* Copyright (c) 2015, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "classfile/classLoaderData.hpp"
#include "classfile/classLoaderDataGraph.hpp"
#include "classfile/javaClasses.inline.hpp"
#include "code/nmethod.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/continuationGCSupport.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/gc_globals.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/stringdedup/stringDedup.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/suspendibleThreadSet.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zAbort.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zBarrier.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zHeap.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zLock.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zMark.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zMarkCache.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zMarkContext.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zMarkStack.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zMarkTerminate.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zNMethod.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zOop.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zPage.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zPageTable.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zRootsIterator.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zStackWatermark.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zStat.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zTask.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zThread.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zThreadLocalAllocBuffer.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zUtils.inline.hpp"
#include "gc/z/zWorkers.hpp"
#include "logging/log.hpp"
#include "memory/iterator.inline.hpp"
#include "oops/objArrayOop.inline.hpp"
#include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
#include "runtime/continuation.hpp"
#include "runtime/handshake.hpp"
#include "runtime/javaThread.hpp"
#include "runtime/prefetch.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/safepointMechanism.hpp"
#include "runtime/stackWatermark.hpp"
#include "runtime/stackWatermarkSet.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/threads.hpp"
#include "utilities/align.hpp"
#include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
#include "utilities/powerOfTwo.hpp"
#include "utilities/ticks.hpp"
static const ZStatSubPhase ZSubPhaseConcurrentMark("Concurrent Mark");
static const ZStatSubPhase ZSubPhaseConcurrentMarkTryFlush("Concurrent Mark Try Flush");
static const ZStatSubPhase ZSubPhaseConcurrentMarkTryTerminate("Concurrent Mark Try Terminate");
static const ZStatSubPhase ZSubPhaseMarkTryComplete("Pause Mark Try Complete");
ZMark::ZMark(ZWorkers* workers, ZPageTable* page_table) :
_nworkers(0) {}
bool ZMark::is_initialized() const {
return _allocator.is_initialized();
size_t ZMark::calculate_nstripes(uint nworkers) const {
// Calculate the number of stripes from the number of workers we use,
// where the number of stripes must be a power of two and we want to
// have at least one worker per stripe.
const size_t nstripes = round_down_power_of_2(nworkers);
return MIN2(nstripes, ZMarkStripesMax);
void ZMark::start() {
// Verification
if (ZVerifyMarking) {
// Increment global sequence number to invalidate
// marking information for all pages.
// Note that we start a marking cycle.
// Unlike other GCs, the color switch implicitly changes the nmethods
// to be armed, and the thread-local disarm values are lazily updated
// when JavaThreads wake up from safepoints.
// Reset flush/continue counters
_nproactiveflush = 0;
_nterminateflush = 0;
_ntrycomplete = 0;
_ncontinue = 0;
// Set number of workers to use
_nworkers = _workers->active_workers();
// Set number of mark stripes to use, based on number
// of workers we will use in the concurrent mark phase.
const size_t nstripes = calculate_nstripes(_nworkers);
// Update statistics
// Print worker/stripe distribution
LogTarget(Debug, gc, marking) log;
if (log.is_enabled()) {
log.print("Mark Worker/Stripe Distribution");
for (uint worker_id = 0; worker_id < _nworkers; worker_id++) {
const ZMarkStripe* const stripe = _stripes.stripe_for_worker(_nworkers, worker_id);
const size_t stripe_id = _stripes.stripe_id(stripe);
log.print(" Worker %u(%u) -> Stripe " SIZE_FORMAT "(" SIZE_FORMAT ")",
worker_id, _nworkers, stripe_id, nstripes);
void ZMark::prepare_work() {
assert(_nworkers == _workers->active_workers(), "Invalid number of workers");
// Set number of active workers
// Reset flush counters
_work_nproactiveflush = _work_nterminateflush = 0;
_work_terminateflush = true;
void ZMark::finish_work() {
// Accumulate proactive/terminate flush counters
_nproactiveflush += _work_nproactiveflush;
_nterminateflush += _work_nterminateflush;
bool ZMark::is_array(uintptr_t addr) const {
return ZOop::from_address(addr)->is_objArray();
void ZMark::push_partial_array(uintptr_t addr, size_t size, bool finalizable) {
assert(is_aligned(addr, ZMarkPartialArrayMinSize), "Address misaligned");
ZMarkThreadLocalStacks* const stacks = ZThreadLocalData::stacks(Thread::current());
ZMarkStripe* const stripe = _stripes.stripe_for_addr(addr);
const uintptr_t offset = ZAddress::offset(addr) >> ZMarkPartialArrayMinSizeShift;
const uintptr_t length = size / oopSize;
const ZMarkStackEntry entry(offset, length, finalizable);
log_develop_trace(gc, marking)("Array push partial: " PTR_FORMAT " (" SIZE_FORMAT "), stripe: " SIZE_FORMAT,
addr, size, _stripes.stripe_id(stripe));
stacks->push(&_allocator, &_stripes, stripe, entry, false /* publish */);
void ZMark::follow_small_array(uintptr_t addr, size_t size, bool finalizable) {
assert(size <= ZMarkPartialArrayMinSize, "Too large, should be split");
const size_t length = size / oopSize;
log_develop_trace(gc, marking)("Array follow small: " PTR_FORMAT " (" SIZE_FORMAT ")", addr, size);
ZBarrier::mark_barrier_on_oop_array((oop*)addr, length, finalizable);
void ZMark::follow_large_array(uintptr_t addr, size_t size, bool finalizable) {
assert(size <= (size_t)arrayOopDesc::max_array_length(T_OBJECT) * oopSize, "Too large");
assert(size > ZMarkPartialArrayMinSize, "Too small, should not be split");
const uintptr_t start = addr;
const uintptr_t end = start + size;
// Calculate the aligned middle start/end/size, where the middle start
// should always be greater than the start (hence the +1 below) to make
// sure we always do some follow work, not just split the array into pieces.
const uintptr_t middle_start = align_up(start + 1, ZMarkPartialArrayMinSize);
const size_t middle_size = align_down(end - middle_start, ZMarkPartialArrayMinSize);
const uintptr_t middle_end = middle_start + middle_size;
log_develop_trace(gc, marking)("Array follow large: " PTR_FORMAT "-" PTR_FORMAT" (" SIZE_FORMAT "), "
"middle: " PTR_FORMAT "-" PTR_FORMAT " (" SIZE_FORMAT ")",
start, end, size, middle_start, middle_end, middle_size);
// Push unaligned trailing part
if (end > middle_end) {
const uintptr_t trailing_addr = middle_end;
const size_t trailing_size = end - middle_end;
push_partial_array(trailing_addr, trailing_size, finalizable);
// Push aligned middle part(s)
uintptr_t partial_addr = middle_end;
while (partial_addr > middle_start) {
const size_t parts = 2;
const size_t partial_size = align_up((partial_addr - middle_start) / parts, ZMarkPartialArrayMinSize);
partial_addr -= partial_size;
push_partial_array(partial_addr, partial_size, finalizable);
// Follow leading part
assert(start < middle_start, "Miscalculated middle start");
const uintptr_t leading_addr = start;
const size_t leading_size = middle_start - start;
follow_small_array(leading_addr, leading_size, finalizable);
void ZMark::follow_array(uintptr_t addr, size_t size, bool finalizable) {
if (size <= ZMarkPartialArrayMinSize) {
follow_small_array(addr, size, finalizable);
} else {
follow_large_array(addr, size, finalizable);
void ZMark::follow_partial_array(ZMarkStackEntry entry, bool finalizable) {
const uintptr_t addr = ZAddress::good(entry.partial_array_offset() << ZMarkPartialArrayMinSizeShift);
const size_t size = entry.partial_array_length() * oopSize;
follow_array(addr, size, finalizable);
template <bool finalizable>
class ZMarkBarrierOopClosure : public ClaimMetadataVisitingOopIterateClosure {
ZMarkBarrierOopClosure() :
? ClassLoaderData::_claim_finalizable
: ClassLoaderData::_claim_strong,
: ZHeap::heap()->reference_discoverer()) {}
virtual void do_oop(oop* p) {
ZBarrier::mark_barrier_on_oop_field(p, finalizable);
virtual void do_oop(narrowOop* p) {
virtual void do_nmethod(nmethod* nm) {
assert(!finalizable, "Can't handle finalizable marking of nmethods");
void ZMark::follow_array_object(objArrayOop obj, bool finalizable) {
if (finalizable) {
ZMarkBarrierOopClosure<true /* finalizable */> cl;
} else {
ZMarkBarrierOopClosure<false /* finalizable */> cl;
const uintptr_t addr = (uintptr_t)obj->base();
const size_t size = (size_t)obj->length() * oopSize;
follow_array(addr, size, finalizable);
void ZMark::follow_object(oop obj, bool finalizable) {
if (ContinuationGCSupport::relativize_stack_chunk(obj)) {
// Loom doesn't support mixing of finalizable marking and strong marking of
// stack chunks. See: RelativizeDerivedOopClosure.
ZMarkBarrierOopClosure<false /* finalizable */> cl;
if (finalizable) {
ZMarkBarrierOopClosure<true /* finalizable */> cl;
} else {
ZMarkBarrierOopClosure<false /* finalizable */> cl;
static void try_deduplicate(ZMarkContext* context, oop obj) {
if (!StringDedup::is_enabled()) {
// Not enabled
if (!java_lang_String::is_instance(obj)) {
// Not a String object
if (java_lang_String::test_and_set_deduplication_requested(obj)) {
// Already requested deduplication
// Request deduplication
void ZMark::mark_and_follow(ZMarkContext* context, ZMarkStackEntry entry) {
// Decode flags
const bool finalizable = entry.finalizable();
const bool partial_array = entry.partial_array();
if (partial_array) {
follow_partial_array(entry, finalizable);
// Decode object address and additional flags
const uintptr_t addr = entry.object_address();
const bool mark = entry.mark();
bool inc_live = entry.inc_live();
const bool follow = entry.follow();
ZPage* const page = _page_table->get(addr);
assert(page->is_relocatable(), "Invalid page state");
// Mark
if (mark && !page->mark_object(addr, finalizable, inc_live)) {
// Already marked
// Increment live
if (inc_live) {
// Update live objects/bytes for page. We use the aligned object
// size since that is the actual number of bytes used on the page
// and alignment paddings can never be reclaimed.
const size_t size = ZUtils::object_size(addr);
const size_t aligned_size = align_up(size, page->object_alignment());
context->cache()->inc_live(page, aligned_size);
// Follow
if (follow) {
if (is_array(addr)) {
follow_array_object(objArrayOop(ZOop::from_address(addr)), finalizable);
} else {
const oop obj = ZOop::from_address(addr);
follow_object(obj, finalizable);
// Try deduplicate
try_deduplicate(context, obj);
template <typename T>
bool ZMark::drain(ZMarkContext* context, T* timeout) {
ZMarkStripe* const stripe = context->stripe();
ZMarkThreadLocalStacks* const stacks = context->stacks();
ZMarkStackEntry entry;
// Drain stripe stacks
while (stacks->pop(&_allocator, &_stripes, stripe, entry)) {
mark_and_follow(context, entry);
// Check timeout
if (timeout->has_expired()) {
// Timeout
return false;
// Success
return !timeout->has_expired();
bool ZMark::try_steal_local(ZMarkContext* context) {
ZMarkStripe* const stripe = context->stripe();
ZMarkThreadLocalStacks* const stacks = context->stacks();
// Try to steal a local stack from another stripe
for (ZMarkStripe* victim_stripe = _stripes.stripe_next(stripe);
victim_stripe != stripe;
victim_stripe = _stripes.stripe_next(victim_stripe)) {
ZMarkStack* const stack = stacks->steal(&_stripes, victim_stripe);
if (stack != NULL) {
// Success, install the stolen stack
stacks->install(&_stripes, stripe, stack);
return true;
// Nothing to steal
return false;
bool ZMark::try_steal_global(ZMarkContext* context) {
ZMarkStripe* const stripe = context->stripe();
ZMarkThreadLocalStacks* const stacks = context->stacks();
// Try to steal a stack from another stripe
for (ZMarkStripe* victim_stripe = _stripes.stripe_next(stripe);
victim_stripe != stripe;
victim_stripe = _stripes.stripe_next(victim_stripe)) {
ZMarkStack* const stack = victim_stripe->steal_stack();
if (stack != NULL) {
// Success, install the stolen stack
stacks->install(&_stripes, stripe, stack);
return true;
// Nothing to steal
return false;
bool ZMark::try_steal(ZMarkContext* context) {
return try_steal_local(context) || try_steal_global(context);
void ZMark::idle() const {
class ZMarkFlushAndFreeStacksClosure : public HandshakeClosure {
ZMark* const _mark;
bool _flushed;
ZMarkFlushAndFreeStacksClosure(ZMark* mark) :
_flushed(false) {}
void do_thread(Thread* thread) {
if (_mark->flush_and_free(thread)) {
_flushed = true;
bool flushed() const {
return _flushed;
bool ZMark::flush(bool at_safepoint) {
ZMarkFlushAndFreeStacksClosure cl(this);
if (at_safepoint) {
} else {
// Returns true if more work is available
return cl.flushed() || !_stripes.is_empty();
bool ZMark::try_flush(volatile size_t* nflush) {
ZStatTimer timer(ZSubPhaseConcurrentMarkTryFlush);
return flush(false /* at_safepoint */);
bool ZMark::try_proactive_flush() {
// Only do proactive flushes from worker 0
if (ZThread::worker_id() != 0) {
return false;
if (Atomic::load(&_work_nproactiveflush) == ZMarkProactiveFlushMax ||
Atomic::load(&_work_nterminateflush) != 0) {
// Limit reached or we're trying to terminate
return false;
return try_flush(&_work_nproactiveflush);
bool ZMark::try_terminate() {
ZStatTimer timer(ZSubPhaseConcurrentMarkTryTerminate);
if (_terminate.enter_stage0()) {
// Last thread entered stage 0, flush
if (Atomic::load(&_work_terminateflush) &&
Atomic::load(&_work_nterminateflush) != ZMarkTerminateFlushMax) {
// Exit stage 0 to allow other threads to continue marking
// Flush before termination
if (!try_flush(&_work_nterminateflush)) {
// No more work available, skip further flush attempts
Atomic::store(&_work_terminateflush, false);
// Don't terminate, regardless of whether we successfully
// flushed out more work or not. We've already exited
// termination stage 0, to allow other threads to continue
// marking, so this thread has to return false and also
// make another round of attempted marking.
return false;
for (;;) {
if (_terminate.enter_stage1()) {
// Last thread entered stage 1, terminate
return true;
// Idle to give the other threads
// a chance to enter termination.
if (!_terminate.try_exit_stage1()) {
// All workers in stage 1, terminate
return true;
if (_terminate.try_exit_stage0()) {
// More work available, don't terminate
return false;
class ZMarkNoTimeout : public StackObj {
bool has_expired() {
// No timeout, but check for signal to abort
return ZAbort::should_abort();
void ZMark::work_without_timeout(ZMarkContext* context) {
ZStatTimer timer(ZSubPhaseConcurrentMark);
ZMarkNoTimeout no_timeout;
for (;;) {
if (!drain(context, &no_timeout)) {
// Abort
if (try_steal(context)) {
// Stole work
if (try_proactive_flush()) {
// Work available
if (try_terminate()) {
// Terminate
class ZMarkTimeout : public StackObj {
const Ticks _start;
const uint64_t _timeout;
const uint64_t _check_interval;
uint64_t _check_at;
uint64_t _check_count;
bool _expired;
ZMarkTimeout(uint64_t timeout_in_micros) :
_timeout(_start.value() + TimeHelper::micros_to_counter(timeout_in_micros)),
_expired(false) {}
~ZMarkTimeout() {
const Tickspan duration = Ticks::now() - _start;
log_debug(gc, marking)("Mark With Timeout (%s): %s, " UINT64_FORMAT " oops, %.3fms",
ZThread::name(), _expired ? "Expired" : "Completed",
_check_count, TimeHelper::counter_to_millis(duration.value()));
bool has_expired() {
if (++_check_count == _check_at) {
_check_at += _check_interval;
if ((uint64_t)Ticks::now().value() >= _timeout) {
// Timeout
_expired = true;
return _expired;
void ZMark::work_with_timeout(ZMarkContext* context, uint64_t timeout_in_micros) {
ZStatTimer timer(ZSubPhaseMarkTryComplete);
ZMarkTimeout timeout(timeout_in_micros);
for (;;) {
if (!drain(context, &timeout)) {
// Timed out
if (try_steal(context)) {
// Stole work
// Terminate
void ZMark::work(uint64_t timeout_in_micros) {
ZMarkStripe* const stripe = _stripes.stripe_for_worker(_nworkers, ZThread::worker_id());
ZMarkThreadLocalStacks* const stacks = ZThreadLocalData::stacks(Thread::current());
ZMarkContext context(_stripes.nstripes(), stripe, stacks);
if (timeout_in_micros == 0) {
} else {
work_with_timeout(&context, timeout_in_micros);
// Flush and publish stacks
stacks->flush(&_allocator, &_stripes);
// Free remaining stacks
class ZMarkOopClosure : public OopClosure {
virtual void do_oop(oop* p) {
ZBarrier::mark_barrier_on_oop_field(p, false /* finalizable */);
virtual void do_oop(narrowOop* p) {
class ZMarkThreadClosure : public ThreadClosure {
OopClosure* const _cl;
ZMarkThreadClosure(OopClosure* cl) :
_cl(cl) {
~ZMarkThreadClosure() {
virtual void do_thread(Thread* thread) {
JavaThread* const jt = JavaThread::cast(thread);
StackWatermarkSet::finish_processing(jt, _cl, StackWatermarkKind::gc);
class ZMarkNMethodClosure : public NMethodClosure {
OopClosure* const _cl;
ZMarkNMethodClosure(OopClosure* cl) :
_cl(cl) {}
virtual void do_nmethod(nmethod* nm) {
ZLocker<ZReentrantLock> locker(ZNMethod::lock_for_nmethod(nm));
if (ZNMethod::is_armed(nm)) {
ZNMethod::nmethod_oops_do_inner(nm, _cl);
// CodeCache unloading support
typedef ClaimingCLDToOopClosure<ClassLoaderData::_claim_strong> ZMarkCLDClosure;
class ZMarkRootsTask : public ZTask {
ZMark* const _mark;
SuspendibleThreadSetJoiner _sts_joiner;
ZRootsIterator _roots;
ZMarkOopClosure _cl;
ZMarkCLDClosure _cld_cl;
ZMarkThreadClosure _thread_cl;
ZMarkNMethodClosure _nm_cl;
ZMarkRootsTask(ZMark* mark) :
_nm_cl(&_cl) {
~ZMarkRootsTask() {
virtual void work() {
// Flush and free worker stacks. Needed here since
// the set of workers executing during root scanning
// can be different from the set of workers executing
// during mark.
class ZMarkTask : public ZTask {
ZMark* const _mark;
const uint64_t _timeout_in_micros;
ZMarkTask(ZMark* mark, uint64_t timeout_in_micros = 0) :
_timeout_in_micros(timeout_in_micros) {
~ZMarkTask() {
virtual void work() {
void ZMark::mark(bool initial) {
if (initial) {
ZMarkRootsTask task(this);
ZMarkTask task(this);
bool ZMark::try_complete() {
// Use nconcurrent number of worker threads to maintain the
// worker/stripe distribution used during concurrent mark.
ZMarkTask task(this, ZMarkCompleteTimeout);
// Successful if all stripes are empty
return _stripes.is_empty();
bool ZMark::try_end() {
// Flush all mark stacks
if (!flush(true /* at_safepoint */)) {
// Mark completed
return true;
// Try complete marking by doing a limited
// amount of mark work in this phase.
return try_complete();
bool ZMark::end() {
// Try end marking
if (!try_end()) {
// Mark not completed
return false;
// Verification
if (ZVerifyMarking) {
// Update statistics
ZStatMark::set_at_mark_end(_nproactiveflush, _nterminateflush, _ntrycomplete, _ncontinue);
// Note that we finished a marking cycle.
// Unlike other GCs, we do not arm the nmethods
// when marking terminates.
// Mark completed
return true;
void ZMark::free() {
// Free any unused mark stack space
// Update statistics
void ZMark::flush_and_free() {
Thread* const thread = Thread::current();
bool ZMark::flush_and_free(Thread* thread) {
ZMarkThreadLocalStacks* const stacks = ZThreadLocalData::stacks(thread);
const bool flushed = stacks->flush(&_allocator, &_stripes);
return flushed;
class ZVerifyMarkStacksEmptyClosure : public ThreadClosure {
const ZMarkStripeSet* const _stripes;
ZVerifyMarkStacksEmptyClosure(const ZMarkStripeSet* stripes) :
_stripes(stripes) {}
void do_thread(Thread* thread) {
ZMarkThreadLocalStacks* const stacks = ZThreadLocalData::stacks(thread);
guarantee(stacks->is_empty(_stripes), "Should be empty");
void ZMark::verify_all_stacks_empty() const {
// Verify thread stacks
ZVerifyMarkStacksEmptyClosure cl(&_stripes);
// Verify stripe stacks
guarantee(_stripes.is_empty(), "Should be empty");
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