(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
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(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Util
open Term
open Constr
open Vars
open Declarations
open Cooking
open Entries
(* Discharging mutual inductive *)
(* Replace
Var(y1)..Var(yq):C1..Cq |- Ij:Bj
Var(y1)..Var(yq):C1..Cq; I1..Ip:B1..Bp |- ci : Ti
|- Ij: (y1..yq:C1..Cq)Bj
I1..Ip:(B1 y1..yq)..(Bp y1..yq) |- ci : (y1..yq:C1..Cq)Ti[Ij:=(Ij y1..yq)]
let abstract_inductive decls nparamdecls inds =
let ntyp = List.length inds in
let ndecls = Context.Named.length decls in
let args = Context.Named.to_instance mkVar (List.rev decls) in
let args = Array.of_list args in
let subs = List.init ntyp (fun k -> lift ndecls (mkApp(mkRel (k+1),args))) in
let inds' =
(function (tname,arity,template,cnames,lc) ->
let lc' = List.map (substl subs) lc in
let lc'' = List.map (fun b -> Termops.it_mkNamedProd_wo_LetIn b decls) lc' in
let arity' = Termops.it_mkNamedProd_wo_LetIn arity decls in
inds in
let nparamdecls' = nparamdecls + Array.length args in
(* To be sure to be the same as before, should probably be moved to process_inductive *)
let params' = let (_,arity,_,_,_) = List.hd inds' in
let (params,_) = decompose_prod_n_assum nparamdecls' arity in
let ind'' =
(fun (a,arity,template,c,lc) ->
let _, short_arity = decompose_prod_n_assum nparamdecls' arity in
let shortlc =
List.map (fun c -> snd (decompose_prod_n_assum nparamdecls' c)) lc in
{ mind_entry_typename = a;
mind_entry_arity = short_arity;
mind_entry_template = template;
mind_entry_consnames = c;
mind_entry_lc = shortlc })
in (params',ind'')
let refresh_polymorphic_type_of_inductive (_,mip) =
match mip.mind_arity with
| RegularArity s -> s.mind_user_arity, false
| TemplateArity ar ->
let ctx = List.rev mip.mind_arity_ctxt in
mkArity (List.rev ctx, Sorts.sort_of_univ ar.template_level), true
let process_inductive info modlist mib =
let section_decls = Lib.named_of_variable_context info.Lib.abstr_ctx in
let nparamdecls = Context.Rel.length mib.mind_params_ctxt in
let subst, ind_univs =
match mib.mind_universes with
| Monomorphic ctx -> Univ.empty_level_subst, Monomorphic_entry ctx
| Polymorphic auctx ->
let subst, auctx = Lib.discharge_abstract_universe_context info auctx in
let nas = Univ.AUContext.names auctx in
let auctx = Univ.AUContext.repr auctx in
subst, Polymorphic_entry (nas, auctx)
let variance = match mib.mind_variance with
| None -> None
| Some _ -> Some (InferCumulativity.dummy_variance ind_univs)
let discharge c = Vars.subst_univs_level_constr subst (expmod_constr modlist c) in
let inds =
(fun mip ->
let ty, template = refresh_polymorphic_type_of_inductive (mib,mip) in
let arity = discharge ty in
let lc = Array.map discharge mip.mind_user_lc in
arity, template,
Array.to_list mip.mind_consnames,
Array.to_list lc))
mib.mind_packets in
let section_decls' = Context.Named.map discharge section_decls in
let (params',inds') = abstract_inductive section_decls' nparamdecls inds in
let record = match mib.mind_record with
| PrimRecord info ->
Some (Some (Array.map (fun (x,_,_,_) -> x) info))
| FakeRecord -> Some None
| NotRecord -> None
{ mind_entry_record = record;
mind_entry_finite = mib.mind_finite;
mind_entry_params = params';
mind_entry_inds = inds';
mind_entry_private = mib.mind_private;
mind_entry_variance = variance;
mind_entry_universes = ind_univs
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.18 Sekunden
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