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# this one avoids absolute path names: \
exec wish -f $0 "$@"
# =========================================================================
# File: sampleclient.tcl, chb, Sun 05.11.1995 (19:24)
# sampleclient.tcl,v 1996/08/19 14:39:38 larsbj Exp
# This file contains examples for communicating to LyX via the
# LyXserver interface. It contains a panel of shortcuts to
# demonstrate how users can define their own macros. It also shows
# how new commands can be built into LyX using the 'notify' mechanism.
# =========================================================================
# --- 1. check cmdargs (pipename) -----------------------------------------
if { [llength $argv] > 0 } {
set inpipe [lrange $argv 0 0].in
set outpipe [lrange $argv 0 0].out
} else {
set inpipe $env(HOME)/.lyxpipe.in
set outpipe $env(HOME)/.lyxpipe.out
# --- 2. check if pipe is there; if not inform about lyxrc ----------------
proc inform {} {
global inpipe outpipe
puts "$inpipe or $outpipe not found"
puts "Either LyX is not running or it is not configured"
puts "to start the server. To start the server, insert"
puts " \serverpipe \"<pipename>\""
puts "in your .lyxrc"
if { ![file exists $inpipe] } inform
if { "[file type $inpipe]" != "fifo" } inform
if { ![file exists $outpipe] } inform
if { "[file type $outpipe]" != "fifo" } inform
# --- 3. check if addinput is defined, if not; fake it --------------------
if { [info command addinput] == "" } {
puts "Warning: this wish does not have the addinput command"
puts " reading back information from LyX is disabled"
proc addinput {opt file cmd} {}
proc removeinput {file} {}
# --- 4. define addinput callbacks ----------------------------------------
set outbuf ""
proc outputhandler {fd} {
global lyxnotify
gets $fd outbuf
set type [lrange [split $outbuf :] 0 0]
if { "$type" == "NOTIFY" } {
set val [lrange [split $outbuf :] 1 1]
# puts "$val"
if { [catch { set lyxnotify($val) }] == 0 } {
eval $lyxnotify($val)
set outfd [open $outpipe r]
proc out_on {} {
global outfd
addinput -read $outfd "outputhandler %F"
proc out_off {} {
global outfd
removeinput $outfd
# --- 5. make windows -----------------------------------------------------
toplevel .t
button .t.b1 -text "->" -command {lyxsend_form {\\rightarrow }}
button .t.b2 -text "<-" -command {lyxsend_form {\\leftarrow }}
button .t.b3 -text "-->" -command {lyxsend_form {\\longrightarrow }}
button .t.b4 -text "<--" -command {lyxsend_form {\\longleftarro w}}
button .t.b5 -text "<->" -command {lyxsend_form {\\leftrightarrow }}
button .t.b6 -text "<-->" -command {lyxsend_form {\\longleftrightarrow }}
button .t.b7 -text "..." -command {lyxsend_tex {\\ldots }}
label .t.t -text "TeX Arrows:"
pack .t.t -fill x -in .t
pack .t.b1 -fill x -in .t
pack .t.b2 -fill x -in .t
pack .t.b3 -fill x -in .t
pack .t.b4 -fill x -in .t
pack .t.b5 -fill x -in .t
pack .t.b6 -fill x -in .t
pack .t.b7 -fill x -in .t
label .func -text "New Functions"
button .xp -text "Transpose Chars" -command "lyx_transpose"
button .dw -text "Delete word" -command "lyx_delword"
button .sp -text "Save position" -command "lyx_savepos"
button .rp -text "Restore pos" -command "lyx_restorepos"
button .gi -text "Get Buffer info" -command "lyx_getinfo"
button .q -text "Quit" -command "exit"
pack .func -fill x
pack .xp -fill x
pack .dw -fill x
pack .sp -fill x
pack .rp -fill x
pack .gi -fill x
pack .q -fill x
# --- 6. functions --------------------------------------------------------
# ---
# Format for communication:
# client->LyX: "LYXCMD:<client>:<command>:<argument>" >$inpipe
# LyX->client (answer): "INFO:<client>:<command>:<data>" <$outpipe
# LyX->client (notify): "NOTIFY:<key-sequence>" <$outpipe
# (notifies are asynchroneous and are handled by 'outputhandler'
# above)
# ---
proc lyxsend_form {string} {
global inpipe outpipe outfd
# out_off
# exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:get-latex:" >$inpipe
# gets $outfd buf
# set chr [lrange [split $buf :] 3 3]
# out_on
# if { "$chr" != "F" } {
# exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:set-formula:" >$inpipe
# }
# exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:insert-self:$string" >$inpipe
# if { "$chr" != "F" } {
# exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:set-formula:" >$inpipe
# }
exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:insert-inset-formula-latex-del:$string" >$inpipe
proc lyxsend_tex {string} {
global inpipe outpipe outfd
# out_off
# exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:get-latex:" >$inpipe
# gets $outfd buf
# set chr [lrange [split $buf :] 3 3]
# out_on
# if { "$chr" != "L" } {
# exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:set-tex:" >$inpipe
# }
# exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:insert-self:$string" >$inpipe
# if { "$chr" != "L" } {
# exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:set-tex:" >$inpipe
# }
exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:insert-inset-latex-del:$string" >$inpipe
proc lyx_transpose {} {
global inpipe outpipe outfd
exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:char-after:" >$inpipe
gets $outfd buf
set chr [lrange [split $buf :] 3 3]
if { "$chr" == "EOF" } {out_on; return}
if { [string length $chr] > 1 } {
set chr [string range $chr 1 1]
exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:delete-forward:" >$inpipe
exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:left:" >$inpipe
if { "$chr" == "{ }" } {
exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:insert-self: " >$inpipe
} else {
exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:insert-self:$chr" >$inpipe
set lyxnotify(C-t) lyx_transpose
proc lyx_delword {} {
global inpipe outpipe outfd
exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:word-right-select:" >$inpipe
exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:left-select:" >$inpipe
# !!! should check for end of line here:
# if ( char-after == char-in-word ) right;
exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:delete-forward:" >$inpipe
set lyxnotify(M-d) lyx_delword
set posx ""
set posy ""
proc lyx_savepos {} {
global posx posy inpipe outpipe outfd
exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:get-xy:" >$inpipe
gets $outfd buf
set arg [lrange [split $buf :] 3 3]
# TCL is SO pathetic!
set arg [string range $arg 1 [expr [string length $arg]-2]]
set posx [lrange $arg 0 0]
set posy [lrange $arg 1 1]
set "lyxnotify({C-x slash})" lyx_savepos
proc lyx_restorepos {} {
global posx posy inpipe
if { "$posx" == "" } return
exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:set-xy:$posx $posy" >$inpipe
exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:recenter:" >$inpipe
set "lyxnotify({C-x j})" lyx_restorepos
proc lyx_getinfo {} {
global inpipe outpipe outfd
exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:get-name:" >$inpipe
gets $outfd buf
set fname [lrange [split $buf :] 3 3]
exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:get-layout:" >$inpipe
gets $outfd buf
set layout [lrange [split $buf :] 3 3]
exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:get-font:" >$inpipe
gets $outfd buf
set fnt [lrange [split $buf :] 3 3]
exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:get-latex:" >$inpipe
gets $outfd buf
set ltx [lrange [split $buf :] 3 3]
exec echo "LYXCMD:sampleclient:get-xy:" >$inpipe
gets $outfd buf
set arg [lrange [split $buf :] 3 3]
set arg [string range $arg 1 [expr [string length $arg]-2]]
puts "---------------"
puts "Buffer: $fname"
puts "Current layout: $layout"
puts "Font flag: $fnt"
puts "Latex flag: $ltx"
puts "Position: $arg"
# === End of file: sampleclient.tcl =======================================
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