* Copyright (c) 1997, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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#include "memory/allocation.hpp"
#include "runtime/timer.hpp"
#include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
#include "utilities/macros.hpp"
DEBUG_ONLY(class ResourceMark;)
// Output streams for printing
// Printing guidelines:
// Where possible, please use tty->print() and tty->print_cr().
// For product mode VM warnings use warning() which internally uses tty.
// In places where tty is not initialized yet or too much overhead,
// we may use jio_printf:
// jio_fprintf(defaultStream::output_stream(), "Message");
// This allows for redirection via -XX:+DisplayVMOutputToStdout and
// -XX:+DisplayVMOutputToStderr
class outputStream : public CHeapObjBase {
int _indentation; // current indentation
int _position; // visual position on the current line
uint64_t _precount; // number of chars output, less than _position
TimeStamp _stamp; // for time stamps
char* _scratch; // internal scratch buffer for printf
size_t _scratch_len; // size of internal scratch buffer
// Returns whether a newline was seen or not
bool update_position(const char* s, size_t len);
static const char* do_vsnprintf(char* buffer, size_t buflen,
const char* format, va_list ap,
bool add_cr,
size_t& result_len) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(3, 0);
// calls do_vsnprintf and writes output to stream; uses an on-stack buffer.
void do_vsnprintf_and_write_with_automatic_buffer(const char* format, va_list ap, bool add_cr) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(2, 0);
// calls do_vsnprintf and writes output to stream; uses the user-provided buffer;
void do_vsnprintf_and_write_with_scratch_buffer(const char* format, va_list ap, bool add_cr) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(2, 0);
// calls do_vsnprintf, then writes output to stream.
void do_vsnprintf_and_write(const char* format, va_list ap, bool add_cr) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(2, 0);
// creation
outputStream(bool has_time_stamps);
// indentation
outputStream& indent();
void inc() { _indentation++; };
void dec() { _indentation--; };
void inc(int n) { _indentation += n; };
void dec(int n) { _indentation -= n; };
int indentation() const { return _indentation; }
void set_indentation(int i) { _indentation = i; }
void fill_to(int col);
void move_to(int col, int slop = 6, int min_space = 2);
// sizing
int position() const { return _position; }
julong count() const { return _precount + _position; }
void set_count(julong count) { _precount = count - _position; }
void set_position(int pos) { _position = pos; }
// printing
void print(const char* format, ...) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(2, 3);
void print_cr(const char* format, ...) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(2, 3);
void vprint(const char *format, va_list argptr) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(2, 0);
void vprint_cr(const char* format, va_list argptr) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(2, 0);
void print_raw(const char* str) { write(str, strlen(str)); }
void print_raw(const char* str, size_t len) { write(str, len); }
void print_raw_cr(const char* str) { write(str, strlen(str)); cr(); }
void print_raw_cr(const char* str, size_t len){ write(str, len); cr(); }
void print_data(void* data, size_t len, bool with_ascii, bool rel_addr=true);
void put(char ch);
void sp(int count = 1);
void cr();
void cr_indent();
void bol() { if (_position > 0) cr(); }
// Time stamp
TimeStamp& time_stamp() { return _stamp; }
void stamp();
void stamp(bool guard, const char* prefix, const char* suffix);
void stamp(bool guard) {
stamp(guard, "", ": ");
// Date stamp
void date_stamp(bool guard, const char* prefix, const char* suffix);
// A simplified call that includes a suffix of ": "
void date_stamp(bool guard) {
date_stamp(guard, "", ": ");
// portable printing of 64 bit integers
void print_jlong(jlong value);
void print_julong(julong value);
// flushing
virtual void flush() {}
virtual void write(const char* str, size_t len) = 0;
virtual void rotate_log(bool force, outputStream* out = NULL) {} // GC log rotation
virtual ~outputStream() {} // close properly on deletion
// Caller may specify their own scratch buffer to use for printing; otherwise,
// an automatic buffer on the stack (with O_BUFLEN len) is used.
void set_scratch_buffer(char* p, size_t len) { _scratch = p; _scratch_len = len; }
void dec_cr() { dec(); cr(); }
void inc_cr() { inc(); cr(); }
// standard output
// ANSI C++ name collision
extern outputStream* tty; // tty output
class streamIndentor : public StackObj {
outputStream* _str;
int _amount;
streamIndentor(outputStream* str, int amt = 2) : _str(str), _amount(amt) {
~streamIndentor() { _str->dec(_amount); }
// advisory locking for the shared tty stream:
class ttyLocker: StackObj {
friend class ttyUnlocker;
intx _holder;
static intx hold_tty(); // returns a "holder" token
static void release_tty(intx holder); // must witness same token
static bool release_tty_if_locked(); // returns true if lock was released
static void break_tty_lock_for_safepoint(intx holder);
ttyLocker() { _holder = hold_tty(); }
~ttyLocker() { release_tty(_holder); }
// Release the tty lock if it's held and reacquire it if it was
// locked. Used to avoid lock ordering problems.
class ttyUnlocker: StackObj {
bool _was_locked;
ttyUnlocker() {
_was_locked = ttyLocker::release_tty_if_locked();
~ttyUnlocker() {
if (_was_locked) {
// for writing to strings; buffer will expand automatically.
// Buffer will always be zero-terminated.
class stringStream : public outputStream {
DEBUG_ONLY(bool _is_frozen = false);
char* _buffer;
size_t _written; // Number of characters written, excluding termin. zero
size_t _capacity;
const bool _is_fixed;
char _small_buffer[48];
// Grow backing buffer to desired capacity.
void grow(size_t new_capacity);
// zero terminate at buffer_pos.
void zero_terminate();
// Create a stringStream using an internal buffer of initially initial_bufsize size;
// will be enlarged on demand. There is no maximum cap.
stringStream(size_t initial_capacity = 0);
// Creates a stringStream using a caller-provided buffer. Will truncate silently if
// it overflows.
stringStream(char* fixed_buffer, size_t fixed_buffer_size);
virtual void write(const char* c, size_t len);
// Return number of characters written into buffer, excluding terminating zero and
// subject to truncation in static buffer mode.
size_t size() const { return _written; }
// Returns internal buffer containing the accumulated string.
// Returned buffer is only guaranteed to be valid as long as stream is not modified
const char* base() const { return _buffer; }
// Freezes stringStream (no further modifications possible) and returns pointer to it.
// No-op if stream is frozen already.
// Returns the internal buffer containing the accumulated string.
const char* freeze() NOT_DEBUG(const) {
DEBUG_ONLY(_is_frozen = true);
return _buffer;
void reset();
// Copy to a resource, or C-heap, array as requested
char* as_string(bool c_heap = false) const;
class fileStream : public outputStream {
FILE* _file;
bool _need_close;
fileStream() { _file = NULL; _need_close = false; }
fileStream(const char* file_name);
fileStream(const char* file_name, const char* opentype);
fileStream(FILE* file, bool need_close = false) { _file = file; _need_close = need_close; }
bool is_open() const { return _file != NULL; }
virtual void write(const char* c, size_t len);
size_t read(void *data, size_t size, size_t count) { return _file != NULL ? ::fread(data, size, count, _file) : 0; }
char* readln(char *data, int count);
int eof() { return _file != NULL ? feof(_file) : -1; }
long fileSize();
void rewind() { if (_file != NULL) ::rewind(_file); }
void flush();
// unlike fileStream, fdStream does unbuffered I/O by calling
// open() and write() directly. It is async-safe, but output
// from multiple thread may be mixed together. Used by fatal
// error handler.
class fdStream : public outputStream {
int _fd;
static fdStream _stdout_stream;
static fdStream _stderr_stream;
fdStream(int fd = -1) : _fd(fd) { }
bool is_open() const { return _fd != -1; }
void set_fd(int fd) { _fd = fd; }
int fd() const { return _fd; }
virtual void write(const char* c, size_t len);
void flush() {};
// predefined streams for unbuffered IO to stdout, stderr
static fdStream* stdout_stream() { return &_stdout_stream; }
static fdStream* stderr_stream() { return &_stderr_stream; }
// A /dev/null equivalent stream
class nullStream : public outputStream {
void write(const char* c, size_t len) {}
void flush() {};
void ostream_init();
void ostream_init_log();
void ostream_exit();
void ostream_abort();
const char* make_log_name(const char* log_name, const char* force_directory);
// In the non-fixed buffer case an underlying buffer will be created and
// managed in C heap. Not MT-safe.
class bufferedStream : public outputStream {
char* buffer;
size_t buffer_pos;
size_t buffer_max;
size_t buffer_length;
bool buffer_fixed;
bool truncated;
bufferedStream(size_t initial_bufsize = 256, size_t bufmax = 1024*1024*10);
bufferedStream(char* fixed_buffer, size_t fixed_buffer_size, size_t bufmax = 1024*1024*10);
virtual void write(const char* c, size_t len);
size_t size() { return buffer_pos; }
const char* base() { return buffer; }
void reset() { buffer_pos = 0; _precount = 0; _position = 0; }
char* as_string();
#define O_BUFLEN 2000 // max size of output of individual print() methods
#ifndef PRODUCT
class networkStream : public bufferedStream {
int _socket;
bool connect(const char *host, short port);
bool is_open() const { return _socket != -1; }
int read(char *buf, size_t len);
void close();
virtual void flush();
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nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.