(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(* This module manages customization parameters at the vernacular level *)
open Pp
open CErrors
open Util
open Libobject
open Libnames
open Mod_subst
type option_name = string list
type option_value =
| BoolValue of bool
| IntValue of int option
| StringValue of string
| StringOptValue of string option
(** Summary of an option status *)
type option_state = {
opt_depr : bool;
opt_name : string;
opt_value : option_value;
(* 0- Common things *)
let nickname table = String.concat " " table
let error_undeclared_key key =
user_err ~hdr:"Goptions" (str (nickname key) ++ str ": no table or option of this type")
(* 1- Tables *)
class type ['a] table_of_A =
method add : 'a -> unit
method remove : 'a -> unit
method mem : 'a -> unit
method print : unit
module MakeTable =
(A : sig
type t
type key
val compare : t -> t -> int
val table : (string * key table_of_A) list ref
val encode : key -> t
val subst : substitution -> t -> t
val printer : t -> Pp.t
val key : option_name
val title : string
val member_message : t -> bool -> Pp.t
end) ->
type option_mark =
| GOadd
| GOrmv
let nick = nickname A.key
let _ =
if String.List.mem_assoc nick !A.table then
user_err Pp.(str "Sorry, this table name (" ++ str nick ++ str ") is already used.")
module MySet = Set.Make (struct type t = A.t let compare = A.compare end)
let t = Summary.ref MySet.empty ~name:nick
let (add_option,remove_option) =
let cache_options (_,(f,p)) = match f with
| GOadd -> t := MySet.add p !t
| GOrmv -> t := MySet.remove p !t in
let load_options i o = if Int.equal i 1 then cache_options o in
let subst_options (subst,(f,p as obj)) =
let p' = A.subst subst p in
if p' == p then obj else
let inGo : option_mark * A.t -> obj =
Libobject.declare_object {(Libobject.default_object nick) with
Libobject.load_function = load_options;
Libobject.open_function = load_options;
Libobject.cache_function = cache_options;
Libobject.subst_function = subst_options;
Libobject.classify_function = (fun x -> Substitute x)}
((fun c -> Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inGo (GOadd, c))),
(fun c -> Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inGo (GOrmv, c))))
let print_table table_name printer table =
(str table_name ++
(hov 0
(if MySet.is_empty table then str " None" ++ fnl ()
else MySet.fold
(fun a b -> spc () ++ printer a ++ b)
table (mt ()) ++ str "." ++ fnl ())))
class table_of_A () =
method add x = add_option (A.encode x)
method remove x = remove_option (A.encode x)
method mem x =
let y = A.encode x in
let answer = MySet.mem y !t in
Feedback.msg_info (A.member_message y answer)
method print = print_table A.title A.printer !t
let _ = A.table := (nick,new table_of_A ())::!A.table
let active c = MySet.mem c !t
let elements () = MySet.elements !t
let string_table = ref []
let get_string_table k = String.List.assoc (nickname k) !string_table
module type StringConvertArg =
val key : option_name
val title : string
val member_message : string -> bool -> Pp.t
module StringConvert = functor (A : StringConvertArg) ->
type t = string
type key = string
let compare = String.compare
let table = string_table
let encode x = x
let subst _ x = x
let printer = str
let key = A.key
let title = A.title
let member_message = A.member_message
module MakeStringTable =
functor (A : StringConvertArg) -> MakeTable (StringConvert(A))
let ref_table = ref []
let get_ref_table k = String.List.assoc (nickname k) !ref_table
module type RefConvertArg =
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val encode : qualid -> t
val subst : substitution -> t -> t
val printer : t -> Pp.t
val key : option_name
val title : string
val member_message : t -> bool -> Pp.t
module RefConvert = functor (A : RefConvertArg) ->
type t = A.t
type key = qualid
let compare = A.compare
let table = ref_table
let encode = A.encode
let subst = A.subst
let printer = A.printer
let key = A.key
let title = A.title
let member_message = A.member_message
module MakeRefTable =
functor (A : RefConvertArg) -> MakeTable (RefConvert(A))
(* 2- Flags. *)
type 'a option_sig = {
optdepr : bool;
optname : string;
optkey : option_name;
optread : unit -> 'a;
optwrite : 'a -> unit }
type option_locality = OptDefault | OptLocal | OptExport | OptGlobal
type option_mod = OptSet | OptAppend
module OptionOrd =
type t = option_name
let compare opt1 opt2 = List.compare String.compare opt1 opt2
module OptionMap = Map.Make(OptionOrd)
let value_tab = ref OptionMap.empty
(* This raises Not_found if option of key [key] is unknown *)
let get_option key = OptionMap.find key !value_tab
let check_key key = try
let _ = get_option key in
user_err Pp.(str "Sorry, this option name ("++ str (nickname key) ++ str ") is already used.")
with Not_found ->
if String.List.mem_assoc (nickname key) !string_table
|| String.List.mem_assoc (nickname key) !ref_table
then user_err Pp.(str "Sorry, this option name (" ++ str (nickname key) ++ str ") is already used.")
open Libobject
let warn_deprecated_option =
CWarnings.create ~name:"deprecated-option" ~category:"deprecated"
(fun key -> str "Option" ++ spc () ++ str (nickname key) ++
strbrk " is deprecated")
let declare_option cast uncast append ?(preprocess = fun x -> x)
{ optdepr=depr; optname=name; optkey=key; optread=read; optwrite=write } =
check_key key;
let default = read() in
let change =
let _ = Summary.declare_summary (nickname key)
{ Summary.freeze_function = (fun ~marshallable -> read ());
Summary.unfreeze_function = write;
Summary.init_function = (fun () -> write default) } in
let cache_options (_,(l,m,v)) =
match m with
| OptSet -> write v
| OptAppend -> write (append (read ()) v) in
let load_options i (_, (l, _, _) as o) = match l with
| OptGlobal -> cache_options o
| OptExport -> ()
| OptLocal | OptDefault ->
(* Ruled out by classify_function *)
assert false
let open_options i (_, (l, _, _) as o) = match l with
| OptExport -> if Int.equal i 1 then cache_options o
| OptGlobal -> ()
| OptLocal | OptDefault ->
(* Ruled out by classify_function *)
assert false
let subst_options (subst,obj) = obj in
let discharge_options (_,(l,_,_ as o)) =
match l with OptLocal -> None | (OptExport | OptGlobal | OptDefault) -> Some o in
let classify_options (l,_,_ as o) =
match l with (OptExport | OptGlobal) -> Substitute o | (OptLocal | OptDefault) -> Dispose in
let options : option_locality * option_mod * _ -> obj =
{ (default_object (nickname key)) with
load_function = load_options;
open_function = open_options;
cache_function = cache_options;
subst_function = subst_options;
discharge_function = discharge_options;
classify_function = classify_options } in
(fun l m v -> let v = preprocess v in Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (options (l, m, v)))
let warn () = if depr then warn_deprecated_option key in
let cread () = cast (read ()) in
let cwrite l v = warn (); change l OptSet (uncast v) in
let cappend l v = warn (); change l OptAppend (uncast v) in
value_tab := OptionMap.add key (name, depr, (cread,cwrite,cappend)) !value_tab
let declare_int_option =
(fun v -> IntValue v)
(function IntValue v -> v | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "async_option."))
(fun _ _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "async_option."))
let declare_bool_option =
(fun v -> BoolValue v)
(function BoolValue v -> v | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "async_option."))
(fun _ _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "async_option."))
let declare_string_option =
(fun v -> StringValue v)
(function StringValue v -> v | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "async_option."))
(fun x y -> x^","^y)
let declare_stringopt_option =
(fun v -> StringOptValue v)
(function StringOptValue v -> v | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "async_option."))
(fun _ _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "async_option."))
let declare_bool_option_and_ref ~depr ~name ~key ~(value:bool) =
let r_opt = ref value in
let optwrite v = r_opt := v in
let optread () = !r_opt in
let _ = declare_bool_option {
optdepr = depr;
optname = name;
optkey = key;
optread; optwrite
} in
(* 3- User accessible commands *)
(* Setting values of options *)
let warn_unknown_option =
CWarnings.create ~name:"unknown-option" ~category:"option"
(fun key -> strbrk "There is no option " ++
str (nickname key) ++ str ".")
let set_option_value ?(locality = OptDefault) check_and_cast key v =
let opt = try Some (get_option key) with Not_found -> None in
match opt with
| None -> warn_unknown_option key
| Some (name, depr, (read,write,append)) ->
write locality (check_and_cast v (read ()))
let show_value_type = function
| BoolValue _ -> "bool"
| IntValue _ -> "int"
| StringValue _ -> "string"
| StringOptValue _ -> "string"
let bad_type_error opt_value actual_type =
user_err Pp.(str "Bad type of value for this option:" ++ spc() ++
str "expected " ++ str (show_value_type opt_value) ++
str ", got " ++ str actual_type ++ str ".")
let check_int_value v = function
| IntValue _ -> IntValue v
| optv -> bad_type_error optv "int"
let check_bool_value v = function
| BoolValue _ -> BoolValue v
| optv -> bad_type_error optv "bool"
let check_string_value v = function
| StringValue _ -> StringValue v
| StringOptValue _ -> StringOptValue (Some v)
| optv -> bad_type_error optv "string"
let check_unset_value v = function
| BoolValue _ -> BoolValue false
| IntValue _ -> IntValue None
| StringOptValue _ -> StringOptValue None
| optv -> bad_type_error optv "nothing"
(* Nota: For compatibility reasons, some errors are treated as
warning. This allows a script to refer to an option that doesn't
exist anymore *)
let set_int_option_value_gen ?locality =
set_option_value ?locality check_int_value
let set_bool_option_value_gen ?locality key v =
set_option_value ?locality check_bool_value key v
let set_string_option_value_gen ?locality =
set_option_value ?locality check_string_value
let unset_option_value_gen ?locality key =
set_option_value ?locality check_unset_value key ()
let set_string_option_append_value_gen ?(locality = OptDefault) key v =
let opt = try Some (get_option key) with Not_found -> None in
match opt with
| None -> warn_unknown_option key
| Some (name, depr, (read,write,append)) ->
append locality (check_string_value v (read ()))
let set_int_option_value opt v = set_int_option_value_gen opt v
let set_bool_option_value opt v = set_bool_option_value_gen opt v
let set_string_option_value opt v = set_string_option_value_gen opt v
(* Printing options/tables *)
let msg_option_value (name,v) =
match v with
| BoolValue true -> str "on"
| BoolValue false -> str "off"
| IntValue (Some n) -> int n
| IntValue None -> str "undefined"
| StringValue s -> quote (str s)
| StringOptValue None -> str"undefined"
| StringOptValue (Some s) -> quote (str s)
(* | IdentValue r -> pr_global_env Id.Set.empty r *)
let print_option_value key =
let (name, depr, (read,_,_)) = get_option key in
let s = read () in
match s with
| BoolValue b ->
Feedback.msg_notice (str "The " ++ str name ++ str " mode is " ++ str (if b then "on" else "off"))
| _ ->
Feedback.msg_notice (str "Current value of " ++ str name ++ str " is " ++ msg_option_value (name, s))
let get_tables () =
let tables = !value_tab in
let fold key (name, depr, (read,_,_)) accu =
let state = {
opt_name = name;
opt_depr = depr;
opt_value = read ();
} in
OptionMap.add key state accu
OptionMap.fold fold tables OptionMap.empty
let print_tables () =
let print_option key name value depr =
let msg = str " " ++ str (nickname key) ++ str ": " ++ msg_option_value (name, value) in
if depr then msg ++ str " [DEPRECATED]" ++ fnl ()
else msg ++ fnl ()
str "Options:" ++ fnl () ++
(fun key (name, depr, (read,_,_)) p ->
p ++ print_option key name (read ()) depr)
!value_tab (mt ()) ++
str "Tables:" ++ fnl () ++
(fun (nickkey,_) p -> p ++ str " " ++ str nickkey ++ fnl ())
!string_table (mt ()) ++
(fun (nickkey,_) p -> p ++ str " " ++ str nickkey ++ fnl ())
!ref_table (mt ()) ++
fnl ()
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