products/sources/formale sprachen/Coq/test-suite/bugs/closed image not shown  


© Kompilation durch diese Firma

[Weder Korrektheit noch Funktionsfähigkeit der Software werden zugesichert.]

Datei: xts725.cob   Sprache: Cobol

       PROGRAM-ID.  XTS725.
       SOURCE-COMPUTER.  xyz.
       OBJECT-COMPUTER.  xyz.

      * EMBEDDED COBOL (file "XTS725.PCO")

      *Copyright 1995 National Computing Centre Limited               
      *and Computer Logic R&D S.A                                     
      *on behalf of the CTS5 SQL2 Project.                            
      *All rights reserved.                                          
      *The CTS5 SQL2 Project is sponsored by the European Community. 
      *The National Computing Centre Limited and Computer Logic R&D  
      *have given permission to NIST to distribute this program      
      *over the World Wide Web in order to promote SQL standards.    
      *This program was reviewed by employees of NIST for            
      *conformance to the SQL standards.                             
      *NIST assumes no responsibility for any party's use of         
      *this program.                                                 

      *                 COMMENT SECTION                              
      * SQL VALIDATION TEST SUITE V6.0                               
      * XTS725.PCO                                                   
      * WRITTEN BY: Nickos Backalidis                                
      * Flagging, Full SQL INSENSITIVE cursor                        
      * REFERENCES                                                   
      *   13.1    -- <declare cursor>                                
      *   13.2    -- <open statement>                                
      *   13.3    -- GR.3.e.i                                        
      *   F#79    -- Insensitive cursors                             
      *   F#37    -- Intermediate SQL Flagging                       
      * DATE LAST ALTERED  14/12/95 CTS5 Hand-over Test              
      * Cleanups and fixes by V. Kogakis 04/12/95:                   
      *      Change in the values of rows inserted in the table      
      * QA Status: QA check                                          
      * Revised by DWF 1/30/96                                       
      *   Removed status checks after cursor definition              
      *   Fixed char string lengths                                  

       01  SQLCODE PIC S9(9) COMP.
       01  SQLSTATE PIC  X(5).
       01  uid PIC  X(18).
       01  uidx PIC  X(18).
       01  c_ch1 PIC  X(10).
       01  c_ch2 PIC  X(10).
           05  ALPNUM PIC X OCCURS 36 TIMES.
       01  NORMSQ.
           05  NORMSQX PIC X OCCURS 5 TIMES.
      *date_time declaration 
       01  TO-DAY PIC 9(6).
       01  THE-TIME PIC 9(8).



             MOVE "CTS1 " TO uid
             CALL "AUTHID" USING uid
             MOVE "not logged in, not" TO uidx
             if (uid  NOT  =   uidx) then
               DISPLAY "ERROR: User ", uid, " expected. User ", uidx, "
      -    " connected"
            STOP RUN
             MOVE 0 TO errcnt

             DISPLAY "SQL Test Suite, V6.0, Embedded COBOL, xts725.pco"
           "59-byte ID"
             DISPLAY "TEd Version #"
      *date_time print 
           DISPLAY "Date run YYMMDD: " TO-DAY " at hhmmssff: " THE-TIME

      ******************** BEGIN TEST7025 *******************
             MOVE 1 TO flag

             DISPLAY " TEST7025"
             DISPLAY " Flagging - Full SQL INSENSITIVE cursor"
             DISPLAY "References"
             DISPLAY " 13.1 -- "
             DISPLAY " 13.2 -- "
             DISPLAY " 13.3 GR.3.e.i "
             DISPLAY " F#79 -- Insensitive cursors "
             DISPLAY " F#37 -- Intermediate SQL Flagging "
             DISPLAY " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"

      *Initialise error reporting variables 
             COMPUTE SQLCODE = -1
             MOVE "xxxxx" TO SQLSTATE

      *Use standard schema table CTS1.CL_STANDARD        
      *declare an insensitive cursor based on columns of 
               FROM CL_STANDARD

             DISPLAY "OPEN CLCURS;"
             DISPLAY  " "

      *NOW insert a row in CL_STANDARD  
      -    " VALUES(1005,'KEVIN',4005,'XIOS');"
             DISPLAY  " "

      *initialise host variables 
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxx" TO c_ch1
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxx" TO c_ch2
             MOVE 0 TO c_num1
             MOVE 0 TO c_num2

      *use a select <statement: single row> and determine 
      *that the row was inserted and is visible           
             DISPLAY "INTO :c_num1, :c_ch1, :c_num2, :c_ch2 "
               INTO :c_num1, :c_ch1, :c_num2, :c_ch2
             DISPLAY "COL_NUM1 should be 1005; it is : ", c_num1
             DISPLAY "COL_CH1 should be KEVIN; it is : ", c_ch1
             DISPLAY "COL_NUM2 should be 4005; it is : ", c_num2
             DISPLAY "COL_CH2 should be XIOS; it is : ", c_ch2
             if (c_num1  NOT =  1005  OR  c_ch1  NOT  =   "KEVIN"  OR 
             c_num2  NOT =  4005) then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (c_ch2  NOT  =   "XIOS"then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             DISPLAY  " "

      *re-initialise host variables 
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxx" TO c_ch1
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxx" TO c_ch2
             MOVE 0 TO c_num1
             MOVE 0 TO c_num2

      *now start fetching rows from CL_STANDARD 
             DISPLAY "FETCH CLCURS INTO :c_num1, :c_ch1, :c_num2,
      -    " :c_ch2;"
             EXEC SQL FETCH CLCURS INTO :c_num1, :c_ch1, :c_num2, :c_ch2
      *since the cursor is declared insensitive with cursor  
      *specification ORDER BY DESC the last row will be      
      *returned first however if the inserted row is visible 
      *through the cursor then record a NOGO                 
             DISPLAY "COL_NUM1 should be 1004; it is ", c_num1, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_CH1 should be MORRIS;it is ", c_ch1, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_NUM2 should be 4004; it is ", c_num2, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_CH2 should be PARGA; it is ", c_ch2, " "
      *check if the inserted row is visible through           
      *the cursor proceed if not record a NOGO if it is       
             if (c_num1  NOT =  1004  OR  c_ch1  NOT  =   "MORRIS"  OR 
             c_num2  NOT =  4004)  then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (c_ch2  NOT  =   "PARGA"then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             DISPLAY  " "

      *re-initialise host variables 
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxx" TO c_ch1
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxx" TO c_ch2
             MOVE 0 TO c_num1
             MOVE 0 TO c_num2

      *fetch second row 
             DISPLAY "FETCH CLCURS INTO :c_num1, :c_ch1, :c_num2,
      -    " :c_ch2;"
             EXEC SQL FETCH CLCURS INTO :c_num1, :c_ch1, :c_num2, :c_ch2
             DISPLAY "COL_NUM1 should be 1003; it is ", c_num1, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_CH1 should be GEORGE; it is ", c_ch1, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_NUM2 should be 4003; it is ", c_num2, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_CH2 should be ARTA; it is ", c_ch2, " "
             if (c_num1  NOT =  1003  OR  c_ch1  NOT  =   "GEORGE"  OR 
             c_num2  NOT =  4003) then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (c_ch2  NOT  =   "ARTA"then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             DISPLAY  " "

      *re-initialise host variables 
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxx" TO c_ch1
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxx" TO c_ch2
             MOVE 0 TO c_num1
             MOVE 0 TO c_num2

      *fetch third row 
             DISPLAY "FETCH CLCURS INTO :c_num1, :c_ch1, :c_num2,
      -    " :c_ch2;"
             EXEC SQL FETCH CLCURS INTO :c_num1, :c_ch1, :c_num2, :c_ch2
             DISPLAY "COL_NUM1 should be 1002; it is ", c_num1, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_CH1 should be MAKIS; it is ", c_ch1, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_NUM2 should be 4002; it is ", c_num2, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_CH2 should be HANIA; it is ", c_ch2, " "
             if (c_num1  NOT =  1002  OR  c_ch1  NOT  =   "MAKIS"  OR 
             c_num2  NOT =  4002) then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (c_ch2  NOT  =   "HANIA" ) then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             DISPLAY  " "

      *re-initialise host variables 
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxx" TO c_ch1
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxx" TO c_ch2
             MOVE 0 TO c_num1
             MOVE 0 TO c_num2

      *fetch fourth row 
             DISPLAY "FETCH CLCURS INTO :c_num1, :c_ch1, :c_num2,
      -    " :c_ch2;"
             EXEC SQL FETCH CLCURS INTO :c_num1, :c_ch1, :c_num2, :c_ch2
             DISPLAY "COL_NUM1 should be 1001; it is ", c_num1, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_CH1 should be MARIA; it is ", c_ch1, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_NUM2 should be 4001; it is ", c_num2, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_CH2 should be RHODES; it is ", c_ch2, " "
             if (c_num1  NOT =  1001  OR  c_ch1  NOT  =   "MARIA"  OR 
             c_num2  NOT =  4001) then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (c_ch2  NOT  =   "RHODES"then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             DISPLAY  " "

      *re-initialise host variables 
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxx" TO c_ch1
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxx" TO c_ch2
             MOVE 0 TO c_num1
             MOVE 0 TO c_num2

      *fetch fifth row 
             DISPLAY "FETCH CLCURS INTO :c_num1, :c_ch1, :c_num2,
      -    " :c_ch2;"
             EXEC SQL FETCH CLCURS INTO :c_num1, :c_ch1, :c_num2, :c_ch2
             DISPLAY "COL_NUM1 should be 1000; it is ", c_num1, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_CH1 should be NICKOS; it is ", c_ch1, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_NUM2 should be 4000; it is ", c_num2, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_CH2 should be ATHENS; it is ", c_ch2, " "
             if (c_num1  NOT =  1000  OR  c_ch1  NOT  =   "NICKOS"  OR 
             c_num2  NOT =  4000) then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (c_ch2  NOT  =   "ATHENS"then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             DISPLAY  " "

      *end fetches 
      *close the cursor and open it again. If the vendor      
      *supports the extension then the inserted row should be 
      *now visible through the cursor                         

             DISPLAY "CLOSE CLCURS;"
             DISPLAY  " "

      *open the cursor again 
             DISPLAY "OPEN CLCURS;"
             DISPLAY  " "

      *now fetch and check if the inserted row is visible 
      *initialise host variables 
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxx" TO c_ch1
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxx" TO c_ch2
             MOVE 0 TO c_num1
             MOVE 0 TO c_num2

             DISPLAY "FETCH CLCURS INTO :c_num1, :c_ch1, :c_num2,
      -    " :c_ch2;"
             EXEC SQL FETCH CLCURS INTO :c_num1, :c_ch1, :c_num2, :c_ch2
      *since the cursor is declared insensitive with cursor  
      *specification ORDER BY DESC the last row will be      
      *returned first 
             DISPLAY "COL_NUM1 should be 1005; it is ", c_num1, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_CH1 should be KEVIN; it is ", c_ch1, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_NUM2 should be 4005; it is ", c_num2, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_CH2 should be XIOS; it is ", c_ch2, " "
      *check if the inserted row is visible through the cursor
      *proceed if not record a NOGO if it is                  
             if (c_num1  NOT =  1005  OR  c_ch1  NOT  =   "KEVIN"  OR 
             c_num2  NOT =  4005) then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (c_ch2  NOT  =   "XIOS"then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             DISPLAY  " "

      *fetch remaining 5 rows, initialising before the host variables 
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxx" TO c_ch1
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxx" TO c_ch2
             MOVE 0 TO c_num1
             MOVE 0 TO c_num2
             DISPLAY "FETCH CLCURS INTO :c_num1, :c_ch1, :c_num2,
      -    " :c_ch2;"
             EXEC SQL FETCH CLCURS INTO :c_num1, :c_ch1, :c_num2, :c_ch2
             DISPLAY "COL_NUM1 should be 1004; it is ", c_num1, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_CH1 should be MORRIS;it is ", c_ch1, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_NUM2 should be 4004; it is ", c_num2, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_CH2 should be PARGA; it is ", c_ch2, " "
             if (c_num1  NOT =  1004  OR  c_ch1  NOT  =   "MORRIS"  OR 
             c_num2  NOT =  4004) then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (c_ch2  NOT  =   "PARGA"then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             DISPLAY  " "

      *4 remaining 
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxx" TO c_ch1
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxx" TO c_ch2
             MOVE 0 TO c_num1
             MOVE 0 TO c_num2
             DISPLAY "FETCH CLCURS INTO :c_num1, :c_ch1, :c_num2,
      -    " :c_ch2;"
             EXEC SQL FETCH CLCURS INTO :c_num1, :c_ch1, :c_num2, :c_ch2
             DISPLAY "COL_NUM1 should be 1003; it is ", c_num1, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_CH1 should be GEORGE; it is ", c_ch1, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_NUM2 should be 4003; it is ", c_num2, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_CH2 should be ARTA; it is ", c_ch2, " "
             if (c_num1  NOT =  1003  OR  c_ch1  NOT  =   "GEORGE"  OR 
             c_num2  NOT =  4003) then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (c_ch2  NOT  =   "ARTA"then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             DISPLAY  " "

      *3 remaining 
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxx" TO c_ch1
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxx" TO c_ch2
             MOVE 0 TO c_num1
             MOVE 0 TO c_num2
             DISPLAY "FETCH CLCURS INTO :c_num1, :c_ch1, :c_num2,
      -    " :c_ch2;"
             EXEC SQL FETCH CLCURS INTO :c_num1, :c_ch1, :c_num2, :c_ch2
             DISPLAY "COL_NUM1 should be 1002; it is ", c_num1, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_CH1 should be MAKIS; it is ", c_ch1, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_NUM2 should be 4002; it is ", c_num2, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_CH2 should be HANIA; it is ", c_ch2, " "
             if (c_num1  NOT =  1002  OR  c_ch1  NOT  =   "MAKIS"  OR 
             c_num2  NOT =  4002) then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (c_ch2  NOT  =   "HANIA"then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             DISPLAY  " "

      *2 remaining 
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxx" TO c_ch1
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxx" TO c_ch2
             MOVE 0 TO c_num1
             MOVE 0 TO c_num2
             DISPLAY "FETCH CLCURS INTO :c_num1, :c_ch1, :c_num2,
      -    " :c_ch2;"
             EXEC SQL FETCH CLCURS INTO :c_num1, :c_ch1, :c_num2, :c_ch2
             DISPLAY "COL_NUM1 should be 1001; it is ", c_num1, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_CH1 should be MARIA; it is ", c_ch1, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_NUM2 should be 4001; it is ", c_num2, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_CH2 should be RHODES; it is ", c_ch2, " "
             if (c_num1  NOT =  1001  OR  c_ch1  NOT  =   "MARIA"  OR 
             c_num2  NOT =  4001) then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (c_ch2  NOT  =   "RHODES"then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             DISPLAY  " "

      *1 remaining 
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxx" TO c_ch1
             MOVE "xxxxxxxxxx" TO c_ch2
             MOVE 0 TO c_num1
             MOVE 0 TO c_num2
             DISPLAY "FETCH CLCURS INTO :c_num1, :c_ch1, :c_num2,
      -    " :c_ch2;"
             EXEC SQL FETCH CLCURS INTO :c_num1, :c_ch1, :c_num2, :c_ch2
             DISPLAY "COL_NUM1 should be 1000; it is ", c_num1, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_CH1 should be NICKOS; it is ", c_ch1, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_NUM2 should be 4000; it is ", c_num2, " "
             DISPLAY "COL_CH2 should be ATHENS it is ", c_ch2, " "
             if (c_num1  NOT =  1000  OR  c_ch1  NOT  =   "NICKOS"  OR 
             c_num2  NOT =  4000) then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (c_ch2  NOT  =   "ATHENS"then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             DISPLAY  " "

      *end fetches 
      *now close the cursor 
             DISPLAY "CLOSE CLCURS;"
             DISPLAY  " "

      *restore table CL_STANDARD in its original state 
             DISPLAY  " "

      *record results 

             if ( flag  =  1 ) then
               DISPLAY " xts725.pco *** pass *** "
               MOVE SQLCODE TO SQL-COD
               DISPLAY "SQL extension INSENSITIVE cursor executed
      -    " successfully"
               DISPLAY "Vendor must demonstrate Intermediate Flagger
      -    " WARNING"
               DISPLAY " xts725.pco *** NOGO *** "
               MOVE SQLCODE TO SQL-COD
               DISPLAY "Vendor does not support fully "
               DISPLAY "Intermediate SQL extension "
               DISPLAY "Support for Insensitive cursors is not required"

             DISPLAY "========================================"

      *BAK : Check again in order to insert a third option for fail 
      *DWF: ??? 


      ******************** END TEST7025 ********************

           STOP RUN.

      *    ****  Procedures for PERFORM statements

      *Test SQLCODE and SQLSTATE for normal completion. 
             DISPLAY "SQLCODE should be 0; its value is ", SQL-COD
             DISPLAY "SQLSTATE should be 00000; its value is ", SQLSTATE
             if (SQLCODE NOT =  0  OR   NORMSQ NOT = "00000"then
               MOVE 0 TO flag
             if (NORMSQ = "00000"  AND  NORMSQ NOT = SQLSTATE)
               DISPLAY "Valid implementation-defined SQLSTATE accepted."


      *This routine replaces valid implementation-defined       
      *subclasses with 000.  This replacement equates valid     
      *implementation-defined subclasses with the 000 value     
      *expected by the test case; otherwise the test will fail. 
      *After calling NOSUBCLASS, NORMSQ will be tested          
      *                          SQLSTATE will be printed.      


           MOVE 3 TO norm1
      *subclass begins in position 3 of char array NORMSQ 
      *valid subclass begins with 5-9, I-Z, end of ALPNUM table 
           PERFORM VARYING norm2 FROM 14 BY 1 UNTIL norm2 > 36
           if (NORMSQX(norm1)  =  ALPNUM(norm2)) then
             MOVE "0" TO NORMSQX(norm1)
      *Quit if NORMSQ is unchanged.  Subclass is not impl.-def. 
      *Changed NORMSQ means implementation-defined subclass,    
      *so proceed to zero it out, if valid (0-9,A-Z)            
           if (NORMSQ   =   SQLSTATE) then

           MOVE 4 TO norm1
      *examining position 4 of char array NORMSQ 
      *valid characters are 0-9, A-Z 
           PERFORM VARYING norm2 FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL norm2 > 36
           if (NORMSQX(norm1)  =  ALPNUM(norm2)) then
             MOVE "0" TO NORMSQX(norm1)
           MOVE 5 TO norm1
      *valid characters are 0-9, A-Z 
      *examining position 5 of char array NORMSQ 
           PERFORM VARYING norm2 FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL norm2 > 36
           if (NORMSQX(norm1)  =  ALPNUM(norm2)) then
             MOVE "0" TO NORMSQX(norm1)
      *implementation-defined subclasses are allowed for warnings 
      *(class = 01).  These equate to successful completion 
      *SQLSTATE values of 00000. 
      *Reference SQL-92 4.28 SQL-transactions, paragraph 2 

           if (NORMSQX(1)  =  "0"  AND  NORMSQX(2)  =  "1"then
             MOVE "0" TO NORMSQX(2)


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