fseqs_def [T: TYPE, default: T]: THEORY
% A new finite sequences theory
% This theory defines finite sequences as a simple record type. Unlike the prelude
% version, this record is not a dependent type. The domain of all finite_sequences
% are identical and therefore operators over them are greatly simplified. However,
% the built-in equality is no longer valid. This theory provides a new equality
% but unfortunately many PVS strategies and commands do not work with this new
% equality. Therefore, this theory should be considered highly experimental.
% Two finite sequences are concatenated with the operator 'o', and a
% subsequence can be extracted with the operator '^'. Note that ^
% allows any natural numbers m and n to define the range; if m > n then
% the empty sequence is returned
% This theory creates two levels of finite_sequence
% (1) fsq -- simple structure but equality reasoning not available (see fsq.pvs)
% (2) fseq -- adds mechanisms to make equality reasoning possible
% though it is expected that most users will use only (2)
% AUTHORS: Rick Butler and Jeff Maddalon
% Difference between this theory and prelude
% (1) domain fs`seq is "nat" rather than below[l(fs)]
% (2) ^ operator does not have "min" in the type
% (3) provides auxiliary functions such as fseq1, fseq2, const_seq, rev
% (4) provides ne_fseq: TYPE = {s: fseq | length(s) > 0}
% Warning: The prelude "finseq_appl" conversion seems to take precedence over
% cnvfsq it in many theories that import fseqs
% Warning: sometimes seq(fs) is confused with prelude definitions. Use
% seqn(fs) in that case.
barray(n: nat): TYPE = { f: [nat -> T] | FORALL (i: nat): i >= n IMPLIES f(i) = default}
fseq: TYPE = [# length: nat, seq: barray(length) #]
ne_fseq: TYPE = {s: fseq | length(s) > 0} %% non-empty fseqs
member(x:T, fs:fseq): bool = EXISTS (i: below(fs`length)): x = fs`seq(i);
empty_seq: fsq =
(# length := 0,
seq := (LAMBDA (x: nat): default ) #)
emptyseq: MACRO fsq = empty_seq
fseq_subtype : JUDGEMENT fseq SUBTYPE_OF fsq[T]
empty_seq_fseq: JUDGEMENT empty_seq HAS_TYPE fseq
emptyseq_fseq : JUDGEMENT emptyseq HAS_TYPE fseq
fs, fs1, fs2, fs3: VAR fseq
m, n: VAR nat
%% singleton
singleton(x:T): ne_fseq =
(# length := 1, seq := (LAMBDA (n: nat): IF n = 0 THEN x ELSE default ENDIF) #)
singleton?(fs: fseq): bool = EXISTS (x: T): fs = singleton(x)
tofs(f:[nat->T], len: nat): MACRO [nat -> T] =
(LAMBDA (i:nat): IF i < len THEN f(i) ELSE default ENDIF) ;
tofseq(f: fsq[T]): fseq = (# length := l(f),
seq := tofs(f`seq,l(f))
singleton_length: LEMMA singleton?(fs) IFF fs`length = 1
% ---------- Equality ----------
fseqs_eq: LEMMA fs1 = fs2 IFF fs1`length = fs2`length AND
(FORALL (n:nat): n < fs1`length IMPLIES fs1`seq(n) = fs2`seq(n))
fseq_length_zero: LEMMA fs`length = 0 IMPLIES fs = emptyseq ;
%% ------------ Concatenation ---------
o(fs1, fs2): fseq =
LET l1 = fs1`length, l2 = fs2`length IN
(# length := l1+l2,
seq := (LAMBDA (n: nat):
IF n < l1 THEN fs1`seq(n)
ELSIF n < l1+l2 THEN fs2`seq(n-l1)
ELSE default
ENDIF) #);
concat(fs1, fs2): MACRO fseq = o(fs1,fs2)
concat_length_add: LEMMA concat(fs1,fs2)`length = fs1`length + fs2`length
% member and o
x,y : VAR T
member_composition: LEMMA
member(x,fs1 o fs2) IFF member(x,fs1) OR member(x,fs2)
concat_right_emptyseq: LEMMA
fs o emptyseq = fs
concat_left_emptyseq: LEMMA
emptyseq o fs = fs
member_singleton: LEMMA
member(x,singleton(y)) IFF x = y
%% ------------ Extraction ---------
mmin(m,n:nat): MACRO nat = IF m > n THEN n ELSE m ENDIF ;
^(fs: fseq, p:[nat, nat]): fseq =
LET (m, n) = p
IN IF m > n OR m >= fs`length
THEN empty_seq
ELSE LET len = mmin(n - m + 1, fs`length - m) IN
(# length := len,
seq := (LAMBDA (x: nat): IF x < len THEN fs`seq(x + m)
ELSE default ENDIF) #)
% p: VAR [nat, nat]
% hat_rewrite: LEMMA ^(fs, p) = tofseq(fs^^p)
extract1(fs:{fs | fs`length = 1}): T = fs`seq(0)
%% GET AROUND bleed-in from prelude
%% o_assoc: LEMMA fs1 o (fs2 o fs3) = (fs1 o fs2) o fs3
o_assoc: LEMMA concat(fs1,concat(fs2,fs3)) = concat(concat(fs1,fs2),fs3)
%% ----- Some Special Functions that operate on fseqs ----------
fseq1(t:T): fseq = (# length := 1,
seq := (LAMBDA (n: nat): IF n < 1 THEN t ELSE default ENDIF) #)
fseq2(u,v: T): fseq = (# length := 2,
seq := (LAMBDA (i: nat): IF i = 0 THEN u
ELSE default ENDIF) #)
fseq1_def: LEMMA fseq1(x)`seq(0) = x
const_seq(n: nat,c:T): fseq = (# length := n,
seq := (LAMBDA (i: nat): IF i < n THEN c ELSE default ENDIF)
rev(fs:fseq): fseq = (# length := l(fs),
seq := (LAMBDA (i: nat):
IF i < l(fs) THEN seq(fs)(l(fs)-1-i)
ELSE default ENDIF)
AUTO_REWRITE+ fseq1_def
END fseqs_def
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