(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Names
(** Lib: record of operations, backtrack, low-level sections *)
(** This module provides a general mechanism to keep a trace of all operations
and to backtrack (undo) those operations. It provides also the section
mechanism (at a low level; discharge is not known at this step). *)
type is_type = bool (* Module Type or just Module *)
type export = bool option (* None for a Module Type *)
val make_oname : Nametab.object_prefix -> Names.Id.t -> Libobject.object_name
type node =
| Leaf of Libobject.obj
| CompilingLibrary of Nametab.object_prefix
| OpenedModule of is_type * export * Nametab.object_prefix * Summary.frozen
| OpenedSection of Nametab.object_prefix * Summary.frozen
type library_segment = (Libobject.object_name * node) list
type lib_objects = (Id.t * Libobject.obj) list
(** {6 Object iteration functions. } *)
val open_objects : int -> Nametab.object_prefix -> lib_objects -> unit
val load_objects : int -> Nametab.object_prefix -> lib_objects -> unit
val subst_objects : Mod_subst.substitution -> lib_objects -> lib_objects
(*val load_and_subst_objects : int -> Libnames.Nametab.object_prefix -> Mod_subst.substitution -> lib_objects -> lib_objects*)
(** [classify_segment seg] verifies that there are no OpenedThings,
clears ClosedSections and FrozenStates and divides Leafs according
to their answers to the [classify_object] function in three groups:
[Substitute], [Keep], [Anticipate] respectively. The order of each
returned list is the same as in the input list. *)
val classify_segment :
library_segment -> lib_objects * lib_objects * Libobject.obj list
(** [segment_of_objects prefix objs] forms a list of Leafs *)
val segment_of_objects :
Nametab.object_prefix -> lib_objects -> library_segment
(** {6 ... } *)
(** Adding operations (which call the [cache] method, and getting the
current list of operations (most recent ones coming first). *)
val add_leaf : Id.t -> Libobject.obj -> Libobject.object_name
val add_anonymous_leaf : ?cache_first:bool -> Libobject.obj -> unit
val pull_to_head : Libobject.object_name -> unit
(** this operation adds all objects with the same name and calls [load_object]
for each of them *)
val add_leaves : Id.t -> Libobject.obj list -> Libobject.object_name
(** {6 ... } *)
(** The function [contents] gives access to the current entire segment *)
val contents : unit -> library_segment
(** The function [contents_after] returns the current library segment,
starting from a given section path. *)
val contents_after : Libobject.object_name -> library_segment
(** {6 Functions relative to current path } *)
(** User-side names *)
val cwd : unit -> DirPath.t
val cwd_except_section : unit -> DirPath.t
val current_dirpath : bool -> DirPath.t (* false = except sections *)
val make_path : Id.t -> Libnames.full_path
val make_path_except_section : Id.t -> Libnames.full_path
(** Kernel-side names *)
val current_mp : unit -> ModPath.t
val make_kn : Id.t -> KerName.t
(** Are we inside an opened section *)
val sections_are_opened : unit -> bool
val sections_depth : unit -> int
(** Are we inside an opened module type *)
val is_module_or_modtype : unit -> bool
val is_modtype : unit -> bool
(* [is_modtype_strict] checks not only if we are in a module type, but
if the latest module started is a module type. *)
val is_modtype_strict : unit -> bool
val is_module : unit -> bool
val current_mod_id : unit -> module_ident
(** Returns the opening node of a given name *)
val find_opening_node : Id.t -> node
(** {6 Modules and module types } *)
val start_module :
export -> module_ident -> ModPath.t ->
Summary.frozen -> Nametab.object_prefix
val start_modtype :
module_ident -> ModPath.t ->
Summary.frozen -> Nametab.object_prefix
val end_module :
unit ->
Libobject.object_name * Nametab.object_prefix *
Summary.frozen * library_segment
val end_modtype :
unit ->
Libobject.object_name * Nametab.object_prefix *
Summary.frozen * library_segment
(** {6 Compilation units } *)
val start_compilation : DirPath.t -> ModPath.t -> unit
val end_compilation_checks : DirPath.t -> Libobject.object_name
val end_compilation :
Libobject.object_name-> Nametab.object_prefix * library_segment
(** The function [library_dp] returns the [DirPath.t] of the current
compiling library (or [default_library]) *)
val library_dp : unit -> DirPath.t
(** Extract the library part of a name even if in a section *)
val dp_of_mp : ModPath.t -> DirPath.t
val split_modpath : ModPath.t -> DirPath.t * Id.t list
val library_part : GlobRef.t -> DirPath.t
(** {6 Sections } *)
val open_section : Id.t -> unit
val close_section : unit -> unit
(** {6 We can get and set the state of the operations (used in [States]). } *)
type frozen
val freeze : marshallable:bool -> frozen
val unfreeze : frozen -> unit
(** Keep only the libobject structure, not the objects themselves *)
val drop_objects : frozen -> frozen
val init : unit -> unit
(** {6 Section management for discharge } *)
type variable_info = Constr.named_declaration * Decl_kinds.binding_kind
type variable_context = variable_info list
type abstr_info = private {
abstr_ctx : variable_context;
(** Section variables of this prefix *)
abstr_subst : Univ.Instance.t;
(** Actual names of the abstracted variables *)
abstr_uctx : Univ.AUContext.t;
(** Universe quantification, same length as the substitution *)
val instance_from_variable_context : variable_context -> Id.t array
val named_of_variable_context : variable_context -> Constr.named_context
val section_segment_of_constant : Constant.t -> abstr_info
val section_segment_of_mutual_inductive: MutInd.t -> abstr_info
val section_segment_of_reference : GlobRef.t -> abstr_info
val variable_section_segment_of_reference : GlobRef.t -> variable_context
val section_instance : GlobRef.t -> Univ.Instance.t * Id.t array
val is_in_section : GlobRef.t -> bool
val add_section_variable : Id.t -> Decl_kinds.binding_kind -> Decl_kinds.polymorphic -> Univ.ContextSet.t -> unit
val add_section_context : Univ.ContextSet.t -> unit
val add_section_constant : Decl_kinds.polymorphic ->
Constant.t -> Constr.named_context -> unit
val add_section_kn : Decl_kinds.polymorphic ->
MutInd.t -> Constr.named_context -> unit
val replacement_context : unit -> Opaqueproof.work_list
val is_polymorphic_univ : Univ.Level.t -> bool
(** {6 Discharge: decrease the section level if in the current section } *)
(* XXX Why can't we use the kernel functions ? *)
val discharge_proj_repr : Projection.Repr.t -> Projection.Repr.t
val discharge_abstract_universe_context :
abstr_info -> Univ.AUContext.t -> Univ.universe_level_subst * Univ.AUContext.t
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