(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
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(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(** This file defines the datatypes used as internal states by the
tactic monad, and specialises the [Logic_monad] to these type. *)
(** {6 Trees/forest for traces} *)
module Trace = struct
(** The intent is that an ['a forest] is a list of messages of type
['a]. But messages can stand for a list of more precise
messages, hence the structure is organised as a tree. *)
type 'a forest = 'a tree list
and 'a tree = Seq of 'a * 'a forest
(** To build a trace incrementally, we use an intermediary data
structure on which we can define an S-expression like language
(like a simplified xml except the closing tags do not carry a
name). Note that nodes are built from right to left in ['a
incr], the result is mirrored when returning so that in the
exposed interface, the forest is read from left to right.
Concretely, we want to add a new tree to a forest: and we are
building it by adding new trees to the left of its left-most
subtrees which is built the same way. *)
type 'a incr = { head:'a forest ; opened: 'a tree list }
(** S-expression like language as ['a incr] transformers. It is the
responsibility of the library builder not to use [close] when no
tag is open. *)
let empty_incr = { head=[] ; opened=[] }
let opn a { head ; opened } = { head ; opened = Seq(a,[])::opened }
let close { head ; opened } =
match opened with
| [a] -> { head = a::head ; opened=[] }
| a::Seq(b,f)::opened -> { head ; opened=Seq(b,a::f)::opened }
| [] -> assert false
let leaf a s = close (opn a s)
(** Returning a forest. It is the responsibility of the library
builder to close all the tags. *)
(* spiwack: I may want to close the tags instead, to deal with
interruptions. *)
let rec mirror f = List.rev_map mirror_tree f
and mirror_tree (Seq(a,f)) = Seq(a,mirror f)
let to_tree = function
| { head ; opened=[] } -> mirror head
| { head ; opened=_::_} -> assert false
(** {6 State types} *)
(** We typically label nodes of [Trace.tree] with messages to
print. But we don't want to compute the result. *)
type lazy_msg = Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> Pp.t
(** Info trace. *)
module Info = struct
(** The type of the tags for [info]. *)
type tag =
| Msg of lazy_msg (** A simple message *)
| Tactic of lazy_msg (** A tactic call *)
| Dispatch (** A call to [tclDISPATCH]/[tclEXTEND] *)
| DBranch (** A special marker to delimit individual branch of a dispatch. *)
type state = tag Trace.incr
type tree = tag Trace.forest
let pr_in_comments env sigma m = Pp.(str"(* "++ m env sigma ++str" *)")
let unbranch = function
| Trace.Seq (DBranch,brs) -> brs
| _ -> assert false
let is_empty_branch = let open Trace in function
| Seq(DBranch,[]) -> true
| _ -> false
(** Dispatch with empty branches are (supposed to be) equivalent to
[idtac] which need not appear, so they are removed from the
trace. *)
let dispatch brs =
let open Trace in
if CList.for_all is_empty_branch brs then None
else Some (Seq(Dispatch,brs))
let constr = let open Trace in function
| Dispatch -> dispatch
| t -> fun br -> Some (Seq(t,br))
let rec compress_tree = let open Trace in function
| Seq(t,f) -> constr t (compress f)
and compress f =
CList.map_filter compress_tree f
(** [with_sep] is [true] when [Tactic m] must be printed with a
trailing semi-colon. *)
let rec pr_tree env sigma with_sep = let open Trace in function
| Seq (Msg m,[]) -> pr_in_comments env sigma m
| Seq (Tactic m,_) ->
let tail = if with_sep then Pp.str";" else Pp.mt () in
Pp.(m env sigma ++ tail)
| Seq (Dispatch,brs) ->
let tail = if with_sep then Pp.str";" else Pp.mt () in
Pp.(pr_dispatch env sigma brs++tail)
| Seq (Msg _,_::_) | Seq (DBranch,_) -> assert false
and pr_dispatch env sigma brs =
let open Pp in
let brs = List.map unbranch brs in
match brs with
| [br] -> pr_forest env sigma br
| _ ->
let sep () = spc()++str"|"++spc() in
let branches = prlist_with_sep sep (pr_forest env sigma) brs in
and pr_forest env sigma = function
| [] -> Pp.mt ()
| [tr] -> pr_tree env sigma false tr
| tr::l -> Pp.(pr_tree env sigma true tr ++ pr_forest env sigma l)
let print env sigma f =
pr_forest env sigma (compress f)
let rec collapse_tree n t =
let open Trace in
match n , t with
| 0 , t -> [t]
| _ , (Seq(Tactic _,[]) as t) -> [t]
| n , Seq(Tactic _,f) -> collapse (pred n) f
| n , Seq(Dispatch,brs) -> [Seq(Dispatch, (collapse n brs))]
| n , Seq(DBranch,br) -> [Seq(DBranch, (collapse n br))]
| _ , (Seq(Msg _,_) as t) -> [t]
and collapse n f =
CList.map_append (collapse_tree n) f
module StateStore = Store.Make(struct end)
(* let (set_state, get_state) = StateDyn.Easy.make_dyn "goal_state" *)
type goal = Evar.t
type goal_with_state = Evar.t * StateStore.t
let drop_state = fst
let get_state = snd
let goal_with_state g s = (g, s)
let with_empty_state g = (g, StateStore.empty)
let map_goal_with_state f (g, s) = (f g, s)
(** Type of proof views: current [evar_map] together with the list of
focused goals. *)
type proofview = {
solution : Evd.evar_map;
comb : goal_with_state list;
shelf : goal list;
(** {6 Instantiation of the logic monad} *)
(** Parameters of the logic monads *)
module P = struct
type s = proofview * Environ.env
(** Recording info trace (true) or not. *)
type e = { trace: bool; name : Names.Id.t; poly : bool }
(** Status (safe/unsafe) * shelved goals * given up *)
type w = bool * goal list
let wunit = true , []
let wprod (b1, g1) (b2, g2) = b1 && b2 , g1@g2
type u = Info.state
let uunit = Trace.empty_incr
module Logical = Logic_monad.Logical(P)
(** {6 Lenses to access to components of the states} *)
module type State = sig
type t
val get : t Logical.t
val set : t -> unit Logical.t
val modify : (t->t) -> unit Logical.t
module type Writer = sig
type t
val put : t -> unit Logical.t
module Pv : State with type t := proofview = struct
let get = Logical.(map fst get)
let set p = Logical.modify (fun (_,e) -> (p,e))
let modify f= Logical.modify (fun (p,e) -> (f p,e))
module Solution : State with type t := Evd.evar_map = struct
let get = Logical.map (fun {solution} -> solution) Pv.get
let set s = Pv.modify (fun pv -> { pv with solution = s })
let modify f = Pv.modify (fun pv -> { pv with solution = f pv.solution })
module Comb : State with type t = goal_with_state list = struct
(* spiwack: I don't know why I cannot substitute ([:=]) [t] with a type expression. *)
type t = goal_with_state list
let get = Logical.map (fun {comb} -> comb) Pv.get
let set c = Pv.modify (fun pv -> { pv with comb = c })
let modify f = Pv.modify (fun pv -> { pv with comb = f pv.comb })
module Env : State with type t := Environ.env = struct
let get = Logical.(map snd get)
let set e = Logical.modify (fun (p,_) -> (p,e))
let modify f = Logical.modify (fun (p,e) -> (p,f e))
module Status : Writer with type t := bool = struct
let put s = Logical.put (s, [])
module Shelf : State with type t = goal list = struct
(* spiwack: I don't know why I cannot substitute ([:=]) [t] with a type expression. *)
type t = goal list
let get = Logical.map (fun {shelf} -> shelf) Pv.get
let set c = Pv.modify (fun pv -> { pv with shelf = c })
let modify f = Pv.modify (fun pv -> { pv with shelf = f pv.shelf })
module Giveup : Writer with type t = goal list = struct
(* spiwack: I don't know why I cannot substitute ([:=]) [t] with a type expression. *)
type t = goal list
let put gs = Logical.put (true, gs)
(** Lens and utilities pertaining to the info trace *)
module InfoL = struct
let recording = Logical.(map (fun {P.trace} -> trace) current)
let if_recording t =
let open Logical in
recording >>= fun r ->
if r then t else return ()
let record_trace t =
current >>= fun s ->
local {s with P.trace = true} t)
let raw_update = Logical.update
let update f = if_recording (raw_update f)
let opn a = update (Trace.opn a)
let close = update Trace.close
let leaf a = update (Trace.leaf a)
let tag a t =
let open Logical in
recording >>= fun r ->
if r then begin
raw_update (Trace.opn a) >>
t >>= fun a ->
raw_update Trace.close >>
return a
end else
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