* Copyright (c) 1997, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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* questions.
#include "gc/shared/collectorCounters.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/referenceProcessor.hpp"
#include "logging/log.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.hpp"
#include "memory/memRegion.hpp"
#include "memory/virtualspace.hpp"
#include "runtime/mutex.hpp"
#include "runtime/perfData.hpp"
// A Generation models a heap area for similarly-aged objects.
// It will contain one ore more spaces holding the actual objects.
// The Generation class hierarchy:
// Generation - abstract base class
// - DefNewGeneration - allocation area (copy collected)
// - TenuredGeneration - tenured (old object) space (markSweepCompact)
// The system configuration currently allowed is:
// DefNewGeneration + TenuredGeneration
class DefNewGeneration;
class GCMemoryManager;
class GenerationSpec;
class CompactibleSpace;
class ContiguousSpace;
class CompactPoint;
class OopClosure;
class GenCollectedHeap;
class GCStats;
// A "ScratchBlock" represents a block of memory in one generation usable by
// another. It represents "num_words" free words, starting at and including
// the address of "this".
struct ScratchBlock {
ScratchBlock* next;
size_t num_words;
HeapWord scratch_space[1]; // Actually, of size "num_words-2" (assuming
// first two fields are word-sized.)
class Generation: public CHeapObj<mtGC> {
friend class VMStructs;
MemRegion _prev_used_region; // for collectors that want to "remember" a value for
// used region at some specific point during collection.
GCMemoryManager* _gc_manager;
// Minimum and maximum addresses for memory reserved (not necessarily
// committed) for generation.
// Used by card marking code. Must not overlap with address ranges of
// other generations.
MemRegion _reserved;
// Memory area reserved for generation
VirtualSpace _virtual_space;
// ("Weak") Reference processing support
SpanSubjectToDiscoveryClosure _span_based_discoverer;
ReferenceProcessor* _ref_processor;
// Performance Counters
CollectorCounters* _gc_counters;
// Statistics for garbage collection
GCStats* _gc_stats;
// Initialize the generation.
Generation(ReservedSpace rs, size_t initial_byte_size);
// The set of possible generation kinds.
enum Name {
enum SomePublicConstants {
// Generations are GenGrain-aligned and have size that are multiples of
// GenGrain.
// Note: on ARM we add 1 bit for card_table_base to be properly aligned
// (we expect its low byte to be zero - see implementation of post_barrier)
LogOfGenGrain = 16 ARM32_ONLY(+1),
GenGrain = 1 << LogOfGenGrain
// allocate and initialize ("weak") refs processing support
void ref_processor_init();
void set_ref_processor(ReferenceProcessor* rp) {
assert(_ref_processor == NULL, "clobbering existing _ref_processor");
_ref_processor = rp;
virtual Generation::Name kind() { return Generation::Other; }
// Space inquiries (results in bytes)
size_t initial_size();
virtual size_t capacity() const = 0; // The maximum number of object bytes the
// generation can currently hold.
virtual size_t used() const = 0; // The number of used bytes in the gen.
virtual size_t free() const = 0; // The number of free bytes in the gen.
// Support for java.lang.Runtime.maxMemory(); see CollectedHeap.
// Returns the total number of bytes available in a generation
// for the allocation of objects.
virtual size_t max_capacity() const;
// If this is a young generation, the maximum number of bytes that can be
// allocated in this generation before a GC is triggered.
virtual size_t capacity_before_gc() const { return 0; }
// The largest number of contiguous free bytes in the generation,
// including expansion (Assumes called at a safepoint.)
virtual size_t contiguous_available() const = 0;
// The largest number of contiguous free bytes in this or any higher generation.
virtual size_t max_contiguous_available() const;
// Returns true if promotions of the specified amount are
// likely to succeed without a promotion failure.
// Promotion of the full amount is not guaranteed but
// might be attempted in the worst case.
virtual bool promotion_attempt_is_safe(size_t max_promotion_in_bytes) const;
// For a non-young generation, this interface can be used to inform a
// generation that a promotion attempt into that generation failed.
// Typically used to enable diagnostic output for post-mortem analysis,
// but other uses of the interface are not ruled out.
virtual void promotion_failure_occurred() { /* does nothing */ }
// Return an estimate of the maximum allocation that could be performed
// in the generation without triggering any collection or expansion
// activity. It is "unsafe" because no locks are taken; the result
// should be treated as an approximation, not a guarantee, for use in
// heuristic resizing decisions.
virtual size_t unsafe_max_alloc_nogc() const = 0;
// Returns true if this generation cannot be expanded further
// without a GC. Override as appropriate.
virtual bool is_maximal_no_gc() const {
return _virtual_space.uncommitted_size() == 0;
MemRegion reserved() const { return _reserved; }
// Returns a region guaranteed to contain all the objects in the
// generation.
virtual MemRegion used_region() const { return _reserved; }
MemRegion prev_used_region() const { return _prev_used_region; }
virtual void save_used_region() { _prev_used_region = used_region(); }
// Returns "TRUE" iff "p" points into the committed areas in the generation.
// For some kinds of generations, this may be an expensive operation.
// To avoid performance problems stemming from its inadvertent use in
// product jvm's, we restrict its use to assertion checking or
// verification only.
virtual bool is_in(const void* p) const;
/* Returns "TRUE" iff "p" points into the reserved area of the generation. */
bool is_in_reserved(const void* p) const {
return _reserved.contains(p);
// If some space in the generation contains the given "addr", return a
// pointer to that space, else return "NULL".
virtual Space* space_containing(const void* addr) const;
// Iteration - do not use for time critical operations
virtual void space_iterate(SpaceClosure* blk, bool usedOnly = false) = 0;
// Returns the first space, if any, in the generation that can participate
// in compaction, or else "NULL".
virtual CompactibleSpace* first_compaction_space() const = 0;
// Returns "true" iff this generation should be used to allocate an
// object of the given size. Young generations might
// wish to exclude very large objects, for example, since, if allocated
// often, they would greatly increase the frequency of young-gen
// collection.
virtual bool should_allocate(size_t word_size, bool is_tlab) {
bool result = false;
size_t overflow_limit = (size_t)1 << (BitsPerSize_t - LogHeapWordSize);
if (!is_tlab || supports_tlab_allocation()) {
result = (word_size > 0) && (word_size < overflow_limit);
return result;
// Allocate and returns a block of the requested size, or returns "NULL".
// Assumes the caller has done any necessary locking.
virtual HeapWord* allocate(size_t word_size, bool is_tlab) = 0;
// Like "allocate", but performs any necessary locking internally.
virtual HeapWord* par_allocate(size_t word_size, bool is_tlab) = 0;
// Thread-local allocation buffers
virtual bool supports_tlab_allocation() const { return false; }
virtual size_t tlab_capacity() const {
guarantee(false, "Generation doesn't support thread local allocation buffers");
return 0;
virtual size_t tlab_used() const {
guarantee(false, "Generation doesn't support thread local allocation buffers");
return 0;
virtual size_t unsafe_max_tlab_alloc() const {
guarantee(false, "Generation doesn't support thread local allocation buffers");
return 0;
// "obj" is the address of an object in a younger generation. Allocate space
// for "obj" in the current (or some higher) generation, and copy "obj" into
// the newly allocated space, if possible, returning the result (or NULL if
// the allocation failed).
// The "obj_size" argument is just obj->size(), passed along so the caller can
// avoid repeating the virtual call to retrieve it.
virtual oop promote(oop obj, size_t obj_size);
// Returns "true" iff collect() should subsequently be called on this
// this generation. See comment below.
// This is a generic implementation which can be overridden.
// Note: in the current (1.4) implementation, when genCollectedHeap's
// incremental_collection_will_fail flag is set, all allocations are
// slow path (the only fast-path place to allocate is DefNew, which
// will be full if the flag is set).
// Thus, older generations which collect younger generations should
// test this flag and collect if it is set.
virtual bool should_collect(bool full,
size_t word_size,
bool is_tlab) {
return (full || should_allocate(word_size, is_tlab));
// Returns true if the collection is likely to be safely
// completed. Even if this method returns true, a collection
// may not be guaranteed to succeed, and the system should be
// able to safely unwind and recover from that failure, albeit
// at some additional cost.
virtual bool collection_attempt_is_safe() {
guarantee(false, "Are you sure you want to call this method?");
return true;
// Perform a garbage collection.
// If full is true attempt a full garbage collection of this generation.
// Otherwise, attempting to (at least) free enough space to support an
// allocation of the given "word_size".
virtual void collect(bool full,
bool clear_all_soft_refs,
size_t word_size,
bool is_tlab) = 0;
// Perform a heap collection, attempting to create (at least) enough
// space to support an allocation of the given "word_size". If
// successful, perform the allocation and return the resulting
// "oop" (initializing the allocated block). If the allocation is
// still unsuccessful, return "NULL".
virtual HeapWord* expand_and_allocate(size_t word_size, bool is_tlab) = 0;
// Some generations may require some cleanup or preparation actions before
// allowing a collection. The default is to do nothing.
virtual void gc_prologue(bool full) {}
// Some generations may require some cleanup actions after a collection.
// The default is to do nothing.
virtual void gc_epilogue(bool full) {}
// Save the high water marks for the used space in a generation.
virtual void record_spaces_top() {}
// Some generations may need to be "fixed-up" after some allocation
// activity to make them parsable again. The default is to do nothing.
virtual void ensure_parsability() {}
// Generations may keep statistics about collection. This method
// updates those statistics. current_generation is the generation
// that was most recently collected. This allows the generation to
// decide what statistics are valid to collect. For example, the
// generation can decide to gather the amount of promoted data if
// the collection of the young generation has completed.
GCStats* gc_stats() const { return _gc_stats; }
virtual void update_gc_stats(Generation* current_generation, bool full) {}
// Mark sweep support phase2
virtual void prepare_for_compaction(CompactPoint* cp);
// Mark sweep support phase3
virtual void adjust_pointers();
// Mark sweep support phase4
virtual void compact();
virtual void post_compact() { ShouldNotReachHere(); }
// Accessing "marks".
// This function gives a generation a chance to note a point between
// collections. For example, a contiguous generation might note the
// beginning allocation point post-collection, which might allow some later
// operations to be optimized.
virtual void save_marks() {}
// This function allows generations to initialize any "saved marks". That
// is, should only be called when the generation is empty.
virtual void reset_saved_marks() {}
// This function is "true" iff any no allocations have occurred in the
// generation since the last call to "save_marks".
virtual bool no_allocs_since_save_marks() = 0;
// The "requestor" generation is performing some garbage collection
// action for which it would be useful to have scratch space. If
// the target is not the requestor, no gc actions will be required
// of the target. The requestor promises to allocate no more than
// "max_alloc_words" in the target generation (via promotion say,
// if the requestor is a young generation and the target is older).
// If the target generation can provide any scratch space, it adds
// it to "list", leaving "list" pointing to the head of the
// augmented list. The default is to offer no space.
virtual void contribute_scratch(ScratchBlock*& list, Generation* requestor,
size_t max_alloc_words) {}
// Give each generation an opportunity to do clean up for any
// contributed scratch.
virtual void reset_scratch() {}
// When an older generation has been collected, and perhaps resized,
// this method will be invoked on all younger generations (from older to
// younger), allowing them to resize themselves as appropriate.
virtual void compute_new_size() = 0;
// Printing
virtual const char* name() const = 0;
virtual const char* short_name() const = 0;
// Reference Processing accessor
ReferenceProcessor* const ref_processor() { return _ref_processor; }
// Iteration.
// Iterate over all the ref-containing fields of all objects in the
// generation, calling "cl.do_oop" on each.
virtual void oop_iterate(OopIterateClosure* cl);
// Iterate over all objects in the generation, calling "cl.do_object" on
// each.
virtual void object_iterate(ObjectClosure* cl);
// Inform a generation that some of its objects have moved. [e.g. The
// generation's spaces were compacted, invalidating the card table.]
virtual void invalidate_remembered_set() { }
// Block abstraction.
// Returns the address of the start of the "block" that contains the
// address "addr". We say "blocks" instead of "object" since some heaps
// may not pack objects densely; a chunk may either be an object or a
// non-object.
virtual HeapWord* block_start(const void* addr) const;
// Requires "addr" to be the start of a chunk, and returns its size.
// "addr + size" is required to be the start of a new chunk, or the end
// of the active area of the heap.
virtual size_t block_size(const HeapWord* addr) const ;
// Requires "addr" to be the start of a block, and returns "TRUE" iff
// the block is an object.
virtual bool block_is_obj(const HeapWord* addr) const;
virtual void print() const;
virtual void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
virtual void verify() = 0;
struct StatRecord {
int invocations;
elapsedTimer accumulated_time;
StatRecord() :
accumulated_time(elapsedTimer()) {}
StatRecord _stat_record;
StatRecord* stat_record() { return &_stat_record; }
virtual void print_summary_info_on(outputStream* st);
// Performance Counter support
virtual void update_counters() = 0;
virtual CollectorCounters* counters() { return _gc_counters; }
GCMemoryManager* gc_manager() const {
assert(_gc_manager != NULL, "not initialized yet");
return _gc_manager;
void set_gc_manager(GCMemoryManager* gc_manager) {
_gc_manager = gc_manager;
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