(targets sphinx_build)
; We could use finer dependencies here so the build is faster:
; - vo files: generated by sphinx after parsing the doc, promoted,
; - Static files:
; + %{bin:coqdoc} etc...
; + config/coq_config.py
; + tools/coqdoc/coqdoc.css
(package coq)
(source_tree sphinx)
(source_tree tools)
(run env COQLIB=%{project_root} sphinx-build -j4 %{env:SPHINXWARNOPT=-W} -b html -d sphinx_build/doctrees sphinx sphinx_build/html)))
(name refman-html)
(deps sphinx_build))
(targets unreleased.rst)
(deps (source_tree changelog))
(action (with-stdout-to %{targets} (bash "cat changelog/00-title.rst changelog/*/*.rst"))))
; The install target still needs more work.
; (install
; (section doc)
; (package coq-refman)
; (files sphinx_build))
[ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.27 Sekunden