lines_3D: THEORY
% The traditional way to defines a line L is by specifying two distinct points,
% P0 and P1, on it.
% A line L can also be defined by a point and a direction. Let P0 be a
% point on the line L and let dv be a nonzero vector specifying the direction
% of the line. This is equivalent to the two point definition, since we
% could just put dv=(P1-P0).
% We can also add dynamics to our line. If we assume a particle is
% moving in a line with a constant velocity, then we can define
% this linear motion using the location of the point at time zero,
% a velocity vector and a time parameter t:
% p0 + t*vel
% which provides the location of the particle at time t.
% Author: Ricky Butler NASA Langley Research Center
IMPORTING distance_3D
% Basic | Dynamic
Line : Type = [# p: Vect3, % point on the line| position at time 0
v: Nz_vect3 #] % direction vector | velocity vector
Line3D: TYPE = Line ;
-(L: Line): Line = (# p := L`p, v := -L`v #)
p0 (L: Line): MACRO Vect3 = p(L)
vel(L: Line): MACRO Vect3 = v(L)
vv: VAR [Vect3,Nz_vect3]
vecpair_to_Line(vv): MACRO Line = (# p := vv`1, v := vv`2 #)
CONVERSION vecpair_to_Line ; %% NEW %%
p,p1,p2,u,v,v0,v1,v2: VAR Vect3
t: VAR nzreal
loc(L: Line)(tt: real): MACRO Vect3 = p(L) + tt*v(L)
% ------- generate vector from two points
vec_from(p1,p2) : Vect3 = p2 - p1
line_from(p1,(p2:{v| v /= p1})): Line = (p1,vec_from(p1,p2))
vec_from_eq_args : LEMMA vec_from(p,p) = zero
% ------- generate velocity vector from two points and transport time
vel_from_tm(p1,p2,t): { v | p2 = p1 + t*v } = 1/t*(p2 - p1)
line_from_tm(p1,(p2:{v| v /= p1}),t): Line = (p1,vel_from_tm(p1,p2,t))
vel_from_tm_nz : LEMMA p1 /= p2 IMPLIES vel_from_tm(p1,p2,t) /= zero
vel_from_tm_lem : LEMMA p2 = p1 + t*vel_from_tm(p1,p2,t)
vel_from_tm_rew : LEMMA vel_from_tm(p1,p2,t) = 1/t*(p2 - p1)
vel_from_tm_eq_args : LEMMA vel_from_tm(p,p,t) = zero
vel_from_tm_length : LEMMA sq(norm(vel_from_tm(p1,p2,t))) =
% ------- generate velocity vector from two points and speed ------
s: VAR posreal
vel_from_spd(p1,p2,s): Vect3 = IF p1 = p2 then zero
ELSE s/dist(p1,p2)*(p2-p1)
ps: VAR posreal
vel_from_spd_lem: LEMMA p1 /= p2 IMPLIES
vel_from_spd(p1,p2,ps) = vel_from_tm(p1,p2,dist(p1,p2)/ps)
vel_from_spd_norm: LEMMA p1 /= p2 IMPLIES
vel_from_spd(p1,p2,s) = s*normalize(p2-p1)
pt: VAR posreal
gen_speed(p1,(p2:{v| v /= p1}),pt): { s1: nnreal | s1 = 1/pt * dist(p1,p2) }
% ------- generate velocity vector from a point, heading, speed ------
% IMPORTING trig@trig
% hdg: VAR posreal
% vel_from_hdg(p1,hdg,s): Vect3 = LET p2 = p1+(cos(hdg),sin(hdg)) IN
% vel_from_spd(p1,p2,s)
% -------------- Line Predicates -----------------
L,L1,L2: VAR Line
on_line?(p,L): bool = EXISTS (x : real) : p = p(L) + x * v(L)
on_segment?(p,L): bool =
EXISTS (x : { y: nnreal | y <= 1}) : p = p(L) + x * v(L)
orthogonal?(L1,L2): bool = ^(v(L1))*^(v(L2)) = 0
parallel?(L1,L2) : bool = ^(v(L1))*^(v(L2)) = 1 OR ^(v(L1))*^(v(L2)) = -1
on_line_lem: LEMMA FORALL (p2:{v|v /= p1}): on_line?(p1, line_from(p1,p2)) AND on_line?(p2, line_from(p1,p2))
on_line_neg: LEMMA on_line?(p, L) IMPLIES on_line?(p, -L)
on_line_sym: LEMMA FORALL (p2:{v|v /= p1}): on_line?(p, line_from(p1,p2)) IMPLIES on_line?(p, line_from(p2,p1))
% -------------- Generate Dynamic Lines -------
gen_line_tm(p1,(p2:{v| v /= p1}),t) : Line = (# p := p1,
v := vel_from_tm(p1,p2,t) #)
gen_line_spd(p1,(p2:{v| v /= p1}),s): Line = (# p := p1,
v := vel_from_spd(p1,p2,s) #)
test1: LEMMA p1 /= p2 IMPLIES on_line?(p1,gen_line_tm(p1,p2,t))
test2: LEMMA p1 /= p2 IMPLIES on_line?(p2,gen_line_tm(p1,p2,t))
test3: LEMMA p1 /= p2 IMPLIES on_line?(p1,gen_line_spd(p1,p2,s))
test4: LEMMA p1 /= p2 IMPLIES on_line?(p2,gen_line_spd(p1,p2,s))
vel_from_spd_on_line: LEMMA LET vv = vel_from_spd(p1,p2,s) IN
p = p1 + t*vv
IMPLIES on_line?(p1,p2,p)
END lines_3D
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.16 Sekunden
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