(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Preferences
let _ = GtkMain.Main.init ()
let warn_image () =
let img = GMisc.image () in
img#set_stock `DIALOG_WARNING;
img#set_icon_size `DIALOG;
let warning msg =
GToolbox.message_box ~title:"Warning" ~icon:(warn_image ())#coerce msg
let cb = GData.clipboard Gdk.Atom.primary
(* status bar and locations *)
let status = GMisc.statusbar ()
let push_info,pop_info,clear_info =
let status_context = status#new_context ~name:"Messages" in
let size = ref 0 in
(fun s -> incr size; ignore (status_context#push s)),
(fun () -> decr size; status_context#pop ()),
(fun () -> for _i = 1 to !size do status_context#pop () done; size := 0)
let flash_info =
let flash_context = status#new_context ~name:"Flash" in
(fun ?(delay=5000) s -> flash_context#flash ~delay s)
(* Note: Setting the same attribute with two separate tags appears to use
the first value applied and not the second. I saw this trying to set the background
color on Windows. A clean fix, if ever needed, would be to combine the attributes
of the tags into a single composite tag before applying. This is left as an
exercise for the reader. *)
let insert_with_tags (buf : #GText.buffer_skel) mark rmark tags text =
(* FIXME: LablGTK2 does not export the C insert_with_tags function, so that
it has to reimplement its own helper function. Unluckily, it relies on
a slow algorithm, so that we have to have our own quicker version here.
Alas, it is still much slower than the native version... *)
if CList.is_empty tags then buf#insert ~iter:(buf#get_iter_at_mark mark) text
let it = buf#get_iter_at_mark mark in
let () = buf#move_mark rmark ~where:it in
let () = buf#insert ~iter:(buf#get_iter_at_mark mark) text in
let start = buf#get_iter_at_mark mark in
let stop = buf#get_iter_at_mark rmark in
let iter tag = buf#apply_tag tag ~start ~stop in
List.iter iter (List.rev tags)
let nl_white_regex = Str.regexp "^\\( *\n *\\)"
let diff_regex = Str.regexp "^diff."
let insert_xml ?(mark = `INSERT) ?(tags = []) (buf : #GText.buffer_skel) msg =
let open Xml_datatype in
let dtags = ref [] in
let tag name =
match GtkText.TagTable.lookup buf#tag_table name with
| None -> raise Not_found
| Some tag -> new GText.tag tag
let rmark = `MARK (buf#create_mark buf#start_iter) in
(* insert the string, but don't apply diff highlights to white space at the begin/end of line *)
let rec insert_str tags s =
let etags = try List.hd !dtags :: tags with hd -> tags in
let start = Str.search_forward nl_white_regex s 0 in
insert_with_tags buf mark rmark etags (String.sub s 0 start);
insert_with_tags buf mark rmark tags (Str.matched_group 1 s);
let mend = Str.match_end () in
insert_str tags (String.sub s mend (String.length s - mend))
with Not_found ->
insert_with_tags buf mark rmark etags s
let rec insert tags = function
| PCData s -> insert_str tags s
| Element (t, _, children) ->
let (pfx, tname) = Pp.split_tag t in
let is_diff = try let _ = Str.search_forward diff_regex tname 0 in true with Not_found -> false in
let (tags, have_tag) =
let t = tag tname in
if is_diff && pfx <> Pp.end_pfx then
dtags := t :: !dtags;
if pfx = "" then
((if is_diff then tags else t :: tags), true)
(tags, true)
with Not_found -> (tags, false)
List.iter (fun xml -> insert tags xml) children;
if have_tag && is_diff && pfx <> Pp.start_pfx then
dtags := (try List.tl !dtags with tl -> []);
let () = try insert tags msg with _ -> () in
buf#delete_mark rmark
let set_location = ref (function s -> failwith "not ready")
let display_location ins =
let line = ins#line + 1 in
let off = ins#line_offset + 1 in
let msg = Printf.sprintf "Line: %5d Char: %3d" line off in
!set_location msg
(** A utf8 char is either a single byte (ascii char, 0xxxxxxx)
or multi-byte (with a leading byte 11xxxxxx and extra bytes 10xxxxxx) *)
let is_extra_byte c = ((Char.code c) lsr 6 = 2)
(** For a string buffer that may contain utf8 chars,
we convert a byte offset into a char offset
by only counting char-starting bytes.
Normally the string buffer starts with a char-starting byte
(buffer produced by a [#get_text]) *)
let byte_offset_to_char_offset s byte_offset =
let extra_bytes = ref 0 in
for i = 0 to min byte_offset (String.length s - 1) do
if is_extra_byte s.[i] then incr extra_bytes
byte_offset - !extra_bytes
let glib_utf8_pos_to_offset s ~off = byte_offset_to_char_offset s off
let do_convert s =
let from_loc () =
let _,char_set = Glib.Convert.get_charset () in
flash_info ("Converting from locale ("^char_set^")");
~to_codeset:"UTF-8" ~from_codeset:char_set s
let from_manual enc =
flash_info ("Converting from "^ enc);
Glib.Convert.convert s ~to_codeset:"UTF-8" ~from_codeset:enc
let s =
if Glib.Utf8.validate s then (Minilib.log "Input is UTF-8"; s)
else match encoding#get with
|Preferences.Eutf8 | Preferences.Elocale -> from_loc ()
|Emanual enc -> try from_manual enc with _ -> from_loc ()
Utf8_convert.f s
let try_convert s =
do_convert s
with _ ->
"(* Fatal error: wrong encoding in input. \
Please choose a correct encoding in the preference panel.*)";;
let export file_name s =
let oc = open_out_bin file_name in
let ending = line_ending#get in
let is_windows = ref false in
for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
match s.[i] with
| '\r' -> is_windows := true
| '\n' ->
begin match ending with
if !is_windows then (output_char oc '\r'; output_char oc '\n')
else output_char oc '\n'
| `WINDOWS -> output_char oc '\r'; output_char oc '\n'
| `UNIX -> output_char oc '\n'
| c -> output_char oc c
close_out oc
let try_export file_name s =
let s =
try match encoding#get with
|Eutf8 -> Minilib.log "UTF-8 is enforced" ; s
|Elocale ->
let is_unicode,char_set = Glib.Convert.get_charset () in
if is_unicode then
(Minilib.log "Locale is UTF-8" ; s)
(Minilib.log ("Locale is "^char_set);
~from_codeset:"UTF-8" ~to_codeset:char_set s)
|Emanual enc ->
(Minilib.log ("Manual charset is "^ enc);
~from_codeset:"UTF-8" ~to_codeset:enc s)
with e ->
let str = Printexc.to_string e in
Minilib.log ("Error ("^str^") in transcoding: falling back to UTF-8");
try export file_name s; true
with e -> Minilib.log (Printexc.to_string e);false
type timer = { run : ms:int -> callback:(unit->bool) -> unit;
kill : unit -> unit }
let mktimer () =
let timer = ref None in
{ run =
(fun ~ms ~callback ->
timer := Some (GMain.Timeout.add ~ms ~callback));
kill =
(fun () -> match !timer with
| None -> ()
| Some id ->
(try GMain.Timeout.remove id
with Glib.GError _ -> ());
timer := None) }
let filter_all_files () = GFile.filter
~patterns:["*"] ()
let filter_coq_files () = GFile.filter
~name:"Coq source code"
~patterns:[ "*.v"] ()
let current_dir () = match project_path#get with
| None -> ""
| Some dir -> dir
let select_file_for_open ~title ?(filter=true) ?parent ?filename () =
let file_chooser =
GWindow.file_chooser_dialog ~action:`OPEN ~modal:true ~title ?parent ()
file_chooser#add_button_stock `CANCEL `CANCEL ;
file_chooser#add_select_button_stock `OPEN `OPEN ;
if filter then
file_chooser#add_filter (filter_coq_files ());
file_chooser#add_filter (filter_all_files ())
file_chooser#set_default_response `OPEN;
let dir = match filename with
| None -> current_dir ()
| Some f -> Filename.dirname f in
ignore (file_chooser#set_current_folder dir);
let file =
match file_chooser#run () with
| `OPEN ->
match file_chooser#filename with
| None -> None
| Some _ as f ->
project_path#set file_chooser#current_folder; f
| `DELETE_EVENT | `CANCEL -> None in
file_chooser#destroy ();
let select_file_for_save ~title ?parent ?filename () =
let file = ref None in
let file_chooser =
GWindow.file_chooser_dialog ~action:`SAVE ~modal:true ~title ?parent ()
file_chooser#add_button_stock `CANCEL `CANCEL ;
file_chooser#add_select_button_stock `SAVE `SAVE ;
file_chooser#add_filter (filter_coq_files ());
file_chooser#add_filter (filter_all_files ());
file_chooser#set_do_overwrite_confirmation true;
file_chooser#set_default_response `SAVE;
let dir,filename = match filename with
|None -> current_dir (), ""
|Some f -> Filename.dirname f, Filename.basename f
ignore (file_chooser#set_current_folder dir);
ignore (file_chooser#set_current_name filename);
begin match file_chooser#run () with
| `SAVE ->
file := file_chooser#filename;
match !file with
None -> ()
| Some s -> project_path#set file_chooser#current_folder
end ;
file_chooser#destroy ();
let find_tag_start (tag :GText.tag) (it:GText.iter) =
let it = it#copy in
let tag = Some tag in
while not (it#begins_tag tag) && it#nocopy#backward_char do
let find_tag_stop (tag :GText.tag) (it:GText.iter) =
let it = it#copy in
let tag = Some tag in
while not (it#ends_tag tag) && it#nocopy#forward_char do
let find_tag_limits (tag :GText.tag) (it:GText.iter) =
(find_tag_start tag it , find_tag_stop tag it)
let stock_to_widget ?(size=`BUTTON) s =
let img = GMisc.image () in
(match size with
| `CUSTOM(width,height) ->
let opb = img#misc#render_icon ~size:`BUTTON s in
let pb = GdkPixbuf.create ~width ~height
~bits:(GdkPixbuf.get_bits_per_sample opb)
~has_alpha:(GdkPixbuf.get_has_alpha opb) () in
GdkPixbuf.scale ~width ~height ~dest:pb opb;
img#set_pixbuf pb
| #Gtk.Tags.icon_size as icon_size ->
img#set_stock s;
img#set_icon_size icon_size);
let custom_coqtop = ref None
let coqtop_path () =
let file = match !custom_coqtop with
| Some s -> s
| None ->
match cmd_coqtop#get with
| Some s -> s
| None ->
let new_prog = System.get_toplevel_path "coqidetop" in
(* The file exists or it is to be found by path *)
if Sys.file_exists new_prog ||
CString.equal Filename.(basename new_prog) new_prog
then new_prog
let in_macos_bundle =
(Filename.dirname new_prog)
(Filename.concat "../Resources/bin" (Filename.basename new_prog))
in if Sys.file_exists in_macos_bundle then in_macos_bundle
else "coqidetop.opt"
with Not_found -> "coqidetop.opt"
in file
(* In win32, when a command-line is to be executed via cmd.exe
(i.e. Sys.command, Unix.open_process, ...), it cannot contain several
quoted "..." zones otherwise some quotes are lost. Solution: we re-quote
everything. Reference: http://ss64.com/nt/cmd.html *)
let requote cmd = if Sys.os_type = "Win32" then "\""^cmd^"\"" else cmd
let textview_width (view : #GText.view_skel) =
let rect = view#visible_rect in
let pixel_width = Gdk.Rectangle.width rect in
let metrics = view#misc#pango_context#get_metrics () in
let char_width = GPango.to_pixels metrics#approx_char_width in
pixel_width / char_width
type logger = Feedback.level -> Pp.t -> unit
let default_logger level message =
let level = match level with
| Feedback.Debug -> `DEBUG
| Feedback.Info -> `INFO
| Feedback.Notice -> `NOTICE
| Feedback.Warning -> `WARNING
| Feedback.Error -> `ERROR
Minilib.log_pp ~level message
(** {6 File operations} *)
(** A customized [stat] function. Exceptions are caught. *)
type stats = MTime of float | NoSuchFile | OtherError
let stat f =
try MTime (Unix.stat f).Unix.st_mtime
| Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT,_,_) -> NoSuchFile
| _ -> OtherError
(** I/O utilities
Note: In a mono-thread coqide, we use the same buffer for
different read operations *)
let maxread = 4096
let read_string = Bytes.create maxread
let read_buffer = Buffer.create maxread
(** Read the content of file [f] and add it to buffer [b].
I/O Exceptions are propagated. *)
let read_file name buf =
let ic = Util.open_utf8_file_in name in
let len = ref 0 in
while len := input ic read_string 0 maxread; !len > 0 do
Buffer.add_subbytes buf read_string 0 !len
close_in ic
with e -> close_in ic; raise e
(** Read what is available on a gtk channel. This channel should have been
set as non-blocking. When there's nothing more to read, the inner loop
will be exited via a GError exception concerning a EAGAIN unix error.
Anyway, any other exception also stops the read. *)
let io_read_all chan =
Buffer.clear read_buffer;
let read_once () =
let len = Glib.Io.read_chars ~buf:read_string ~pos:0 ~len:maxread chan in
Buffer.add_subbytes read_buffer read_string 0 len
try while true do read_once () done
with Glib.GError _ -> ()
Buffer.contents read_buffer
(** Run an external command asynchronously *)
let run_command display finally cmd =
let cin = Unix.open_process_in cmd in
let fd = Unix.descr_of_in_channel cin in
let () = Unix.set_nonblock fd in
let io_chan = Glib.Io.channel_of_descr fd in
let all_conds = [`ERR; `HUP; `IN; `NVAL; `PRI] in (* all except `OUT *)
let rec has_errors = function
| [] -> false
| (`IN | `PRI) :: conds -> has_errors conds
| e :: _ -> true
let handle_end () = finally (Unix.close_process_in cin); false
let handle_input conds =
if has_errors conds then handle_end ()
let s = io_read_all io_chan in
if s = "" then handle_end ()
else (display (try_convert s); true)
ignore (Glib.Io.add_watch ~cond:all_conds ~callback:handle_input io_chan)
(** Web browsing *)
let browse prerr url =
let com = Util.subst_command_placeholder cmd_browse#get url in
let finally = function
| Unix.WEXITED 127 ->
("Could not execute:\n"^com^"\n"^
"check your preferences for setting a valid browser command\n")
| _ -> ()
run_command (fun _ -> ()) finally com
let url_for_keyword =
let ht = Hashtbl.create 97 in
lazy (
begin try
let cin =
try let index_urls = Filename.concat (List.find
(fun x -> Sys.file_exists (Filename.concat x "index_urls.txt"))
(Minilib.coqide_data_dirs ())) "index_urls.txt" in
open_in index_urls
with Not_found -> raise Exit
try while true do
let s = input_line cin in
let i = String.index s ',' in
let k = String.sub s 0 i in
let u = String.sub s (i + 1) (String.length s - i - 1) in
Hashtbl.add ht k u
with _ ->
Minilib.log "Warning: Cannot parse documentation index file."
done with End_of_file ->
close_in cin
with _ ->
Minilib.log "Warning: Cannot find documentation index file."
Hashtbl.find ht : string -> string)
let browse_keyword prerr text =
let u = Lazy.force url_for_keyword text in
browse prerr (Coq_config.wwwrefman ^ u)
with Not_found -> prerr ("No documentation found for \""^text^"\".\n")
let rec is_valid (s : Pp.t) = match Pp.repr s with
| Pp.Ppcmd_empty
| Pp.Ppcmd_print_break _
| Pp.Ppcmd_force_newline -> true
| Pp.Ppcmd_glue l -> List.for_all is_valid l
| Pp.Ppcmd_string s -> Glib.Utf8.validate s
| Pp.Ppcmd_box (_,s)
| Pp.Ppcmd_tag (_,s) -> is_valid s
| Pp.Ppcmd_comment s -> List.for_all Glib.Utf8.validate s
let validate s =
if is_valid s then s else Pp.str "This error massage can't be printed."
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.31 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.