(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
type color = [
| `RED
| `INDEX of int
| `RGB of (int * int * int)
type style = {
fg_color : color option;
bg_color : color option;
bold : bool option;
italic : bool option;
underline : bool option;
negative : bool option;
prefix : string option;
suffix : string option;
let set o1 o2 = match o1 with
| None -> o2
| Some _ ->
match o2 with
| None -> o1
| Some _ -> o2
let default = {
fg_color = None;
bg_color = None;
bold = None;
italic = None;
underline = None;
negative = None;
prefix = None;
suffix = None;
let reset = "\027[0m"
let reset_style = {
fg_color = Some `DEFAULT;
bg_color = Some `DEFAULT;
bold = Some false;
italic = Some false;
underline = Some false;
negative = Some false;
prefix = None;
suffix = None;
let make ?fg_color ?bg_color ?bold ?italic ?underline ?negative ?style ?prefix ?suffix () =
let st = match style with
| None -> default
| Some st -> st
fg_color = set st.fg_color fg_color;
bg_color = set st.bg_color bg_color;
bold = set st.bold bold;
italic = set st.italic italic;
underline = set st.underline underline;
negative = set st.negative negative;
prefix = set st.prefix prefix;
suffix = set st.suffix suffix;
let merge s1 s2 =
fg_color = set s1.fg_color s2.fg_color;
bg_color = set s1.bg_color s2.bg_color;
bold = set s1.bold s2.bold;
italic = set s1.italic s2.italic;
underline = set s1.underline s2.underline;
negative = set s1.negative s2.negative;
prefix = set s1.prefix s2.prefix;
suffix = set s1.suffix s2.suffix;
let diff s1 s2 =
let diff_op o1 o2 reset_val = match o1 with
| None -> o2
| Some _ ->
match o2 with
| None -> reset_val
| Some _ -> if o1 = o2 then None else o2 in
fg_color = diff_op s1.fg_color s2.fg_color reset_style.fg_color;
bg_color = diff_op s1.bg_color s2.bg_color reset_style.bg_color;
bold = diff_op s1.bold s2.bold reset_style.bold;
italic = diff_op s1.italic s2.italic reset_style.italic;
underline = diff_op s1.underline s2.underline reset_style.underline;
negative = diff_op s1.negative s2.negative reset_style.negative;
prefix = diff_op s1.prefix s2.prefix reset_style.prefix;
suffix = diff_op s1.suffix s2.suffix reset_style.suffix;
let base_color = function
| `DEFAULT -> 9
| `BLACK -> 0
| `RED -> 1
| `GREEN -> 2
| `YELLOW -> 3
| `BLUE -> 4
| `MAGENTA -> 5
| `CYAN -> 6
| `WHITE -> 7
| `LIGHT_RED -> 1
| `LIGHT_BLUE -> 4
| `LIGHT_CYAN -> 6
| _ -> invalid_arg "base_color"
let extended_color off = function
| `INDEX i -> [off + 8; 5; i]
| `RGB (r, g, b) -> [off + 8; 2; r; g; b]
| _ -> invalid_arg "extended_color"
let is_light = function
| `LIGHT_WHITE -> true
| _ -> false
let is_extended = function
| `INDEX _ | `RGB _ -> true
| _ -> false
let repr st =
let fg = match st.fg_color with
| None -> []
| Some c ->
if is_light c then [90 + base_color c]
else if is_extended c then extended_color 30 c
else [30 + base_color c]
let bg = match st.bg_color with
| None -> []
| Some c ->
if is_light c then [100 + base_color c]
else if is_extended c then extended_color 40 c
else [40 + base_color c]
let bold = match st.bold with
| None -> []
| Some true -> [1]
| Some false -> [22]
let italic = match st.italic with
| None -> []
| Some true -> [3]
| Some false -> [23]
let underline = match st.underline with
| None -> []
| Some true -> [4]
| Some false -> [24]
let negative = match st.negative with
| None -> []
| Some true -> [7]
| Some false -> [27]
fg @ bg @ bold @ italic @ underline @ negative
let eval st =
let tags = repr st in
let tags = List.map string_of_int tags in
if List.length tags = 0 then "" else
Printf.sprintf "\027[%sm" (String.concat ";" tags)
let has_style t =
Unix.isatty t && Sys.os_type = "Unix"
let split c s =
let len = String.length s in
let rec split n =
let pos = String.index_from s n c in
let dir = String.sub s n (pos-n) in
dir :: split (succ pos)
| Not_found -> [String.sub s n (len-n)]
if len = 0 then [] else split 0
let check_char i = if i < 0 || i > 255 then invalid_arg "check_char"
let parse_color off rem = match off with
| 0 -> (`BLACK, rem)
| 1 -> (`RED, rem)
| 2 -> (`GREEN, rem)
| 3 -> (`YELLOW, rem)
| 4 -> (`BLUE, rem)
| 5 -> (`MAGENTA, rem)
| 6 -> (`CYAN, rem)
| 7 -> (`WHITE, rem)
| 9 -> (`DEFAULT, rem)
| 8 ->
begin match rem with
| 5 :: i :: rem ->
check_char i;
(`INDEX i, rem)
| 2 :: r :: g :: b :: rem ->
check_char r;
check_char g;
check_char b;
(`RGB (r, g, b), rem)
| _ -> invalid_arg "parse_color"
| _ -> invalid_arg "parse_color"
let set_light = function
| _ -> invalid_arg "parse_color"
let rec parse_style style = function
| [] -> style
| 0 :: rem ->
let style = merge style reset_style in
parse_style style rem
| 1 :: rem ->
let style = make ~style ~bold:true () in
parse_style style rem
| 3 :: rem ->
let style = make ~style ~italic:true () in
parse_style style rem
| 4 :: rem ->
let style = make ~style ~underline:true () in
parse_style style rem
| 7 :: rem ->
let style = make ~style ~negative:true () in
parse_style style rem
| 22 :: rem ->
let style = make ~style ~bold:false () in
parse_style style rem
| 23 :: rem ->
let style = make ~style ~italic:false () in
parse_style style rem
| 24 :: rem ->
let style = make ~style ~underline:false () in
parse_style style rem
| 27 :: rem ->
let style = make ~style ~negative:false () in
parse_style style rem
| code :: rem when (30 <= code && code < 40) ->
let color, rem = parse_color (code mod 10) rem in
let style = make ~style ~fg_color:color () in
parse_style style rem
| code :: rem when (40 <= code && code < 50) ->
let color, rem = parse_color (code mod 10) rem in
let style = make ~style ~bg_color:color () in
parse_style style rem
| code :: rem when (90 <= code && code < 100) ->
let color, rem = parse_color (code mod 10) rem in
let style = make ~style ~fg_color:(set_light color) () in
parse_style style rem
| code :: rem when (100 <= code && code < 110) ->
let color, rem = parse_color (code mod 10) rem in
let style = make ~style ~bg_color:(set_light color) () in
parse_style style rem
| _ :: rem -> parse_style style rem
(** Parse LS_COLORS-like strings *)
let parse s =
let defs = split ':' s in
let fold accu s = match split '=' s with
| [name; attrs] ->
let attrs = split ';' attrs in
let accu =
let attrs = List.map int_of_string attrs in
let attrs = parse_style (make ()) attrs in
(name, attrs) :: accu
with _ -> accu
| _ -> accu
List.fold_left fold [] defs
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