(defun get-current-imported-theories (id)
(let* ((idstr (string id))
(idlen (length idstr)))
(when *current-context*
(let ((theories nil))
(map-lhash #'(lambda (x y)
(declare (ignore y))
(if (eq (id x) id)
(push x theories)
(when (and (library-rectype-theory? x)
(let ((len (length (string (id x)))))
(and (< idlen len)
(string= id (id x) :end2 idlen))))
(let ((adt (get-theory* id (lib-ref x))))
(assert adt () "Should have found adt")
(pushnew adt theories :test #'eq)))))
;(defun get-current-imported-theories (id)
; (let* ((idstr (string id))
; (idlen (length idstr)))
; (when *current-context*
; (let ((theories nil))
; (map-lhash #'(lambda (x y)
; (declare (ignore y))
; (if (eq (id x) id)
; (push x theories)
; (when (and (library-rectype-theory? x)
; (let ((len (length (string (id x)))))
; (and (< idlen len)
; (string= id (id x) :end2 idlen))))
; (let* ((lib (libref-to-libid (lib-ref x)))
; (adt (get-theory* id lib)))
; (assert adt () "Should have found adt")
; (pushnew adt theories :test #'eq)))))
; (current-using-hash))
; theories))))
(defun get-adt-slot-value (te)
;; te must be a type-name
(or (let ((dt (get-theory (id te))))
(and (recursive-type? dt) dt))
(find-if #'(lambda (d)
(and (typep d 'recursive-type)
(eq (id d) (id te))))
(all-decls (module (declaration te))))
(let ((enumtype (find-if #'(lambda (d)
(and (typep d 'type-eq-decl)
(eq (id d) (id te))
(typep (type-expr d) 'recursive-type)))
(all-decls (module (declaration te))))))
(when enumtype
(type-expr enumtype)))
(let* ((adt-id (makesym "~a_adt" (id te)))
(adt (get-theory adt-id))
(dt (if adt
(if (lib-ref adt)
(get-theory* (id te)
(libref-to-libid (lib-ref adt)))
(break "get-adt-slot-value: no lib-ref"))
(break "get-adt-slot-value: no adt"))))
(and (recursive-type? dt) dt))
(break "Can't restore")))
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