* Copyright (c) 1997, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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* questions.
#include "memory/allocation.hpp"
#include "memory/memRegion.hpp"
#include "oops/oopsHierarchy.hpp"
class CodeBlob;
class nmethod;
class ReferenceDiscoverer;
class DataLayout;
class KlassClosure;
class ClassLoaderData;
class Symbol;
class Metadata;
class Thread;
// The following classes are C++ `closures` for iterating over objects, roots and spaces
class Closure : public StackObj { };
// Thread iterator
class ThreadClosure {
virtual void do_thread(Thread* thread) = 0;
// OopClosure is used for iterating through references to Java objects.
class OopClosure : public Closure {
virtual void do_oop(oop* o) = 0;
virtual void do_oop(narrowOop* o) = 0;
class DoNothingClosure : public OopClosure {
virtual void do_oop(oop* p) {}
virtual void do_oop(narrowOop* p) {}
extern DoNothingClosure do_nothing_cl;
// OopIterateClosure adds extra code to be run during oop iterations.
// This is needed by the GC and is extracted to a separate type to not
// pollute the OopClosure interface.
class OopIterateClosure : public OopClosure {
ReferenceDiscoverer* _ref_discoverer;
OopIterateClosure(ReferenceDiscoverer* rd) : _ref_discoverer(rd) { }
OopIterateClosure() : _ref_discoverer(NULL) { }
~OopIterateClosure() { }
void set_ref_discoverer_internal(ReferenceDiscoverer* rd) { _ref_discoverer = rd; }
ReferenceDiscoverer* ref_discoverer() const { return _ref_discoverer; }
// Iteration of InstanceRefKlasses differ depending on the closure,
// the below enum describes the different alternatives.
enum ReferenceIterationMode {
DO_DISCOVERY, // Apply closure and discover references
DO_DISCOVERED_AND_DISCOVERY, // Apply closure to discovered field and do discovery
DO_FIELDS, // Apply closure to all fields
DO_FIELDS_EXCEPT_REFERENT // Apply closure to all fields except the referent field
// The default iteration mode is to do discovery.
virtual ReferenceIterationMode reference_iteration_mode() { return DO_DISCOVERY; }
// If the do_metadata functions return "true",
// we invoke the following when running oop_iterate():
// 1) do_klass on the header klass pointer.
// 2) do_klass on the klass pointer in the mirrors.
// 3) do_cld on the class loader data in class loaders.
// Used to determine metadata liveness for class unloading GCs.
virtual bool do_metadata() = 0;
virtual void do_klass(Klass* k) = 0;
virtual void do_cld(ClassLoaderData* cld) = 0;
// Class redefinition needs to get notified about methods from stackChunkOops
virtual void do_method(Method* m) = 0;
// The code cache unloading needs to get notified about methods from stackChunkOops
virtual void do_nmethod(nmethod* nm) = 0;
// An OopIterateClosure that can be used when there's no need to visit the Metadata.
class BasicOopIterateClosure : public OopIterateClosure {
BasicOopIterateClosure(ReferenceDiscoverer* rd = NULL) : OopIterateClosure(rd) {}
virtual bool do_metadata() { return false; }
virtual void do_klass(Klass* k) { ShouldNotReachHere(); }
virtual void do_cld(ClassLoaderData* cld) { ShouldNotReachHere(); }
virtual void do_method(Method* m) { ShouldNotReachHere(); }
virtual void do_nmethod(nmethod* nm) { ShouldNotReachHere(); }
// Interface for applying an OopClosure to a set of oops.
class OopIterator {
virtual void oops_do(OopClosure* cl) = 0;
enum class derived_pointer : intptr_t;
class DerivedOopClosure : public Closure {
enum { SkipNull = true };
virtual void do_derived_oop(oop* base, derived_pointer* derived) = 0;
class KlassClosure : public Closure {
virtual void do_klass(Klass* k) = 0;
class CLDClosure : public Closure {
virtual void do_cld(ClassLoaderData* cld) = 0;
class MetadataClosure : public Closure {
virtual void do_metadata(Metadata* md) = 0;
class CLDToOopClosure : public CLDClosure {
OopClosure* _oop_closure;
int _cld_claim;
CLDToOopClosure(OopClosure* oop_closure,
int cld_claim) :
_cld_claim(cld_claim) {}
void do_cld(ClassLoaderData* cld);
template <int claim>
class ClaimingCLDToOopClosure : public CLDToOopClosure {
ClaimingCLDToOopClosure(OopClosure* cl) : CLDToOopClosure(cl, claim) {}
class ClaimMetadataVisitingOopIterateClosure : public OopIterateClosure {
const int _claim;
ClaimMetadataVisitingOopIterateClosure(int claim, ReferenceDiscoverer* rd = NULL) :
_claim(claim) { }
virtual bool do_metadata() { return true; }
virtual void do_klass(Klass* k);
virtual void do_cld(ClassLoaderData* cld);
virtual void do_method(Method* m);
virtual void do_nmethod(nmethod* nm);
// The base class for all concurrent marking closures,
// that participates in class unloading.
// It's used to proxy through the metadata to the oops defined in them.
class MetadataVisitingOopIterateClosure: public ClaimMetadataVisitingOopIterateClosure {
MetadataVisitingOopIterateClosure(ReferenceDiscoverer* rd = NULL);
// ObjectClosure is used for iterating through an object space
class ObjectClosure : public Closure {
// Called for each object.
virtual void do_object(oop obj) = 0;
class BoolObjectClosure : public Closure {
virtual bool do_object_b(oop obj) = 0;
class AlwaysTrueClosure: public BoolObjectClosure {
bool do_object_b(oop p) { return true; }
class AlwaysFalseClosure : public BoolObjectClosure {
bool do_object_b(oop p) { return false; }
// Applies an oop closure to all ref fields in objects iterated over in an
// object iteration.
class ObjectToOopClosure: public ObjectClosure {
OopIterateClosure* _cl;
void do_object(oop obj);
ObjectToOopClosure(OopIterateClosure* cl) : _cl(cl) {}
// SpaceClosure is used for iterating over spaces
class Space;
class CompactibleSpace;
class SpaceClosure : public StackObj {
// Called for each space
virtual void do_space(Space* s) = 0;
// CodeBlobClosure is used for iterating through code blobs
// in the code cache or on thread stacks
class CodeBlobClosure : public Closure {
// Called for each code blob.
virtual void do_code_blob(CodeBlob* cb) = 0;
// Applies an oop closure to all ref fields in code blobs
// iterated over in an object iteration.
class CodeBlobToOopClosure : public CodeBlobClosure {
OopClosure* _cl;
bool _fix_relocations;
void do_nmethod(nmethod* nm);
// If fix_relocations(), then cl must copy objects to their new location immediately to avoid
// patching nmethods with the old locations.
CodeBlobToOopClosure(OopClosure* cl, bool fix_relocations) : _cl(cl), _fix_relocations(fix_relocations) {}
virtual void do_code_blob(CodeBlob* cb);
bool fix_relocations() const { return _fix_relocations; }
const static bool FixRelocations = true;
class MarkingCodeBlobClosure : public CodeBlobToOopClosure {
bool _keepalive_nmethods;
MarkingCodeBlobClosure(OopClosure* cl, bool fix_relocations, bool keepalive_nmethods) :
CodeBlobToOopClosure(cl, fix_relocations),
_keepalive_nmethods(keepalive_nmethods) {}
// Called for each code blob, but at most once per unique blob.
virtual void do_code_blob(CodeBlob* cb);
class NMethodClosure : public Closure {
virtual void do_nmethod(nmethod* n) = 0;
class CodeBlobToNMethodClosure : public CodeBlobClosure {
NMethodClosure* const _nm_cl;
CodeBlobToNMethodClosure(NMethodClosure* nm_cl) : _nm_cl(nm_cl) {}
virtual void do_code_blob(CodeBlob* cb);
// MonitorClosure is used for iterating over monitors in the monitors cache
class ObjectMonitor;
class MonitorClosure : public StackObj {
// called for each monitor in cache
virtual void do_monitor(ObjectMonitor* m) = 0;
// A closure that is applied without any arguments.
class VoidClosure : public StackObj {
virtual void do_void() = 0;
// YieldClosure is intended for use by iteration loops
// to incrementalize their work, allowing interleaving
// of an interruptible task so as to allow other
// threads to run (which may not otherwise be able to access
// exclusive resources, for instance). Additionally, the
// closure also allows for aborting an ongoing iteration
// by means of checking the return value from the polling
// call.
class YieldClosure : public StackObj {
virtual bool should_return() = 0;
// Yield on a fine-grain level. The check in case of not yielding should be very fast.
virtual bool should_return_fine_grain() { return false; }
// Abstract closure for serializing data (read or write).
class SerializeClosure : public Closure {
// Return bool indicating whether closure implements read or write.
virtual bool reading() const = 0;
// Read/write the void pointer pointed to by p.
virtual void do_ptr(void** p) = 0;
// Read/write the 32-bit unsigned integer pointed to by p.
virtual void do_u4(u4* p) = 0;
// Read/write the bool pointed to by p.
virtual void do_bool(bool* p) = 0;
// Read/write the region specified.
virtual void do_region(u_char* start, size_t size) = 0;
// Check/write the tag. If reading, then compare the tag against
// the passed in value and fail is they don't match. This allows
// for verification that sections of the serialized data are of the
// correct length.
virtual void do_tag(int tag) = 0;
// Read/write the oop
virtual void do_oop(oop* o) = 0;
bool writing() {
return !reading();
class SymbolClosure : public StackObj {
virtual void do_symbol(Symbol**) = 0;
template <typename E>
class CompareClosure : public Closure {
virtual int do_compare(const E&, const E&) = 0;
class OopIteratorClosureDispatch {
template <typename OopClosureType> static void oop_oop_iterate(OopClosureType* cl, oop obj, Klass* klass);
template <typename OopClosureType> static void oop_oop_iterate(OopClosureType* cl, oop obj, Klass* klass, MemRegion mr);
template <typename OopClosureType> static void oop_oop_iterate_backwards(OopClosureType* cl, oop obj, Klass* klass);
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