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# tzdb data for Asia and environs
# This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
# 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.
# This file is by no means authoritative; if you think you know better,
# go ahead and edit the file (and please send any changes to
# [email protected] for general use in the future). For more, please see
# the file CONTRIBUTING in the tz distribution.
# From Paul Eggert (2019-07-11):
# Unless otherwise specified, the source for data through 1990 is:
# Thomas G. Shanks and Rique Pottenger, The International Atlas (6th edition),
# San Diego: ACS Publications, Inc. (2003).
# Unfortunately this book contains many errors and cites no sources.
# Many years ago Gwillim Law wrote that a good source
# for time zone data was the International Air Transport
# Association's Standard Schedules Information Manual (IATA SSIM),
# published semiannually. Law sent in several helpful summaries
# of the IATA's data after 1990. Except where otherwise noted,
# IATA SSIM is the source for entries after 1990.
# Another source occasionally used is Edward W. Whitman, World Time Differences,
# Whitman Publishing Co, 2 Niagara Av, Ealing, London (undated), which
# I found in the UCLA library.
# For data circa 1899, a common source is:
# Milne J. Civil time. Geogr J. 1899 Feb;13(2):173-94.
# https://www.jstor.org/stable/1774359
# For Russian data circa 1919, a source is:
# Byalokoz EL. New Counting of Time in Russia since July 1, 1919.
# (See the 'europe' file for a fuller citation.)
# The following alphabetic abbreviations appear in these tables
# (corrections are welcome):
# std dst
# LMT Local Mean Time
# 2:00 EET EEST Eastern European Time
# 2:00 IST IDT Israel
# 5:30 IST India
# 7:00 WIB west Indonesia (Waktu Indonesia Barat)
# 8:00 WITA central Indonesia (Waktu Indonesia Tengah)
# 8:00 CST China
# 8:00 HKT HKST Hong Kong (HKWT* for Winter Time in late 1941)
# 8:00 PST PDT* Philippines
# 8:30 KST KDT Korea when at +0830
# 9:00 WIT east Indonesia (Waktu Indonesia Timur)
# 9:00 JST JDT Japan
# 9:00 KST KDT Korea when at +09
# *I invented the abbreviations HKWT and PDT; see below.
# Otherwise, these tables typically use numeric abbreviations like +03
# and +0330 for integer hour and minute UT offsets. Although earlier
# editions invented alphabetic time zone abbreviations for every
# offset, this did not reflect common practice.
# See the 'europe' file for Russia and Turkey in Asia.
# From Guy Harris:
# Incorporates data for Singapore from Robert Elz' asia 1.1, as well as
# additional information from Tom Yap, Sun Microsystems Intercontinental
# Technical Support (including a page from the Official Airline Guide -
# Worldwide Edition).
# These rules are stolen from the 'europe' file.
Rule EUAsia 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
Rule EUAsia 1979 1995 - Sep lastSun 1:00u 0 -
Rule EUAsia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
Rule E-EurAsia 1981 max - Mar lastSun 0:00 1:00 -
Rule E-EurAsia 1979 1995 - Sep lastSun 0:00 0 -
Rule E-EurAsia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 0:00 0 -
Rule RussiaAsia 1981 1984 - Apr 1 0:00 1:00 -
Rule RussiaAsia 1981 1983 - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
Rule RussiaAsia 1984 1995 - Sep lastSun 2:00s 0 -
Rule RussiaAsia 1985 2010 - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 -
Rule RussiaAsia 1996 2010 - Oct lastSun 2:00s 0 -
# Afghanistan
Zone Asia/Kabul 4:36:48 - LMT 1890
4:00 - +04 1945
4:30 - +0430
# Armenia
# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# Shanks & Pottenger have Yerevan switching to 3:00 (with Russian DST)
# in spring 1991, then to 4:00 with no DST in fall 1995, then
# readopting Russian DST in 1997. Go with Shanks & Pottenger, even
# when they disagree with others. Edgar Der-Danieliantz
# reported (1996-05-04) that Yerevan probably wouldn't use DST
# in 1996, though it did use DST in 1995. IATA SSIM (1991/1998) reports that
# Armenia switched from 3:00 to 4:00 in 1998 and observed DST after 1991,
# but started switching at 3:00s in 1998.
# From Arthur David Olson (2011-06-15):
# While Russia abandoned DST in 2011, Armenia may choose to
# follow Russia's "old" rules.
# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2012-02-10):
# According to News Armenia, on Feb 9, 2012,
# http://newsarmenia.ru/society/20120209/42609695.html
# The Armenia National Assembly adopted final reading of Amendments to the
# Law "On procedure of calculation time on the territory of the Republic of
# Armenia" according to which Armenia [is] abolishing Daylight Saving Time.
# or
# (brief)
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_armenia03.html
Rule Armenia 2011 only - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 -
Rule Armenia 2011 only - Oct lastSun 2:00s 0 -
Zone Asia/Yerevan 2:58:00 - LMT 1924 May 2
3:00 - +03 1957 Mar
4:00 RussiaAsia +04/+05 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
3:00 RussiaAsia +03/+04 1995 Sep 24 2:00s
4:00 - +04 1997
4:00 RussiaAsia +04/+05 2011
4:00 Armenia +04/+05
# Azerbaijan
# From Rustam Aliyev of the Azerbaijan Internet Forum (2005-10-23):
# According to the resolution of Cabinet of Ministers, 1997
# From Paul Eggert (2015-09-17): It was Resolution No. 21 (1997-03-17).
# http://code.az/files/daylight_res.pdf
# From Steffen Thorsen (2016-03-17):
# ... the Azerbaijani Cabinet of Ministers has cancelled switching to
# daylight saving time....
# https://www.azernews.az/azerbaijan/94137.html
# http://vestnikkavkaza.net/news/Azerbaijani-Cabinet-of-Ministers-cancels-daylight-saving-time.html
# http://en.apa.az/xeber_azerbaijan_abolishes_daylight_savings_ti_240862.html
Rule Azer 1997 2015 - Mar lastSun 4:00 1:00 -
Rule Azer 1997 2015 - Oct lastSun 5:00 0 -
Zone Asia/Baku 3:19:24 - LMT 1924 May 2
3:00 - +03 1957 Mar
4:00 RussiaAsia +04/+05 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
3:00 RussiaAsia +03/+04 1992 Sep lastSun 2:00s
4:00 - +04 1996
4:00 EUAsia +04/+05 1997
4:00 Azer +04/+05
# Bangladesh
# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2009-05-13):
# According to newspaper Asian Tribune (May 6, 2009) Bangladesh may introduce
# Daylight Saving Time from June 16 to Sept 30
# Bangladesh to introduce daylight saving time likely from June 16
# http://www.asiantribune.com/?q=node/17288
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_bangladesh02.html
# "... Bangladesh government has decided to switch daylight saving time from
# June
# 16 till September 30 in a bid to ensure maximum use of daylight to cope with
# crippling power crisis. "
# The switch will remain in effect from June 16 to Sept 30 (2009) but if
# implemented the next year, it will come in force from April 1, 2010
# From Steffen Thorsen (2009-06-02):
# They have finally decided now, but changed the start date to midnight between
# the 19th and 20th, and they have not set the end date yet.
# Some sources:
# https://in.reuters.com/article/southAsiaNews/idINIndia-40017620090601
# http://bdnews24.com/details.php?id=85889&cid=2
# Our wrap-up:
# https://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/bangladesh-daylight-saving-2009.html
# From A. N. M. Kamrus Saadat (2009-06-15):
# Finally we've got the official mail regarding DST start time where DST start
# time is mentioned as Jun 19 2009, 23:00 from BTRC (Bangladesh
# Telecommunication Regulatory Commission).
# No DST end date has been announced yet.
# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2009-09-25):
# Bangladesh won't go back to Standard Time from October 1, 2009,
# instead it will continue DST measure till the cabinet makes a fresh decision.
# Following report by same newspaper-"The Daily Star Friday":
# "DST change awaits cabinet decision-Clock won't go back by 1-hr from Oct 1"
# http://www.thedailystar.net/newDesign/news-details.php?nid=107021
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_bangladesh04.html
# From Steffen Thorsen (2009-10-13):
# IANS (Indo-Asian News Service) now reports:
# Bangladesh has decided that the clock advanced by an hour to make
# maximum use of daylight hours as an energy saving measure would
# "continue for an indefinite period."
# One of many places where it is published:
# http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/business/bangladesh-to-continue-indefinitely-with-advanced-time_100259987.html
# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2009-12-24):
# According to Bangladesh newspaper "The Daily Star,"
# Bangladesh will change its clock back to Standard Time on Dec 31, 2009.
# Clock goes back 1-hr on Dec 31 night.
# http://www.thedailystar.net/newDesign/news-details.php?nid=119228
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_bangladesh05.html
# "...The government yesterday decided to put the clock back by one hour
# on December 31 midnight and the new time will continue until March 31,
# 2010 midnight. The decision came at a cabinet meeting at the Prime
# Minister's Office last night..."
# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2010-03-22):
# According to Bangladesh newspaper "The Daily Star,"
# Cabinet cancels Daylight Saving Time
# http://www.thedailystar.net/newDesign/latest_news.php?nid=22817
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_bangladesh06.html
Rule Dhaka 2009 only - Jun 19 23:00 1:00 -
Rule Dhaka 2009 only - Dec 31 24:00 0 -
Zone Asia/Dhaka 6:01:40 - LMT 1890
5:53:20 - HMT 1941 Oct # Howrah Mean Time?
6:30 - +0630 1942 May 15
5:30 - +0530 1942 Sep
6:30 - +0630 1951 Sep 30
6:00 - +06 2009
6:00 Dhaka +06/+07
# Bhutan
Zone Asia/Thimphu 5:58:36 - LMT 1947 Aug 15 # or Thimbu
5:30 - +0530 1987 Oct
6:00 - +06
# British Indian Ocean Territory
# Whitman and the 1995 CIA time zone map say 5:00, but the
# 1997 and later maps say 6:00. Assume the switch occurred in 1996.
# We have no information as to when standard time was introduced;
# assume it occurred in 1907, the same year as Mauritius (which
# then contained the Chagos Archipelago).
Zone Indian/Chagos 4:49:40 - LMT 1907
5:00 - +05 1996
6:00 - +06
# Cocos (Keeling) Islands
# Myanmar (Burma)
# Milne says 6:24:40 was the meridian of the time ball observatory at Rangoon.
# From Paul Eggert (2017-04-20):
# Page 27 of Reed & Low (cited for Asia/Kolkata) says "Rangoon local time is
# used upon the railways and telegraphs of Burma, and is 6h. 24m. 47s. ahead
# of Greenwich." This refers to the period before Burma's transition to +0630,
# a transition for which Shanks is the only source.
Zone Asia/Yangon 6:24:47 - LMT 1880 # or Rangoon
6:24:47 - RMT 1920 # Rangoon local time
6:30 - +0630 1942 May
9:00 - +09 1945 May 3
6:30 - +0630
# China
# From Phake Nick (2020-04-15):
# According to this news report:
# http://news.sina.com.cn/c/2004-09-01/19524201403.shtml
# on April 11, 1919, newspaper in Shanghai said clocks in Shanghai will spring
# forward for an hour starting from midnight of that Saturday. The report did
# not mention what happened in Shanghai thereafter, but it mentioned that a
# similar trial in Tianjin which ended at October 1st as citizens are told to
# recede the clock on September 30 from 12:00pm to 11:00pm. The trial at
# Tianjin got terminated in 1920.
# From Paul Eggert (2020-04-15):
# The Returns of Trade and Trade Reports, page 711, says "Daylight saving was
# given a trial during the year, and from the 12th April to the 1st October
# the clocks were all set one hour ahead of sun time. Though the scheme was
# generally esteemed a success, it was announced early in 1920 that it would
# not be repeated."
Rule Shang 1919 only - Apr 12 24:00 1:00 D
Rule Shang 1919 only - Sep 30 24:00 0 S
# From Paul Eggert (2018-10-02):
# The following comes from Table 1 of:
# Li Yu. Research on the daylight saving movement in 1940s Shanghai.
# Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences. 2014;(2):144-50.
# http://oversea.cnki.net/kns55/detail.aspx?dbname=CJFD2014&filename=NJSH201402020
# The table lists dates only; I am guessing 00:00 and 24:00 transition times.
# Also, the table lists the planned end of DST in 1949, but the corresponding
# zone line cuts this off on May 28, when the Communists took power.
# From Phake Nick (2020-04-15):
# For the history of time in Shanghai between 1940-1942, the situation is
# actually slightly more complex than the table [below].... At the time,
# there were three different authorities in Shanghai, including Shanghai
# International Settlement, a settlement established by western countries with
# its own westernized form of government, Shanghai French Concession, similar
# to the international settlement but is controlled by French, and then the
# rest of the city of Shanghai, which have already been controlled by Japanese
# force through a puppet local government (Wang Jingwei regime). It was
# additionally complicated by the circumstances that, according to the 1940s
# Shanghai summer time essay cited in the database, some
# departments/businesses/people in the Shanghai city itself during that time
# period, refused to change their clock and instead only changed their opening
# hours.
# For example, as quoted in the article, in 1940, other than the authority
# itself, power, tram, bus companies, cinema, department stores, and other
# public service organizations have all decided to follow the summer time and
# spring forward the clock. On the other hand, the custom office refused to
# spring forward the clock because of worry on mechanical wear to the physical
# clock, postal office refused to spring forward because of disruption to
# business and log-keeping, although they did changed their office hour to
# match rest of the city. So is travel agents, and also weather
# observatory. It is said both time standards had their own supporters in the
# city at the time, those who prefer new time standard would have moved their
# clock while those who prefer the old time standard would keep their clock
# unchange, and there were different clocks that use different time standard
# in the city at the time for people who use different time standard to adjust
# their clock to their preferred time.
# a. For the 1940 May 31 spring forward, the essay [says] ... "Hong
# Kong government implemented the spring forward in the same time on
# the same date as Shanghai".
# b. For the 1940 fall back, it was said that they initially intended to do
# so on September 30 00:59 at night, however they postponed it to October 12
# after discussion with relevant parties. However schools restored to the
# original schedule ten days earlier.
# c. For the 1941 spring forward, it is said to start from March 15
# "following the previous year's method", and in addition to that the essay
# cited an announcement in 1941 from the Wang regime which said the Special
# City of Shanghai under Wang regime control will follow the DST rule set by
# the Settlements, irrespective of the original DST plan announced by the Wang
# regime for other area under its control(April 1 to September 30). (no idea
# to situation before that announcement)
# d. For the 1941 fall back, it was said that the fall back would occurs at
# the end of September (A newspaper headline cited by the essay, published on
# October 1, 1941, have the headlines which said "French Concession would
# rewind to the old clock this morning), but it ultimately didn't happen due
# to disagreement between the international settlement authority and the
# French concession authority, and the fall back ultimately occurred on
# November 1.
# e. In 1941 December, Japan have officially started war with the United
# States and the United Kingdom, and in Shanghai they have marched into the
# international settlement, taken over its control
# f. For the 1942 spring forward, the essay said that the spring forward
# started on January 31. It said this time the custom office and postal
# department will also change their clocks, unlike before.
# g. The essay itself didn't cover any specific changes thereafter until the
# end of the war, it quoted a November 1942 command from the government of the
# Wang regime, which claim the daylight saving time applies year round during
# the war. However, the essay ambiguously said the period is "February 1 to
# September 30", which I don't really understand what is the meaning of such
# period in the context of year round implementation here.. More researches
# might be needed to show exactly what happened during that period of time.
# From Phake Nick (2020-04-15):
# According to a Japanese tour bus pamphlet in Nanjing area believed to be
# from around year 1941: http://www.tt-museum.jp/tairiku_0280_nan1941.html ,
# the schedule listed was in the format of Japanese time. Which indicate some
# use of the Japanese time (instead of syncing by DST) might have occurred in
# the Yangtze river delta area during that period of time although the scope
# of such use will need to be investigated to determine.
Rule Shang 1940 only - Jun 1 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Shang 1940 only - Oct 12 24:00 0 S
Rule Shang 1941 only - Mar 15 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Shang 1941 only - Nov 1 24:00 0 S
Rule Shang 1942 only - Jan 31 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Shang 1945 only - Sep 1 24:00 0 S
Rule Shang 1946 only - May 15 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Shang 1946 only - Sep 30 24:00 0 S
Rule Shang 1947 only - Apr 15 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Shang 1947 only - Oct 31 24:00 0 S
Rule Shang 1948 1949 - May 1 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Shang 1948 1949 - Sep 30 24:00 0 S #plan
# From Guy Harris:
# People's Republic of China. Yes, they really have only one time zone.
# From Bob Devine (1988-01-28):
# No they don't. See TIME mag, 1986-02-17 p.52. Even though
# China is across 4 physical time zones, before Feb 1, 1986 only the
# Peking (Beijing) time zone was recognized. Since that date, China
# has two of 'em - Peking's and Ürümqi (named after the capital of
# the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region). I don't know about DST for it.
# . . .I just deleted the DST table and this editor makes it too
# painful to suck in another copy. So, here is what I have for
# DST start/end dates for Peking's time zone (info from AP):
# 1986 May 4 - Sept 14
# 1987 mid-April - ??
# From U. S. Naval Observatory (1989-01-19):
# From Paul Eggert (2008-02-11):
# Jim Mann, "A clumsy embrace for another western custom: China on daylight
# time - sort of", Los Angeles Times, 1986-05-05 ... [says] that China began
# observing daylight saving time in 1986.
# From P Chan (2018-05-07):
# The start and end time of DST in China [from 1986 on] should be 2:00
# (i.e. 2:00 to 3:00 at the start and 2:00 to 1:00 at the end)....
# Government notices about summer time:
# 1986-04-12 http://www.zj.gov.cn/attach/zfgb/198608.pdf p.21-22
# (To establish summer time from 1986. On 4 May, set the clocks ahead one hour
# at 2 am. On 14 September, set the clocks backward one hour at 2 am.)
# 1987-02-15 http://www.gov.cn/gongbao/shuju/1987/gwyb198703.pdf p.114
# (Summer time in 1987 to start from 12 April until 13 September)
# 1987-09-09 http://www.gov.cn/gongbao/shuju/1987/gwyb198721.pdf p.709
# (From 1988, summer time to start from 2 am of the first Sunday of mid-April
# until 2 am of the first Sunday of mid-September)
# 1992-03-03 http://www.gov.cn/gongbao/shuju/1992/gwyb199205.pdf p.152
# (To suspend summer time from 1992)
# The first page of People's Daily on 12 April 1988 stating that summer time
# to begin on 17 April.
# http://data.people.com.cn/pic/101p/1988/04/1988041201.jpg
Rule PRC 1986 only - May 4 2:00 1:00 D
Rule PRC 1986 1991 - Sep Sun>=11 2:00 0 S
Rule PRC 1987 1991 - Apr Sun>=11 2:00 1:00 D
# From Anthony Fok (2001-12-20):
# BTW, I did some research on-line and found some info regarding these five
# historic timezones from some Taiwan websites. And yes, there are official
# Chinese names for these locales (before 1949).
# From Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2006-07-14):
# I have investigated the timezones around 1970 on the
# https://www.astro.com/atlas site [with provinces and county
# boundaries summarized below].... A few other exceptions were two
# counties on the Sichuan side of the Xizang-Sichuan border,
# counties Dege and Baiyu which lies on the Sichuan side and are
# therefore supposed to be GMT+7, Xizang region being GMT+6, but Dege
# county is GMT+8 according to astro.com while Baiyu county is GMT+6
# (could be true), for the moment I am assuming that those two
# counties are mistakes in the astro.com data.
# From Paul Eggert (2017-01-05):
# Alois Treindl kindly sent me translations of the following two sources:
# (1)
# Guo Qing-sheng (National Time-Service Center, CAS, Xi'an 710600, China)
# Beijing Time at the Beginning of the PRC
# China Historical Materials of Science and Technology
# (Zhongguo ke ji shi liao, 中国科技史料). 2003;24(1):5-9.
# http://oversea.cnki.net/kcms/detail/detail.aspx?filename=ZGKS200301000&dbname=CJFD2003
# It gives evidence that at the beginning of the PRC, Beijing time was
# officially apparent solar time! However, Guo also says that the
# evidence is dubious, as the relevant institute of astronomy had not
# been taken over by the PRC yet. It's plausible that apparent solar
# time was announced but never implemented, and that people continued
# to use UT+8. As the Shanghai radio station (and I presume the
# observatory) was still under control of French missionaries, it
# could well have ignored any such mandate.
# (2)
# Guo Qing-sheng (Shaanxi Astronomical Observatory, CAS, Xi'an 710600, China)
# A Study on the Standard Time Changes for the Past 100 Years in China
# [undated and unknown publication location]
# It says several things:
# * The Qing dynasty used local apparent solar time throughout China.
# * The Republic of China instituted Beijing mean solar time effective
# the official calendar book of 1914.
# * The French Concession in Shanghai set up signal stations in
# French docks in the 1890s, controlled by Xujiahui (Zikawei)
# Observatory and set to local mean time.
# * "From the end of the 19th century" it changed to UT+8.
# * Chinese Customs (by then reduced to a tool of foreign powers)
# eventually standardized on this time for all ports, and it
# became used by railways as well.
# * In 1918 the Central Observatory proposed dividing China into
# five time zones (see below for details). This caught on
# at first only in coastal areas observing UT+8.
# * During WWII all of China was in theory was at UT+7. In practice
# this was ignored in the west, and I presume was ignored in
# Japanese-occupied territory.
# * Japanese-occupied Manchuria was at UT+9, i.e., Japan time.
# * The five-zone plan was resurrected after WWII and officially put into
# place (with some modifications) in March 1948. It's not clear
# how well it was observed in areas under Nationalist control.
# * The People's Liberation Army used UT+8 during the civil war.
# An AP article "Shanghai Internat'l Area Little Changed" in the
# Lewiston (ME) Daily Sun (1939-05-29), p 17, said "Even the time is
# different - the occupied districts going by Tokyo time, an hour
# ahead of that prevailing in the rest of Shanghai." Guess that the
# Xujiahui Observatory was under French control and stuck with UT +08.
# In earlier versions of this file, China had many separate Zone entries, but
# this was based on what were apparently incorrect data in Shanks & Pottenger.
# This has now been simplified to the two entries Asia/Shanghai and
# Asia/Urumqi, with the others being links for backward compatibility.
# Proposed in 1918 and theoretically in effect until 1949 (although in practice
# mainly observed in coastal areas), the five zones were:
# Changbai Time ("Long-white Time", Long-white = Heilongjiang area) UT +08:30
# Now part of Asia/Shanghai; its pre-1970 times are not recorded here.
# Heilongjiang (except Mohe county), Jilin
# Zhongyuan Time ("Central plain Time") UT +08
# Now part of Asia/Shanghai.
# most of China
# Milne gives 8:05:43.2 for Xujiahui Observatory time....
# Guo says Shanghai switched to UT +08 "from the end of the 19th century".
# Long-shu Time (probably as Long and Shu were two names of the area) UT +07
# Now part of Asia/Shanghai; its pre-1970 times are not recorded here.
# Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Ningxia, Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Yunnan;
# most of Gansu; west Inner Mongolia; east Qinghai; and the Guangdong
# counties Deqing, Enping, Kaiping, Luoding, Taishan, Xinxing,
# Yangchun, Yangjiang, Yu'nan, and Yunfu.
# Xin-zang Time ("Xinjiang-Tibet Time") UT +06
# This region is now part of either Asia/Urumqi or Asia/Shanghai with
# current boundaries uncertain; times before 1970 for areas that
# disagree with Ürümqi or Shanghai are not recorded here.
# The Gansu counties Aksay, Anxi, Dunhuang, Subei; west Qinghai;
# the Guangdong counties Xuwen, Haikang, Suixi, Lianjiang,
# Zhanjiang, Wuchuan, Huazhou, Gaozhou, Maoming, Dianbai, and Xinyi;
# east Tibet, including Lhasa, Chamdo, Shigaise, Jimsar, Shawan and Hutubi;
# east Xinjiang, including Ürümqi, Turpan, Karamay, Korla, Minfeng, Jinghe,
# Wusu, Qiemo, Xinyan, Wulanwusu, Jinghe, Yumin, Tacheng, Tuoli, Emin,
# Shihezi, Changji, Yanqi, Heshuo, Tuokexun, Tulufan, Shanshan, Hami,
# Fukang, Kuitun, Kumukuli, Miquan, Qitai, and Turfan.
# Kunlun Time UT +05:30
# This region is now in the same status as Xin-zang Time (see above).
# West Tibet, including Pulan, Aheqi, Shufu, Shule;
# West Xinjiang, including Aksu, Atushi, Yining, Hetian, Cele, Luopu, Nileke,
# Zhaosu, Tekesi, Gongliu, Chabuchaer, Huocheng, Bole, Pishan, Suiding,
# and Yarkand.
# From Luther Ma (2009-10-17):
# Almost all (>99.9%) ethnic Chinese (properly ethnic Han) living in
# Xinjiang use Chinese Standard Time. Some are aware of Xinjiang time,
# but have no need of it. All planes, trains, and schools function on
# what is called "Beijing time." When Han make an appointment in Chinese
# they implicitly use Beijing time.
# On the other hand, ethnic Uyghurs, who make up about half the
# population of Xinjiang, typically use "Xinjiang time" which is two
# hours behind Beijing time, or UT +06. The government of the Xinjiang
# Uyghur Autonomous Region, (XAUR, or just Xinjiang for short) as well as
# local governments such as the Ürümqi city government use both times in
# publications, referring to what is popularly called Xinjiang time as
# "Ürümqi time." When Uyghurs make an appointment in the Uyghur language
# they almost invariably use Xinjiang time.
# (Their ethnic Han compatriots would typically have no clue of its
# widespread use, however, because so extremely few of them are fluent in
# Uyghur, comparable to the number of Anglo-Americans fluent in Navajo.)
# (...As with the rest of China there was a brief interval ending in 1990
# or 1991 when summer time was in use. The confusion was severe, with
# the province not having dual times but four times in use at the same
# time. Some areas remained on standard Xinjiang time or Beijing time and
# others moving their clocks ahead.)
# From Luther Ma (2009-11-19):
# With the risk of being redundant to previous answers these are the most common
# English "transliterations" (w/o using non-English symbols):
# 1. Wulumuqi...
# 2. Kashi...
# 3. Urumqi...
# 4. Kashgar...
# ...
# 5. It seems that Uyghurs in Ürümqi has been using Xinjiang since at least the
# 1960's. I know of one Han, now over 50, who grew up in the surrounding
# countryside and used Xinjiang time as a child.
# 6. Likewise for Kashgar and the rest of south Xinjiang I don't know of any
# start date for Xinjiang time.
# Without having access to local historical records, nor the ability to legally
# publish them, I would go with October 1, 1949, when Xinjiang became the Uyghur
# Autonomous Region under the PRC. (Before that Uyghurs, of course, would also
# not be using Beijing time, but some local time.)
# From David Cochrane (2014-03-26):
# Just a confirmation that Ürümqi time was implemented in Ürümqi on 1 Feb 1986:
# https://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,960684,00.html
# From Luther Ma (2014-04-22):
# I have interviewed numerous people of various nationalities and from
# different localities in Xinjiang and can confirm the information in Guo's
# report regarding Xinjiang, as well as the Time article reference by David
# Cochrane. Whether officially recognized or not (and both are officially
# recognized), two separate times have been in use in Xinjiang since at least
# the Cultural Revolution: Xinjiang Time (XJT), aka Ürümqi Time or local time;
# and Beijing Time. There is no confusion in Xinjiang as to which name refers
# to which time. Both are widely used in the province, although in some
# population groups might be use one to the exclusion of the other. The only
# problem is that computers and smart phones list Ürümqi (or Kashgar) as
# having the same time as Beijing.
# From Paul Eggert (2014-06-30):
# In the early days of the PRC, Tibet was given its own time zone (UT +06)
# but this was withdrawn in 1959 and never reinstated; see Tubten Khétsun,
# Memories of life in Lhasa under Chinese Rule, Columbia U Press, ISBN
# 978-0231142861 (2008), translator's introduction by Matthew Akester, p x.
# As this is before our 1970 cutoff, Tibet doesn't need a separate zone.
# Xinjiang Time is well-documented as being officially recognized. E.g., see
# "The Working-Calendar for The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Government"
# <http://www.sinkiang.gov.cn/service/ourworking/> (2014-04-22).
# Unfortunately, we have no good records of time in Xinjiang before 1986.
# During the 20th century parts of Xinjiang were ruled by the Qing dynasty,
# the Republic of China, various warlords, the First and Second East Turkestan
# Republics, the Soviet Union, the Kuomintang, and the People's Republic of
# China, and tracking down all these organizations' timekeeping rules would be
# quite a trick. Approximate this lost history by a transition from LMT to
# UT +06 at the start of 1928, the year of accession of the warlord Jin Shuren,
# which happens to be the date given by Shanks & Pottenger (no doubt as a
# guess) as the transition from LMT. Ignore the usage of +08 before
# 1986-02-01 under the theory that the transition date to +08 is unknown and
# that the sort of users who prefer Asia/Urumqi now typically ignored the
# +08 mandate back then.
# Beijing time, used throughout China; represented by Shanghai.
#STDOFF 8:05:43.2
Zone Asia/Shanghai 8:05:43 - LMT 1901
8:00 Shang C%sT 1949 May 28
8:00 PRC C%sT
# Xinjiang time, used by many in western China; represented by Ürümqi / Ürümchi
# / Wulumuqi. (Please use Asia/Shanghai if you prefer Beijing time.)
# Vostok base in Antarctica matches this since 1970.
Zone Asia/Urumqi 5:50:20 - LMT 1928
6:00 - +06
# Hong Kong
# Milne gives 7:36:41.7.
# From Lee Yiu Chung (2009-10-24):
# I found there are some mistakes for the...DST rule for Hong
# Kong. [According] to the DST record from Hong Kong Observatory (actually,
# it is not [an] observatory, but the official meteorological agency of HK,
# and also serves as the official timing agency), there are some missing
# and incorrect rules. Although the exact switch over time is missing, I
# think 3:30 is correct.
# From Phake Nick (2018-10-27):
# According to Singaporean newspaper
# http://eresources.nlb.gov.sg/newspapers/Digitised/Article/singfreepresswk19041102-1.2.37
# the day that Hong Kong start using GMT+8 should be Oct 30, 1904.
# From Paul Eggert (2018-11-17):
# Hong Kong had a time ball near the Marine Police Station, Tsim Sha Tsui.
# "The ball was raised manually each day and dropped at exactly 1pm
# (except on Sundays and Government holidays)."
# Dyson AD. From Time Ball to Atomic Clock. Hong Kong Government. 1983.
# <https://www.hko.gov.hk/publica/gen_pub/timeball_atomic_clock.pdf>
# "From 1904 October 30 the time-ball at Hong Kong has been dropped by order
# of the Governor of the Colony at 17h 0m 0s G.M.T., which is 23m 18s.14 in
# advance of 1h 0m 0s of Hong Kong mean time."
# Hollis HP. Universal Time, Longitudes, and Geodesy. Mon Not R Astron Soc.
# 1905-02-10;65(4):405-6. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/65.4.382
# From Joseph Myers (2018-11-18):
# An astronomer before 1925 referring to GMT would have been using the old
# astronomical convention where the day started at noon, not midnight.
# From Steve Allen (2018-11-17):
# Meteorological Observations made at the Hongkong Observatory in the year 1904
# page 4 <https://books.google.com/books?id=kgw5AQAAMAAJ&pg=RA4-PA4>
# ... the log of drop times in Table II shows that on Sunday 1904-10-30 the
# ball was dropped. So that looks like a special case drop for the sake
# of broadcasting the new local time.
# From Phake Nick (2018-11-18):
# According to The Hong Kong Weekly Press, 1904-10-29, p.324, the
# governor of Hong Kong at the time stated that "We are further desired to
# make it known that the change will be effected by firing the gun and by the
# dropping of the Ball at 23min. 18sec. before one."
# From Paul Eggert (2018-11-18):
# See <https://mmis.hkpl.gov.hk> for this; unfortunately Flash is required.
# From Phake Nick (2018-10-26):
# I went to check microfilm records stored at Hong Kong Public Library....
# on September 30 1941, according to Ta Kung Pao (Hong Kong edition), it was
# stated that fallback would occur on the next day (the 1st)'s "03:00 am (Hong
# Kong Time 04:00 am)" and the clock will fall back for a half hour. (03:00
# probably refer to the time commonly used in mainland China at the time given
# the paper's background) ... the sunrise/sunset time given by South China
# Morning Post for October 1st was indeed moved by half an hour compares to
# before. After that, in December, the battle to capture Hong Kong started and
# the library doesn't seems to have any record stored about press during that
# period of time. Some media resumed publication soon after that within the
# same month, but there were not much information about time there. Later they
# started including a radio program guide when they restored radio service,
# explicitly mentioning it use Tokyo standard time, and later added a note
# saying it's half an hour ahead of the old Hong Kong standard time, and it
# also seems to indicate that Hong Kong was not using GMT+8 when it was
# captured by Japan.
# Image of related sections on newspaper:
# * 1941-09-30, Ta Kung Pao (Hong Kong), "Winter Time start tomorrow".
# https://i.imgur.com/6waY51Z.jpg (Chinese)
# * 1941-09-29, South China Morning Post, Information on sunrise/sunset
# time and other things for September 30 and October 1.
# https://i.imgur.com/kCiUR78.jpg
# * 1942-02-05. The Hong Kong News, Radio Program Guide.
# https://i.imgur.com/eVvDMzS.jpg
# * 1941-06-14. Hong Kong Daily Press, Daylight Saving from 3am Tomorrow.
# https://i.imgur.com/05KkvtC.png
# * 1941-09-30, Hong Kong Daily Press, Winter Time Warning.
# https://i.imgur.com/dge4kFJ.png
# From Paul Eggert (2019-07-11):
# "Hong Kong winter time" is considered to be daylight saving.
# "Hong Kong had adopted daylight saving on June 15 as a wartime measure,
# clocks moving forward one hour until October 1, when they would be put back
# by just half an hour for 'Hong Kong Winter time', so that daylight saving
# operated year round." -- Low Z. The longest day: when wartime Hong Kong
# introduced daylight saving. South China Morning Post. 2019-06-28.
# https://www.scmp.com/magazines/post-magazine/short-reads/article/3016281/longest-day-when-wartime-hong-kong-introduced
# From P Chan (2018-12-31):
# * According to the Hong Kong Daylight-Saving Regulations, 1941, the
# 1941 spring-forward transition was at 03:00.
# http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkgro/view/g1941/304271.pdf
# http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkgro/view/g1941/305516.pdf
# * According to some articles from South China Morning Post, +08 was
# resumed on 1945-11-18 at 02:00.
# https://i.imgur.com/M2IsZ3c.png
# https://i.imgur.com/iOPqrVo.png
# https://i.imgur.com/fffcGDs.png
# * Some newspapers ... said the 1946 spring-forward transition was on
# 04-21 at 00:00. The Kung Sheung Evening News 1946-04-20 (Chinese)
# https://i.imgur.com/ZSzent0.png
# https://mmis.hkpl.gov.hk///c/portal/cover?c=QF757YsWv5%2FH7zGe%2FKF%2BFLYsuqGhRBfe p.4
# The Kung Sheung Daily News 1946-04-21 (Chinese)
# https://i.imgur.com/7ecmRlcm.png
# https://mmis.hkpl.gov.hk///c/portal/cover?c=QF757YsWv5%2BQBGt1%2BwUj5qG2GqtwR3Wh p.4
# * According to the Summer Time Ordinance (1946), the fallback
# transitions between 1946 and 1952 were at 03:30 Standard Time (+08)
# http://oelawhk.lib.hku.hk/archive/files/bb74b06a74d5294620a15de560ab33c6.pdf
# * Some other laws and regulations related to DST from 1953 to 1979
# Summer Time Ordinance 1953
# https://i.imgur.com/IOlJMav.jpg
# Summer Time (Amendment) Ordinance 1965
# https://i.imgur.com/8rofeLa.jpg
# Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (1966)
# https://i.imgur.com/joy3msj.jpg
# Emergency (Summer Time) Regulation 1973 <https://i.imgur.com/OpRWrKz.jpg>
# Interpretation and General Clauses (Amendment) Ordinance 1977
# https://i.imgur.com/RaNqnc4.jpg
# Resolution of the Legislative Council passed on 9 May 1979
# https://www.legco.gov.hk/yr78-79/english/lc_sitg/hansard/h790509.pdf#page=39
# From Paul Eggert (2020-04-15):
# Here are the dates given at
# https://www.hko.gov.hk/en/gts/time/Summertime.htm
# as of 2020-02-10:
# Year Period
# 1941 15 Jun to 30 Sep
# 1942 Whole year
# 1943 Whole year
# 1944 Whole year
# 1945 Whole year
# 1946 20 Apr to 1 Dec
# 1947 13 Apr to 30 Nov
# 1948 2 May to 31 Oct
# 1949 3 Apr to 30 Oct
# 1950 2 Apr to 29 Oct
# 1951 1 Apr to 28 Oct
# 1952 6 Apr to 2 Nov
# 1953 5 Apr to 1 Nov
# 1954 21 Mar to 31 Oct
# 1955 20 Mar to 6 Nov
# 1956 18 Mar to 4 Nov
# 1957 24 Mar to 3 Nov
# 1958 23 Mar to 2 Nov
# 1959 22 Mar to 1 Nov
# 1960 20 Mar to 6 Nov
# 1961 19 Mar to 5 Nov
# 1962 18 Mar to 4 Nov
# 1963 24 Mar to 3 Nov
# 1964 22 Mar to 1 Nov
# 1965 18 Apr to 17 Oct
# 1966 17 Apr to 16 Oct
# 1967 16 Apr to 22 Oct
# 1968 21 Apr to 20 Oct
# 1969 20 Apr to 19 Oct
# 1970 19 Apr to 18 Oct
# 1971 18 Apr to 17 Oct
# 1972 16 Apr to 22 Oct
# 1973 22 Apr to 21 Oct
# 1973/74 30 Dec 73 to 20 Oct 74
# 1975 20 Apr to 19 Oct
# 1976 18 Apr to 17 Oct
# 1977 Nil
# 1978 Nil
# 1979 13 May to 21 Oct
# 1980 to Now Nil
# The page does not give times of day for transitions,
# or dates for the 1942 and 1945 transitions.
# The Japanese occupation of Hong Kong began 1941-12-25.
Rule HK 1946 only - Apr 21 0:00 1:00 S
Rule HK 1946 only - Dec 1 3:30s 0 -
Rule HK 1947 only - Apr 13 3:30s 1:00 S
Rule HK 1947 only - Nov 30 3:30s 0 -
Rule HK 1948 only - May 2 3:30s 1:00 S
Rule HK 1948 1952 - Oct Sun>=28 3:30s 0 -
Rule HK 1949 1953 - Apr Sun>=1 3:30 1:00 S
Rule HK 1953 1964 - Oct Sun>=31 3:30 0 -
Rule HK 1954 1964 - Mar Sun>=18 3:30 1:00 S
Rule HK 1965 1976 - Apr Sun>=16 3:30 1:00 S
Rule HK 1965 1976 - Oct Sun>=16 3:30 0 -
Rule HK 1973 only - Dec 30 3:30 1:00 S
Rule HK 1979 only - May 13 3:30 1:00 S
Rule HK 1979 only - Oct 21 3:30 0 -
#STDOFF 7:36:41.7
Zone Asia/Hong_Kong 7:36:42 - LMT 1904 Oct 29 17:00u
8:00 - HKT 1941 Jun 15 3:00
8:00 1:00 HKST 1941 Oct 1 4:00
8:00 0:30 HKWT 1941 Dec 25
9:00 - JST 1945 Nov 18 2:00
8:00 HK HK%sT
# Taiwan
# From smallufo (2010-04-03):
# According to Taiwan's CWB [Central Weather Bureau],
# http://www.cwb.gov.tw/V6/astronomy/cdata/summert.htm
# Taipei has DST in 1979 between July 1st and Sep 30.
# From Yu-Cheng Chuang (2013-07-12):
# On Dec 28, 1895, the Meiji Emperor announced Ordinance No. 167 of
# Meiji Year 28 "The clause about standard time", mentioned that
# Taiwan and Penghu Islands, as well as Yaeyama and Miyako Islands
# (both in Okinawa) adopt the Western Standard Time which is based on
# 120E. The adoption began from Jan 1, 1896. The original text can be
# found on Wikisource:
# https://ja.wikisource.org/wiki/標準時ニ關スル件_(公布時)
# ... This could be the first adoption of time zone in Taiwan, because
# during the Qing Dynasty, it seems that there was no time zone
# declared officially.
# Later, in the beginning of World War II, on Sep 25, 1937, the Showa
# Emperor announced Ordinance No. 529 of Showa Year 12 "The clause of
# revision in the ordinance No. 167 of Meiji year 28 about standard
# time", in which abolished the adoption of Western Standard Time in
# western islands (listed above), which means the whole Japan
# territory, including later occupations, adopt Japan Central Time
# (UT+9). The adoption began on Oct 1, 1937. The original text can
# be found on Wikisource:
# https://ja.wikisource.org/wiki/明治二十八年勅令第百六十七號標準時ニ關スル件中改正ノ件
# That is, the time zone of Taipei switched to UT+9 on Oct 1, 1937.
# From Yu-Cheng Chuang (2014-07-02):
# I've found more evidence about when the time zone was switched from UT+9
# back to UT+8 after WW2. I believe it was on Sep 21, 1945. In a document
# during Japanese era [1] in which the officer told the staff to change time
# zone back to Western Standard Time (UT+8) on Sep 21. And in another
# history page of National Cheng Kung University [2], on Sep 21 there is a
# note "from today, switch back to Western Standard Time". From these two
# materials, I believe that the time zone change happened on Sep 21. And
# today I have found another monthly journal called "The Astronomical Herald"
# from The Astronomical Society of Japan [3] in which it mentioned the fact
# that:
# 1. Standard Time of the Country (Japan) was adopted on Jan 1, 1888, using
# the time at 135E (GMT+9)
# 2. Standard Time of the Country was renamed to Central Standard Time, on Jan
# 1, 1898, and on the same day, the new territories Taiwan and Penghu islands,
# as well as Yaeyama and Miyako islands, adopted a new time zone called
# Western Standard Time, which is in GMT+8.
# 3. Western Standard Time was deprecated on Sep 30, 1937. From then all the
# territories of Japan adopted the same time zone, which is Central Standard
# Time.
# [1] Academica Historica, Taiwan:
# [2] Nat'l Cheng Kung University 70th Anniversary Special Site:
# http://www.ncku.edu.tw/~ncku70/menu/001/01_01.htm
# [3] Yukio Niimi, The Standard Time in Japan (1997), p.475:
# http://www.asj.or.jp/geppou/archive_open/1997/pdf/19971001c.pdf
# Yu-Cheng Chuang (2014-07-03):
# I finally have found the real official gazette about changing back to
# Western Standard Time on Sep 21 in Taiwan. It's Taiwan Governor-General
# Bulletin No. 386 in Showa 20 years (1945), published on Sep 19, 1945. [1] ...
# [It] abolishes Bulletin No. 207 in Showa 12 years (1937), which is a local
# bulletin in Taiwan for that Ordinance No. 529. It also mentioned that 1am on
# Sep 21, 1945 will be 12am on Sep 21. I think this bulletin is much more
# official than the one I mentioned in my first mail, because it's from the
# top-level government in Taiwan. If you're going to quote any resource, this
# would be a good one.
# [1] Taiwan Governor-General Gazette, No. 1018, Sep 19, 1945:
# http://db2.th.gov.tw/db2/view/viewImg.php?imgcode=0072031018a&num=19&bgn=019&end=019&otherImg=&type=generpan>
# From Yu-Cheng Chuang (2014-07-02):
# In 1946, DST in Taiwan was from May 15 and ended on Sep 30. The info from
# Central Weather Bureau website was not correct.
# Original Bulletin:
# http://subtpg.tpg.gov.tw/og/image2.asp?f=03502F0AKM1AF
# http://subtpg.tpg.gov.tw/og/image2.asp?f=0350300AKM1B0 (cont.)
# In 1947, DST in Taiwan was expanded to Oct 31. There is a backup of that
# telegram announcement from Taiwan Province Government:
# http://subtpg.tpg.gov.tw/og/image2.asp?f=0360310AKZ431
# Here is a brief translation:
# The Summer Time this year is adopted from midnight Apr 15 until Sep 20
# midnight. To save (energy?) consumption, we're expanding Summer Time
# adoption till Oct 31 midnight.
# The Central Weather Bureau website didn't mention that, however it can
# be found from historical government announcement database.
# From Paul Eggert (2014-07-03):
# As per Yu-Cheng Chuang, say that Taiwan was at UT +09 from 1937-10-01
# until 1945-09-21 at 01:00, overriding Shanks & Pottenger.
# Likewise, use Yu-Cheng Chuang's data for DST in Taiwan.
Rule Taiwan 1946 only - May 15 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Taiwan 1946 only - Oct 1 0:00 0 S
Rule Taiwan 1947 only - Apr 15 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Taiwan 1947 only - Nov 1 0:00 0 S
Rule Taiwan 1948 1951 - May 1 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Taiwan 1948 1951 - Oct 1 0:00 0 S
Rule Taiwan 1952 only - Mar 1 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Taiwan 1952 1954 - Nov 1 0:00 0 S
Rule Taiwan 1953 1959 - Apr 1 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Taiwan 1955 1961 - Oct 1 0:00 0 S
Rule Taiwan 1960 1961 - Jun 1 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Taiwan 1974 1975 - Apr 1 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Taiwan 1974 1975 - Oct 1 0:00 0 S
Rule Taiwan 1979 only - Jul 1 0:00 1:00 D
Rule Taiwan 1979 only - Oct 1 0:00 0 S
# Taipei or Taibei or T'ai-pei
Zone Asia/Taipei 8:06:00 - LMT 1896 Jan 1
8:00 - CST 1937 Oct 1
9:00 - JST 1945 Sep 21 1:00
8:00 Taiwan C%sT
# Macau (Macao, Aomen)
# From P Chan (2018-05-10):
# * LegisMac
# http://legismac.safp.gov.mo/legismac/descqry/Descqry.jsf?lang=pt
# A database for searching titles of legal documents of Macau in
# Chinese and Portuguese. The term "HORÁRIO DE VERÃO" can be used for
# searching decrees about summer time.
# * Archives of Macao
# http://www.archives.gov.mo/en/bo/
# It contains images of old official gazettes.
# * The Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau have a page listing the
# summer time history. But it is not complete and has some mistakes.
# http://www.smg.gov.mo/smg/geophysics/e_t_Summer%20Time.htm
# Macau adopted GMT+8 on 30 Oct 1904 to follow Hong Kong. Clocks were
# advanced by 25 minutes and 50 seconds. Which means the LMT used was
# +7:34:10. As stated in the "Portaria No. 204" dated 21 October 1904
# and published in the Official Gazette on 29 October 1904.
# http://igallery.icm.gov.mo/Images/Archives/BO/MO_AH_PUB_BO_1904_10/MO_AH_PUB_BO_1904_10_00025_Grey.JPG
# Therefore the 1911 decree of Portugal did not change time in Macau.
# From LegisMac, here is a list of decrees that changed the time ...
# [Decree Gazette-no. date; titles omitted in this quotation]
# DIL 732 BOCM 51 1941.12.20
# DIL 764 BOCM 9S 1942.04.30
# DIL 781 BOCM 21 1942.10.10
# PT 3434 BOCM 8S 1943.04.17
# PT 3504 BOCM 20 1943.09.25
# PT 3843 BOCM 39 1945.09.29
# PT 3961 BOCM 17 1946.04.27
# PT 4026 BOCM 39 1946.09.28
# PT 4153 BOCM 16 1947.04.10
# PT 4271 BOCM 48 1947.11.29
# PT 4374 BOCM 18 1948.05.01
# PT 4465 BOCM 44 1948.10.30
# PT 4590 BOCM 14 1949.04.02
# PT 4666 BOCM 44 1949.10.29
# PT 4771 BOCM 12 1950.03.25
# PT 4838 BOCM 43 1950.10.28
# PT 4946 BOCM 12 1951.03.24
# PT 5025 BO 43 1951.10.27
# PT 5149 BO 14 1952.04.05
# PT 5251 BO 43 1952.10.25
# PT 5366 BO 13 1953.03.28
# PT 5444 BO 44 1953.10.31
# PT 5540 BO 12 1954.03.20
# PT 5589 BO 44 1954.10.30
# PT 5676 BO 12 1955.03.19
# PT 5739 BO 45 1955.11.05
# PT 5823 BO 11 1956.03.17
# PT 5891 BO 44 1956.11.03
# PT 5981 BO 12 1957.03.23
# PT 6064 BO 43 1957.10.26
# PT 6172 BO 12 1958.03.22
# PT 6243 BO 43 1958.10.25
# PT 6341 BO 12 1959.03.21
# PT 6411 BO 43 1959.10.24
# PT 6514 BO 11 1960.03.12
# PT 6584 BO 44 1960.10.29
# PT 6721 BO 10 1961.03.11
# PT 6815 BO 43 1961.10.28
# PT 6947 BO 10 1962.03.10
# PT 7080 BO 43 1962.10.27
# PT 7218 BO 12 1963.03.23
# PT 7340 BO 43 1963.10.26
# PT 7491 BO 11 1964.03.14
# PT 7664 BO 43 1964.10.24
# PT 7846 BO 15 1965.04.10
# PT 7979 BO 42 1965.10.16
# PT 8146 BO 15 1966.04.09
# PT 8252 BO 41 1966.10.08
# PT 8429 BO 15 1967.04.15
# PT 8540 BO 41 1967.10.14
# PT 8735 BO 15 1968.04.13
# PT 8860 BO 41 1968.10.12
# PT 9035 BO 16 1969.04.19
# PT 9156 BO 42 1969.10.18
# PT 9328 BO 15 1970.04.11
# PT 9418 BO 41 1970.10.10
# PT 9587 BO 14 1971.04.03
# PT 9702 BO 41 1971.10.09
# PT 38-A/72 BO 14 1972.04.01
# PT 126-A/72 BO 41 1972.10.07
# PT 61/73 BO 14 1973.04.07
# PT 182/73 BO 40 1973.10.06
# PT 282/73 BO 51 1973.12.22
# PT 177/74 BO 41 1974.10.12
# PT 51/75 BO 15 1975.04.12
# PT 173/75 BO 41 1975.10.11
# PT 67/76/M BO 14 1976.04.03
# PT 169/76/M BO 41 1976.10.09
# PT 78/79/M BO 19 1979.05.12
# PT 166/79/M BO 42 1979.10.20
# Note that DIL 732 does not belong to "HORÁRIO DE VERÃO" according to
# LegisMac.... Note that between 1942 and 1945, the time switched
# between GMT+9 and GMT+10. Also in 1965 and 1965 the DST ended at 2:30am.
# From Paul Eggert (2018-05-10):
# The 1904 decree says that Macau changed from the meridian of
# Fortaleza do Monte, presumably the basis for the 7:34:10 for LMT.
Rule Macau 1942 1943 - Apr 30 23:00 1:00 -
Rule Macau 1942 only - Nov 17 23:00 0 -
Rule Macau 1943 only - Sep 30 23:00 0 S
Rule Macau 1946 only - Apr 30 23:00s 1:00 D
Rule Macau 1946 only - Sep 30 23:00s 0 S
Rule Macau 1947 only - Apr 19 23:00s 1:00 D
Rule Macau 1947 only - Nov 30 23:00s 0 S
Rule Macau 1948 only - May 2 23:00s 1:00 D
Rule Macau 1948 only - Oct 31 23:00s 0 S
Rule Macau 1949 1950 - Apr Sat>=1 23:00s 1:00 D
Rule Macau 1949 1950 - Oct lastSat 23:00s 0 S
Rule Macau 1951 only - Mar 31 23:00s 1:00 D
Rule Macau 1951 only - Oct 28 23:00s 0 S
Rule Macau 1952 1953 - Apr Sat>=1 23:00s 1:00 D
Rule Macau 1952 only - Nov 1 23:00s 0 S
Rule Macau 1953 1954 - Oct lastSat 23:00s 0 S
Rule Macau 1954 1956 - Mar Sat>=17 23:00s 1:00 D
Rule Macau 1955 only - Nov 5 23:00s 0 S
Rule Macau 1956 1964 - Nov Sun>=1 03:30 0 S
Rule Macau 1957 1964 - Mar Sun>=18 03:30 1:00 D
Rule Macau 1965 1973 - Apr Sun>=16 03:30 1:00 D
Rule Macau 1965 1966 - Oct Sun>=16 02:30 0 S
Rule Macau 1967 1976 - Oct Sun>=16 03:30 0 S
Rule Macau 1973 only - Dec 30 03:30 1:00 D
Rule Macau 1975 1976 - Apr Sun>=16 03:30 1:00 D
Rule Macau 1979 only - May 13 03:30 1:00 D
Rule Macau 1979 only - Oct Sun>=16 03:30 0 S
Zone Asia/Macau 7:34:10 - LMT 1904 Oct 30
8:00 - CST 1941 Dec 21 23:00
9:00 Macau +09/+10 1945 Sep 30 24:00
8:00 Macau C%sT
# Cyprus
# Milne says the Eastern Telegraph Company used 2:14:00. Stick with LMT.
# IATA SSIM (1998-09) has Cyprus using EU rules for the first time.
# From Paul Eggert (2016-09-09):
# Yesterday's Cyprus Mail reports that Northern Cyprus followed Turkey's
# lead and switched from +02/+03 to +03 year-round.
# http://cyprus-mail.com/2016/09/08/two-time-zones-cyprus-turkey-will-not-turn-clocks-back-next-month/
# From Even Scharning (2016-10-31):
# Looks like the time zone split in Cyprus went through last night.
# http://cyprus-mail.com/2016/10/30/cyprus-new-division-two-time-zones-now-reality/
# From Paul Eggert (2017-10-18):
# Northern Cyprus will reinstate winter time on October 29, thus
# staying in sync with the rest of Cyprus. See: Anastasiou A.
# Cyprus to remain united in time. Cyprus Mail 2017-10-17.
# https://cyprus-mail.com/2017/10/17/cyprus-remain-united-time/
Rule Cyprus 1975 only - Apr 13 0:00 1:00 S
Rule Cyprus 1975 only - Oct 12 0:00 0 -
Rule Cyprus 1976 only - May 15 0:00 1:00 S
Rule Cyprus 1976 only - Oct 11 0:00 0 -
Rule Cyprus 1977 1980 - Apr Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 S
Rule Cyprus 1977 only - Sep 25 0:00 0 -
Rule Cyprus 1978 only - Oct 2 0:00 0 -
Rule Cyprus 1979 1997 - Sep lastSun 0:00 0 -
Rule Cyprus 1981 1998 - Mar lastSun 0:00 1:00 S
Zone Asia/Nicosia 2:13:28 - LMT 1921 Nov 14
2:00 Cyprus EE%sT 1998 Sep
2:00 EUAsia EE%sT
Zone Asia/Famagusta 2:15:48 - LMT 1921 Nov 14
2:00 Cyprus EE%sT 1998 Sep
2:00 EUAsia EE%sT 2016 Sep 8
3:00 - +03 2017 Oct 29 1:00u
2:00 EUAsia EE%sT
# Georgia
# From Paul Eggert (1994-11-19):
# Today's _Economist_ (p 60) reports that Georgia moved its clocks forward
# an hour recently, due to a law proposed by Zurab Murvanidze,
# an MP who went on a hunger strike for 11 days to force discussion about it!
# We have no details, but we'll guess they didn't move the clocks back in fall.
# From Mathew Englander, quoting AP (1996-10-23 13:05-04):
# Instead of putting back clocks at the end of October, Georgia
# will stay on daylight savings time this winter to save energy,
# President Eduard Shevardnadze decreed Wednesday.
# From the BBC via Joseph S. Myers (2004-06-27):
# Georgia moved closer to Western Europe on Sunday... The former Soviet
# republic has changed its time zone back to that of Moscow. As a result it
# is now just four hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time, rather than five hours
# ahead. The switch was decreed by the pro-Western president of Georgia,
# Mikheil Saakashvili, who said the change was partly prompted by the process
# of integration into Europe.
# From Teimuraz Abashidze (2005-11-07):
# Government of Georgia ... decided to NOT CHANGE daylight savings time on
# [Oct.] 30, as it was done before during last more than 10 years.
# Currently, we are in fact GMT +4:00, as before 30 October it was GMT
# +3:00.... The problem is, there is NO FORMAL LAW or governmental document
# about it. As far as I can find, I was told, that there is no document,
# because we just DIDN'T ISSUE document about switching to winter time....
# I don't know what can be done, especially knowing that some years ago our
# DST rules where changed THREE TIMES during one month.
# Milne 1899 says Tbilisi (Tiflis) time was 2:59:05.7.
# Byalokoz 1919 says Georgia was 2:59:11.
# Go with Byalokoz.
Zone Asia/Tbilisi 2:59:11 - LMT 1880
2:59:11 - TBMT 1924 May 2 # Tbilisi Mean Time
3:00 - +03 1957 Mar
4:00 RussiaAsia +04/+05 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
3:00 RussiaAsia +03/+04 1992
3:00 E-EurAsia +03/+04 1994 Sep lastSun
4:00 E-EurAsia +04/+05 1996 Oct lastSun
4:00 1:00 +05 1997 Mar lastSun
4:00 E-EurAsia +04/+05 2004 Jun 27
3:00 RussiaAsia +03/+04 2005 Mar lastSun 2:00
4:00 - +04
# East Timor
# See Indonesia for the 1945 transition.
# From João Carrascalão, brother of the former governor of East Timor, in
# East Timor may be late for its millennium
# <https://etan.org/et99c/december/26-31/30ETMAY.htm> (1999-12-26/31):
# Portugal tried to change the time forward in 1974 because the sun
# rises too early but the suggestion raised a lot of problems with the
# Timorese and I still don't think it would work today because it
# conflicts with their way of life.
# From Paul Eggert (2000-12-04):
# We don't have any record of the above attempt.
# Most likely our records are incomplete, but we have no better data.
# From Manoel de Almeida e Silva, Deputy Spokesman for the UN Secretary-General
# http://www.hri.org/news/world/undh/2000/00-08-16.undh.html
# (2000-08-16):
# The Cabinet of the East Timor Transition Administration decided
# today to advance East Timor's time by one hour. The time change,
# which will be permanent, with no seasonal adjustment, will happen at
# midnight on Saturday, September 16.
Zone Asia/Dili 8:22:20 - LMT 1912 Jan 1
8:00 - +08 1942 Feb 21 23:00
9:00 - +09 1976 May 3
8:00 - +08 2000 Sep 17 0:00
9:00 - +09
# India
# British astronomer Henry Park Hollis disliked India Standard Time's offset:
# "A new time system has been proposed for India, Further India, and Burmah.
# The scheme suggested is that the times of the meridians 5½ and 6½ hours
# east of Greenwich should be adopted in these territories. No reason is
# given why hourly meridians five hours and six hours east should not be
# chosen; a plan which would bring the time of India into harmony with
# that of almost the whole of the civilised world."
# Hollis HP. Universal Time, Longitudes, and Geodesy. Mon Not R Astron Soc.
# 1905-02-10;65(4):405-6. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/65.4.382
# From Ian P. Beacock, in "A brief history of (modern) time", The Atlantic
# https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2015/12/the-creation-of-modern-time/421419/
# (2015-12-22):
# In January 1906, several thousand cotton-mill workers rioted on the
# outskirts of Bombay.... They were protesting the proposed abolition of
# local time in favor of Indian Standard Time.... Journalists called this
# dispute the "Battle of the Clocks." It lasted nearly half a century.
# From Paul Eggert (2017-04-20):
# Good luck trying to nail down old timekeeping records in India.
# "... in the nineteenth century ... Madras Observatory took its magnetic
# measurements on Göttingen time, its meteorological measurements on Madras
# (local) time, dropped its time ball on Greenwich (ocean navigator's) time,
# and distributed civil (local time)." -- Bartky IR. Selling the true time:
# 19th-century timekeeping in america. Stanford U Press (2000), 247 note 19.
# "A more potent cause of resistance to the general adoption of the present
# standard time lies in the fact that it is Madras time. The citizen of
# Bombay, proud of being 'primus in Indis' and of Calcutta, equally proud of
# his city being the Capital of India, and - for a part of the year - the Seat
# of the Supreme Government, alike look down on Madras, and refuse to change
# the time they are using, for that of what they regard as a benighted
# Presidency; while Madras, having for long given the standard time to the
# rest of India, would resist the adoption of any other Indian standard in its
# place." -- Oldham RD. On Time in India: a suggestion for its improvement.
# Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (April 1899), 49-55.
# "In 1870 ... Madras time - 'now used by the telegraph and regulated from the
# only government observatory' - was suggested as a standard railway time,
# first to be adopted on the Great Indian Peninsular Railway (GIPR)....
# Calcutta, Bombay, and Karachi, were to be allowed to continue with their
# local time for civil purposes." - Prasad R. Tracks of Change: Railways and
# Everyday Life in Colonial India. Cambridge University Press (2016), 145.
# Reed S, Low F. The Indian Year Book 1936-37. Bennett, Coleman, pp 27-8.
# https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.282212
# This lists +052110 as Madras local time used in railways, and says that on
# 1906-01-01 railways and telegraphs in India switched to +0530. Some
# municipalities retained their former time, and the time in Calcutta
# continued to depend on whether you were at the railway station or at
# government offices. Government time was at +055320 (according to Shanks) or
# at +0554 (according to the Indian Year Book). Railway time is more
# appropriate for our purposes, as it was better documented, it is what we do
# elsewhere (e.g., Europe/London before 1880), and after 1906 it was
# consistent in the region now identified by Asia/Kolkata. So, use railway
# time for 1870-1941. Shanks is our only (and dubious) source for the
# 1941-1945 data.
Zone Asia/Kolkata 5:53:28 - LMT 1854 Jun 28 # Kolkata
5:53:20 - HMT 1870 # Howrah Mean Time?
5:21:10 - MMT 1906 Jan 1 # Madras local time
5:30 - IST 1941 Oct
5:30 1:00 +0630 1942 May 15
5:30 - IST 1942 Sep
5:30 1:00 +0630 1945 Oct 15
5:30 - IST
# Since 1970 the following are like Asia/Kolkata:
# Andaman Is
# Lakshadweep (Laccadive, Minicoy and Amindivi Is)
# Nicobar Is
# Indonesia
# From Paul Eggert (2014-09-06):
# The 1876 Report of the Secretary of the [US] Navy, p 306 says that Batavia
# civil time was 7:07:12.5.
# From Gwillim Law (2001-05-28), overriding Shanks & Pottenger:
# http://www.sumatera-inc.com/go_to_invest/about_indonesia.asp#standtime
# says that Indonesia's time zones changed on 1988-01-01. Looking at some
# time zone maps, I think that must refer to Western Borneo (Kalimantan Barat
# and Kalimantan Tengah) switching from UTC+8 to UTC+7.
# From Paul Eggert (2007-03-10):
# Here is another correction to Shanks & Pottenger.
# JohnTWB writes that Japanese forces did not surrender control in
# Indonesia until 1945-09-01 00:00 at the earliest (in Jakarta) and
# other formal surrender ceremonies were September 9, 11, and 13, plus
# September 12 for the regional surrender to Mountbatten in Singapore.
# These would be the earliest possible times for a change.
# Régimes horaires pour le monde entier, by Henri Le Corre, (Éditions
# Traditionnelles, 1987, Paris) says that Java and Madura switched
# from UT +09 to +07:30 on 1945-09-23, and gives 1944-09-01 for Jayapura
# (Hollandia). For now, assume all Indonesian locations other than Jayapura
# switched on 1945-09-23.
# From Paul Eggert (2013-08-11):
# Normally the tz database uses English-language abbreviations, but in
# Indonesia it's typical to use Indonesian-language abbreviations even
# when writing in English. For example, see the English-language
# summary published by the Time and Frequency Laboratory of the
# Research Center for Calibration, Instrumentation and Metrology,
# Indonesia, <http://time.kim.lipi.go.id/time-eng.php> (2006-09-29).
# The time zone abbreviations and UT offsets are:
# WIB - +07 - Waktu Indonesia Barat (Indonesia western time)
# WITA - +08 - Waktu Indonesia Tengah (Indonesia central time)
# WIT - +09 - Waktu Indonesia Timur (Indonesia eastern time)
# Java, Sumatra
#STDOFF 7:07:12.5
Zone Asia/Jakarta 7:07:12 - LMT 1867 Aug 10
# Shanks & Pottenger say the next transition was at 1924 Jan 1 0:13,
# but this must be a typo.
7:07:12 - BMT 1923 Dec 31 16:40u # Batavia
7:20 - +0720 1932 Nov
7:30 - +0730 1942 Mar 23
9:00 - +09 1945 Sep 23
7:30 - +0730 1948 May
8:00 - +08 1950 May
7:30 - +0730 1964
7:00 - WIB
# west and central Borneo
Zone Asia/Pontianak 7:17:20 - LMT 1908 May
7:17:20 - PMT 1932 Nov # Pontianak MT
7:30 - +0730 1942 Jan 29
9:00 - +09 1945 Sep 23
7:30 - +0730 1948 May
8:00 - +08 1950 May
7:30 - +0730 1964
8:00 - WITA 1988 Jan 1
7:00 - WIB
# Sulawesi, Lesser Sundas, east and south Borneo
Zone Asia/Makassar 7:57:36 - LMT 1920
7:57:36 - MMT 1932 Nov # Macassar MT
8:00 - +08 1942 Feb 9
9:00 - +09 1945 Sep 23
8:00 - WITA
# Maluku Islands, West Papua, Papua
Zone Asia/Jayapura 9:22:48 - LMT 1932 Nov
9:00 - +09 1944 Sep 1
9:30 - +0930 1964
9:00 - WIT
# Iran
# From Roozbeh Pournader (2022-05-30):
# Here's an order from the Cabinet to the rest of the government to switch to
# Tehran time, which is mentioned to be already at +03:30:
# https://qavanin.ir/Law/TreeText/180138
# Just in case that goes away, I also saved a copy at archive.org:
# https://web.archive.org/web/20220530111940/https://qavanin.ir/Law/TreeText/180138
# Here's my translation:
# "Circular on Matching the Hours of Governmental and Official Circles
# in Provinces
# Approved 1314/03/22 [=1935-06-13]
# According to the ruling of the Honorable Cabinet, it is ordered that from
# now on in all internal provinces of the country, governmental and official
# circles set their time to match Tehran time (three hours and half before
# Greenwich)....
# I still haven't found out when Tehran itself switched to +03:30....
# From Paul Eggert (2022-06-05):
# Although the above says Tehran was at +03:30 before 1935-06-13, we don't
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