% Metric Spaces Basics
% Author: David Lester, Manchester University
% All references are to WA Sutherland "Introduction to Metric and
% Topological Spaces", OUP, 1981
% Version 1.0 5/12/04 Initial Version DRL
metric_space_def[T:TYPE, d:[T,T -> nnreal]]: THEORY
x,y: VAR T
r: VAR posreal
S,X,Y: VAR set[T]
metric_zero?(S) :bool = FORALL (x,y:(S)): d(x,y) = 0 <=> x = y
metric_symmetric?(S):bool = FORALL (x,y:(S)): d(x,y) = d(y,x)
metric_triangle?(S) :bool = FORALL (x,y,z:(S)): d(x,z) <= d(x,y) + d(y,z)
= metric_zero?(S) AND metric_symmetric?(S) AND metric_triangle?(S)
% The above defines a metric space, and is therefore all that _needs_
% to be in this file. However, we will be interested in particular
% specialized spaces, so we take this opportunity to define various
% predicates on metric spaces that we will need later.
% ball(x,r) is the open set, "centre" x, "radius" r.
ball(x,r): set[T] = {y | d(x,y) < r}
metric_open?(S): bool = FORALL x: (S(x) <=> EXISTS r: subset?(ball(x,r),S))
metric_closed?(S): bool = metric_open?(complement(S))
metric_induced_topology:setofsets[T] = {S | metric_open?(S)}
metric_adherent?(x,S): bool = FORALL r: nonempty?(intersection(S,ball(x,r)))
metric_limit?(x,S): bool = metric_adherent?(x,S) AND NOT member(x,S)
metric_closure(S): set[T] = {x:T | metric_adherent?(x,S)}
dense_in?(X,S): bool = subset?(X,S) AND subset?(S,metric_closure(X))
IMPORTING sets_aux@countable_props
separable?(S): bool
= EXISTS X: subset?(X,S) AND is_countable(X) AND dense_in?(X,S)
bounded?(S): bool = EXISTS x,r: subset?(S,ball(x,r))
epsilon_net?(S,X,r): bool
= is_finite(X) AND subset?(X,S) AND
subset?(S,Union(image[T,set[T]](lambda x: ball(x,r),X)))
totally_bounded?(S): bool = FORALL r: EXISTS X: epsilon_net?(S,X,r)
u: VAR sequence[T]
i,j,n: VAR nat
= FORALL r: EXISTS n: FORALL i: i >= n => member(u(i),ball(x,r))
= EXISTS (x:(S)): metric_converges_to(u,x)
metric_convergent?(u):bool = EXISTS x: metric_converges_to(u,x)
cauchy?(u):bool = FORALL r: EXISTS n: FORALL i,j: i >= n AND j >= n
=> member(u(i),ball(u(j),r))
metric_complete?(S): bool
= FORALL (u:sequence[(S)]): cauchy?(u) => metric_convergent?(S,u)
complete_metric_space?(S):bool = metric_space?(S) AND metric_complete?(S)
% Alternative naming
accumulation_point?: MACRO [T,set[T]->bool] = metric_limit?
END metric_space_def
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.17 Sekunden
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