* Copyright (c) 1997, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "cds/classListWriter.hpp"
#include "compiler/compileLog.hpp"
#include "jvm.h"
#include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
#include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/arguments.hpp"
#include "runtime/orderAccess.hpp"
#include "runtime/os.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/safepoint.hpp"
#include "runtime/vm_version.hpp"
#include "utilities/defaultStream.hpp"
#include "utilities/macros.hpp"
#include "utilities/ostream.hpp"
#include "utilities/vmError.hpp"
#include "utilities/xmlstream.hpp"
// Declarations of jvm methods
extern "C" void jio_print(const char* s, size_t len);
extern "C" int jio_printf(const char *fmt, ...);
outputStream::outputStream() {
_position = 0;
_precount = 0;
_indentation = 0;
_scratch = NULL;
_scratch_len = 0;
outputStream::outputStream(bool has_time_stamps) {
_position = 0;
_precount = 0;
_indentation = 0;
_scratch = NULL;
_scratch_len = 0;
if (has_time_stamps) _stamp.update();
bool outputStream::update_position(const char* s, size_t len) {
bool saw_newline = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
char ch = s[i];
if (ch == '\n') {
saw_newline = true;
_precount += _position + 1;
_position = 0;
} else if (ch == '\t') {
int tw = 8 - (_position & 7);
_position += tw;
_precount -= tw-1; // invariant: _precount + _position == total count
} else {
_position += 1;
return saw_newline;
// Execute a vsprintf, using the given buffer if necessary.
// Return a pointer to the formatted string.
const char* outputStream::do_vsnprintf(char* buffer, size_t buflen,
const char* format, va_list ap,
bool add_cr,
size_t& result_len) {
assert(buflen >= 2, "buffer too small");
const char* result;
if (add_cr) buflen--;
if (!strchr(format, '%')) {
// constant format string
result = format;
result_len = strlen(result);
if (add_cr && result_len >= buflen) result_len = buflen-1; // truncate
} else if (format[0] == '%' && format[1] == 's' && format[2] == '\0') {
// trivial copy-through format string
result = va_arg(ap, const char*);
result_len = strlen(result);
if (add_cr && result_len >= buflen) result_len = buflen-1; // truncate
} else {
int required_len = os::vsnprintf(buffer, buflen, format, ap);
assert(required_len >= 0, "vsnprintf encoding error");
result = buffer;
if ((size_t)required_len < buflen) {
result_len = required_len;
} else {
DEBUG_ONLY(warning("outputStream::do_vsnprintf output truncated -- buffer length is %d bytes but %d bytes are needed.",
add_cr ? (int)buflen + 1 : (int)buflen, add_cr ? required_len + 2 : required_len + 1);)
result_len = buflen - 1;
if (add_cr) {
if (result != buffer) {
memcpy(buffer, result, result_len);
result = buffer;
buffer[result_len++] = '\n';
buffer[result_len] = 0;
return result;
void outputStream::do_vsnprintf_and_write_with_automatic_buffer(const char* format, va_list ap, bool add_cr) {
char buffer[O_BUFLEN];
size_t len;
const char* str = do_vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, ap, add_cr, len);
write(str, len);
void outputStream::do_vsnprintf_and_write_with_scratch_buffer(const char* format, va_list ap, bool add_cr) {
size_t len;
const char* str = do_vsnprintf(_scratch, _scratch_len, format, ap, add_cr, len);
write(str, len);
void outputStream::do_vsnprintf_and_write(const char* format, va_list ap, bool add_cr) {
if (_scratch) {
do_vsnprintf_and_write_with_scratch_buffer(format, ap, add_cr);
} else {
do_vsnprintf_and_write_with_automatic_buffer(format, ap, add_cr);
void outputStream::print(const char* format, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
do_vsnprintf_and_write(format, ap, false);
void outputStream::print_cr(const char* format, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
do_vsnprintf_and_write(format, ap, true);
void outputStream::vprint(const char *format, va_list argptr) {
do_vsnprintf_and_write(format, argptr, false);
void outputStream::vprint_cr(const char* format, va_list argptr) {
do_vsnprintf_and_write(format, argptr, true);
void outputStream::fill_to(int col) {
int need_fill = col - position();
void outputStream::move_to(int col, int slop, int min_space) {
if (position() >= col + slop)
int need_fill = col - position();
if (need_fill < min_space)
need_fill = min_space;
void outputStream::put(char ch) {
assert(ch != 0, "please fix call site");
char buf[] = { ch, '\0' };
write(buf, 1);
#define SP_USE_TABS false
void outputStream::sp(int count) {
if (count < 0) return;
if (SP_USE_TABS && count >= 8) {
int target = position() + count;
while (count >= 8) {
this->write("\t", 1);
count -= 8;
count = target - position();
while (count > 0) {
int nw = (count > 8) ? 8 : count;
this->write(" ", nw);
count -= nw;
void outputStream::cr() {
this->write("\n", 1);
void outputStream::cr_indent() {
cr(); indent();
void outputStream::stamp() {
if (! _stamp.is_updated()) {
_stamp.update(); // start at 0 on first call to stamp()
// outputStream::stamp() may get called by ostream_abort(), use snprintf
// to avoid allocating large stack buffer in print().
char buf[40];
jio_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.3f", _stamp.seconds());
void outputStream::stamp(bool guard,
const char* prefix,
const char* suffix) {
if (!guard) {
void outputStream::date_stamp(bool guard,
const char* prefix,
const char* suffix) {
if (!guard) {
static const char error_time[] = "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmm+zzzz";
static const int buffer_length = 32;
char buffer[buffer_length];
const char* iso8601_result = os::iso8601_time(buffer, buffer_length);
if (iso8601_result != NULL) {
} else {
outputStream& outputStream::indent() {
while (_position < _indentation) sp();
return *this;
void outputStream::print_jlong(jlong value) {
print(JLONG_FORMAT, value);
void outputStream::print_julong(julong value) {
print(JULONG_FORMAT, value);
* This prints out hex data in a 'windbg' or 'xxd' form, where each line is:
* <hex-address>: 8 * <hex-halfword> <ascii translation (optional)>
* example:
* 0000000: 7f44 4f46 0102 0102 0000 0000 0000 0000 .DOF............
* 0000010: 0000 0000 0000 0040 0000 0020 0000 0005 .......@... ....
* 0000020: 0000 0000 0000 0040 0000 0000 0000 015d .......@.......]
* ...
* indent is applied to each line. Ends with a CR.
void outputStream::print_data(void* data, size_t len, bool with_ascii, bool rel_addr) {
size_t limit = (len + 16) / 16 * 16;
for (size_t i = 0; i < limit; ++i) {
if (i % 16 == 0) {
if (rel_addr) {
indent().print("%07" PRIxPTR ":", i);
} else {
indent().print(PTR_FORMAT ":", p2i((unsigned char*)data + i));
if (i % 2 == 0) {
print(" ");
if (i < len) {
print("%02x", ((unsigned char*)data)[i]);
} else {
print(" ");
if ((i + 1) % 16 == 0) {
if (with_ascii) {
print(" ");
for (size_t j = 0; j < 16; ++j) {
size_t idx = i + j - 15;
if (idx < len) {
char c = ((char*)data)[idx];
print("%c", c >= 32 && c <= 126 ? c : '.');
stringStream::stringStream(size_t initial_capacity) :
if (initial_capacity > _capacity) {
// useful for output to fixed chunks of memory, such as performance counters
stringStream::stringStream(char* fixed_buffer, size_t fixed_buffer_size) :
// Grow backing buffer to desired capacity. Don't call for fixed buffers
void stringStream::grow(size_t new_capacity) {
assert(!_is_fixed, "Don't call for caller provided buffers");
assert(new_capacity > _capacity, "Sanity");
assert(new_capacity > sizeof(_small_buffer), "Sanity");
if (_buffer == _small_buffer) {
_buffer = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, new_capacity, mtInternal);
_capacity = new_capacity;
if (_written > 0) {
::memcpy(_buffer, _small_buffer, _written);
} else {
_buffer = REALLOC_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, _buffer, new_capacity, mtInternal);
_capacity = new_capacity;
void stringStream::write(const char* s, size_t len) {
assert(_is_frozen == false, "Modification forbidden");
assert(_capacity >= _written + 1, "Sanity");
if (len == 0) {
const size_t reasonable_max_len = 1 * G;
if (len >= reasonable_max_len) {
assert(false, "bad length? (" SIZE_FORMAT ")", len);
size_t write_len = 0;
if (_is_fixed) {
write_len = MIN2(len, _capacity - _written - 1);
} else {
write_len = len;
size_t needed = _written + len + 1;
if (needed > _capacity) {
grow(MAX2(needed, _capacity * 2));
assert(_written + write_len + 1 <= _capacity, "stringStream oob");
if (write_len > 0) {
::memcpy(_buffer + _written, s, write_len);
_written += write_len;
// Note that the following does not depend on write_len.
// This means that position and count get updated
// even when overflow occurs.
update_position(s, len);
void stringStream::zero_terminate() {
assert(_buffer != NULL &&
_written < _capacity, "sanity");
_buffer[_written] = '\0';
void stringStream::reset() {
assert(_is_frozen == false, "Modification forbidden");
_written = 0; _precount = 0; _position = 0;
char* stringStream::as_string(bool c_heap) const {
char* copy = c_heap ?
NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, _written + 1, mtInternal) : NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, _written + 1);
::memcpy(copy, _buffer, _written);
copy[_written] = 0; // terminating null
if (c_heap) {
// Need to ensure our content is written to memory before we return
// the pointer to it.
return copy;
stringStream::~stringStream() {
if (!_is_fixed && _buffer != _small_buffer) {
FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, _buffer);
// tty needs to be always accessible since there are code paths that may write to it
// outside of the VM lifespan.
// Examples for pre-VM-init accesses: Early NMT init, Early UL init
// Examples for post-VM-exit accesses: many, e.g. NMT C-heap bounds checker, signal handling, AGCT, ...
// During lifetime tty is served by an instance of defaultStream. That instance's deletion cannot
// be (easily) postponed or omitted since it has ties to the JVM infrastructure.
// The policy followed here is a compromise reached during review of JDK-8292351:
// - pre-init: we silently swallow all output. We won't see anything, but at least won't crash
// - post-exit: we write to a simple fdStream, but somewhat mimic the behavior of the real defaultStream
static nullStream tty_preinit_stream;
outputStream* tty = &tty_preinit_stream;
xmlStream* xtty;
extern Mutex* tty_lock;
#define CURRENTAPPX ".current"
char* get_datetime_string(char *buf, size_t len) {
os::local_time_string(buf, len);
int i = (int)strlen(buf);
while (--i >= 0) {
if (buf[i] == ' ') buf[i] = '_';
else if (buf[i] == ':') buf[i] = '-';
return buf;
static const char* make_log_name_internal(const char* log_name, const char* force_directory,
int pid, const char* tms) {
const char* basename = log_name;
char file_sep = os::file_separator()[0];
const char* cp;
char pid_text[32];
for (cp = log_name; *cp != '\0'; cp++) {
if (*cp == '/' || *cp == file_sep) {
basename = cp + 1;
const char* nametail = log_name;
// Compute buffer length
size_t buffer_length;
if (force_directory != NULL) {
buffer_length = strlen(force_directory) + strlen(os::file_separator()) +
strlen(basename) + 1;
} else {
buffer_length = strlen(log_name) + 1;
const char* pts = strstr(basename, "%p");
int pid_pos = (pts == NULL) ? -1 : (pts - nametail);
if (pid_pos >= 0) {
jio_snprintf(pid_text, sizeof(pid_text), "pid%u", pid);
buffer_length += strlen(pid_text);
pts = strstr(basename, "%t");
int tms_pos = (pts == NULL) ? -1 : (pts - nametail);
if (tms_pos >= 0) {
buffer_length += strlen(tms);
// File name is too long.
if (buffer_length > JVM_MAXPATHLEN) {
return NULL;
// Create big enough buffer.
char *buf = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, buffer_length, mtInternal);
strcpy(buf, "");
if (force_directory != NULL) {
strcat(buf, force_directory);
strcat(buf, os::file_separator());
nametail = basename; // completely skip directory prefix
// who is first, %p or %t?
int first = -1, second = -1;
const char *p1st = NULL;
const char *p2nd = NULL;
if (pid_pos >= 0 && tms_pos >= 0) {
// contains both %p and %t
if (pid_pos < tms_pos) {
// case foo%pbar%tmonkey.log
first = pid_pos;
p1st = pid_text;
second = tms_pos;
p2nd = tms;
} else {
// case foo%tbar%pmonkey.log
first = tms_pos;
p1st = tms;
second = pid_pos;
p2nd = pid_text;
} else if (pid_pos >= 0) {
// contains %p only
first = pid_pos;
p1st = pid_text;
} else if (tms_pos >= 0) {
// contains %t only
first = tms_pos;
p1st = tms;
int buf_pos = (int)strlen(buf);
const char* tail = nametail;
if (first >= 0) {
tail = nametail + first + 2;
strncpy(&buf[buf_pos], nametail, first);
strcpy(&buf[buf_pos + first], p1st);
buf_pos = (int)strlen(buf);
if (second >= 0) {
strncpy(&buf[buf_pos], tail, second - first - 2);
strcpy(&buf[buf_pos + second - first - 2], p2nd);
tail = nametail + second + 2;
strcat(buf, tail); // append rest of name, or all of name
return buf;
// log_name comes from -XX:LogFile=log_name or
// -XX:DumpLoadedClassList=<file_name>
// in log_name, %p => pid1234 and
// %t => YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS
const char* make_log_name(const char* log_name, const char* force_directory) {
char timestr[32];
get_datetime_string(timestr, sizeof(timestr));
return make_log_name_internal(log_name, force_directory, os::current_process_id(),
fileStream::fileStream(const char* file_name) {
_file = os::fopen(file_name, "w");
if (_file != NULL) {
_need_close = true;
} else {
warning("Cannot open file %s due to %s\n", file_name, os::strerror(errno));
_need_close = false;
fileStream::fileStream(const char* file_name, const char* opentype) {
_file = os::fopen(file_name, opentype);
if (_file != NULL) {
_need_close = true;
} else {
warning("Cannot open file %s due to %s\n", file_name, os::strerror(errno));
_need_close = false;
void fileStream::write(const char* s, size_t len) {
if (_file != NULL) {
// Make an unused local variable to avoid warning from gcc compiler.
size_t count = fwrite(s, 1, len, _file);
update_position(s, len);
long fileStream::fileSize() {
long size = -1;
if (_file != NULL) {
long pos = ::ftell(_file);
if (pos < 0) return pos;
if (::fseek(_file, 0, SEEK_END) == 0) {
size = ::ftell(_file);
::fseek(_file, pos, SEEK_SET);
return size;
char* fileStream::readln(char *data, int count ) {
char * ret = NULL;
if (_file != NULL) {
ret = ::fgets(data, count, _file);
// Get rid of annoying \n char only if it is present.
size_t len = ::strlen(data);
if (len > 0 && data[len - 1] == '\n') {
data[len - 1] = '\0';
return ret;
fileStream::~fileStream() {
if (_file != NULL) {
if (_need_close) fclose(_file);
_file = NULL;
void fileStream::flush() {
if (_file != NULL) {
fdStream fdStream::_stdout_stream(1);
fdStream fdStream::_stderr_stream(2);
void fdStream::write(const char* s, size_t len) {
if (_fd != -1) {
// Make an unused local variable to avoid warning from gcc compiler.
ssize_t count = ::write(_fd, s, (int)len);
update_position(s, len);
defaultStream* defaultStream::instance = NULL;
int defaultStream::_output_fd = 1;
int defaultStream::_error_fd = 2;
FILE* defaultStream::_output_stream = stdout;
FILE* defaultStream::_error_stream = stderr;
void defaultStream::init() {
_inited = true;
if (LogVMOutput || LogCompilation) {
bool defaultStream::has_log_file() {
// lazily create log file (at startup, LogVMOutput is false even
// if +LogVMOutput is used, because the flags haven't been parsed yet)
// For safer printing during fatal error handling, do not init logfile
// if a VM error has been reported.
if (!_inited && !VMError::is_error_reported()) init();
return _log_file != NULL;
fileStream* defaultStream::open_file(const char* log_name) {
const char* try_name = make_log_name(log_name, NULL);
if (try_name == NULL) {
warning("Cannot open file %s: file name is too long.\n", log_name);
return NULL;
fileStream* file = new (mtInternal) fileStream(try_name);
FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, try_name);
if (file->is_open()) {
return file;
// Try again to open the file in the temp directory.
delete file;
// Note: This feature is for maintainer use only. No need for L10N.
jio_printf("Warning: Cannot open log file: %s\n", log_name);
try_name = make_log_name(log_name, os::get_temp_directory());
if (try_name == NULL) {
warning("Cannot open file %s: file name is too long for directory %s.\n", log_name, os::get_temp_directory());
return NULL;
jio_printf("Warning: Forcing option -XX:LogFile=%s\n", try_name);
file = new (mtInternal) fileStream(try_name);
FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, try_name);
if (file->is_open()) {
return file;
delete file;
return NULL;
void defaultStream::init_log() {
// %%% Need a MutexLocker?
const char* log_name = LogFile != NULL ? LogFile : "hotspot_%p.log";
fileStream* file = open_file(log_name);
if (file != NULL) {
_log_file = file;
_outer_xmlStream = new(mtInternal) xmlStream(file);
} else {
// and leave xtty as NULL
LogVMOutput = false;
DisplayVMOutput = true;
LogCompilation = false;
void defaultStream::start_log() {
xmlStream*xs = _outer_xmlStream;
if (this == tty) xtty = xs;
// Write XML header.
// (For now, don't bother to issue a DTD for this private format.)
// Calculate the start time of the log as ms since the epoch: this is
// the current time in ms minus the uptime in ms.
jlong time_ms = os::javaTimeMillis() - tty->time_stamp().milliseconds();
xs->head("hotspot_log version='%d %d'"
" process='%d' time_ms='" INT64_FORMAT "'",
os::current_process_id(), (int64_t)time_ms);
// Write VM version header immediately.
xs->head("name"); xs->text("%s", VM_Version::vm_name()); xs->cr();
xs->head("release"); xs->text("%s", VM_Version::vm_release()); xs->cr();
xs->head("info"); xs->text("%s", VM_Version::internal_vm_info_string()); xs->cr();
// Record information about the command-line invocation.
xs->head("vm_arguments"); // Cf. Arguments::print_on()
if (Arguments::num_jvm_flags() > 0) {
if (Arguments::num_jvm_args() > 0) {
if (Arguments::java_command() != NULL) {
xs->head("command"); xs->text()->print_cr("%s", Arguments::java_command());
if (Arguments::sun_java_launcher() != NULL) {
xs->head("launcher"); xs->text()->print_cr("%s", Arguments::sun_java_launcher());
if (Arguments::system_properties() != NULL) {
// Print it as a java-style property list.
// System properties don't generally contain newlines, so don't bother with unparsing.
outputStream *text = xs->text();
for (SystemProperty* p = Arguments::system_properties(); p != NULL; p = p->next()) {
assert(p->key() != NULL, "p->key() is NULL");
if (p->readable()) {
// Print in two stages to avoid problems with long
// keys/values.
assert(p->value() != NULL, "p->value() is NULL");
// tty output per se is grouped under the <tty>...</tty> element.
// All further non-markup text gets copied to the tty:
xs->_text = this; // requires friend declaration!
// finish_log() is called during normal VM shutdown. finish_log_on_error() is
// called by ostream_abort() after a fatal error.
void defaultStream::finish_log() {
xmlStream* xs = _outer_xmlStream;
// Other log forks are appended here, at the End of Time:
CompileLog::finish_log(xs->out()); // write compile logging, if any, now
fileStream* file = _log_file;
_log_file = NULL;
delete _outer_xmlStream;
_outer_xmlStream = NULL;
delete file;
void defaultStream::finish_log_on_error(char *buf, int buflen) {
xmlStream* xs = _outer_xmlStream;
if (xs && xs->out()) {
// Other log forks are appended here, at the End of Time:
CompileLog::finish_log_on_error(xs->out(), buf, buflen); // write compile logging, if any, now
fileStream* file = _log_file;
_log_file = NULL;
_outer_xmlStream = NULL;
if (file) {
// Can't delete or close the file because delete and fclose aren't
// async-safe. We are about to die, so leave it to the kernel.
// delete file;
intx defaultStream::hold(intx writer_id) {
bool has_log = has_log_file(); // check before locking
if (// impossible, but who knows?
writer_id == NO_WRITER ||
// bootstrap problem
tty_lock == NULL ||
// can't grab a lock if current Thread isn't set
Thread::current_or_null() == NULL ||
// developer hook
!SerializeVMOutput ||
// VM already unhealthy
VMError::is_error_reported() ||
// safepoint == global lock (for VM only)
(SafepointSynchronize::is_synchronizing() &&
) {
// do not attempt to lock unless we know the thread and the VM is healthy
return NO_WRITER;
if (_writer == writer_id) {
// already held, no need to re-grab the lock
return NO_WRITER;
// got the lock
if (writer_id != _last_writer) {
if (has_log) {
// output a hint where this output is coming from:
_log_file->print_cr(""'/>", writer_id);
_last_writer = writer_id;
_writer = writer_id;
return writer_id;
void defaultStream::release(intx holder) {
if (holder == NO_WRITER) {
// nothing to release: either a recursive lock, or we scribbled (too bad)
if (_writer != holder) {
return; // already unlocked, perhaps via break_tty_lock_for_safepoint
_writer = NO_WRITER;
void defaultStream::write(const char* s, size_t len) {
intx thread_id = os::current_thread_id();
intx holder = hold(thread_id);
if (DisplayVMOutput &&
(_outer_xmlStream == nullptr || !_outer_xmlStream->inside_attrs())) {
// print to output stream. It can be redirected by a vfprintf hook
jio_print(s, len);
// print to log file
if (has_log_file() && _outer_xmlStream != nullptr) {
_outer_xmlStream->write_text(s, len);
bool nl = update_position(s, len);
// flush the log file too, if there were any newlines
if (nl) {
} else {
update_position(s, len);
intx ttyLocker::hold_tty() {
if (defaultStream::instance == NULL) return defaultStream::NO_WRITER;
intx thread_id = os::current_thread_id();
return defaultStream::instance->hold(thread_id);
void ttyLocker::release_tty(intx holder) {
if (holder == defaultStream::NO_WRITER) return;
bool ttyLocker::release_tty_if_locked() {
intx thread_id = os::current_thread_id();
if (defaultStream::instance->writer() == thread_id) {
// release the lock and return true so callers know if was
// previously held.
return true;
return false;
void ttyLocker::break_tty_lock_for_safepoint(intx holder) {
if (defaultStream::instance != NULL &&
defaultStream::instance->writer() == holder) {
if (xtty != NULL) {
// (else there was no lock to break)
void ostream_init() {
if (defaultStream::instance == NULL) {
defaultStream::instance = new(mtInternal) defaultStream();
tty = defaultStream::instance;
// We want to ensure that time stamps in GC logs consider time 0
// the time when the JVM is initialized, not the first time we ask
// for a time stamp. So, here, we explicitly update the time stamp
// of tty.
void ostream_init_log() {
// Note : this must be called AFTER ostream_init()
// If we haven't lazily initialized the logfile yet, do it now,
// to avoid the possibility of lazy initialization during a VM
// crash, which can affect the stability of the fatal error handler.
// ostream_exit() is called during normal VM exit to finish log files, flush
// output and free resource.
void ostream_exit() {
static bool ostream_exit_called = false;
if (ostream_exit_called) return;
ostream_exit_called = true;
// Make sure tty works after VM exit by assigning an always-on functioning fdStream.
outputStream* tmp = tty;
tty = DisplayVMOutputToStderr ? fdStream::stdout_stream() : fdStream::stderr_stream();
if (tmp != &tty_preinit_stream && tmp != defaultStream::instance) {
delete tmp;
delete defaultStream::instance;
xtty = NULL;
defaultStream::instance = NULL;
// ostream_abort() is called by os::abort() when VM is about to die.
void ostream_abort() {
// Here we can't delete tty, just flush its output
if (tty) tty->flush();
if (defaultStream::instance != NULL) {
static char buf[4096];
defaultStream::instance->finish_log_on_error(buf, sizeof(buf));
bufferedStream::bufferedStream(size_t initial_size, size_t bufmax) : outputStream() {
buffer_length = initial_size;
buffer = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, buffer_length, mtInternal);
buffer_pos = 0;
buffer_fixed = false;
buffer_max = bufmax;
truncated = false;
bufferedStream::bufferedStream(char* fixed_buffer, size_t fixed_buffer_size, size_t bufmax) : outputStream() {
buffer_length = fixed_buffer_size;
buffer = fixed_buffer;
buffer_pos = 0;
buffer_fixed = true;
buffer_max = bufmax;
truncated = false;
void bufferedStream::write(const char* s, size_t len) {
if (truncated) {
if(buffer_pos + len > buffer_max) {
flush(); // Note: may be a noop.
size_t end = buffer_pos + len;
if (end >= buffer_length) {
if (buffer_fixed) {
// if buffer cannot resize, silently truncate
len = buffer_length - buffer_pos - 1;
truncated = true;
} else {
// For small overruns, double the buffer. For larger ones,
// increase to the requested size.
if (end < buffer_length * 2) {
end = buffer_length * 2;
// Impose a cap beyond which the buffer cannot grow - a size which
// in all probability indicates a real error, e.g. faulty printing
// code looping, while not affecting cases of just-very-large-but-its-normal
// output.
const size_t reasonable_cap = MAX2(100 * M, buffer_max * 2);
if (end > reasonable_cap) {
// In debug VM, assert right away.
assert(false, "Exceeded max buffer size for this string.");
// Release VM: silently truncate. We do this since these kind of errors
// are both difficult to predict with testing (depending on logging content)
// and usually not serious enough to kill a production VM for it.
end = reasonable_cap;
size_t remaining = end - buffer_pos;
if (len >= remaining) {
len = remaining - 1;
truncated = true;
if (buffer_length < end) {
buffer = REALLOC_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, buffer, end, mtInternal);
buffer_length = end;
if (len > 0) {
memcpy(buffer + buffer_pos, s, len);
buffer_pos += len;
update_position(s, len);
char* bufferedStream::as_string() {
char* copy = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, buffer_pos+1);
strncpy(copy, buffer, buffer_pos);
copy[buffer_pos] = 0; // terminating null
return copy;
bufferedStream::~bufferedStream() {
if (!buffer_fixed) {
FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, buffer);
#ifndef PRODUCT
#if defined(LINUX) || defined(AIX) || defined(_ALLBSD_SOURCE)
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#elif defined(_WINDOWS)
#include <winsock2.h>
// Network access
networkStream::networkStream() : bufferedStream(1024*10, 1024*10) {
_socket = -1;
int result = ::socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (result <= 0) {
assert(false, "Socket could not be created!");
} else {
_socket = result;
int networkStream::read(char *buf, size_t len) {
return os::recv(_socket, buf, (int)len, 0);
void networkStream::flush() {
if (size() != 0) {
int result = os::raw_send(_socket, (char *)base(), size(), 0);
assert(result != -1, "connection error");
assert(result == (int)size(), "didn't send enough data");
networkStream::~networkStream() {
void networkStream::close() {
if (_socket != -1) {
_socket = -1;
bool networkStream::connect(const char *ip, short port) {
struct sockaddr_in server;
server.sin_family = AF_INET;
server.sin_port = htons(port);
server.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip);
if (server.sin_addr.s_addr == (uint32_t)-1) {
struct hostent* host = os::get_host_by_name((char*)ip);
if (host != NULL) {
memcpy(&server.sin_addr, host->h_addr_list[0], host->h_length);
} else {
return false;
int result = os::connect(_socket, (struct sockaddr*)&server, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
return (result >= 0);
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.15 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.