(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Names
open Constr
open Mod_subst
(*s Global reference is a kernel side type for all references together *)
type global_reference = GlobRef.t =
| VarRef of variable (** A reference to the section-context. *)
| ConstRef of Constant.t (** A reference to the environment. *)
| IndRef of inductive (** A reference to an inductive type. *)
| ConstructRef of constructor (** A reference to a constructor of an inductive type. *)
let isVarRef = function VarRef _ -> true | _ -> false
let isConstRef = function ConstRef _ -> true | _ -> false
let isIndRef = function IndRef _ -> true | _ -> false
let isConstructRef = function ConstructRef _ -> true | _ -> false
let destVarRef = function VarRef ind -> ind | _ -> failwith "destVarRef"
let destConstRef = function ConstRef ind -> ind | _ -> failwith "destConstRef"
let destIndRef = function IndRef ind -> ind | _ -> failwith "destIndRef"
let destConstructRef = function ConstructRef ind -> ind | _ -> failwith "destConstructRef"
let subst_constructor subst (ind,j as ref) =
let ind' = subst_ind subst ind in
if ind==ind' then ref
else (ind',j)
let subst_global_reference subst ref = match ref with
| VarRef var -> ref
| ConstRef kn ->
let kn' = subst_constant subst kn in
if kn==kn' then ref else ConstRef kn'
| IndRef ind ->
let ind' = subst_ind subst ind in
if ind==ind' then ref else IndRef ind'
| ConstructRef ((kn,i),j as c) ->
let c' = subst_constructor subst c in
if c'==c then ref else ConstructRef c'
let subst_global subst ref = match ref with
| VarRef var -> ref, None
| ConstRef kn ->
let kn',t = subst_con subst kn in
if kn==kn' then ref, None else ConstRef kn', t
| IndRef ind ->
let ind' = subst_ind subst ind in
if ind==ind' then ref, None else IndRef ind', None
| ConstructRef ((kn,i),j as c) ->
let c' = subst_constructor subst c in
if c'==c then ref,None else ConstructRef c', None
let canonical_gr = function
| ConstRef con -> ConstRef(Constant.make1 (Constant.canonical con))
| IndRef (kn,i) -> IndRef(MutInd.make1(MutInd.canonical kn),i)
| ConstructRef ((kn,i),j )-> ConstructRef((MutInd.make1(MutInd.canonical kn),i),j)
| VarRef id -> VarRef id
let global_of_constr c = match kind c with
| Const (sp,u) -> ConstRef sp
| Ind (ind_sp,u) -> IndRef ind_sp
| Construct (cstr_cp,u) -> ConstructRef cstr_cp
| Var id -> VarRef id
| _ -> raise Not_found
let is_global c t =
match c, kind t with
| ConstRef c, Const (c', _) -> Constant.equal c c'
| IndRef i, Ind (i', _) -> eq_ind i i'
| ConstructRef i, Construct (i', _) -> eq_constructor i i'
| VarRef id, Var id' -> Id.equal id id'
| _ -> false
let printable_constr_of_global = function
| VarRef id -> mkVar id
| ConstRef sp -> mkConst sp
| ConstructRef sp -> mkConstruct sp
| IndRef sp -> mkInd sp
module RefOrdered = Names.GlobRef.Ordered
module RefOrdered_env = Names.GlobRef.Ordered_env
module Refmap = Names.GlobRef.Map
module Refset = Names.GlobRef.Set
module Refmap_env = Names.GlobRef.Map_env
module Refset_env = Names.GlobRef.Set_env
(* Extended global references *)
type syndef_name = KerName.t
type extended_global_reference =
| TrueGlobal of global_reference
| SynDef of syndef_name
(* We order [extended_global_reference] via their user part
(cf. pretty printer) *)
module ExtRefOrdered = struct
type t = extended_global_reference
let equal x y =
x == y ||
match x, y with
| TrueGlobal rx, TrueGlobal ry -> GlobRef.Ordered_env.equal rx ry
| SynDef knx, SynDef kny -> KerName.equal knx kny
| (TrueGlobal _ | SynDef _), _ -> false
let compare x y =
if x == y then 0
else match x, y with
| TrueGlobal rx, TrueGlobal ry -> GlobRef.Ordered_env.compare rx ry
| SynDef knx, SynDef kny -> KerName.compare knx kny
| TrueGlobal _, SynDef _ -> -1
| SynDef _, TrueGlobal _ -> 1
open Hashset.Combine
let hash = function
| TrueGlobal gr -> combinesmall 1 (GlobRef.Ordered_env.hash gr)
| SynDef kn -> combinesmall 2 (KerName.hash kn)
type global_reference_or_constr =
| IsGlobal of global_reference
| IsConstr of constr
(* Deprecated *)
let eq_gr = GlobRef.equal
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