->is_card_aligned(reserved_mr.start()), "generation must be card aligned");
  // Check the heap layout documented at `class ParallelScavengeHeap`.
  assert(reserved_mr.end() != heap->reserved_region().end(), "invariant");
  guarantee(ct->is_card_aligned(reserved_mr.end()), "generation must be card aligned");

  // ObjectSpace stuff

  _object_space = new MutableSpace(virtual_space()->alignment());

  // Update the start_array

void PSOldGen::initialize_performance_counters(const char* perf_data_name, int level) {
  // Generation Counters, generation 'level', 1 subspace
  _gen_counters = new PSGenerationCounters(perf_data_name, level, 1, min_gen_size(),
                                           max_gen_size(), virtual_space());
  _space_counters = new SpaceCounters(perf_data_name, 0,
                                      _object_space, _gen_counters);

// Assume that the generation has been allocated if its
// reserved size is not 0.
bool  PSOldGen::is_allocated() {
  return virtual_space()->reserved_size() != 0;

size_t PSOldGen::num_iterable_blocks() const {
  return (object_space()->used_in_bytes() + IterateBlockSize - 1) / IterateBlockSize;

void PSOldGen::object_iterate_block(ObjectClosure* cl, size_t block_index) {
  size_t block_word_size = IterateBlockSize / HeapWordSize;
  assert((block_word_size % (ObjectStartArray::card_size())) == 0,
         "Block size not a multiple of start_array block");

  MutableSpace *space = object_space();

  HeapWord* begin = space->bottom() + block_index * block_word_size;
  HeapWord* end = MIN2(space->top(), begin + block_word_size);

  if (!start_array()->object_starts_in_range(begin, end)) {

  // Get object starting at or reaching into this block.
  HeapWord* start = start_array()->object_start(begin);
  if (start < begin) {
    start += cast_to_oop(start)->size();
  assert(start >= begin,
         "Object address" PTR_FORMAT " must be larger or equal to block address at " PTR_FORMAT,
         p2i(start), p2i(begin));
  // Iterate all objects until the end.
  for (HeapWord* p = start; p < end; p += cast_to_oop(p)->size()) {

bool PSOldGen::expand_for_allocate(size_t word_size) {
  assert(word_size > 0, "allocating zero words?");
  bool result = true;
    MutexLocker x(PSOldGenExpand_lock);
    // Avoid "expand storms" by rechecking available space after obtaining
    // the lock, because another thread may have already made sufficient
    // space available.  If insufficient space available, that will remain
    // true until we expand, since we have the lock.  Other threads may take
    // the space we need before we can allocate it, regardless of whether we
    // expand.  That's okay, we'll just try expanding again.
    if (object_space()->needs_expand(word_size)) {
      result = expand(word_size*HeapWordSize);
  if (GCExpandToAllocateDelayMillis > 0) {
  return result;

bool PSOldGen::expand(size_t bytes) {
  assert(bytes > 0, "precondition");
  const size_t alignment = virtual_space()->alignment();
  size_t aligned_bytes  = align_up(bytes, alignment);
  size_t aligned_expand_bytes = align_up(MinHeapDeltaBytes, alignment);

  if (UseNUMA) {
    // With NUMA we use round-robin page allocation for the old gen. Expand by at least
    // providing a page per lgroup. Alignment is larger or equal to the page size.
    aligned_expand_bytes = MAX2(aligned_expand_bytes, alignment * os::numa_get_groups_num());
  if (aligned_bytes == 0) {
    // The alignment caused the number of bytes to wrap.  A call to expand
    // implies a best effort to expand by "bytes" but not a guarantee.  Align
    // down to give a best effort.  This is likely the most that the generation
    // can expand since it has some capacity to start with.
    aligned_bytes = align_down(bytes, alignment);

  bool success = false;
  if (aligned_expand_bytes > aligned_bytes) {
    success = expand_by(aligned_expand_bytes);
  if (!success) {
    success = expand_by(aligned_bytes);
  if (!success) {
    success = expand_to_reserved();

  if (success && GCLocker::is_active_and_needs_gc()) {
    log_debug(gc)("Garbage collection disabled, expanded heap instead");
  return success;

bool PSOldGen::expand_by(size_t bytes) {
  assert(bytes > 0, "precondition");
  bool result = virtual_space()->expand_by(bytes);
  if (result) {
    if (ZapUnusedHeapArea) {
      // We need to mangle the newly expanded area. The memregion spans
      // end -> new_end, we assume that top -> end is already mangled.
      // Do the mangling before post_resize() is called because
      // the space is available for allocation after post_resize();
      HeapWord* const virtual_space_high = (HeapWord*) virtual_space()->high();
      assert(object_space()->end() < virtual_space_high,
        "Should be true before post_resize()");
      MemRegion mangle_region(object_space()->end(), virtual_space_high);
      // Note that the object space has not yet been updated to
      // coincide with the new underlying virtual space.
    if (UsePerfData) {

  if (result) {
    size_t new_mem_size = virtual_space()->committed_size();
    size_t old_mem_size = new_mem_size - bytes;
    log_debug(gc)("Expanding %s from " SIZE_FORMAT "K by " SIZE_FORMAT "K to " SIZE_FORMA"K",
                  name(), old_mem_size/K, bytes/K, new_mem_size/K);

  return result;

bool PSOldGen::expand_to_reserved() {

  bool result = false;
  const size_t remaining_bytes = virtual_space()->uncommitted_size();
  if (remaining_bytes > 0) {
    result = expand_by(remaining_bytes);
    DEBUG_ONLY(if (!result) log_warning(gc)("grow to reserve failed"));
  return result;

void PSOldGen::shrink(size_t bytes) {

  size_t size = align_down(bytes, virtual_space()->alignment());
  if (size > 0) {

    size_t new_mem_size = virtual_space()->committed_size();
    size_t old_mem_size = new_mem_size + bytes;
    log_debug(gc)("Shrinking %s from " SIZE_FORMAT "K by " SIZE_FORMAT "K to " SIZE_FORMA"K",
                  name(), old_mem_size/K, bytes/K, new_mem_size/K);

void PSOldGen::complete_loaded_archive_space(MemRegion archive_space) {
  HeapWord* cur = archive_space.start();
  while (cur < archive_space.end()) {
    size_t word_size = cast_to_oop(cur)->size();
    cur += word_size;

void PSOldGen::resize(size_t desired_free_space) {
  const size_t alignment = virtual_space()->alignment();
  const size_t size_before = virtual_space()->committed_size();
  size_t new_size = used_in_bytes() + desired_free_space;
  if (new_size < used_in_bytes()) {
    // Overflowed the addition.
    new_size = max_gen_size();
  // Adjust according to our min and max
  new_size = clamp(new_size, min_gen_size(), max_gen_size());

  new_size = align_up(new_size, alignment);

  const size_t current_size = capacity_in_bytes();

  log_trace(gc, ergo)("AdaptiveSizePolicy::old generation size: "
    "desired free: " SIZE_FORMAT " used: " SIZE_FORMAT
    " new size: " SIZE_FORMAT " current size " SIZE_FORMAT
    " gen limits: " SIZE_FORMAT " / " SIZE_FORMAT,
    desired_free_space, used_in_bytes(), new_size, current_size,
    max_gen_size(), min_gen_size());

  if (new_size == current_size) {
    // No change requested
  if (new_size > current_size) {
    size_t change_bytes = new_size - current_size;
    MutexLocker x(PSOldGenExpand_lock);
  } else {
    size_t change_bytes = current_size - new_size;
    MutexLocker x(PSOldGenExpand_lock);

  log_trace(gc, ergo)("AdaptiveSizePolicy::old generation size: collection: %d (" SIZE_FORMAT ") -> (" SIZE_FORMAT ") ",

// NOTE! We need to be careful about resizing. During a GC, multiple
// allocators may be active during heap expansion. If we allow the
// heap resizing to become visible before we have correctly resized
// all heap related data structures, we may cause program failures.
void PSOldGen::post_resize() {
  // First construct a memregion representing the new size
  MemRegion new_memregion((HeapWord*)virtual_space()->low(),
  size_t new_word_size = new_memregion.word_size();


  WorkerThreads* workers = Thread::current()->is_VM_thread() ?
                      &ParallelScavengeHeap::heap()->workers() : NULL;

  // The update of the space's end is done by this call.  As that
  // makes the new space available for concurrent allocation, this
  // must be the last step when expanding.

  assert(new_word_size == heap_word_size(object_space()->capacity_in_bytes()),

void PSOldGen::print() const { print_on(tty);}
void PSOldGen::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
  st->print(" %-15s", name());
  st->print(" total " SIZE_FORMAT "K, used " SIZE_FORMAT "K",
              capacity_in_bytes()/K, used_in_bytes()/K);
  st->print_cr(" [" PTR_FORMAT ", " PTR_FORMAT ", " PTR_FORMAT ")",

  st->print(" object"); object_space()->print_on(st);

void PSOldGen::update_counters() {
  if (UsePerfData) {

void PSOldGen::verify() {

class VerifyObjectStartArrayClosure : public ObjectClosure {
  ObjectStartArray* _start_array;

  VerifyObjectStartArrayClosure(ObjectStartArray* start_array) :
    _start_array(start_array) { }

  virtual void do_object(oop obj) {
    HeapWord* test_addr = cast_from_oop<HeapWord*>(obj) + 1;
    guarantee(_start_array->object_start(test_addr) == cast_from_oop<HeapWord*>(obj), "ObjectStartArray cannot find start of object");
    guarantee(_start_array->is_block_allocated(cast_from_oop<HeapWord*>(obj)), "ObjectStartArray missing block allocation");

void PSOldGen::verify_object_start_array() {
  VerifyObjectStartArrayClosure check(&_start_array);

#ifndef PRODUCT
void PSOldGen::record_spaces_top() {
  assert(ZapUnusedHeapArea, "Not mangling unused space");

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